*tl?c. S K?xAi2cicA. T^U^kf -jx<rv^-tkc <yj r' ?' " " ' PKIfF TFX CFNT VOLUME XXX No. 13 KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, MARCH 28,1963. Wm l citslta-t>? 1 ?&1B ; ' ' * '* V|u. Cured Tobacco Growers Association, Inc. Organized In Duplin By Farmers There has been organised in f)up Uo County a chapter of the Flue Cured Tobacco Growers Association, Ate. This ft the first time there has keen an effort made to give the Tobacco Farmer a voice in the To bacco Business. The following is a r" ' i i i 1 i ? '' ' 1 ?' ._11 1 T portion of the By-Laws which out line the objects of the Ass'n. By-Laws The Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers Association, Inc., is founded and organized for the purpose of giv ing the tobacco grower a voice in the tobacco industry, and: (a) To promote the welfare of the tobacco farmer and the general business of tobacco production. (b) To promote efficient produc tion, curing, grading, packing, handling, storing, processing and marketing of tobacco and to secure and distribute to its members in formation and trends relatives to the operation and management of the tobacco business . (c) To promote research work for the purpose of discovering and developing better methods of pro duction, handling, storing, proces sing. marketing and disease control. (d) To promote the use of tobacco public relations, lobby, advertising, service work, merchandising, tours ( Continued On Page 2 ) FLASH! It was )ust learned .that at a meeting which was held last night in Mt. Olive the decis ion ' was made that MT. OLIVE COLLEGE wilt re main in Mt Olive. Revival BeulaviKe Baptist Churcli "Revive us again" will b? the hymn and desire of the members of the /BeulaviUe Baptist Church during the week of April 1-7. A ser- I Its of revival services will be held lb the church during that week. The revival speaker for the week Will be the Rev. Glenn Whitley, pas stor of the Second Baptist Church Of Fayetteville, North Carctyna. heading in the singing will be the Baptist Church will be furnishing some special music during the week. The choir director and organ ist, Mrs. Mary Ellen Thigpen, will be working with the choir on the special music. The pastor of (the church, the Rev. Harold T. Smith, urges everyone in the community to attend' these ser vices. Special Bible study classes will be held each morning at 9:30 A. M. The evening services will begin at 7:30 P. M. The public is cordially invited to attend the services each morning and evening. REV GRADY MeKEITHAN 77ti ~ ?; REV! GLENN WHITLEY L ? k'- m' .A ? Advisory lernmittee nursing Course Make Plans Per Next Year Nursing Group Duplin County program of Practical Nurse Education, is Hear ing the completion of its first year of'Operation The Practical Nurse Eddcatkm program is an extension onft of the ooldsboro Industrial Education Center operated in co operation with the Duplin County Schools and the Duplin County Hospital. Twelve students are en rolled and are receiving daily in struction and clinical experience under the supervision of Mrs. Susan H. Saunders, R. N. The advisory committee for this program met on last Tuesday night. The purpose of the advisory com mittee is to interpret the needs oi the area to those In charge of the program, to provide Information of the program to the public and to lend general support to the pro gram. 9r. H. 3. Monroe head oi the Industrial Education program of Soldsboro was piresetk for the meeting. Dr. H- B Monroe was lavish in his praise Of the mining class which is being conducted in Duplth Mrs Saunders gavea complete ex" planation of what the Practical Nur sing School Is required to teach and explained the work which the twelve mines will have completed when they graduate In June. Other than the facts taught the nurses through textbooks they are required to spend so many hours of the course actual ly nursing in Duplin General Hospi tal. Nurses are also trained in pre paring food for the sick patient. H? committee then discussed pre parations for beginning a new class in September. Fees and age limits for the coming year were talked a bouf, and the possibilities of develop ing a nurses aid course were discus sed. The advisory Committee Is com posed of Russell Brock of Mt. Olive, Miss Mary Lee Sykes, Mrs. Ruth Grady and Rev. L. R. Sharpe of Kenansville, Mrs. Clinton Rouse and Mrs. H. M. Wells of Warsaw, Dr. C. L. Quinn of