Magnolia Society Personals Friend* ef J. H. Whaley art lad to hear he is home after be V-!* * ing a patient at Duplin General Hospital last week. i Mrs. Wilbert Pate visited Mrs. Louis Martin in MPunt Olive Sat ?. ?w\ uiday night. Mr. and Mrs. Qdell Brock end children visiied Eddie Smith et DePaul Hospital in Norfolk Vs. Friday nigjtt. Miss Sue Outlaw of Goldsborc spent the weekend at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Outlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lewis and girls of Wilmington visited Mr and Mrs. Gltrjiwood Sanderson over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Lewis and children cf Jacksonville visit ed Mr. and Mrs. James Jones over' Ihe weekend. Mr; and Mrs. Ed RiVenbai k and girls Wanda, and Perry Ann of Suffolk, Va. visited Mrs. Eva. James over the weekend. Mrs. William Simmons of Nor folk, Va. visited her father, Mr. J. H. Whaley on Tuesday and i PARROTT ' Pro.ect Your W TOBACCO * PLANTS From BLUE MOLD and I INSECTS With FERMATE Dust or Spray DITHANE Dust or Spray D. D. T. Dust or And One Of Our ROTARY DUSTERS Or SPRAYERS 3ot> pi. Heritage St. Ivinsion, N. C. i.& p &> m ?'hK .jar.jA , -? I I * it .?&*?? a Soft So / v $15.95 'PLATINUM Springs fewest Color ,*RONE ' with V Tan Trfnir > ' ,'rt }' : ? ? ' .1l_ r ' 1 f f $14.95 ?WHITE ?Black Patent Wednesday. Visiting Mr. * H. Whaley Sun day at the home Of Mt. and Mra. Odi.ll Brock weie Mr. and Mrs. Alton Cavenaugh and children of Whiteville. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wal waCfe and daughter ?f Alberts on, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Whaley, Mr. and Mrs..?amcs Whaley and child ren ot Louisville, Mi. and Mrs. Jerry Williams and son ot Jack sonville? ..**1. end Mrs. Jimmio iiack.dy m X Janette of Evanston. Illinois, Mr*. Annie t??ock o. Warsaw, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Jen kins of Warsaw and Mrs. Eva James. Friends and classmates of Jerry Jones are glad he has star.ed back to school. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Rackley and Janeite ot Evanston, Hanoi* were iviouuay dinner guests of Mr. and iVlrs. riiu Giudy and children. A1C ham Korncgay and boys have left lor his base in Maryland aner' spending Some time witn his mother, Mas. Glen wood bander son. Mrs. Molina Patker cf Faison spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. ban Swinson. Mi*. Msry outlaw and Linda Qiiiii spent Tuesday afternoon in Pink Hill. M;ss Margaret Ann Swinson of Dumam .lie weekend at home with her parents, Mr. an* Mrs. Ben bwn.soii. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Jones and family of Rose Hill spent Wednes day night with his sister and fam ily R. L. Goodman. Mrs. Ida Simmerson, Carrie Siminersan, Mrs. C. A. Plyler of Charlotte, Mrs. Rayinon Simmer son of Jackosnville were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Nellie Pria gen. Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson of Calypso spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Nellie Pridgen. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Corbet! and Mrs. Alice Swinson visiteo Mr. and Mrs. Major Ivey of Free mont on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Wilson and girls of Raleigh visited his sis .er, Mrs. Eva James. Mr. and Mrs. Abbie Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith left Sat urday fcr Atlanta, Georgia, where they will attend the, Soutneastern L,. P. Gas Dealers Convention. Ihey will return home on Thurs day. Mrs. Jerry Smith attended a luncheon at Pats ilarbecue in Wallace on Thursday. Purpose of .he luncheon meeting was to laun ch the Cancer Crusade in this aiea. Arnold Kelly cf Fort Jackson, Stuth Carolina, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kelly. . , iMrs. Linvvood Ezzell of Golds ? : b ? boro spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bis hop. Mrs. Abbie Smith and Mrs. Jer ry Smith shopped in Kiuston, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kelly visited Mr. Ray Hall in Clinton riospna. [ Friday evening. On the way pack they visited Mr. and M.S. ua Thornton in Turkey. i Mr. ad Mrs. L. G. Turner went to Chinquapin Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith