|y KH MCTT BUM. |KB iW'' *?* T818 H 801 ^^^I^BfiflKEjj|^^||||olllll|||HMIKfcMi jj^^, ?~~'^,^~-M,,,~,~" 5t)wi|W- jWK tkt 5 taufijtc*. ?T^l^W" ^jM^tkc Hunf d| IDujafci* VOLUME XXX No. 7 KRNANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 14,1963. ?5hSf eJt'JL^S^ food Establishment Ratings Are Released By Health Department The names, locations and numeral rating of establishments under the supervision of the Duplin County Health Department in cooperation wtththe North Carolina State B^ard of Health is released today. These Patients At Duplf I Genial Hospital efai IA?)itel from 2 5-63 to 2-U-S3 I JgoeUB? ^uinn' BA^^^^^F^Neltie Chadwick, BEULAVIIXX ? Pansey Ann Ed Fariand. (Hondo and Baby Boy I CfflttJlItPIN ? Shirley and Baby I Bey ?ptoher, OUia Brown, Mary I PUBUEY - Pssaela Blatnon. FAlftON ? Minnie George. I, Albertson 83.0 Calypso Elem; - Calypso 93.5 Chairty High, ? Rose Hill 90.0 Chinquapin Elem. Chinquapin, Rt. I, - 70.3 Chinquapin Elem. Chinquapin 9Q.C Douglass High, Warsaw 91.0 Faison Elem, Faison 87.0 Faison School, Faison, Rt, 1 74.0 James Kenan, Warsaw Rt. 2 99.0 Kenansville Elem., Kenansville 84 5 E. E. Smith Hitm, Kenansville 70.0 P. E. William, Magnolia. Rt. 1 70.0 Magnolia Elehi., Magnolia 90.0 North Duplin High, Calypso, Rt. 1 97.0 Rose HiD Elem... Rose Hill 93.5 Row Hill, Rose Hill Rt. 1 90.0 Teachey School, Teachey 90.5 C. W. Dobbins. Wallace 98.0 Wallace Elem., Wallace 91.0 Warasw Elens, . Warsaw 90.0 Wallace-Rose Will High Teachey 93.0 East Duplin High , Beulaville . ; HOC Planning Meet In fayetjeville The District Flensing Meeting for for the Home Demonstration Club will meet on Thursday February 14, Meg^fo 'nLttkng to attend the "of front The Duplin Home PsSrtwT^s;' C004^ Kocnegayi Mrs. London Southerland, Mrs. Ifevid Williams. Mrs. J.tE. Fulford, Mrs. Zoliie 'Korfiegoy, Mb. Jim Grady, Mrs. { Wjllard Westbrook, and Lois Britt i The purpose, of the meeting is to plan the spring district meeting and committee work for thiiyear. tja'.t* i, . in. jh *? .?iwi if '? ? No Rating ? Post RESTAURANTS Name Location Grade Albertson Commiun?ty Bldg. Albert son ? j 78.5 Air Port Grill Wallace TO.S Amnions Grill, Kenansville 7S.S Amoco Grill Warsaw 81.5 B k K Grill Kenansville 84.0 Bethlehem F. W. B. Church Chinquapin, Rt. 1, 80 0 Bland's GriH Warsaw, Rt. 2 8X.5 Bradshaw's Cafe Faison 90.0 Brickhouse Cafe, Wallace 88.0 Buster's Grill .Faison 83.5 Calypso Grill Calypso 71.5 Carroll's Grill Wpllace 83.5 Center Club Warsaw 70 0 Ciixle Drive Inn, ? Wallace 81.0 Clyde's Cafe Chinquapin 91.5 Coffee Shop Warsaw 90.0 Cooper's Hot Dog Siand Faison 81.8 Cottle's Cafe Wallace 84.0 Country Squire Warsaw 97.8 Cozy Grill Kenansville, 90.0 Deluxe Food Bar Wallace 80.0 Dot's Grill Beulaville 88.5 Effie's Restaurant,' Rose Hill 90.0 Faison Restaurant ' Faison 90.0 Faanie's Cafe Rose Hill 90.8 Fussen Grill Rose HU1 80.5 Fussell's Barbecue < Rose Hill 90.0 Gowan's Drug Store Wallace 90.0 Cowan's Drug St6re Wallace 90.0 Henry's Grill ? Wallace 80.3 Ike's Drive Inn Grfll. Pink Hill 93.S Jack's Service Center Grill Magnolia ? 85.5 (CoetiaueO On Back) FINAL PLANS FOR HOG SHOW BEING MADE $nal plans for the TWCounty Market Hog Show andj3? Ore ndw being made, according to R E. Wil kino. Extension Agent for Duplin dow#.': ;V ?? ? .the show is ^poti sored annually by the Chambers of Commerce of Burgaw, Clinton, and Wallace, And the Waccamaw Batik of Duplin. This year the Hog Show and sale 1? Schedule tor Mich 12. at Wells Stock yar dlfl WaMpce. Duplin M Wayne Countte Have , Failed To Qualify Ft W Re' ?' Puphn add Wayne diuaiu > Baft, failed to qualify for reli* under tfie PlflJla ? Bfmil ? A ? ? ?