^ jf^^r i' ^pf* ? i||^ \y StwiijJJ- .jw* tkc. 5k^dU?. "T^f ^v-tM. W??u- ?J Duj<t? y- 4 ? ?. ?? ?? i?.? . 1 ?" '?' '?jLii VOLUME XXIX No. 52 KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY DECEMBER 27,1962. PJ2FF??2SL S?1*! ?,l"lx-~ ' j ~', . '? '. w! u 11 ? ? ? j?;.?'.yt ? . . 1 '11 ? ? 11 ? The Christmas Story NOW when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east of Jerusalem, Saying, Whre is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. ' And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judea: for thus it is written by the prophet, ' And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, are not the least among the princess of Jada: for out of thee shall come a Governer, that shall rule my people Israel. Ihen Herod, when he had privily called the wise ttifen, inquired of them diligently what time the star ^.nd he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and ^ttrclrAIUgentl): for the young child; and when ye have jldUho htm, bring me word again, that I may come and Worship him also. When they had head the king, they, departed; 4uid, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went be fore'them, till it came and stood over where the young chn<n?s. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceed And When they weVe come into the hou#f, thejesaw the jrpung child with Mary his mother, and fell down Jtfd Worshiped him; and when they had opened their him. gifts; gold and Bounty Court Nod Heavy Ducket *m More liquor Cases Tried <Ul am were tHStf in County tMfrt December, 19 and 20 be fore County COurt Judge. Russell 3. Lsnier. fhe majority of the cases WOre far speeding and sale of non 14k p*id liquor. , Cases Were: Roger Cole Smith, Ibeedinc W dismissed, C. J. Posa, no operators license, n6t processed at this time. Milton Houston - mm support, Oase not pifiasail CarHel Mathis - worthless chock not processed at this time. Herman David Houston, public drunkenness ahd possession of non ttoc paid whiskey, Court cost. : Robert Fonser Davis - no opera tes license ahd driving on wrong Side of road in passing - *35.00 1 fine and cost. I I Jack Howard Sedan - no opera tors license ? *25. fin# and cost. Robert Rornegay - no operators license - not prosecuted at this Unto. 'I Joseph William Byrd - no opera Orlandis Lane'- non support ? not piWuted at this time. ;RkubeA Arnold Hunter - operat ing auto while intoxicated - *26. Robinson - m assault with dead ly Weapon - pay tiito court hospital , costs and other costs, and court costs. . , 0'Berty Seaman - not prosecuted Cornell Becton - no operators li cense - US., fine, and cost. Horace Kenan ? careless and reckless driving - court cost. John Isaac Cooper, Jr.. - careless and reckless driving - cost. Jimmy Brinson - possession. tax paid beer for purpose of sale lap ? fine and cost MinnM Bell Peterson possesion ton - tax paid whiskey for purposu af sale - *1*0 fine and cost. James Mathis' - possession tax beer for the J*n*we of sa|e - ll mos susp. H73. fino and cbsti. Mrs. Jame1; Mathis - pos*esaion ' tax paid beer for purpose of Sale - m. fine and cost. Mtttie Jsrmsn - possesion non tax paid Whiskey for sale $150.00 "Annie Mee Smith - possession lion tax pat dwhiskey for sale ? *75. paid whiskey iot sale - >100 fine and cost. I Shirley Smith - possession tax paid whiskey for sals and abet it same case dismissed. Harry Smith - possession non tax paid whiskey tor purpose of sale - 130. fine and cost. Mary V. Brinson - possession tax paid whiskey for sale ? >100 fine and cost. Charlie IBlizzard ? possession non tax paid whiskey for sale - >75 fine and cost. Ralph Waters - possession non tax paid whiskey for sale - $350. fine and cost. Leroy Dixon <- speeding 70 mph - >10. fine and cost. Stanley Kaye Raynor - careless and reckless driving - >75. fine and cost. Dewey Murphy Albert son - care less and reckless driving ? not guil ty Curt Fussell - possession tax paid whiskey for sale ? >100 fine and cost. A. J. Sanders - possession non tax paid whiskey for sale - >75 fine and cost. James Marvin Howard, Jr. ? speeding 80 mph id 60-mile zone ? >10 fine ?