wentI to Goldsboru, Wednesday. |l Mrs. Sallie . Tucker aud Mrs. j Alma MamiiO Went to Wilniiny-1 ton Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Eci Evens, Janet! land Nancy of Wil.pii.gti.n visited, i Mr. J. P. Tuck-i and Mr. and Mrs. ! Alvin Powell Sunday, la tiie after noon, the Evan's and the Plwell's visited Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Evans in Mount Olive. Michael Jones cf New Bern1 spent the weekend with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs L. ?. | 1 Pope. 11 Mr. and Mrs. James Earl Jones,! ! Greg, and Nancy q' New Bern i were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mr&- L. E. Pope. ' ( | Mrs. Lula Mathews went to i , Warsaw Thursday. Mr. Brown i Honored At Dinner Mr. Lawton Brown was honor ed on Sunday with a bh today tun-1 ner at his home. Mr. Brown was j sixty-nine years old. All cf his children and their j families were present. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Usher, Jeff, Penny, Tim and Mary Ann of Rose Hiii;, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Suoud, Steve and Nan, of Goldsboro-; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fowler, Pain and Anita gf Zeoulon; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Usher, Becky, Denise, Cin dy and Ronnie of Teachey; Mr. and Mis. Billy Olive of Apex and j L. E. Brown of Bast Carolina Col lege Greqi^UU;,. Also pwjfefftjp'?fe four brothers, ! Messers Charii?, !tom, Elbert and Mason of Ea$l Magnolia. Mrs. Ma son Brown was aiso present. In 1 the afternoon other relative^ drop ped in. i Extra tables were set up in the ' dining room, a bountiful | dinner wgg getVen. Every one pre sent enjoyei.'t^e. fubd and the fel lowship and joined jn wishing the honoree a happy birthday, w.t.< 1 many move to lollow. Colored News v ra, . ? The Magnolia Colored Home ! Demoiislf-at-oli club was cailed order, March' 75 at the ho.;.? 01 ' Mrs., Gertrude Peaisali by tiit president. The meeting opened by i singing, "Let The Lower- Light Be Burning" followed by the t.uu , collect in conceit. Minutes of the ! previous meeting were read and 1 approved. There were seven members present. The treasurer reported a bal ance on hand of $14.89. The meet ing was then turned over to the project leaders. Mrs. Mabel Raines gave a very heilpful report on Gardens. Lead ers to bring in repoits next inon ?th will be Mrs. Gertrude Fearsab i !in Home Poultry and Mrs. Louise ; Bass on Foods and Nutrition. Some of the members brought some nice aprons they had maae It was agreed to give two do! lars to the Home Demonstration County Council for refreshments to be served at the dedication o' the' Extension Building. March 31st. Each member was also asked to have their money turned in by ?March 14 for the State Council meeting at Raleigh State Fair Arena March 27. fare is $2.50 per member. The meeting adjourned the hos tess Mrs. Gertrude Pearsall ser ved tuna salad on lettuce, ritz crackers daughnuts and coffee. Mrs. Phebia Cf: Tuter, secretary Take a tip from Mother Nature: She prepares for spring all winter long. If you've been inert and inac tive all winter, don't activate your self too fast, the North Carolina Heart Association cautions. A.S.C.5. NOTES i Newsletter No. 10 DupHn County ASCS Kenansville, N. C., March 22,' IMS To. Committeemen, Business men, Vendors, and Other Agricultu ral Agencies From: Rufus Elks, Jr., Office Manager ?64 Wheat Program Offers Small Growers Choice Farmers with allotments of less than 15 acres will continue to pro duce their historical share of wheat as provided by the 1964 wheat pro gram according to O. L Holland. Chairman of the Duplin ASCS Coun ty Committee. The new legislation enacted last fall recognizes the contribution of such growers to the Nation's supply of wheat. This leg islation is .pf tremendous importan ce to North Carolina as practically all of the wheat grown has been on farms with allotments of less than 15 acres. In 1963 there were 34,530 wheat farms in North CaroKm and only 2,261 of these farms had allot ments above 15 acres. As explained by Holland, each farm will have an allotment based on the larger of one computed from the avg. wheat