Magnolia, Mrs. C. F. Hawes and Dr. Dallas Herring of Rose Hill. Mrs. I. J. Sandlin of Beu laviDe, Arthur Apple of Wallace and Cecil McCullen of Faison. Supt. O. P. Johnson and Dr. L. U. Chandler will also serve in ah ad visory capacity tothe Committee May 7 Town Election In Kenansville ? The municipal election for the Town of Kenansville will be held on May 7 at the office of Mr. Prea ton H?lmes from t:M A. M. to 8:$b P. M The Board of Commissioner* has appointed Mr. Preston Holmes registrar, and Mr. Earl Hardy and Mr. Wlllard Brown as Judges to the election. The dates of registration wlU be Saturday, April 6, is, SO, and the week Apr il SS-87. Challenge day wi}l be May 4 Those whose desire to become a candidate must file for such office before the close of the day of April 17. This will give sufficient time to Lprepare the ballet for election day. the filing fee for Mayor is $10.00 aad for Commissioni^r is 15 oo There is no pay received for either of these Jobs and the only reward for holding office Is the serVice to be rendered to the community. The present Board of Commissioners 6: Mr. Elmore Bell. Mr 1 R. Caison, wna* jackwtr. wr: PwrKrtW* s ft doe Ha.r Mr Unpen H. D. C. Co. Council Home Demonstration dubs Coun ty Council will meet on Thursday, March 28 at 2:30 in the Agriculture Building. This meeting is a plan ned business meeting and all club presidents are urged tp attend. The budget for the coming year and the educational loan fund will be discussed. Announcements con cerning the district meeting on April 11 will be made. The District meeting will be held at Salem Chu rch at Eastaver in Cumberland county. To Orgonize Club In the Dobson Chapel area, Seat ed near KenanSvlUe, a 4-H organ izatlonal meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mr*. David JOhn Kilpatrick. ?5 The meeting will be held on Fri day night, March 9 at 8:00 p. m. Ages are for boys end girls from nine through High School A - - f A. - AL .,il. Anyone in uw comnfiunity, botn Trial & Error d^marine lift, Digest. American artd European eels meet every spring in the Sara gassa Sea. Miraculously they sort themselves out and take the right current to the right continent. Ame rican eels take one year to get home, European eels two years. Received a picture this morning which was too late to get in the pap re. It is a picture of Ward Carlton of Warsaw and Bill Bartlett of Bowden loaded down with a string of mullets which they caught off Barnacle Bill's pier on Topsail Is land. If the mullet are runnig now, I guess it will be rather hardi to lo cate a fisherman in Duplin County. Everyone of them will be sneaking off to fish for a spell. The visiting Methodist Ministers have a time getting fed in Kenans ville. During last year's revival, it was the minister's fault. They were invited to a certain home for din ner. The preacliers got mixed up with "which house", so they went in the wrong house, took their seat and waited for dinner. The Bap tist lady was in a state of confusion, and after much straightening out, she sent the ministers to the right house. , But this year it was a different story 1 The ministers arrived at the right house for dinner. The lady of the house was out in the yard rak ing leaves and graciously invited them in the house and chatted a-, way. The ministers looked around and sniffed no food, and they fig ured something was amiss. In short order, they, all wound Up at Jones Cafe. It -is rather unusual that this happened to the same person. - both years. " Ruth Stills Destroyed Two stills were destroyed by the Sheriff's Department on Monday, March 25. One, a 500 gallon Sub type still With 600 gallons of mash and two condensers, was destroyed in Mag nolia Township. The other was a 150 gallon cop per type still with one condenser It was in Warsaw Township. Deputies B. G. Ghestnutt and R 8. Thigpen and Constable Josh Creech destroyed the stills. 