* ?i.ii a xt *^wi"V norKs Acceleration Act. TORrf Unemployment In both emm U*e during 1962 failed to qualify the two county areas for rail* due to TO be eligible for area relief, an area must have had six per cent or more of its labor force unem Duplin Studofc. Or KC Honor list Greenville, N. C. - Three lists of students at Cast CarcNfta HwHwOa rectiv^d official reoOaftftiOo from the (College because of thair eacal lent records in academic work rttfr ahf fall quarter of the present >1 'year have Jul* been an booh % fedne^ bite >|W and stSSSUom oOt % hd Mite' M 1 H 'i^T AgTV! WwunRlmOl WnO TTWCTC W IWW two and one-half quality points per credit on all work taken, with no gradebelow "C". These students did superior academic work. Tt)e Honor Roll is composed of undergraduates who made at least two quality points per credit hour ao an work taken, with no grade be low' "C". The work completed by then ttudenta was wall above aver Duplin County is represented on the honors lists as follows: Eton's List: Jane A. Minahew, Calypao; Alice faye Smith, Pink Hut Margaret Ann Sutton, Mount Stnor Roll: Portia Faye Baas, PaiOon; Donald Leach Carr, WaK lacsl; Brenda Kate Colwfll, Wall SCSI, Ronnie C. Daughtry, Palson; David Geddle Fusseil, Rose H?l Dorothy A. Mills, Wallace: Buddy Albert Pope, Warsaw: James Walk ?f landeri, Rose Hill. LatOMSri OreW Simpson Chinquapin: Donna Jan SUmner. BsuUrllle: Hattie Hell Teachey, Wsllaca; Judith C. ThoSfr M. Beulavllle: David Olan WhalSf. ployed in nine ojit of the past twel ve months'; and, unemployment must have been fifty per cent Or more above the National Average for three of the four proceeding years. This is one technicality that prevented the said counties from receiving relief. If eligibility had been determned on an over-all av erage for the twelve month period, Duplin and Wayne Counties would have qualified. Passed by Congress on September 14. 1962, the Public Works Accelera tion Act provides that as much aa $900,906,000 may. be allocated for public works projects in areas de signated by the Secretary of Com SCIENCE BOOKS FOR YOUTH IN LIBRARY The Duplin tounty Library hae dr dered over a) handred dollars wor * ?cienca book. for' the - elfc mentary grades. *';i Science books already ill stock at the lfcrary are: Science FUn with Milk Cartons by' Herman and Nirta Schneider. Bridges, dump trucks, railroads cars, boats, elevators, - all these ? and more - can be built from milk cartons. And the models really work. Science and Music: come along with Melvin Berger and Frank Clark as they take a new look at music; not ffoih the viewpoint of the composer or performer, but with the eyes of the scientist. A First Electrical Book tor Boys: by Alfred. MofgSn. Mr. Morgan has hesigned this book to give the read er a fundemental understanding of electricity and jthe ways in which ,(t operates. . For the younger folks, here are a few books on ahimals and reptiles: Elephants by Herbert S. Kim Parrakeets by rterbert S. Kim Homing Pigeons by Herbert S. Kim Hip True Book of Spiders by Ola Podendorf Snakes by Herbert 8. Kim These books were selected from a country wide children's Hst of sci ence books. ><. fterce. But the areas have to be burdened by high ? rates of unem ployment. Only certain pfojfcts come under the act, suth as state and local pro jects which include water improve ments, sewage plants, and streets. No part of any allocation will be made available for any planning or construction of any school or any other educational facility. Projects financed under the law are consid ered on the basis of their prospec tive effect on the health, safety and welfare of citizens in the area: also, in the light of how they will further economic development. In 1962, unemployment averaged six per cent. But only eight of the twelve months avefaged above this figure. 