Figurtf Ffave Shewn Thot Clqsttfied Advertising Reaches the Most Readers and Nets the Fastest Results, o Place a Classified Ad... DIAL 296-2171 i Kenansville, N. C. II ( 3c Par Word; 75c Minimum Classified Deadline II \ 1 p. m. Wednesday II! CLASSIFIED RATES Turn cents rut worn. Mrni ? MUM charm of tm. unlrss - you mave an acoount with us. haass ssnd money ' stamts. money order m check with aos. H FARM LOANS rate. comfutts inswranci service. Thispen Ficon In surance Aebnoy. Mr. Olive, N. C. CTF typewriters. ado i no machines refaired. New Royal type writers for every need. dial Goldssoro. RE 4-osss. Wor ley Typewriter Exchange, is. south cini isr. gol dsdoro. I CTF Wholesale Buildins materials cash ano carry. credit ii mbbded. ALL materials sua ranteed. well worth a trii to Southern Supply Com pany. cunton. Across from the fare. ctf Federal Land Bank Loans ari available through Clinton National Farm Loan asso ciation. Contact Dewiti cars. secretary - treasurer, P. O. Box ms. Phone exes Clinton. N. c. Mr. Carr is in pca office in ken a nov ills between II ami IS O-eupctt every TUSSOA! mornins. CTF "Do Too Need I ' ?ncome From fell WOODLAND? If So Can p| j ROBERT E. I WARD WALLACE, N.C. 285-2870 Office Located Over Benjamines Dept Store I Hame Ph. 28 9-4031 Kose Hill, N. C. Yard Ph. AT 5-2392 Wallace HELP WANTED ] WANTED AT ONCE - Rawleiqh ] i Dealer in S. E. Duplin Co. , ! Write Rawleigh Dept. NCG 310-3 Richmond. Va. i s-1-4t po. . ANTENNAS ? For television, complete with s ft. mast. lead wire. brackets for t chimney mounting. only Goldsboro Paint Co. N. Center St. Goldsboro. N. c- ! CTF. i ( ATHLETE'S FOOT 1 . HOW TO TREAT IT _ I Apply instant.drying T-a-L. J You feel it take hold to ] check itching. burning. in ( ' minutes. Then in a to s days, t watch infected skin slough 1 off. Watch healthy skin re. s ' place it. If not pleased IN s ONE HOUR. your 4sc back j ' at any drug stork. NOF at ( All Drug Stores. ( 1 i | Drive-in glass service. Auto | glass installed. table tops. ( mirrors. if its glass. we . ' have it. Atlantic Glass Com pany. sxs South Front Street. Wilmington. N. C. " CTF. 1 i I PULPWOOD WANTED: | ? top Prices paid i ' Fob. Pine. Oak qm Gum. Have ] your timber thinned nowi , Call Collect Mt. Olive OL ] sj47s Mr. Edgar M. Murphy. Jr. C. T. F. , SEWING MACHINES - new and j Used at reasonable prices - ' Repairs on all makes guar- 1 an teed Contacts little 1 sewing shoppe. drawer ; sb. faison. n. C. ctf. 1 ? FOR RENT Upstairs. "* Bedroom Apart, i ment. Private entrance. , Water furnished. Good Con dition. , Call after s p. m. Phone ss 3-4473 About 51 per cent of the U. S. cotton is mechanically harvested. Consumer expenditures for food 1 increased 2.5 per cent in 1962. Got a house to rentt A low- ; cost want ad will do it. For Expert Watch Repairs See j HINES JEWELERS Warsaw, N. C. i LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing wherein Haliton Glenn Quinn and Elwood C. Batts were partners trading and doing business under [he firm name and style ef B. and Auto Sales, in the City of Kenans rflle, in the County of Duplin, North Carolina, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent of the partners. The business heretofore conduct ad by said partnership will in the future be conducted solely by said Haliton Glenn Quinn, and the said Elwood C. Batts will have no furth ar interest herein. This 2Sth. day of JUne, 1963. Haliton Glenn Quinn Elwood C. Batts 7-25-4T- H. G. Q. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of the power >f sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust dated 13 January 19 >2, executed by Elouise Morrisey, Widow, to the undersigned Trustee, ind recorded in Book 562, Page 538, Duplin County Registry, default ' laving been made in the payment 1 if the Note secured thereby, and | he owner of said Note and Deed of 1 frost having requested a foreclo- 1 lure of same, the undersigned Sub- j itituted Trustee will offer for sale it Public Auction to the highest lidder for cash at the Court House ' loor in Kenansville, Duplin County, ' 4. C., on Friday, August 2, 1963, it 12:00 Noon the land described in laid Deed of Trust, which land is nore particularly described as fol ows: LYING AND BEING in Warsaw ' Township, near the Town of War- I taw, Duplin County, North Carolina, ' ind BEGINNING at a stake located n the Eastern line of the McCoy Carlton tract of land adjoining Highway No. 24, which Beginnig corner is located 162.5 feet Souther ly when measured along the Carlton line from the point where Carlton's Eastern corner intersects with High way No. 24, which Southerly line is at a right angle to the right of way line of Highway No. 24; running thence from said Beginning corner continuing along the Carlton line iq a Southerly direction and at a right angle to the right of way line of Highway No. 24 a distance of 162.5 feet to a corner of McCoy Carlton; thence with said right of way line and with the George Kerby Estate line 50 feet to a point; thence run ning in a Northerly direction and at a right angle with said right of way line 162.5 feet to a point, now being the Southeasterly corner of the Charlie Matins tract of land convey ed to said Mathis by Franklin D. Cooper and wife, Gertie P. Cooper; thence running with the Mathis line in a Westerly direction and parallel with said right of way line 50 feet to the point of Beginning. The highest bidder will be re quired to deposit in cash at the sale an amount equal to ten per cent of the amount of his bid up to $100,.00, plus five per cent of the excess of bis bid over $1,000.00. The above described property will be sold subject to Duplin County taxes, if any, now due and payable, a ??? ?