acreage (up to 15 acres in the 3 years 1959-61 or the regular allotment. Wheat grown on farms without a wheat history in these 3 years will be subject to a marketing quota penalty in 1961. The new wheat program will offer two choices to the farm operator with a 1964 wheat allotment of less than 15 acres: (1) He may choose to participate in the program as an allotment grower, in which case he will be eligible to vote in the wheat referen dum, will qualify for price support, and will receive his share of the marketing certificates. (The certifi cates will provide a higher rate of price support and will be available on about 80 percent of the normal yield on the allotted acreage. A lower rate of support will be avail able on the rest of the wheat pro duced on the farm.) A small grower will also have the opportunity to; divert all his allotment to conserv-' Ins usee at the high SO percent rale (Mie can atay out of the uro gram, and plant wheat up to the larger of his 3-year base or his 19U4 allotment. Marketing quota penal ties will apply to wheat in excess ot this limit. He wUl not be eligible In vote in the referendum. He will re ceive no price support He can se'J his wheat at the non-certificated wheat market price, or as seed or feed, or use it in any way thai 1m Ukes. Holland pointed out that the:* small operators with wheat allot ments of less than IS acres will be asked to register their choice at the ASCS county office at least 7 day! prior to the time the wheat referen dum is held. This will be within 6( days after proclamation of the Na tional wheat marketing quota, whi ?li ?iil n,,i jiheiV 07 ?? imiirfo-l unfi late March or early April. The pro gram will become effective if al least two-thirds of the growers vot ing approve the program. REMINDERS Old Photographs Restored PORTRAITS Commercial PHOTOGRAPHY Parties. Anniversaries and Identification Photos WE SPECIALIZE IN WEDDING PICTURES LANIER STUDIO Phone 6341 WALLACE, N. C. Sittings Nights and Sundays By Appointment April 96 - 91ml date for Mhtg ap i plication for payment on wool under the 1982 program. Report completion of all approfr 1 ed ACP practices by shown on your Notice of Approval, Form ACP-245. ? ' I DUPLIN -,TIM^^-WAMT AM ' TIMES WANT AO Wilt. MU. VOUN PRODUCT uyl ekiU , ^ ? | aiusiuiiiMfciAaitr r ?r?u?^*Lpi!r inw pSin1" t ? - .?-*. ? ^? "Do Yon Need .Extra | t Income Froih Your f WOObLANP? If So Call, roberFe. ft ward j WALLACE, N. C. 285-2870 Office Located Over Benjamlbes: Dept. Store Home Ph. 29 9|t031 Rose Hill, N. C. Yard Ph. AT 5-2392 Wallace j, ' i ?? AUCTION SALE Tractors and Farm Machinery P-*-r" A & mi: . . , . TUESDAY APRIL 2nd, 1963. Bags to Match At 10:00 A. M. 350 Farm Implements r^n 1Wayne Stockyard Inc. ^^^^^?|^ldsbor(? ^ GOLDSBORO Now On Display In Our Show Room - The Brantford Tobacco Iyer ? ? . Ki-wHMkiaaEMnMHHBBHBtii ?:r iv*JfK'V, 4. JH VJHI ' Jmf 'A .*" - V i. i._ ^ Announcement Will Be AAade Later Of A Live Demonstration Of This Machine Hill Supply Company I Has a pile-up of unpaid bills got you down? Best way to get w ?' "out from under" fast is to consolidate your debts and pay them ALL off at once with cash on a low-cost loan from us. This loan you can pay off in easy-to-budget monthly amounts. Meantime, your credit is protected, your mind freed from worn- and care! BILLS! BILLSI i BILLS! 1 Is There A Way Out I lfII Get A Loan! JW... PARK AVE. Is Open j US MAIN OFFICE Open From 9 To 3:00 Except 9:00 To 1:00 And 3:00 To 5:00 Saturday. Close At 1 P. M. AT Except Saturday, Close LP. M. j Bank Of Mt. Oli/e . 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS IN MOUNT OLIVE - 1 IN CALYPSO{; MEMBER Of FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION All Deposits up To $10,000 Insured by an Agency of the U. S. Government 11 ? " ' Savings: Deposited by 10th. Earn From the 1st. 4%ii When Left On Deposit! i ;.>*? ? * ??,:& ? . i>k?-. it* Looking For Recreation Skating Afternoon and Night 2:30 to 5:30 7:00 to 11:00 % Price To Everyone Saturday Afternoon Only Ladies Night Mon. Night Skate ? % Prite v GOLD PARK LAKE 5 Miles South Of Goldsboro \ 111 '??' " ' 1 h U u, > ?, -L -

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