i *4 ?*&'# ? Vi^BsS''"??? ?*"??*-* ? ,v* " 4 ?" "SP* II B iBil !? Jjp y rV mt 51C. ^ StEni^M- tine 5 T^ujkf- ^untk Hfnh oj DM^ ^? ? ZSTTSSm^ VOLUME XXX No, 26. KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY JULY 4, 1963. PI*??i JSjLSST Duplin Country Club, IncTo Open Swimming Pool&Tennis Court Ready 11m long awaited day is about la arrive for member* of the Duplin Country C3ub, Inc. President Hugh Carlton stated this morning (Saturday) that the Swimming Pool and Tennis courts will be opened next week, it Is hoped by July 4, and members an ticipate that the golf course will be ready for play. August I. Construction talis been started on the Golf Shop and it is expected te let the contracts on the club house within the next week or ten days. The Duplin Country Club, Inc. was a dream which waa started about a year ago. Now it is Hear ing completion. The membership of the clab la competed, of . families from Warsaw, Kenansville, Pink Hill, Magnolia and Faiaon. The beautiful wooded area on which the country club is located is on rural paved road between Kenansville and Unity Church and is easily reached by all of the com munities. The land was donated by Davis Evans. The finished club will have a nine hole golf course, a large and small swimming pool, tennis courts and the club house will soon be started. Production Credit Assn. Direstors Attend Annual Conference In Asheville rne new tor mora capital in < agricultural is continuing," accord- i lug to Eugene E. Carlton, president of the Duplin Production Credit Association, who has just returned from Asheville, N. C. where he at tended the annual conference for directors of production credit as sociations on June 17 and 19, 1963. Reports at the conference indi cated that die use of capital using technology and reorganisation of farm units for efficiency is continu ing. This continues to increase the sitse of farms, and change the stru cture of agriculture and the charac ter of individual farm units in many ways. "Lending institutkxfs must con tinue to recognise the fast changes taking place in agriculture and re cognize that fanning is big busi ness that requires alert and specia lised management, large amounts ?f capital, and flexibility to adapt te needed changes, "Mr. Carlton said. According to Mr. Carlton, the Credit Bank-PCA System in this Dis trict served fanners in Georgia, Florida and the two Carolines with over $253 million in 1962. Loan ser vice at 'present is $28 million great er in the District than a year ago. "Hie Duplin Production Credit Association served 1772 farmers with loans totalling $3,791,487.00 In 1961 in Duplin County," Mr. Carlton added. Other officials of the Duplin Pro duction Credit Association attend ing die conference included Mr. Arthur Kennedy, vice president of Beulaville, N. C.; for Mr. Woodrow W. Maready, director, of Chinqua pin, N. C.; Mr. L. P. Wells, direc tor, of Mt. Olive, N. C.; Mr. Taft Herring, director, of Mt Olive, N. C.; Mr. Garland P. King, Secre tary-Treasurer, of Kenansvillft, N. C. and Mr Fred Albertson, Apsis Hospital Installs New Generator Toe Duplin General Hospital has recently purchased a 30 kilowatt gasoline-powered generator through Government Surplus program of North Carolina. It is expected that this generator will be used to power the hospital elevator in times of emergency. The present generator has only suffi cient power for the emergency room, the operation room and var ious lights throughout die hospital. With this new installation, the hos pital will be almost self-fuffi<^ent ' during emergencies wsh ai, storms and hurricanes. Lauren Sharpe Completes Course ansruie nr? uepa rumens ops com peted a two-week training course on Municipal Fire Administration at North Carolian State Collage. The course, conducted by the Fire Service Training Division of the North Carolina Department of Insurance in cooperation with State College's Division of College Exten sion, covered a variety of problems which are of particular interest to municipal fire ilr pai l inputs The program was geared to chiefs, chief officers anl atpff of ficers of local departments and was primarily offered for officers in medium and small municipalities. . Included during the two weeks of study were discussions of fire de fense and insurance rates, person nel management, water supply and ffre service, department equipment, communications and fire alarm sys tems, legal aspects of fire preven tion, fire investigation and incen diarism and records and roeasu re Heading the instruction staff for tile program was Sherman Pickard of the North Carolina Department of