**<*>?? Norwood (candy) Pearsall - non support o( child - ordered to make monthly paymebti. \ ^ Penny sine Jones - possession non Heleti Pfount"*- possession non tax paid whiskey for sale - >75 fine and cost. (Hopie Best - possession non tax paid whiskey for sale - >200 fine and cost. Eddie Blount ? driving with no operators license - >25. fine and cost. Charles ? Durwood Dcmpsey - speeding >10 fine and cost. WlUam Jackson Yates - operating auto without license, possession non (ax paid whif^ey - >100 fine and cost. Lewis Lee - forcible trespass and larceny - Court cost. < Mildred' Wells - possession non tax paid whiskey for sale - >100 fine and cost. Jimmie Eugene Herring - no ope rators license - nol pressed. Clifford Nlchson Whsley - failure to yield right ef way - dismissed. Robert Allan Brock - careless and reckless driving - >23 fine and coat. Harvey Lee Williams - speeding . ? speeding - cost Robert Lee Strickland - speeding cash bond condemned. J. D. Quinn - no operators license $25. fine and cost. Jesse Stewart Clemmons - care less and reckless driving ? $10 fine and cost. Fred Fletcher, Jr. - speeding 70 mph - $10 fine and cost. Charles Leonard Tanner - exceed ing safe speed and following to close. $2$ fine, and cost. Robert' Boykin - no operators li cense ? $25. fine and cost. Aaron Franklin Garris - speeding - $10 fin# and cost. Vernie Lee Lanier - speeding 65 mph - not guilty. Thomas Eli TurlingtOh ? speed ing $10 fine and cost. Watler Boykin, Jr. - speeding - Court cost. William Nelison Horrell - speed ing $10 fine and cost. Richard Corbett Novle - no oper ator's license - nol pros. Ruble White Manns ? speeding - $10 fine and cost. (Coatiaued On Back) Don't Take Tiie "Merry" Out Christmas Don't take the "Merry" out of your Christmas by becomini one of the 29 persons the N. C. State Mo tor Club predicts will be killed on North Carolina's streets and higb ways during the long Yule holiday The official fatality count will begin at 6 p. m. Friday, Dec. 21, and extend through Tuesday mid night, Dec. 25, a period of 102 hours. During the 19C1 Christmas holi day, which Covered a 78-hour per iod, North Carolina recorded 22 highway deaths in 20 fatal accidents and 730 injured in a total of 1,065 accidents. The largest number of deaths - - 10 - - occurred on* Satur day, with 7 more on Christmas Eve, usually one of the most deadly days of the year because of traditional festivities and heavy travel to family gatherings. Speeding with no regard (at road, weather and traffic conditions was the most frequent driver violation contributing to holiday accidents last Christmas, figuring in 17 of the 22 fatalities. "For many years," cautioned Thomas B; Watkins, president of the N. C. State Motor Club ai)d the National Automobile Association, 'December has been the peak pronth for motor vehicle accidents in Nor th Carolina. In December 1961, there were 773 more accidents than m the month with the next highest total during the year. With three weeks and two holidays still to go. the state had already suffered 1,223 traffic deaths and appeared well on the way to breaking the record of 1,289 established in 1941. "So.drive with extra care and make it a truly Merry Christmas for you and yours." Trial & Error "The basis of Christmas is love loving its enemies, returning good for evil, love that 'suffereth long, and is kind." - Mary Baker Eddy. I don't believe I could ever pub lish a daily paper - Getting news collected for two papers in one week is an upsetting, hair raising contest. Nothing on schedule, days mixed up and mail service slow, ( Continued On Page 3 ) TOUCHDOWN CLUB DIGNITARIES: Bill Taylor, loft, coach of the champion James Kenan foothaD team, was honored along with his team at a recent awards banquet held at James Ke naa High School. Coach Marty Plersen, of the w- - ?..." ... ? 'v,v. <?, ill . ? ? Duke teaching staff, guest speaker, gave an ins piring talk urging young athletes to give plus effort ia all phases of school activities. At Pier sen's left is the voice of the Tigers. Ted Wilson, master of ceremony. THE MANGER SCENE - used in the home of Mrs. John A. Gavin in Kenansville. It is a most interesting scene arranged in a large gourd. The gourd was raised just outside of Ken ansville. Mrs. Gavin said that she had | used this same gourd fbr the past 25, j years and this year for a little variety "1 she added the driftwood. Man Hit On head With Axe Stephen Carter, colored, of Island Creek township cut Robert Chest nutt. colored, of the same section on Friday night. Chestnutt is in Memorial 'Hospital at Chapel Hill in a reportedly