- _ 1J ?ijjf TnT 4a nil tnitwsM. ana Win lit' sum suujcu LVJ u aupvj ior encumbrances. This the 28th day of June, 1963 Paul G. Sylvester, Trustee 7-25-4T-P. G. 8. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Norris Fennell Frederick, deceased, and late, of Duplin County, North Carolina, this ]p to notify all per sons having claims against his said estate to present them to the un dersigned Executrix of her At torney on or before the 19th day of June, 1964, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 19th day of June, 1963. Myrtie B. Frederick Executrix of the Estate Norris Fenwett fmderick Deceased Robert L. West, Attorney .. Warsaw, N. C. ,L- IL_ ????1 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION I NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY The undersigned, R. C. Sutton, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Elma K. Sutton, de ceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estat&4o pre sent them to the und?d?jdr on I or before the 18th day flrj$!?,"f964 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery.**? All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate I payment to the undersigned. This the 18th day'Of June, 1963. R. C. Sutton Route 1 u Mount Olive, Henry L. SteveusflUi Attorney at Law? Kenansville, N*-C. r 7-U-4T- H. L. S. NOTICE OF ADMW1STRAT. ON NORTH CAROLINA ! DUPLIN COUNTY The undersigned, Russell J. Lamer, having qualified as' Admin istrator of the Estate of Frederick ! Deens Hicks, Jr., deceased late of Cook County, State of Georgia, this , is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or 1 ?efore January 3, 1964, or this ' notice will be pleaded in bar of 1 their recovery. , All persons indebted to : said |1 estate will please make iniifediate 1 payment to the uiMe&gned. 1 This 3 day of July, 1963. 1 Russell J. Lanier \ Box 67 i Kenansville, N. C. < 8-1-4T R. J. L. Garden Time i By M. E. Gardner , N. C. State Cohere A lady just failed about her lilac plants. She tola me that they were strong plants when set and that she used peat and sand mixed, with her red clay soil when they were plant ed. Now she says that they are old enough to bloom but only one rath er weak bloom has appeared. Lilacs prefere a deep rich soil and one that is not too acid. 1 sug gested that she have her soil tested and use enough lime to raise the pH to about 6.5 or 7.0. Also, that she fertilize the plants with a good general purpose fertilizer such as 8-8-8. Generally speaking, lilacs seem to grow better in the upper Piedmont and mountains than in the lower Piedmont and easter Carolina,. They do especially well in "limestone country." Another lady was worried about a nice azalea (Indica) phot which was not growing as it should I stopped by to see this plait. It,Was healthy enough but was rqfegp^lat topped as the terminal shotts were not elongating as they should. After examining the pUgd I deci ded that it had been pQfoted too deep. In addition, it n iil| "tRfl>ilj mulched with leaves. This did not pose much of a problem because the plant was easily raised a little with a round pointed shovel and a little extra care. Azaleas, rhododendrons, camel lias, blueberries and other plants in this group are comparatively shallow rooted and will not tolerate deep planting. If the plants are balled and burlapped the top of the ball should be set even with the soil line and then mulched. The same is true for container grown plants. Pine straw is better than leaves or peat because water pene trates more easily. I have given advice on this many times but the questions keeps popping up. This is Japanese bettle time and' you should eliminate them as soon as they appear. The bettles are shiny brown and green with 12 white spots. They are about one-half inch king. They spend about 10 months as grubs in the soil. Then they go through a short resting, pu pal stage, and emerge as adult bee tles. They attack more than 200 plants and will cause severe dam age unless controlled. , Spray and plants infested with the beetles with Sevin. This mater ial is effective and safe. The other method of control is to treat your lawn with Chlordane in the spring. This material will kill the grubs which feed on the grass roots.- It will also control other soil insects including ants and white grubs. tut:???? 