5tk0*fu" tkt SfxwAU*. jn^tu y D^fc 43-nxn ii ?? 'i - ? ?7? , ? ; ???? 1 * '. j VOLUMEXXX No. 1 KENANSVILLB, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY JANUARY 3, 1963 r PJta Review of Headlines for Duplin in 1962 1962 has been one of the most eventful years in many years both Nationwide and Statewide. The Cuban situation has caused many an anxious hour in the nation State politics has been an interesting drama. Duplin County has had an aggres-, Iahre, and yet disastrous year in many ways due to the flatd. Poli tics was fascinating to watch, and a county which has alwra been predominantly Democratic? had quite a race with a large Republi can vote. Industrial growth has been slow, but citizen! have shown much interest in an industrial pro gram .The educate.-J field has made much progress in trte form of a new and large school plant. In reviewing the headlines of the put year In the Duplin Times some of the hi^ilights of the year were: January, 1962-Contrnets were let tthe new East Duplin School. Sur s Commodity Program Begins in plin. E. E. Rogers installed Wor pful Muter Lodge 13 in Kenans ville. Beulaville Garment Company begins third year with expansion ? r plans in mind. Cecil Bostic Instal led Worshipful Master Warsaw Lod ge. Sidney Apple named new Com mander of Post Wo. 127. American Legion in Warsaw. Bill Sullivan elected president DOpIln ' County Community Clubs. Faywln J. Shaw elected president Duplin Farm Bu reau. February - J. P. Harmon, Jr. named candidate Morehead Schol arship. Political Pot begins boiling. Sheriff Miller Announces Retire ment. Duplin Farmers participation in Federal Grain program high. March - Valuable Duplin Records microfilmed. Pruit elected principal Bast Duplin School. Duplin launch es farm opportunities program to increase county farm income. Hugh Wells, Duplin Educator dies. Albert Outlaw, County Historian, Dies. Governor Sanford visits Dupuu. Herring and Taylor new owners Duplin Motor Company in War saw. April - 80 Candidates file for elec tive offices for May 26 Primary. Wallace holds Farmer Appreciation days. May - Carolyn Gresham, Warsaw, second place winner in state music contest. Duplin Tax Sale of Prop erty halted. Board County Commis sioners ordered end ci sale of pro perty by county tax collector unless board is advised in advance and gives approval. Henderson, Revelie and Johnson led ticket in political Race. Hubbard. Simmons, Rogers Grady, Simpson and Roffler won in other rqcea. ) June -* Duplin Court try Club, Inc. to begin construction on swimming pool and golf course on June 10. ' July 38hrr G. Clapp, assistant farm agent, left county for Clemson, South Carolina. Duplin Crop losses estimated in millions from flood and high waters. John Anderson Johnson named new tax collector. Loose leaf tobacco sold on North Carolina markets for first time. August - Jesse Willard Jackson escapes from deputies. Men from Kenya, Africa visit Duplin County. Addition to agriculture building sta rted (ASCS extension). Cottle ap pointed Duplin's first Civil Defense Director. Kenansville Fire Station under construction. Ceremony of appreciation held in newly renova ted court room. September - Marion Griffin nam ed new assitant farm agent. Dup lin County Sheriff, Ralph Miller, succumbs of stroke. Duplin County agriculture fair opens in Beulaville. Allen Sutton named new office De puty Sheriff. Elwond ReveUe nam ed Duplin's Sheriff. Dr. Gooding, Jr. receives Doctorate at Univeisny of California. County Council Home Demonstration Club again names Mrs. Willard Westbrook Woman of year. School of Practical Nursing new institution for Duplin County. Hospital Wing DedicatejL MIss Eli zabeth Slomuc assume* duties as assistant jfeme Agent. November - County liquor raid conducted by ABC officers and Sheriffs office - Over 40 arrested. Simpson's Mens Shop opens in Beu laville. $130,000 improvement to Al bertson latter Day Saints Church. 