Insurance. Classes were conducted the week of June 10-14 and J4-J8. A total of 16 students attended the school, representing 14 local depart ments and the North Carolina In surance Department. Warsaw AA Changes Meeting Night Tha Ale holies Anonymous organi sation was organised In Warsaw in November 1964. It has mat since continuously on Tuesday night There are four original chartered ranmbnra still in the group and all tour have continued sobriety. Due to conflict with other meet ings, the group has decided to change (he weekly meeting night from Tuesday to Monday beginning July tat. The group extends a cordial wel come to anyone with an alocholie problem to attend and the public is At those who are not familiar witn A A., the organisation is a fel lowship of men and women who ?lute their experiences, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to cover from alco holism. H?e only requirement for mem bership is an honest desire toiStop drinking. A. A. has no dues or fees. It is not allied with any aect, deno mination, politics, organisation or wnw NrtwiwwiwfiMfy neither en* Beulaville National 6uard Unit Returns From Two Weeks Training Tbw story of the National Guard and its annual two weeks of active duty training has changed drastical ly in the past 20 years. Oldtimers who served in the Tar Heel Guard prior to World War H often express disbelief at the tales toki by the modern Guardsman who returns from Front Bragg. They re call, too well, their IS days of lei sure training, recreation, fellow ship, and an enjoyable time had by all. Today's counterpart finds time for some recreation but for the most part it comes late in the afternoon. The individual often cho oses to relax and rest from the day's hard training. By the time he is ready for organized games - horseshows or volleyball - the day linght is fast leaving slnd he prepar es for the next day's training. Even the current hot war in Sou theastern Asia has had its influen ce on the Guard and the Beulaville unit in the past two years. The rifle platoon, under the direc tion and leadership of Lt Richard McDowell, patrol the trails in a sur prisingly realistic manner, being at tacked by guerillas fihgting a small brush battle and either losing or winning depending upon the events of each fight. The guerillas are members of the Beulaville unit, often headed by Lt. Kicnara wnite. utten uie gueruias forces are only driven by when we call on the Motor squad wtyph is amply led by Li Wayne Venters. Attacking from either die flanks, rear or front of the squad the sud den burst of gunfire - blank carti ridges ? wheels the squads into bat tle. An exchange of gunfire, the single shot of the Mis and the con stant burps of machine guns and the BARs and mortors resound as the 'enemy' is beaten off. The realistic tbuch adds interest and enthusiasm for the Individual squad members who otherwise cou ld quickly become bored by the constant dry-run practicing. Sometimes the company has car- . ried the training even further. "Civ- , iliarts" dressed as farmers (actual ly Guardsmen from the other units) have tested the company's peri- ? meter defenses by casually strolling in looknig for lost bird dogs and stray cattle. Others have wandered in looking . tor Sgt. Allen Futreal of Beulaville, ' knowing full well they were in the wrong area intentionally. "These are new approaches to the * training. "Captain Allen Said, "and 1 they have created an enthuaiam. S Haven't aean in several yttn. At same time. With the 15 day training now past its halfway mark the company will continue to seek high inspection grades on its administration, kitc hen, training, and all phases of duty. Regular Army officers, aware of what a rifle company should be do ing and how it is accomplishing its work, have graded each unit daily. "For the first week we averaged 93.5, a score several points higher than we've had before for the first week. But our calibre of training this year is correspondingly higher than it ever has been." The company ends its intensive training period Thursday afternoon. Friday will be spent in removing Fort Bragg Dirt and mud from company equipment. Loading of equipment for the return to Beu laville will be done Saturday and the unit departs Sunday morning arriving back at the armory around 12:20 A. M. Overlooked, but certainly not for gotten by the 68 members of the company, will be pay call. They will receive full pay and allowances equal to Regular Army for their two weeks. It will be a very small number who present themselves, collect the dollars and silver, and walk away telling himself how easy it was to earn the