? I? I >7 Nn. Cart lvey T^rji Padgett were ^ Mr and'JAfs Aelvin E^ynel^n^al hos fSU/ {?"Greensville fa }? tost week with her HK/nuby (Srady. Kuby Grady and daughter ?ft to Durham tor a week K#<th Mr, add Mrs. Thur Kegari. They attended the ?PMUhetMl jame Sat Eltr. and^Mrf A. D. In ?jnday ware Mr. and Mrs. Ben of Witsaw and Carl BUr. and Mrs. Mack Sum ?patf daft^Ht^s of Kenans ?pe Callers in the Gordon SStan Waller visited at ^?jhriday and Saturday with ^^K|?s. W. C. Adams. ?Hk Dail Returned to her ?w&aturday following two ?ft. with her son Alton Kiting the' Alton Car ?' ?t Jfathns. e . ^ Bt Sunday were M^s. H. E. Reoansville,, Mr. and B|i? Smith and family of ?Hlftel. Mr. and Mrs. W. ?Band girls of Indian Spr Kikd Juha Ann KeUum of ^Mjfoent wckend with their, jKer, Mrs. Etta Outlaw ?r Mr. and Mrs Carre 11 ?if Kins'on visited the and their daugh Hj^HHifNt home with. them. R,' and Mrs. Jonas Dail and ^^Bk^O^rrie Scott vnitcd several |HU?cs and! fc-Lndt si V syce Kjj3K|tj?)riat hospital Sunday. / tJWft W. Waters hfs returned to I ' Wmitu Memorial hospi a! for lur M^end guests dt Mr and Mrs. 5 'Hr& Outlaw were ifr and Mrs. Put.aw and daughter of ^^H^r>,uline Walici of P'iIock .. zL ville is spending some time with her sister Mrs. Helen Wallei Sopya Marie Powell of Warsaw spent Monday with her aunt and uncle Mr. gnd Mrs. Jonas Dail. During the weekend vjgitorrf ol Mr. and M^s. Eugene Outlaw wpre Mm Martha Chapfcll aadl I^U? of Clinton. Jesse and Cliltoh Quinc of Wafsiw. . ft Mrs. Annie Garner of Pink Hill spent the vitekend with her sis ter, Mrs. Emma Outlaw. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sut ton of LaGrange visited Mr. and Mrs. Gurnie Scott and Elwood. The Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Gruhbs and family were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Rouse. .. . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Torrans and daughtef of Wijsfif and Mr. and Mrsi W. E. Tyndall of Kihstofi were guests, of Mrs. Nora Outlaw during the weekend. Mrs. Ruby Grady, and Gail ytt? ited the Rey, and: Mrs. E. R. Cldfcg at the , Methodist . Retirement Home, Durban? Sunday, also Aus tin Anderson at Ytierant Hospital Mrs. Lewie Keathdey was ad mitted t? Wayne Memorial hos pital Sunday wh^re she is expect ed to undergo suregry, w Visiting the, Roland Thjgpens Sunday were.Mr- and Mrs. Harold Sutton and children and Mrs. Ray Malpass and son of Goldsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thigpen, Win nie and Judy of Grifton. Camlbdy Exhibit* Grand Chartipigif Seven Hundred Hogs were exhibit ed at the sixth annual Sampson County Market Hog Shpw. It was sponsored by the Clinton Chamber of Commerce. Out of this number at hogs Hayes Gregory, professor of Animal Husbandry at N. C. ?tate College, selected a 205 .lh. Hagnp shire pig belonging to Jim Cannpdy, Route, 1, Faisoq, as grand cham pion of the show. Over 600 people packed the staqd* to watch this hog sell to Ltnidy Packing Co. of Clinton for $2.00 per pound. The reserve champion pen wpt a pen of three Hampshires exhibited by Glenn Cannady, brother to Jifti Cannady who exhibited the grand champion individual. _____ Concentrate Effort Against Respiratory Diseases Launched In Natf6n & County The Duplin County Tuberculosis , Association will join the North I Carolina Tuberculosis Association and:the National .Tuberculosis Xs t MK-iation in a nation wide educa ticw^^aiopaiKjjtd fight jyspira ^Theobjective c4 the campaign wul be to' alert In* public to the two major symptoms of respira tory diseases-chonic coughing and his private physician for an exam Tobacco Groweis and any-other means. and ail otHer segments of the to bacco industry in order to promote tKfc wflfare df the