4-H Co. Council 4-H County Council will meet, Monday, April 1 at 7:50 p. m. la the Agriculture Building, The subject for discussion will be how to give a demonstration. Lead era are reminded to'bring Health Record Books and'entries for the ""W31 * * " ^ Tobacco Meeting Scheduled For April 3, E-D A meeting to discuss the latest in formation on Tobacco Production Practices and Marketing has been arranged jointly by ths County Agent's Office and Vo Agriculture Teachers from East Duplin High School. This meeting wilt be held on Wednesday, April 3, at 3:00 p. m. in the Lunchroom of East Duplin High School. Roy Bennett, Extension Tobacco Specialist and Furney Todd, Exten sion Tobacco Disease Specialist, from State College will be at the meeting to discuss all phases of tobacco production and tobacco disease control. It also is expected that they will have someone with them to discuss tobacco grading and marketing. The U. S. Department of Agricul ture has announced some new grad es of tobacco which will include sev eral slick grades. The 1963 support price on various grades is expected to be announced in the near future, George Grange, who is in charge of government grading of farm pro ducts for the U. S. Department of Agriculture, stated in a meeting in Raleigh, on March 20, that he ex< pected the price support on tobac^ grades in 1963 to be more in line with the demand for these grades. Therefore, it is expected that the price support on tobacco graded** slick will be lower in 1963. All farmers wUl need to do every thing possible to produce good quaD' ity tobacco this year. Everybody in-' terested in tobacco is invited to at tend 4he meeting at East Duplin High School on April 3. ? #r i Mr. and Mrs/ Clifford Williams of Kort Lauderdale, iPla. have moved to the B. F. Grady School commun ity, and are now operating the Cliff and Lue Grill, which was formerly known as Ike's Grill. They have five children. Manning, Judy, Jimmy, Becky and Barry. They wish to thank everyone for the spendid patronage they have had thus far, and to invite them to come back again. See their ad elsewhere in the Duplin Times. Bear Marsh To Celebrate 200th Anniversary The old Sear Marsh Baptist Chu rch plans its 200th Anniversary Celebration for Sunday, March 31. Services will begin promptly at 10: 00 a. m. Bear Marsh Church is lo cated in Duplin County five miles east of Mount Olive on the Beau tancus Road. An elaborate program has been planned for the day with Dr. Her schel H. Hobbs, President of the Southern Baptist Convention and Pastor of the First Baptist Church. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma as guest speaker. Dr. Hobbs will be introduced by Marse Grant, Editor of the Bibli cal Recorder of Raleigh who will also bring greetings from the Bap tist State Convention of North Caro lina. The Men of Madison of Goldsboro will render two musical selections and Vernon Jordan of Raleigh is organist for the day. Rev. Joseph O. Stroud, Secretary of the Depart ment of Church Music of the North Carolina Baptist state Convention will also be present. Former pastors of the church will appear on the program with words of greetings. The pastor, the Rev. R. H. Kelly, joins with the Church in extending to the public a cordial invitation to bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the Worship and fellow ship with them. Rev. Kelly further states that a large crowd is expected and that special parking lot has been reser ved for the radio and press Rev. Kelly feels that the church is most fortunate in having secured Dr. Hoggs for the day. Dr. Hobbs accepted the call to preach at the age of sixteen. He was ordained to the Gospel Ministry in 1929 in Birmingham,, Alabama. He received his B. A. degree in 1932 from Howard College. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky awarded him a Masters of Theology Degree in 1935 and invited him to study for a P. H. D. in New Testament In terpretation which he earned in 1938. Dr. Hobbs has held numerous pastorates but his appointment as Baptist Hour pastor in October 1958 marked a new milestone in a life of service to Southern Baptists. Through 484 radio stations, includ ing short wave broadcasts to the most remote regions of the earth. Dr. Hobbs preaches to over 50,000, 000 persons per week. In 1960 Dr. Hobbs was asked to take the Bap list Hour appointment on an "indef inite status" or permanently. He renders this service without remu neration. DR. HERSCHEL H. HORBS Dimes Creating Demands-Tar Heel Beef According to David J. Kilpatrick, Chairman og the Duplin County Cattle tor Slaughter Referendum Committee, beef consumption has increased from 80 pounds to 83.4 pounds per person in North Caro lina during the last three years. Considering that there are about 4.5 million people in North Carolina, these Dimes have promoted the sale of a lot of beef. Mr. David John Kilpatrick and other members of his committee, J%c\\ Kornegay, Dr. Donald Taylor, Joe Williams, Calvin Mercer, Jim Smith and Herbert Best urges all farmers who have cattle, to vote in this referendum on April 9, 1983 ..The referendum is whether to continue, or not to continue a Ilk. per head assessment on all cat < tie sold for slaughter that is sold for more than $20 per head. This Mcfper hcdd far used to promote the salt and use of North Carolina beef. The N. C. Catlemen's Association has used the money colected in the past to tell the story of North Carolina beef through Newspaper, radio, TV, and through personal contacts at all levels of the beef in dustry, from production - through consumption. One of the objects is to get people to realize that, grade for grade. North Carolina beef is just as good, if not better than western beef. Mr. Kilpatrick says, that all per sons who share in the proceeds from the sale of cattle for slaughter are eligible to vote in this referen dum, and all members of the com mittee encourage everyone to vote. They may vote at any of several polling places that will be set . up in the county. "This is the cattlemen's own program to help themselves and they would all vote as they see fit." stated Mr. Kilpatrick. JlortW^resbrfericft Minister Passes Rev. Wade Hampton Allison, 61 -pastor of the Mt. Zion Presbyterian Church of Rose Hill died Monday night at his home. Funeral services were held at the Mt. Zion Presbyterian Church Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 O'clock conducted by Rev. Norman P. Farrior of Rose Hill and Rev. James Atwood, pastor of' the Wal lace Presbyterian Church. Inter ment followed in the Cemetery at Snow Hill. He was born in Statesville and educated at Davidson College and the Union Theologolical Seminary in Richmond and had held pastorates in Leaksville, Flemington, Ga.. and Wilmington, N. C. For the past ele ven years he had been the pastor of the Church in Rose Hill. He is survived by his wife, the former Lucile Herring on Snow Hill, one daughter Miss Janet Allison, a senior at Queen's College in Char lotte. Three brothers, L. 11. Allison of Hendersonville, N. C., A. V. of SanAntonio, Texas, and H. M. All ison of Garden City, N. Y. Industrial And Agricultural Council Preparing For Referendum By Early June The Duplin Industrial and Agri-B cultural Council is proceeding with* the work that is necessary to or ganize. It is necesnry that the ref erendum be held by early June so that the budget for next year can include the expenses of the direc tor. Every effort is now being made to speed the law authorizing the re ferendum through the legislature. The committee on Constitution and By-laws is working to draft a proposed set of by-laws. The com mittee is composed of 1$. C. Thomp son, Chairman. Garland Kilg, Van ce Gavin and Henry L. Stevens, III. The membership committee is composed by Russell Bostic and Elmo Blizzard, Co-Chairmen and Garland King, M. G. Cording, Geor ge Cowan, E. C. Thompson, LeRoy Simmons,, Douglas Peacock, Harry Kramer, Willard Hoffler, C. A. Decker, Bill Taylor, John Jenkins, F. W. McGowen, Dr. Corbett Quinn, Rodolph Simmons, Gordon Mot drow, I. J. Sandlin, Murphy Simp son, C. D. McCullen, James M. Smith, Vance Gavin, Zeb R. Atkin son, Robert Butler, Lott Kornegay, Kenneth Grady, J. B. Stroud, Den nis Ramsay, Gerald Carr. J The publicity committee is Tom my Baker, Chairman, Lauren Sharpe, D. D. Blanchard and Lea i Brown. The Board of Directors is at teqipting to do *0<pe at the work (hat would be done by the director i and hopes to be able to get the or ganization in fuH swing by the early fall. Tho board of directors appre ciates the help they have received and feels sure that with the spirit that is being shown all over the county concrete results can be ob tained. When the organization has functioned long enough to get re sults. Beulaville Will Meet To Nominate Candidates For Town Officers Friday A General Meeting for the Town of Beulaville will be held Friday night, March 29 at the school audi torium. The purpose of the meet ing is for the nomination of candi dates for Mayor and Commission ers. The people of Beulaville are urged to attend this meeting. At a regular meeting of the Town Board of Beulaville held on .March 16, Mr.. Yates of United Bridge and Tank works met with the group. Yates discussed the water tank problem and the need for repairs and painting. He quoted a price for the job. Further discussion