money. BRIEFS HOLIDAYS The Duplin County Courthouse rill to closed on Thursday. July 4 o observe the national Holiday. Uao closed will be the Welfare De triment, Health Department, Agri ulture Office and Superintendent if Schools office. The A. S. C. S. ind other Federal Offices will be losed also. IMPORT AN! NOTICE TO ALL 1963 PEED GRAIN AND IHEAT STABILIZATION PRO 1RAM PARTICIPANTS: Due to a hangs in the regulations effecting he 1963 Feed Grain and Wheat itabilixation Programs, SOYBEANS ire now considered an eligible con ervation cover tar 1101. However, oybeans will not to eligible to to larvasted or grazed during the 1963 ind 1964 calendar years, litis an louncement was mUde by 0. L. ioQand, Chairman Duplin ASC ty 'workshop wen vtuy inu *. / * A An toAAfct Freedom Is A Hallowed Cause (Reprinted from the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, July, 1963) IN OUR NATION, fredom is a hallowed cause and rightly so. It is the topic of high-level conference Congress enacts legislation to protect and preserve it. High school students write essays on it. Most Ameri cans can tell you what it is. Few, however, stop to con sider the one thing it is not. It is NOT FREE. Since 1776, thousands of Americans have paid the supreme sacrifice bravely and without question so that freedom might reign in our land. Our country has never failed to meet the price demanded of a nation besieged from within or without by enemies of democracy. For true Americans, the cost of freedom is never too high. Sacrifices which citizens are called upon to make today are small indeed when compared with those of our forefathers assembled in Philadelphia 187 years ago. Yet, we see "patriotic" backsliders shirk their re sponsibilities to their country at every opportunity. Through lethargy or indifference or because it is con sidered "boorish" in some circles, certain segments of our society ignore civic obligations, nimbly skirt jury duty, snub public service and avoid situations which re quire their participation as witnesses. They "stand" for, or against, many things, but are responsible for none. They are deadheading on democracy at the ex pense of their fellow man. . i f . 1 1 mi wurs is a system 01 government ny iaw. Tne Na tion's welfare, progress and security depend on effec tive enforcement of law. Presumably, there should be no question as to where the public's sympathy lies. However, many local law enforcement officers and re presentatives of Federal investigation agencies daily feel th sting of citizens' refusals to help in matters involving tho-safety of their own communities qr.the security of^tte.itatintry. Some so-cafled' intellectuals and misguiwkl theorists, who view the world through a rosy haze, are affronted when approached by repre sentatives of duly, authorized governmental organiza tions carrying out their proper functions. Contem ptuous and uncooperative, these persons consider in vestgative and security inquiries to be ridiculous. Their sense of duty is contaminated. When the ranks of decency and morality in Amer ica grow thin and listless, crime and other sinister forces flourish. During 1962, over 2 million serious crimes were reported to police, a 6 percent increase over 1961. A major cause of this increase is public apathy, a refusal by our society to face reality. The time may be near when the public must actively sup port adequate and effective law enforcement or be overwhelmed by a criminal jungle. Mere lip service will not suffice. , The path of patriotic and civic duty leads to per sonal glory for only a few, but it does lead to the sur vival of the American way of life - liberty, freedom and the pursuit of happiness. The task is a common cause. There can be no exception for special interest groups or laggards. As we observe Independence Day, Americans who are prone to shirk their responsibilities to our great Nation might think about these things - to oppressed people who cry out for freedom, the responsibility of , preserving it would be a privilege, not an inconven ience. John Edgar Hoover Director ? M aRKVKT Not visible this month os H Is loo V!5 o otoee to the sun. "rv v-- WNUS Dtmrntng fr? the morning sky. t/. F MAM Mwlsg from Loo to Wgo. fri the S. W. sky, ill B sotting otter midnight. m MMTR Ovorhood about 4 a.m. in lb# con- jjp stellotlon Pisces. j m, tATVNtN In the S. W. at about 4 a.m., in the J,V ? ' constellotlon Coprlcomus. iMtf * THf MOON Full moon, July 6; Lost quortor, July 14; Now, July 20; First quortor, July 28. I SKOAL THIS MONTH Total oclipso of tho sun on tho I 20th, I w at tmi morehead planetarium is Wr~ ommi mm. h. c. - v W millions of moons 1 H ? D?Hy ?t 3:00 and ?:30 jj M fMvrdoy* at 11,3,4 mmd 9:30 M ^ ^ *?