1 Omit?I Awarded tor new Warsaw Post Office bpilding. 4700 voters elqct all democrats in county on off-year .race. KS$ Republican votes. Siim Community Chib Wins top 1062 award for all-around prV gres. James-Kenan Tigers Wlu State Class A championship. Warsaw Methodist observe 75th anniversary. December - New Post Office ded icated in Albertson. County plan nbig serteo public health forums on urgent health problems. R. V. Wells oOmpletes. 44 years oa Clerk of Court. Moose .Lodge Operator draws ISOO fine .as liquor raid trials get underway. Smith and Potters Hill Community Clubs among SENCland winners, Kenansville Father slays son over portion of Possum (Onnie Hall, colored, stabs son). Warsaw Boy Recipient Medical Scholarship by Pfizer Laboratories (E. W. Stevens, Jr., first recipient.) Vlegro Christmas Seal Chrm. Announces School Sale of Seals Highly Successful l.. ' aE" '? ** wl . Miss Annie Mae Kenkm. Negro ChrMmao Seal Sale Chairman an Bounced today that the school sale wa* highly successful conrtibuting fSSdlM to the Christinas Seal Sale. Ttye following schools contribut ed: \E. E. Smith ?1Q0.S4;. Charity tM.gk; Douglas $81.5* C. W Dob bins 05; Chinquapin $58.15: Hose Hill rllementary $63.78; P. E. WU Uama {Elementary $30.50; Teachey Elementary $20.50; P. W Moore Elementary $20.00; Branch Elemen t*ln a abatement today. Dr. L. Boyette, president of the Duplin County Tuberculosis Association and Mrs. Marie Batehelor, 1962 Chrfistmas Seal Sale Chairman ex pressed their appreciation to both Miss Ken ion and the schools for their volunteer work in helping as semble the letters and for their generous support. As of today $2756.17 has been con tributed toward the annual Christ mas Seal Sale - $4000.00 is needed to carry out the local program. IT IS PTOO LATE*- IF YOU HAVE MADE YOUR CONTRFBU i - DO SO TODAY. Open House Sunday At New Fire Station Sunday, January 6, 1963, will be jfaanap house at the modern new fire stanbiTof ihi Kefhansville Fire De partment, Inc. The service of decfi catioa will be held at 2 30 p. m. and open house will be held until ;5:00 p. m. The Fire Department Auxiliary will provide refreshments ^hiring these hours. All people of this area of North ICSjrolina are invited to inspect the bt^ldnig and equipment during these hours. The Fire Department Will be on hand to welcome you and show you around. Fire Chief Sharpe states, "This is one of the nicest stations in the country for a small town volunteer department and the firemen will be proud to show it to you." Friends and neighbors are In vited to visit the men and the sta tion which serves the emergency needs of the county. Felton Brown Seriously Injured Six Others Hurt In Head-On Collision ' Pelton Brown, 18, of WaUaoe, wm seriously injured Monday nigM. Six other people were injured but not to seriously when two cars coll Med head-on near Chinquapin. ' '< Rfown was a passenger in one of the cars and was thrown from (he vehicle receiving serious head in juries. He was transferred Hi .Duke Hospital after emergency surgery at Duplin General Hospital. John ShivOtr, Jr., It; of Wallace was driving one car. The other ctk was driven by Thomas Sherrell Hall, 18. of Pink Ulill Passengers in his car were: Mrs. Elizabeth Mat ley Brinkley, 33 of Chinquapin, and her children, Susan Card, 15, James Royce, 13, and Linda Faye, 10: Patrolman Lonnie Jackson, who investigated the accident, said Shi var was headed south on N. C. SO about a mije out of Chinquapin, when he ran oft the right side of the road in a curve, losing control The car traveled 120 feat on the should er, then cut back to the left for 40 feet, hitting Hall's car head-on Both cars were total losses. Shi var was charged with driving on the wrong side of the road. . : _ Negro Boarding Home fc bfcW N?fcr6 Boarding Hoiflt, operated by Mis, Walter ' wE?TSiS^'l;i3^ twine is we o( ttw aieatest needs of wipiin < ou#> ; ?d th? potfkw of #ie stale Mrs. T; !oi *'ard infl hqnftkas warm air heating, modern .lighting, kitchen and din ?1 . ."if1. BRIEFS 4-H COUNTY COUNCIL The 4-H County Council will meet on Monday night, January 6. at 7:30 p. m. in the Agriculture Building. All 4-H'ers are invited to attend. 