total tSSterio ih austry. (f) In order to. properly prosecute m dbtes aft ptfrpoies above set forth, the Corporation shall , hhire #11 powier and authority to receive ^^^^P^^ns' and bdrrow^money; Otherwise acquire; hold, mortgage, eortvey and otherwise dispose df all kinds of property both real arid peri sp&fi, both in tins state and in all Other states, tCritories arid depeii deridris of the United StriteS and generally dt perform all acts which may be deeftied necessary or ex pedient for die proper and success ful prosecution at the objeet and ptaiiM fofr which the Association was1 founded: President - ^Jrover*Ehodes Vice President-Norman rfope jJec.-Treas.-Robert Williamson Directors-J)urwood Evans; Chin quapin. ,N. C. Jimmy W. Stroud; Kenansville, N C Wiiiiam Costin; Warsaw, N. C. Wlilfam Sullivan; Mt. Olive, N. C. Henry Carter; Wallace, N. C. Each Tobacco Grower. Business man, and other interested person is urged to Join. Toe membership fee ia fc.00 per year. Persons writing illation. All physicians of the cdunty wilf.be informed about ttie en deavor and encouraged to take messages wUl be everyone in the general public. , Any club or organization inter ested in UavTril a on Respiratory Diseases should con tact X*. Edward L. Boyette .pres ident of ^heDupht) County T&ber i jgita avLtWa.-* sly jfar /xltxA>r iiiciuuci stups me as iumuws. William Cost in; Route 1, Warsaw, (jt e. Shirley N. Smith; Route 1, Ken ansville, N. C. Durwood Evans; Chinquapin, re C. Bbmett Rogers; RoOte J, Pink Hill N 0 Jimmy W. Strbud; RehanSville, C. Robert F. Willamsbn; Kehiris ville, JT. C. Divifl E. ROfisb; R. F. D:, Mag nolia, N. C. Wehdell fehcheir; Rosfe Httl. ft C. Renry Carter; R. F. P.. Willace, ti.C. Ra^ Bruce Beavers; Routi 1, Mt. Oil ire, H. C. John G bod son; Route I, Mt. Olive. N. C. Paul E. pai; Kenansvillb. N. C. Norfnbh Hope'; Rbute I, Warsaw, N. C. Duplin Native Featured In N&O In ti>e Starch 20 issue of the fJews and Observer an article appeared concerting Mrs. Msyy King ^need ier. Mrs. Kneed ler resigned her post as chief of the Public Health Nur sing section of the State Board of Health and moved to Cullowhee-a rural village in nountaineus Jackson County. It will interest the people 0|f Dup lin County to know that Mrs. Kneed ler is a native of Duplin. She is Shw&lfjraduaw of Her husbaitd, Jay K Xneedier, formely manufacturing engineer with the Westinghouse plant fa Ral eigh, accepted a teaching pbsition at WCifart CaroBna Concge, Mrs. KnwsJler had resign^ i frdh SUSSSsi Kneedler are busily adjusting their lives to the small college town life. Patients At Mi General Hospital Patients admitted to-Duplin Gen eral Hospital 3-18-28-63. BEULd^ILLE - Lwnie PAneJ Betsy? Mleoit fttMii, Grace Ray nor, Saral^ Hall, and B chi NQuX^AniiiT ferovrn. Baby Boy Brown, Elizabeth White, Alice Pickett, J&soph I.anfcf. FAISON - Qufnc? Hill. James TOy i0MAONbtiiA - Mackle Beulah Culbreth, Helen dlaijpftT, MableRrttif. Sp}^Klt5lti - Bailie tfestWoofc, Alton ifcll. WARSAW - Eurfice Dixon, Clevfr land Turner. Nin* Gainer, H^n Henderson, Dlfe Cook, Shirley Tsty lor, Thelma Carroll. Wallace - Dorjs ttarshburn, Leatha Cavenaueh, Kenneth gSM tain, Alvin Hall, BertHa Rbyes. rTovii Dixon, Christopher Pkilcttt. CALVPSO - Anrne Sobhtsoh. MX. OtlVE - Charlie Arri?te. ALBBRTSOJ? - Rarisotirt Kdirhe 1??1 Got a Houti to rent? A low duplin.times want ads. 2ss a??i. quality jos printing call thk DUPLIN - TIMES. need stationery, envelopes. business forms printed? con tact DUPLlN-tlmes jos prin tinq department. "Southeastern Dist ! Queen of Music Miss Carolyn Gresham, daUght- i ei of Mr. ana Ml*, J- X. Gresnani ( Of Warsaw and piano pupil of t.W. J. IjiddletOo, Jr. WW i a "Southeastern District i i lyfi will