1962 monthly upeanployment aver aged the following percentages: January, 6.8; February,, 7; March, Maj{, 14; Jimp. 7>ls July, August, 3&; September 2.7; October, 3.4;^November, 4.1; Employment' Security Com mlpslon.' in calculating the percen tage, uses only the number of work ers Who are covered by unemploy ment insurance (excludes city, cou nty, an dstate workers, farmers snd businesses with less than four em ployees) which is another technical ity that held the two counties back. Employment Security Officials State that approximately ten per cent of the workers in Duplin and Wayne Counties are not Insured. Music Workshop In Fayetteyille A Music Workshop is planned for Home Demonstration Leaders. It wfU be held In Lilliagtoii on Febru ary 19th. Mrs. James Sauls, Mineral Spr ings Home Demonstration Club; Mrs. Graham Teachey, Albert son Club; Mrs. program participants must take at least 16 percent pf the total base out of production and devote such area*- to 'conservation use; (4) a program participant must not ox ? 1 ' . '' i? , -rfv ? , si ? mm m ceed the feed grain base for any other farm in which he has an in terest in the feed grain crops; (5> diversion payments will be made to participants for shifting acreage from production into conservation; (?> price-Support payments (18 cents a bushel for corn, 14 cents for harlev. and 18 cents for grain sor ghum) wilt be made to program participants on the normal produc tion of their 1963 feed grain acre age. no matter what use is made of the grains: (7) regular price-sup port loans and purchase agreements on the three feed grata will be a vailable only to participants, and they will be available m the entire 1963 production o fth* three feed r?? 1 ? SmU. ? A", Letter From Governor Sanford Proposes $500Dependent Exemptions Governor Terry Sanford sent the following message to the members of the North Carolina Senate and the North Carolina House of Rep resentatives, where it will be de livered by officials of the two Hou ses Monday evening: A MESSAGE FORM THE GOVERNOR February 11, 1963 Mr. President Mr. Speaker Members of the General Assembly: The State Government is practic ing all of the economy possible while moving forward the essential programs of education and service. The finances of the State have never been in better condition, the budget is balanced, and we will have no serious problems in keep ing it balanced. We are getting our money's wor th. Compared to other states our taxes are modest. Because of our unique state wide approach we rank in the bottom five of the fifty states in tax expenditures, public debt, and in the number of public em ployees. Even so, we can have a tax redu ction at this time. To help those who need it most, I am recommending Pink Hill Club Plans Auction The Pink Hill Community Ruritan Club is planning an auction sale on the lot joining the VFW hut in Pink Hill on Saturday, March 9. Anyone having something to donate to the club for this sale is asked to contact a member, or if they have some thing the* want auctioned off they odn get this service by paying HP*' for the first $60 and 5% for all over fSO. This plan was made at the regu lar monthly of the Pink Hill Ruri tain club which was held in the school cafeteria on Thursday night, February 7. Approximately 40 mem bers attended. The president, Floyd Dail, presided. There was almost a complete committee report. Outstanding was the report of the Highway and Safe ty committee which was discussed at length. Manly Hatch reported on the Na tional Ruritan Convention he attend ed recently. A delicious supper was served by the Pink Hill High Sch ool Junior class. that you single out for tax relief the parent with children who must be educated. While our North Carolina individ ual income tax law is basically fair and sound, the $300 personal exemp tion for dependents is unrealistic in the light of present costs. I recommend that this exemption be increased to $500.00. I also recommended that the newsboys sales tax be replaced for th ereason it cannot be administer ed