*y? * X t. 4 ?< Rt30 ^ J |p Car Lands In Used Car Lot, Damages New Car And Four Used Cars One new car and 5 used cars were damaged on the Used Car Lot of Duplin Motor Company in War saw Friday afternoon by a car own ed and operated by Charles Dur wood Dempaey of Wallace. Dempsey was operating a 1963 Pontiac, driving North on U. S. Highway 117 in the edge of Warsaw. According to reports he applied the brakes to the car and the car skid ded from one side of the road to the other before landing in the used car lot. As he went on to the lot, the car pulled poles out of the grou nd and knocked wires and signs down. Dempsey was charged with careless and reckless driving. Dempsey was taken to Duplin Geenral Hospital and released after he was checked over. He went back to the used car lot to move Ha car which had extensive damage, The owners and operators of Dup lin Motor Company, J. 8. Herring and Mr. Taylor, bad been advised not to release the car until later. According to reports words wen exchanged between Dempsey and J. B. Herring and they engaged la a fight. Dempsey was arrested for distur bing the peace and put in the War saw jail where he was later reieae ed under bond. Damage to the cars at Duplin Motor Company was estimated rou ghly at 95000. Trial & Error CHANGING TIMES says 'This world won't be quite perfect until the man who builds up the jackpot gets as much publicity as the fellow who hits it." Also "If the best things in life are free, how come we have to pay so much for less than the best?" The N. C. State Motor Club pre dicts that at least 20 persons will meet sudden death in traffic acci dents on North Carolina streets and highways during the long July Four th holiday, which signals the start of an "open season" for highway slaughter that has been increasing each year. During the 1962 summer season July, August and September - 362 motorists were killed on the state's highways during the three month period as compared with 314 in 19 61, an increase of 48 or 15 per cent, while 9,648 were injured in 1962 as against 9230 in 1961, up 418 or 5 per Cent. She state will count its highway fatalities from 0 p. m. Wednesday July 3, through midnight Sunday July 7, to conform with the National Safety Councils practice of counting it a four-day period when the holi day falls on Thursday. ?Well my grandson will be here for the holidays. I will try not to act like Alice Elks and spoil him rotten - you should hear the things she says her grandson can do. And I couldn't brag a bit as mine is coming home and might show me up to be a real grandma, who tells tales. Ruth Kenneth Taylor Honored At Reception Served As Rural Carrier for 44 Years Tuesday evening June 18th, the ' Magnolia post office staff, patrons ' of the rural routes and friends paid 1 tribuate to Kenneth Taylor, who is retiring from the postal service ! A covered dish supper was ser ved in the Community building with i over a hundred in attendance. ; Clifton Chestnutt, post master. I greeted arrivals at the door. In the receiving line were Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Chestnutt, Mis. Roscoe i Potter and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth < Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Horne presided at the register. The regis ter's flble and the dinner table were covered witb-vduU sieths and centered with be*ot*Ui flower ar rangements. There was no planned program but impromptar spe aches were made by Mr. McNair Johnson, Mr. : Raymond Soutberland, Mr. J. S. Blair and Mrs. Raymond Souther- i land, concerning past associations i with Mr. Taylor. ] During the program but post mas- < ter Clifton Chestnutt, on behalf of ; the post office staf, presented Mr. 1 Taylor a set o golf club6 and bag. I Invited guests from outside the town and community were; Mr. 1 and Mrs. J. S. Blair, Wallace; Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Knowles, Wallace; Mr. and Mrs. McNair Johnson, Willard; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sou tberland, Wrighteville Beach; and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ward, Rosa Hill. Mr. Taylor has served the nolo since July T, 1919 except for 4 jrears while serving as Secretary to the National Rural Letter Carriers Association in Washington, D. C. He later served several years as National President of the Rural Carriers Provident Guild. When appointed in 1919 be served a route of M miles which has ia y* IMM i to hto'service M a ' worker has been active in eMe. fraternal and religious