was held on buildings on N. C. highways 24, 41 and 111. After a discussion the vote was carried not to build any build ing nearer than 50 feet from the center of the highway. It was also decided that all ve hicles conected with the business of the Town of Beulaville must have a City Tag. $5.00 Cash Award For Best Essay Beverly Grady, 4-H member at Pleasant Grove, is sponsoring for her health program a "Good Dental Care', essay content for 4-H mem bers. Any 4-H member may partici pate and can send their essays to her or to the agriculture office Mrs. Lois Britt. Miss Grady will present a $5.00 cash award to the winner. Require ments are that the essay be a short essay on good dental care. It should be in by the next County Council meeting which will be held on Mon day night, April 1. This will help any 4-H'ers complete his own heal th project. Gold Medallion Open House ? Warsaw d Visit Warsaw's Gold Medallion I Home featuring flameless electric Ft heat on Saturday, March SO from e 3 to 9 p. m. Open House wlU also i be held on Sunday March 31, from If 2 to 7 p. m. The Gold Medallion home built e by Wade Carlton is located on Chel is ley Street Extension in Warsaw. The a public is cordially invited to come and inspect the home. Read CPfcL's ad in this paper. ? ' 'J * BRIEFS KENANSV1LLE P. T. A. The Kenansville P. T. A. will meet on Monday night, April 1 at 7:30 p. m. A musical program will ' be presented ' by the elementary grades directed by Mrs. Amos Brin son, assisted by Mrs. Pen Bowden. , The public is cordially invited to at tend. SEN. SIMMONS SUCCEEDS HICKS State Senator Leroy Simmons of Albertson will succeed Carl T. Hicks, who has sertred as chairman of the North Carolina Farm Bur eau's flue-cured tobacco committee. Delegates to the last Si ate Farm Bureau convention directed that the tobacco committee be set up in the same way as other commodity com mittees. The old tobacco committee has been disbanded and a rew 25 member committee appointed with ; Simmons heading it. Hicks remains as a member en the committee. IIAIX8VILLE FIRST : Hallsville Community went "over the top" first in the county for rais ing their Red Cross quota of $40.00. This position has been held for sev eral years by Potter's Hill who came in second and exceeded their quota. Red Cross workers are an xious to receive reports from the other communities. EGG REFERENDUM The Benny-Penny Egg Referen dam county meeting was held wed- j nesday night to discuss poling pin- j ceo in the county for the Egg ref erendum on April 9. Poling places will be announced in next week's is sue of the Duplin Times. Mr. Eugene Outlaw planting the tree which he donated to the ladies of Scott Home Demonstration Club. The Club planted the tree on the yard of the Pleasant Grove Community Building as a symbol of Peace. Stand ing back of Mr. Outlaw is Mrs. David Williams, who is County Internation al Relations leader for Home Demon stration Clubs who dedicated the tree. Also Mr. Taft Herring is in the background, he accepted the tree in behalf of the Pleasant Grove Com munity. Hidden behind Mr. Outlaw and the tree are Mrs. Taft Herring, president of the club, and Mrs. D. L. Scott, International Relations leader for Scott Store HDC. Ladies Plant Tree Fer Peace "Planting trees is expressing your thoughts and feelings but planting this tree is symbol of pea ce. The oldest living thing in the world is a tree. The largest living thing in the world is a tree. The poet says trees are put into the world to minister delight to man, to beautify the earth", Mrs. David Williams said when she spoke to the Home Demonstration Clubs. The occasion for Mrs. Williams' talk was when the Scott Store HDC planted a tree for peace on the grounds at the Pleasant Grove Community Building. Mrs. Taft Herring, president of the club, ex tended greetings to the group, and Mrs. D. L. Scott. International Re lations Leader for the club, introdu ced Mrs. Williams, who spoke to the group on International Rela Mr. Eugene Outlaw, husband c one of the club members, donate the tree and planted it for the lac ies. The tree waa accepted by Tal Herring who is a member of th Board of Directors of the Commui ity Club and he accepted in beha of the club. Hie meeting was closed with th singing of the United Nation Hymn. Ihe ceremony was held ? last Thursday afternoon. '1/. ' ... ?; ? .

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