f>e the sSuthelistefi Dis trict representative at ,tjig; State < convention contest in Stiftcjville ( Mto? Dh. Nine distficts in | the iMh vMtf be represented and t to the outstanding girl and boy ( will go aj,125.00 scholarship. LasJ year Carolyn was 1st runner-up ini, the state. I, Students playing in this contest in Sew ..tfern were: Carolyn Gre- l sham and Bette Walston of War- ) saw, Mary Ruth Gardner, Diane Fann, Jimmy Ship and Jimmy Dudley pf; Clliiton. fencer Whit man and Jhfrmy %re?th of New Bern. Jimmy Meddrltn was cho sen King for his District. Judges M tHtt eten t were Mrs. I CWrda "furrier an$ Mrs. Sara Ab ernethy of New Bern. The contest was held in the home of Mrs. Andrew W. Fuller, Southeastern District Junior Counselor. rhey strike between 2 p. m. ana 10 p. in., but u6 occur at any ime. , "Most of the krtbwn tornadoes n thy Stale have struck the p:ed l oitt aril interior coastal plain," :he bure>u. exblajfiid, 'cat a 1,-w iay| 4ffe< tdfl the mountain see* ;ion add other* have etnick on tjW The bureau dSfcribed a torn* lo as a "spinning funnel - shafted tloud, extending toward the earth i-om the base of a thundercloud.' When near, they sound like roar >f many airplanes. ^ The bureau . advised these pre cautions, should a tornado ap proach. ..k. Xake shelter Ipi a cave or jnderground excavation, if possi ble. 2. If underground protection is Tornado Season Rear Nt R. C. ?? ? Carolina's thrnadb sea son is approaching the U. 3, Wea ther Bureau at Raleigh-Durham Airport warned Wednesday. It said the State is outside the printipal tornado areas of the na -fug (SREATEST SALE AZALEAS Small and large HEAVILY BUDDED &sf&asf NURSERY SUPERMARKET , Plnfc HflL N. C, . ? 1 it f, . ipf ,'i. ? ? '.a ?? ?' raw Where Movies Are Better Bp Twilite Drive-In Ilreatre I * Thursday March 28 Tfie Young Go Wild Chirring Heidi Bruhl, Peter Van Eyck and Cliristian Wolff ?? Also Oh The Same Program: \ Ydurig Willing and Eager I- ..Starring Jess Conrad, Christina Gregg, ' Hermione Braddeley and KerinCth Griffith Friday - Saturday March 29-30 Tfte Delicdte Delinquent ^ Starring Jerry Lewis SUri. & Tiles., March 31 and April 2 I "If A Man Answers" i^. , Starring Sandra Dee and Bobby Darin Wednesday - Thursday April 3-4 Rear Window I Starring James Stewart Co-starring Grace Kielly ?-??-?a?-?-? iU&ii'Bii iijihSWW - ?ow". SpSS*** ^^Kmnflmgl t Roman , St MUX ?HbrTi^HnRV . ttatmnaa * ItSattcifab. Pg[ | jnmldrtrf M.B -Jmm yfLi mmmfy ) j?vil py^T#i8?CBy^' ea! m mismatched sjw^f ??ds'm bhds^ Stnjiefc, FUfrats, Quilted*, Tirftttf, S?Mck>vK f6pt ... you'll find just about everything in this , gigantic site .. .VALUES UP TO Think hard for a minute. Now many people ever see your bed with the sheets off? The ticking may be mismatched, the comfort is unmatched!^ You and the Johnson Cotton Company will be the only ones to know the patterns don't match . . . And if you won't tell anybody, we won't tell anybody . ?. well keep your secret. \ - .. . ? '? ' '.'J - ? ... %>\ i v???> / Here's a chance to prove to your family that you know the value of a dollar. We have changed our patterns . . . these bargains are the left over patterns from oirr previous ticking .. J many are "one-of-a-kind" ... all are real values.1 Hurry! Get your pick of the best pieces. Many fine quality bedding items. Come in right away/ f EVEN At THESE mXS M OUR BUDGET PAYMENT'S W l\ I KByol' n A*# : '^^^HBHifiHIf MIMMH|WW^w Wrlflll if vov JM i it - Wolfti'co, North Cajcfilirta ^".,. - ? g?- B i > y . ? I ? ? ? nmmmm 8?DD 53 MIX AND MATCH EM I HM MATTRESS ?M95 I ONLY... 9>JW- I MflHHjn j[ ll^' ' I ?\ S*WG s 1 *2^ I k.1 ONfcY..# .ft MATTRESS I sm|jl -vjw- i ?j^v* .?-? - ? i

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