4.000th SCOUT ENROLLED Tuscarora Council passed a note worthy milestone on Friday, De cember 21st, when the 4,000th boy was enrolled in Scouting for . the year. Since Tuscarora Council is composed Of Duplin, Johnston, Sampson, and Wayne Counties, con siderable interest was shown in just where this 4.000th boy would come from. All four counties made a real contribution this year in setting this new ail-time high in membership growth for the Council. The lucky boy turned out to be Cullen King, a new cub Scout joining Pack 4, spon sored by Madison- Avenue Baptist Church of Gekjsboro. The SOOOOi milestone was ach ieved in 1S55, when Cub Scout Michael Patterson of Roseboro, N. C. was inducted into the Scouting movement. *: ."A?, ?>, > :,.i CJMtD TOURNAMENT A Canasta and Bridge Card. Tournament will be held on Jan uary 12 at 8:00 p. m. at the new Fire House in Kenansvillo High score prizes will be awat. >ed.. Tic kets win be $1.00 per person. Get up your ?wn table and join the crowd and the fun. HOSPITAL SAYS THANKS "Tb the 01 vie Organizations of ^rays of Hmpital pat^ Patients At Duplin General Hospital ALBERTSON ? Mahlon B. Wallace BEULAVILLE - Hadley Brock, Wilbert Futrell, Mary Alice Jones, Donna Sue and Baby Girl 'Keel, Joyce Mercer, Richard Stallings, Elvin Grey. Jr., Squires, Jessie nomas, 'Maggie and B aby Girl BOWDEN - Mary Anne Roberts. CHINQUAPIN - James Brinkley, Linda' Brinkley, Mary Elizabeth Brinkley,. Susan Carol Brinkley, Lacy Jane Brown. Nettie Brown, Juanita and Baby Girl Sharpless, James Sloan, J. L. Quinn. FAISQN - John Wright. GREENVILLE - Jeffery Lynn Mcrritt, Mavis and Baby Girl Wha ley KENANBVILLE - Vertie Benson, Sarah Brock, tyUllie Lee Faison. Christine .Frederick, Kenneth Heath Roee Marie Holmes. KINStON - Manley Whaley. MAGNOLIA - Keith Bland, Vir ginia Brinson. Daisy Estelle Byrd, Harry Nickelson, Shelby and Baby Boy Parker, David Ritter, Tommie Tucker, Berkley Wilson. MT. OLIVE - Charlie Arnettie, John Dqkes. Carson Merritt. PINK HJLL Janet Bell Quinn, David Smith RICHLANDS - John Murrell Bro wn, Tiibeft Brown. ( Continued On Page I ) _? . i n. i ? . ? , ? -U 4*.. ? J ' ' RALEIGH - The Motor Vehicles Department's summary of traffic deaths through 10 a m Monday, December Jit, 1962: Killed To Date 1907 Killed TO Date Last Yea .... 196 i&is will serve as a combination assembly room, conference room and demon stration Kitchen. The stntcttke also contains a stage and ample shelving for Extension publications. The addition, costing nearly $12, 000, will be in use in January, ac cording to R. E Wilkins, Extension Ageat. ;/ j which were at the home of Thomas ' and Kenneth Mills in Onslow. The ' four clocks were found near Shines i Inn, a landmark in Jones County , where George Washington report edely visited at one time. Tho clocks were hid in the woods near the land mark. The horn chair was found in Alva Crafts tobacco ban. r: One clock had ben sold to Jimmy Metts in Jones County. Jr. Red Cross :|! Donations Announced Jr. Red Cross Enrollments to date were released recently by Mrs. N. 1 B. Boney, Executive Secretary of a the Duplin County Chapter of the American Red Cross. The schools with their donations . are listed below: Calypso white Elementary $10.00 | Chinquapin while Elementary $23.7ftp Beulaville white Elementary tSO.OOife1 B. F. Grady white Elementary 27.00 | Douglass Elem, Warsaw .... $10^2 Douglass High School i ... $8 35 Chinquapin Elem $12.00 Combined Totals dgMWl Poor Print