fairly. We can also afford some relief to those burdened with the costs of illness, so I recommended that prepared medicines be exempt from the sales tax. We excluded prescriptions from the tax at the BRIEFS SMITH CLUB TO MEET The Smith Community Develop ment Club will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 19, at the Smith Community Building. A picnic supper will be served at 6:30 with the program beginning at 7:30. The program will be in charge of Mrs. Dovelle Outlaw, chairman of the Health and Safety Commit tee. "HAS BEENS" PLAY BALL The Faison Jaycees are sponsor ing a basketball game to be held Friday. February 15, 1963, 7:30 P. * M. in the Faison School gym. The School Faculty and "Has Beens" will play. There will be a boy? and girls game. Fun is in store for all who attend. Proceeds to go to community bet terment. MAKE DEAN'S LIST Ben Turner of Pink Hill made the dean's list at N. C. State College the last semester, and on the Duke Uni versity list for the same period was Melvin Williams. They are gradua tes of B. F. Grady High School. Bloodshed RALEIGH - The Motor Vehicles Department's summary of traffic deaths through 10 A. M., Monday, February 11, 1963: Killed To Date 119 Killed To Date Last Year 107 last session so it is only equitable that we exclude all medicines now. Sincerely, ' Terry Sanfrod Governor of North Caroliaa Trial v in' " h & Error ?*?; ?' C Mrs. Annie Summerlin and I were having quite a chat over the tele phone the other day and> the-ques tion of age came up. Mrs. Summer lin told me that she was seventy eight or nine or ten. So you fig ure tliat one out? r The Duplin Times force has been hit quite forcibly this week by the flu. The secretary and the sales lady have been out and one of the printers and the lino operator are kinder propped up waiting until after we go to press, to fall. The line operator has had it quite tough, his wife and 3 children have all been sick at the same time. And to hear him talk, I don't believe be feels se kindly toward housekeeping. But it do make it rough when everyone is sick! ' Had fun visiting Mr*. WhaleyTs rest home on Tuesday afternoon. There were about six beauty opera tors up there in observance of Na tional Hairdressers - .week. They were just as busy A could be giving the men hair cuts and shampoos and the ladies permanent*, sham poos and hair sets, lite elderly people were enjoying it tad seemed to be getting a big kick out of it. They looked so spruced up and there were some beautiful grey an white heads in the home. The operators tol me tha tthey had visited Mrs. Jone's Rest Home in Warsaw and they were then on their way to the Nursing Home at Duplin General Hospital. They were having a better time than anyone I have seen lately - further proving the point that "It is more blessed to give than to receive". Everyone was in a happy frame of mind. Ruth Duplin General Hospital Receives Appropriation From Duke Endowment CHARLOTTE, N. C. - Appropria tions of $1,374,165. 33 to assist Nor th Carolina and South Carolina hos pitals and child care institutions in charity work were announced today by trusteees of The Du\e Endow ment. The funds, based on charity care in the fiscal year which ended Sept. 30, 1962, are being distributed as follows: 98 North Carolina hospi tals, $573,297 ; 27 North Carolina child care institutions, $308,329.75; *2 South Carolina hospitals, $345.5 48; 16 South Carolina child care in stitutions, $146.990 58: North Caro lina total, $881,626.73; South Caro lina total, $492,538.58; hospital to tals, both states, $918,845; child care institution totals, both states, $455,320.33. Duplin General hospital at Ken ansville was included on the list of those instiutions receiving appro priations. It was allocated $3,303. This compares with $2,911 the hos pital received last year. These appropriations, said