t ? ?" ?? ? ? ? |fti*? ? ? > Warsaw Society * ~ ? ro/ynfereshom Chosen Outstanding fwnhMn5outheast6rfi m.-ninT ii ,,?"?? 11 ?' f" ?'??>? i<" each 39c I . . ' Sunshine H>-Ho i CRACKERS.. 10 oz. box 29c ? ? HiM.'1!"!" ? ? ' !. A&P Pineapple JUICE 2 - 46 oz. cans 49c A&P Crushed Pineapple 2- No. 2 cans 49c Marvel Ice CREAM W gal. 49c SQUASH: 2 lbs. 19c Mrs. Ewers ? Speaks To Home Gardeners ' Mrs .Otto Matthews vh -tnfcess to the members ef Uk Home Gar deners Garden CTub Wednesday afternoon at *.-*> p. h?; at her home on Memorial Dtiro Upon arrhral of , the guests. Mrs. Matthews served * chocolate poupd cake, jtof / crec,ni, and coffee. SP r { Mrs. Atratt ?raugtom, - Jr.. ? Prist-: dent, presided, and during the busi ness session, the members discussed ; plans for the April Flower Shower With Mrs. Heeler' MCNti), General' Chairman of the Show, which will , be held in Warsaw, a suest to the club. Mrs. E. P. Ewers was guest speaker for the afternoon and her topic was "Horticulture" with the mate emphasis on propagation. Attend "Spotlight Oil Worried* ! | Conference Mrs. J. W. Farrlor and Mrs. J P. Harmon attended a Conference Spotlight on WOmen'held at thO Uni versity of North Carolina in Ctnpei Hill, February l*h arid 17th. This is an annual conference sponsored by the N. C. Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs in cooperation with the University of | North Carolina Extension Division. Honor Mr. Holfingsworth ) Mr. and Mrs. Herman B. Hoi-1 lingsworth honored H. B. Hollings- l worth, father of Mr. Hollingsworth, of Faison with a birthday dinner Sunday. The event marked Mr. Hol lingsworth's fiftieth birthday. Those i attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor, Beth and Buster. Ear) and ; Foster Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. Hollingsworth of Faison. yij ?r i Garden Club The February meeting of the Warsaw Garden Club met in the Fireside Room of the Methodist Church on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. S. E. Godwin as hostess. Mrs. E. C, Thompson. President, presided and opeued the meeting with a prayer. For the afternoon program, Mrs. [ & P. Ewers introduced Mrs. Lillian Wooten of KinstoMbo gave a most | interesting telle Jft "Table Arran gements." Mrsrwootan discusded | several scales of. points to be used in table arrangements. They were: i color harmony, suitability, distri bution and originality, proportion and balance, and conditions and distinctions. Mrs. M. M. Hopper, Jr., of Kins ton was also a guest. Delicious refreshments, coveying the Valentine motif, and consisting of cherry cobhler, dainty sand wiches, salted nuts, and coffee were served. Green Thumbelinas Met \liss Jan Towi seod was hostess to the Green Thumbelinas last Tuesday afternoon at her home on Walnut Street. Upon arrival of the members, Jan. assisted by Mrs. Townsend, served, cookies. Valen tine candy and punch to the fifteen members present. Mrs. J. M. Kornegay presented the program on "Green Arrange ments". At the conclusion of the program .each member assisted Mrs. Kornegay in making an ar rangement to carry Mrs. Earl Huie, who was to have the program, but due to sickness could not attend. Miss Laurie Gresham will be hos tess to the next meeting which will meet in March. Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Fisher .Carlton an nounce the birth of a daughter. Am-! elia, bom February 19th at Sampson Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Carlton is the former Peggy Mitchell at Warsaw. Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. James Norwood West, Jr announce the birth af a son born Feb. 23rd. at Sampson Memorial Hospital Mrs. West is the former U>ik Gjod bolt of Warsaw. 1 , ? I II ered*cWh'and^efresh ments of punch, potato chips, cook ies and nuts were served by the hostesses. Mr. sod Mrs D. G. Alderman of Rose Hill were week end guests of Mi and dr . I. I ijiinn, and son,j Jay. Mr. and Mrt Edsel Riven bark and children, Sandy and1 Eddie, were Sunday dinner guests of the Quinn'8. ' Mr .and Mrs. Jo- Brinson anb sons were Sunday dinner guests ef Mr and Mrs. Joseph Rause of Maf wlia. ; " j y iiiaM n in i ii - r Mr *TS. sS&IQ&rSS childri*] i of Black Mountain wer? week end gjiesU> # Mrs *4, * Strickland > Mrs. Walker McNeil shorn*} ; tt Goldstar* Wednesday afternoon. ? Mr. and Mrs E E, Jones spent S3!VjQ&r? sr:- - i ? ? - ;? ? ' \V33 ^ ft , ; il - * . 'J' IT ^r ^ jA&^l DAY LEFT! Sure To Take Advantage of... COOPERATIVE'S BIG 65" Handsome IB-Piece Stainless Sieel tableware Set Thit durable, #?eoming stolnlest iteel k o Droduct of The In Mmotionol Silver Company. Jm, m ^ nniversar^j ?|Pelebr atiopC /f? ; t A\ ??? to show Otlf* UttiSSTtriifii... to visit gny ot its offices at Wilmington, /^?B ?Btt. ^i* A rfiV V Eliiobethtown, ' Jacksonville. Morehead Jn, L9 L# 13 Ih f1 1 /V I I fllVl City, Wallace or Tabor City, dur*g Its B B am. ^ I B *5th Anttlversdry'(felebrotion ond Appre