serious condition. It is alleged that an argument had been brewing between the two for quite some months and that they got in an argument in J. W. Herring's store near Tin City, a bout playing some records. Carter reports that Chestnutt pulled a a knife on him and that they went outside of the store where further argument took place. An axe was nearby and he picked it up and hit him over the head with the blade of the axe, it is reported. Topsail Tide Table A. M. P. M. Mo. Date High Low High Low Dec. 27 8:02 1:40 8:08 2:25 28 8:44 2:22 8:52 3:08 29 9:27 3:06 9:38 3:53 30 10:13 3:53 10:28 4:39 31 11:03 4:43 11:24 5:28 Delmar Houston Injured In Wreck Bad weather was ft factor in a collision involving two dump trucks and a car on Highway 17 south Fri day morning which seriously injur ed Delmar Houston, manager of the Houston Building Company, Inc. ot Jacksonville. State Trooper George Oakley said Houston had stopped his car on the highway near the Pumpkin Center Itoad, apparently preparing to make a turn. An empty dump truck owned by the George A. Yancey Truck Co., of Maysville and driven by Otis Carlton Haskins, 19, of Maysville, ran into the rear of Houston's car and knocked it directly into the path of another of the Yancey firm's dump trucks, approaching from the opposite direction. Houston's car was totally demoli shed in the collision with the second truck, which was loaded. It was driven by Elwood Lee, 24 of New Bern. Haskins, the driver of the first truck, told the officer he didn't see Houston's car until too late to avoid hitting -it, even though he swerved at the last moment. The weather was dismal and rainy and tht mfl was slick. Lee. the driver of Hum loaded truck, said he couldn't dtffl anything, as the car was knockafl directly into his path. Houston, listed in critical condfl tion on admission to Onslow MqlH orial, later was reported improvj^H Both trucks were damaged in tfl accident and had to be towed MgH Trooper Oakley said no chaqjH had been preferred but inveitqH tion is continuing. Red Cross News 1 A regular course in Home NttH sing, entitled 'Care of the Sick fljlfl Injured" has recently been CM^^H ted at the James-Kenan School. It was taught by Mrs. Kadfl leen P. Snyder a volunteer InsturfS tor for the Duplin County ChaptaH American Red Cross in cooperaticfl with Mrs. A. T. Outlaw's Home ECS Pupils receiving certificated were: Linda Anderson, Kay Bdd Helen 'Brown, Marie Cgstoon, Etl r.estin, Frederick. >ffuth Griffin J Sandra Herring. Judy Hill, Gall Jackson, Linda Jones, Connie KiM lette, Jean Carol Knowles, Sarad Knowles, Judy Martin. Jeaii Riefcfl Sharon Stancil. Christine Summom lin, and Sarah Wilson. Warsaw Boy First Recipient of Medical Scholarship By Pfizer Laboratories Elliott Walker Stevens Jr., son of Mr. and Mfs. E. Walker Stevens of Warsaw, has been named as the first recipient of the recently est ablished Piizer Laboratories Sch larship at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. This is the first time that UNC has participated in the Pfizer Sch olarship program. The Pfizer Lab el atories Division of Charles Pfizer & Co., Inc., awarded UNC one thou sand dollars for the initial scholar ship, to be given in the interest of furthering medical education throu gh financial assitance to a particu larly deserving student. The Sch olarship is to apply toward the a cademic and subsistence expenses of one medical student in the UNC School of Medicine during the year. Selection is based on scholastic re cord, financial need, or both. Mr. Stevens, this year's winner, was a Morehead Scholar when an indergrate at UXC and is a mem ser of Phi Beta Kappa, the highest iphelas'io honorary. E. Walker Stevens, Jr. . .??. .i * 'f?v: '{3pf ... ? .? Mrs. Hargett 1 Nominee For 1 House Seat I Gov. Sanford has formally namefl Mrs. lona Harnett to the Gener^H Assembly to succeed her late huefl band as Jones County's <Hous(fl member. Sanford announced Friday niflfl lie had signed the documents nwH ing her a House member-elect the post by the Jones County ocratic Executive Committee aftjH her hHsband died In late Octobers Hargett was unopposed for a dH th term in the House at the time bis death Under the law, the Governor I required to name the nominee M the party executive committee. | ?. ? i ?. i I h .. fa wlSSF ,

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