work. He is Haling Eider of Oak Plain Presby terian Church and has served aS Cleric of the Session past president at the Magnolia Lions Club and past Zone Chairman; Post Ms toss at Rehoboth Lodge No. 979 AJ* and A M past district Depaty Grand Lecturer of the ninth Masordc Ola IriCte Mr. and Mm. Taylor left an Thursday lor Gastonia where they will make their future home. At District Demonstration Day Mary Alice Thomas Wins 2 District [Awards; Linda Smith Wins One Duplin County 4-H'ers had three district winners at the Southeastern District Demonstration Day on Wednesday at Raeford. Mary Alice Thomas of Magnolia won two of them. They were the District Dress Revue and the Dis trict Sewing Demonstration. Linda Dianne Smith won the District tal ent award. They will compete for state honors during 4-H Club Week at State College during the week of July 22-27. Competition will be with 5 other district winners. 49 4-H'ers and parents attended District Demonstration Day as also did Mrs. Lois Britt, Mr. Marion Griffin, and Mr. Snodie Wilson. Other participants from Duplin and awards won were: Dairy Food Demonstrations: Mar tha Bradshaw and Stella Wells, se cond in District. Dairy Management Demonstra tion: Tony Wilson, red ribbon. Entomogly Demonstration: Anna Lee Hawes, red ribbon. Farmer Cooperative Demonstra tion: Pat Rouse and Martha Brad shaw, blue ribbon. (These demon strators were coached by Garland P. King.) Forestry Demonstration: C. L. Sheppard, Jr., white ribbon. Fruit and Vegetable Marketing: Bobby Good son, second place in district. Poultry Barbecue: Clara Bell Dunn, red ribbon. ? ? - ? a 4* Public Speaklnj: Lela Ward, white ribbon. Anthony Weatbrook, red ribbon. Tractor o p e r a t o r: Frederick Rouse, red ribbon. Wildlife Demonstration: Anthony Westbrook, blue ribbon. Kenansville Gets Zip Code Number Our five-digit ZIP Code is 28349, Postmaster A. C. Holland announc ed today. "Everyone in Kenansville, N. C. will use this ZIP Code on all their correspondence to speed mail de liveries and reduce the chance of missent- mail," Postmaster Holland said. ZIP Code, the Post Office De partment's revolutionary new sys tem of improved mail dispatch and delivery, goes into effect nationally on July 1. Postmaster Holland stressed the importance of all citizens of Ken ansville, N. C. learning this city's ZIP Code and using it in their re turn address on all correspondence. In answering mail, he said, ZIP Codes taken from return addresses on incoming mail should be used. "This ZIP Code is literally the last word in mail addressing," Mr. Holland said. "It should follow the city and state in addresses." He cite this example of the pro per use of ZIP Code: A. C. Holland Postmaster. U. S. Post Office, Kenansville, N. C? 28349 The new ZIP Code plan. Mr. Hol land said, for the first time will permit the Post Office Department to short-cut repeated address read ^ ^ . . "vibe address 011 mail must onto Industrial torowtn Reported Steady Industrial expansion announced during the first half of the year re flects a "steady economic growth" in the two-state area served by Car olina Power and light Company, according to Dan E. Stewart, CP4L vice-president in charge of area de velopment. Since January, industries have an nounced plans to spend more than 944^ million on new and expanded plants in the company's 30.000 square-mlle system. This growth is expected to create 5,770 new jobs and tjmm,7l?Jn mw annual pay ^ (OenUanad On guk} Johnson Attended Annual Heeling Technologists Mr. CordeU Johnson, President N. C. State Society affiliated with Duplin General Hospital is one of 650 registered medical technologists receiving latest advances in labora tory techniques at the 35th Annual Convention of the American Medi cal Technologists here. The theme of this Silver Anniver sary meeting is "Medical Techno logy and the American Medical Technologist'. With Bdkation being the Key to A. M T. Progress, the Scientific Seminar features note worthy scientists, whose contribu tions to the health of humanity have been hailed universally. William Boyd, M. D? author of numerous textbooks, will outline the development of knowledge of Cel lular Pathology; 1 Newton Kugoi mass, M. D? Ph D , Editor o( "American Lactam in LMQt Chemistry and Biochemical Clinics" will present "Mechanisms of Hem orrhagic Disorders in Children." Gerald RCppp^ PI). P.. M, P^ of Atlanta. Of-. Warthe recipient sf the American Medical AsuuMsitsgs Hektoen Award in lfM art teO Ht lings Award M MML HhiBrtkMjP be Cthiical XtoctropfeermT, Mjpc ris Goldman, ?C ?k, MM' MMNgjflf th* Kimble Tt in at aii rnuBiMii fwiUM M -to*