ittf #?f f^ads J- I llljDw r**'? iifld Anything m a "* ^ *"' Oil J -Ji^ I A I ffifr^"' ? ?"' jP^ fr-i'-UV* ''r ? " -,\' * - ."^? S>' lfl tie ^ .-? *? .* V'l ,;- " : ' 'H ?fc- ? I "WBEt c *! ' .? ? ' ,v'V :." '*-'*'",'''^ '' -:; I Personals Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd G. Hudson of Charleston. S. '. uary 2nd in Lenoir Memorial Hos The M-yeor old entered the Am? in Au;>u?t 1062 end completed basic combat training at Fort Gordon. Ga. me Is a <962 graduate of E. E.'' Smith High School in Kenansville. N. C. ^ ' ? I ? CLARENCE G. WISH ART JR.. LACKLAND AFB, Tex. - Airman Third Class Clarence G. Wishart Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence G. Wishart of 206 8. Currie St., Wal lace. N. C., is being reassigned to Ft. Lee, Va., for technical training as a United States Air Force cook. Airman Wishart, who completed the first phase of his military train ing here, was selected for the spec ialized course on the basis of his in terests an daptitudes. The airman is a 1662 graduate of Wallace-Rose Hill High School in Teachey,' N. C. -- p i? j- ? m PAUL A. FARRIOR ^MCKLANP AFB, Tex. - Airman Third Class Paul A. Farrior, son of Mrs. Gertrude J. Farrior of Rt 1 M-gnoiia. N. C.. Is being reassign-' Ft Va., for technical training as a United States Air force cook. Airman Farrior. who completed the first phase of his military train u>j? here, was selected for the spec ialized course on the basis of his in terests and aptitudes. _ airman is a 1862 graduate of ville N^C Higih 80,1001 ,n KenaJS ALONZA P. THOMPSON OLARJC AB. Philippine Islands ? Airman Second Class Alonza F Thompson of Faison, N. C.. has ar rived here for assignment with an Air Force Communications Service unit. Airman Thompson, a communica tions aenter specialist, entered the service in June I960. The airman, son of Mr. and Mm. Julius C. Thompson of Rt. 2, Fai son, is a graduate of Douglass High School, Warsaw, N. C. JAMES M. KORNEGAY USS GUNSTON HALL - James M. Kornegay, shipfitter fireman, USN son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Brown of Magnolia, N. C. was serving aboard the dock landing ship USS Gunston , Hall while she was part of the -Uni ted State-s quarantine forces in the Caribbean. The Gunston Hail returned to San Diego, Caljf., Dec. -is, after spend ing two months with the forces. She is a unit of the Pacific Fleet Amphi bious Force, a major element of American seapower at home and ' abroad. She was one of more than 20 am phibious ships with 18,000 Navymen and Marines called into action from the West Coast. Berry C. Kenedy ! USS CABILO - Berry C. Kennedy engineman third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Kennedy of ' Beulavilte, N. C., was serving a ?55!. dock 'and'lK ship USS Cabiido, while she was part of the United States quarantine forces in the Caribbean. The forces were under the com mand of Vice Admiral Alfred G Ward, USN. The Cabiido was one of more than 30 amphibious ships called into ae Uon from the West Coast with 18. 000 Navymen and Marines She operates from Long Beach, Calif as part of the Pacific Fleet Amphi bious Fores a major clement M ' American seapower abroad. DUPLIN-TIMES WANT AD., 1 ai71 ^^^ ^ ^ [1 * ' I MB (65? k "Where Thousands ^ A ME Saving Millions" ? ?Our 65th ANNIYERSART CELEBRATION and APPRE CIATION DAYS are now being observed in recognition of the confidence, loyalty and valued patronage of the good ettiEens of Southeastern Nortii Cartlina through the yean, ve would like .,. /?? ^ # ... to show our PPRECIATION Ml for saving slOO or more By . . . Opening A New Account or... Add To Your Present Sayings . . .. +** take your choice JmL of these handsome if 41^ fir A r tunA I jrUk IFTS L,M,T - ?NE GIFT llMr PER ACCOUNT Gx)perative Offers You... v I JjflO ??rt\ _ ^ INSURED SAVINGS ... FOUR and (a QUARTER PER CENT DIVIDENDS ... AVAILABILITY ... Your Sav /H\ VA 'n9s When You Need It! MORTGAGE LOANS ... To 1,0\\ ?~\ Buy ... Build or Remodel! (O \\ *1 ?) \l/a \oy \^Gs^y BEAUTIFUL 16-PIECE DINNERWARE SET IN "Trumpet.Ware" . PLASTIC This nationally known din nerware set comes in your choice of three colors. White. Pink and Turquoise, and Is "Unconditionally Guaranteed" and "Dish washer 5ofe''. i jmBL 65th Anniversary CeHBrtJtton and Apt elation Days and ropletar for the ipeofoau tar prize of a $500 BILL to be fllven a*Ov at thi end of the 65th Anniversary Celebration and Annotation ; _ HANDSOME 16-PIECE SCRUBS STEEL TABLEWARE ?ET Drowina ^ t0 onnou^. ^ ^ ' $5430 00 IT 0< 0t" *** 10 Wi? ** ! This durobie. g!?oming siolrtless steel is o prod- '?XI0.00 Btll. uct of Tht International Silver Compony. 8 Frederick VQlCtll Jf ASSETS OVER 38 MILLION DOLLARS 1 ; Ex^utive Vic. Preside ^