Tiro mas L. Perkins, chairman of The Endowment, bring to $35,012,318 Ihe amount give nin 38 consecutive years to aid in financing charity services of Carolina hospitals and child care institutions. Apnlicatons from other hospitals, which had not been completed when the alloca tions were made, will he considered at the February meeting of trustees. Assisted hospitals receive $1 a day for each free day of care. Mar shall I. Pickens, secretary of The Endowment and executive director of the Hospital and Orphan sec tion,s, explained that the current appropriations for 918,849 fiee days Of care represent 18.2 per cent of the 5,050,091 total days of care in the hospitals, as compared with 17 7 per cent in these institutions during the previous year. North Carolina s free days were 10.7 per cent of the ;V< 7 3,442,602 total. South Carolina's 21.5 per cent of the 1,607.489 total. Allocations to child care institu tions were on the basis of approxi mately 57 cents a day. North Caro lina institutions had 539,748 days of care for orphan and half orphan children; South Carolina had 257, 315. Child care appropriations repre sent funds used as follows: institu tional care, $415,764.85; for 139 children in college, $18,418.73; for foster home care,, $14,854.17; and for aiding widowed mothers in the care of their children at home, $6, 282.58. The Endowment, which was founded by the late James B. Duke in 1924, makes annual appropria tions to assist non-profit hospitals and child care instiutions in chari ty programs, tl also aids in con struction, equipment, and purchase of hospitals, provides f ur.ds for Duke, Furman, and Johnson C. Smith universities and Davidson college, and gives financial aid to retired Methodist ministers and ru ral churches of North Carolina. It conducts an extensive field ser vic efo advise assisted institutions on problems of reducing expenses and increasing efficiency and pro vides staff counseling in the plan ning of facilities. For a number of years, it has aided the Children's Home Society of North Carolina in financing a special program of pla cement of older children in fondly homes for adoption. Curently, it is helping to finance programs design ed to encourage more medical stu dents to enter general practice, to improve nursing service in a group of assisted hospitals, and to attract North Carolina young people to health careers. Mrs. Evans To Speak To Democratic Women Membership Being Launched Mrs. Martha Evans will be the featured speaker at the county-wide Womens Democratic meeting on Friday night, March 1, at 7:30 in the courthouse in Kenansville. Mrs. Evans is from Mecklenburg County and is a member of the State Houes of Representatives. Mrs. Pobert Blackmore of Warsaw is program chalrmna for the meeting. The ad opting of by-laws will be taken up at the meeting and a plan of action for the Duplin Democratic Woman's Club will be discussed. The above plans were made at the meeting held on Thursday. Febru ary 7, at 7:30 at the liome of the club president, Mrs. C. B. Penney of Wallace. A Membership Drive for the Dup lin County Democratic Woman's CM) was launched with Mrs. Clan de Helper of Wallace as county membership chairman. Mrs. Help er will name a membership co chairman in each precinct in the county and her completed list will be released. Those joining hy Mar ch 1 will beconsidered charter members Mrs. George Cates. Faison; Mrs. Adrien Davis, Calypso; Mr* . John Good son, Mt. Olive; Mrs. Kay Tho mas. Beulaville; Mrs. Norwood Mil ler, Beulaville; Mrs. Gordon Thig pen. Route 2, Beulaville; Mrs. L?- :Q land Teachey, Rose Hill; Mrsj'A. McCoy Herring. Wallace; Mrs. Joe Williams. Rose Hill; and Mrs. Al bert Cottle, Rose Hill, were the tan additional members named to the Board of Directors of the DmAr County Democratic Woman's CJhb. gM'.il |fc?? -V m.*** ;