'Millions Of Moons Being Shown At Morehead Planetarium During Summer Chapel Hill - "Millions of Moons", the Morehead Planetarium's sum mer science program opened on June first and will continue through June, July and August. When man can roam our Solar System at will, be will likely first establish contact and observation bases on the Moons which are chai ned by gravity to the major Planets of our Solar System. "Millions of Moons" is an investi gation of the many bodies in the Solar System which are actually de fined as moons, though hardly any-, body every thinks of them as such. Webster defines "moon" as "any satellite or secondary planet." The :hief planets themselves have sec jndary planets in abundance. Part of the program is devoted to an explanation of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. There are 342 million desolate miles be tween those two planets, and after years and years of speculation and calculation, astronomers' have pro duced two theories explaining this. The remainder of "Millions of Moons" examines the little satellites that circle the individual planets, but which are hardly ever thought if as moons except by astronomers. Neptune, for example, has two moons, one of which was discover ed as recently as 1949. Uranus has five named Miranda, Ariel, Umbriet, Titania and Oberan. None of them is big enough to have an atmosphere. Miranda was dis covered in 1948. Titan, the biggest of Saturn's nine moons, is bigger than the planet Mercury and the largest moon in the solar system. If it were not a moon by virtue of the fact that it circles a planet, Titan would be considered a planet in its own right. Titan has a genuine atmosphere but composed of methane, which rules out any possibility of life as we. know it existing there. The planet Jupiter, with twelve moons, is a sort of miniature solar system all by it self. Jupiter's moons vary widely in size, density, consistency, and direction. The lar gest is 3,220 miles in diameter, the smallest 14 miles in diameter. Some of Jupiter's moons travel clockwise, some counter-clockwise. One is gradually tightening its orbit and circling closer and closer to Jupi ter, others are as far away from the planet as 14 million miles. But Mars' two moons are by far the most unusual in the solar system. One is five miles in dia meter, the other 10 miles in diam eter. The inner moon of the two orbits Mars three times a day. A Russian astronomer has propos ed the theory that Mars' two moons are not really moons, but artificial satellites fired into orbit many years ago. 'Implied in this theory is the fact that Mare must at one time have had a race of intelligent beings living on it. But regardless of the nature of Mars' satellites, either would make a good base bf operation for ex poration of the planet. In theory, space expjgcerg could shuttle in Jt light spacecraft between the moons and Mara, thereby saving the fuel necessary to lift a heavy space ship off the surface of Mars. Extra performances of "Millions ^ of Moons" have been scheduled daily at 3 p. m., Saturday at 4 p. m? and Sundays at 2 p. m. Regular perormance times are 3:30 p. m. daily, with additional performances at 11 a. m. and 3 p. m. Saturdays; 3 and 4 p. m. Sundays. Admission for children through 11 years old Is 35 cents; for students < from grade 7 through college, and for military personnel, is 50 cents; and for adults, 75 cents. Clergymen are admitted free at all scheduled presentations. "Millions 01 moods is recoro mended for all age levels. (During June, July and August special science courses lor children, students, teachers, camping groups and clubs are offered at other times. Details of these programs may be obtained on request by writing to The Morehead Planetar ium, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Dr. Thomaa W. Alley Warsaw. N. C. Rear at Warsaw Dng Company Toes, ft Sat from S:M to S:to i Ryes Rsamtoed -Classes FWmI ' Jl vWEILS STOCKYARDS WALLACE, N. C. AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY BUYING AND SELLINGS DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY | OFFICE PHONE AT 5-2261 A L. WILU NIGHT PHONE AT MM JACK P. WEILS NIGHT PHONE AT MH1 I NOW OPEN Pat's DAY NURSERY I Children of any age CONTACT: Bin. Patsy Williams In The Yellow And H'.< ?: { White Trailer Between m Store Bodarilk) i KAtak$84? Mr we*, I child per fcuailj I Contra^g^^l Heme I Electric |Mt Insulation Direct From Factory I 1 ^ .1% _ inci c i 1*1 u os. I BOOKKEEPER WANTED I I Katz DepartmI' I Phone 293-4324 I I Warsaw, N. C. I SHOP AT BAKER'S ' ; '?*?<[ "?'?' ' ? .^1? * ? ' ? For All Your m . H ? Furniture Needs ? All Types Floor Covering ? Carpets And St Wp ? Kelvinator Appliances Kmston, N. ??mi < tihttt ^gff^: MJf M&& mjf&m #**&% 4* ' "Tfc/fc- ^TT^lk m A mJj&'*M/% IB mHtSM ^^r'\ ^i??| v J MMGMOUM "?l: ' "t BUTTE KNIT DRESSY KNITS m 1 Knits are our fashion forte . . . and we lhate a most exciting collec tion to premier a fashionable au tumn season! Neatly collared cardi gans with companion overblouses! Slim skirts I Elegant three-piece costumes to flatter every figure! All wkotdouble knit. 12-20. .V'* - >.? ? >' r ' ' Ife fSiij 3 Miw AA AA COSOCMES 09*90 .>J via?tr I ***** I ? MM<???.???*?.?5? ? I W H I ? BMtCTWMfc H I 1'kMipl.ilniM,** ? Ism. m?njf nd icratctm, M I ? t Un Stod

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