I Warsaw Society % By Mis. Helca Steed M ? ? * - ? Z9)-4t''5 r':\ ? - ? s* ?'^T -? fr*' J; jpjjj wSKls parents. Mr. apd Mrs. I Rudy Hasty returned home Fri Hr after spending two weeks in El Texas with his father, Mr. Rid Mrs. be raid Qafem spent IjMWlilitifd'in Lambert on with Mr. lira. Hoes Lemwn and son. I* Mrs. Ray Japkson and i tpldren j np Greenville, 5. C. spent last week W her mother, Mrs. Winnie Oov PW. and Mrs. C. C. Knotts, Jr. of XdmriniMirg went the weekend with Ma slater and famfly, Mr. and Mrs. UK Taylor. Lave Taylor who spent la* week with the Knotts returned HMM ?Sd their sen Ceie Knotts who jSaswlast week with the Taylor's jSpMRsai heme with his parents. | Mr. and Mrs. 1 J. Quhm and son Jay and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Jen Mas Jr. and daughter and Mr. and ?H. A. J Jenkins, Sr spent the nhMnad at the Jenkins Ctottage at Otr. and Mrs. BUI Sheffield and 1 ? ohiMreo and Annette Wahab apeni several dan last week at the Sbef field Cottage at Topsail Beach. Mr. aqd Mrs. Richard Williams and son Prgperick of Beulaville vis ited in Warsaw Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. House and daughter Becky and Rebecca Car ter spent last week at Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. M. i. Kmtaw and boys, and Andy spent the weekend in Whiteville with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. In McPhorsen. | Mrs. T. R? Qui an was acorn pan ied to Raleigh Saturday by Mrs. Nelson Carlton, Tanna Carlton, Mrs. OHver Edwards ad Donna Sue where she departed Sunday morn ing for a tour of Mexico. Friends of Donna Sue Edwards will regret to learn she is a patient in N. C. Memorial Hospital in Cha pel Hill where she is undergoing surgery oa her nose. Mr. and Mrs. John Creech and chilren of Spartanburg, S. C., Mrs. James Janes of Petersburg, Va.; an Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Weatherspoon of Raleigh visited the J. E. Creechs last week. Mrs. Lila Lanier and Mrs. Adell Matthews of Beuiaville were guests kHinj. 'i t :?: t of Miss Daisy Burnham Sunday Mr. and Mrs J. L. Autre and children spent last week In the i mountains near Brison city. Mrs. Robert Fields and children of Minneapolis, Minn, and Mrs. Dick Swart and daughter June, of ?WHmtagtan spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. West. Mrs. Fields was a format classmate of Mrs. West's at W. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Br kit. Jr.. Bill, Kay and Martha and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Britt Paul, and Jcanotte rnt, July 4th with Mr. and Mrs. G. Britt, Sr. where they attend ed the 4th of July Celebration in Parkton. Mr .aad.Mrs. William Earl Howell and children, Vickie Lynn, Billy and Glenn of San Diego, Califorina have moved to their new home on Memorial Drive Ext. Mrs. Howell is the former Doris Taylor of Warsaw. Mr. and Mrs. Kenenth Brock and children spent last Wednesday at Atlanic Beach and while there they toured Fort Macon. Mrs. Winnie Davis spent Sunday with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Benton in Snow Hill. Recent guests of Mrs. R. C. Thig ? 1 : ^2? ? pen and son Han y Lee tar Richmond, Va. and Miss Sara Oe%n Thigpaa of Norfolk, Va. Jkc. and Mrs. Gerald Quinf were tapper guests of Vt, aed Mrs. Richard Williams ef BeulaviUe last .rss?i <>?? spent last Thursday with her daugh ter and family, Mr, and Mrs I*#. Quinn and son J?y Mrs. Leonard DePonceau and daughter Dewisc Aim of Lexington, Kentucky returned home after spending the past two weeks with hqr mother, Mrs, R, C. TWgpen and sen Harry Lee. Harry Lee 'returned with her to, spend a week.:He will fly home this weekend, Weekend guests of the Thigpens was her dau ghter. Miss Cecelia Thigpen of Durham. Twenty-three members ard their advisors of the Warsaw LH Club spent last Friday evening at Grid Park Lake in GoMsbere where they enjoyed swimming and skating afterwhich they tajoyed hambur gers at Hardys. ,, Miss Carrie Baars of Chapel Hill spent Sunday with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baars, Mioses Mary Susan Baars, Mary Alice Thomas of Magnolia and Elizabeth Sutton re turned to Chapel Hill with Miss Baars to attend the 22nd annual N. C. Scholastic Press Institute. Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Carlton of El Paso, Texas arrived Monday, to spend some time with relatives. Mrs. Hugh Carlton and children, Jenny and David left Monday to spend ihi sweek with Mrs. Roy Bar wick and boys who are spending a few weeks at the West Home at Wrightsvilie Beach. Horce Kornegay of Birmingham, Ala. spent several days with his neice and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sheffield. Gregg Herring of New Bern is spending two weeks with the Sheffield boys. Dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blanchard Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Wrenn Benlley and daughter Rhonda of Greensboro. Mrs. Florence Houston spent last week in Rocky Mount with her sis ter and family, MV.' and Mrs. J. B. Southerland. rY' ? Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams and son Fredferick of Beulaville were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Quinn. Mrs. Taylor Entertaips At Bridge Mrs. James Taylor was hostess to the members of her bridge club and additional guests Thursday evening at her home on Pine St, Upon the arrival of guests, Mrs. Taylor served peach short cake, coffee, and nuts. During progres sions, she served potato chips and soft drinks. Mrs. Arnold Jones received cos tume jewelery for high score a ward, Mrs. Bill Grice received a compact for second high scorer, and Mrs. William Costin won colo gne for traveling. Others playing were Mesdames William Best, E. C. Wray, J. B. Herring, Jr., and Thurman Gaster. Brotherhood Met The Brotherhood of the Warsaw Baptist Church met last Thursday evening at the church at 7:00 p. m. where they enjoyed a. Father-Son Supper meeting. Frank Steed, Jr. president, pre sided over the meeting. W. G. Britt gave the invocation. A most interesting program' was given. A film on "Recuits for Christ" was shown expressing the need of missionaries in Korea., Asuper of hotdog6 with alf the trimmings was served and apple pie was the dessert. The next meeting will be at fish fry in August. Mrs. Taylor Entertains Club ' Mrs. Bill Taylor was hostess to three tables of bridge in her home last Tuesday night at 8:00 p. m. The living room, where the three tables were in play, displayed love ly summer flowers. Playing were Mesdames Walter P. West, Jr., E. L. Matthis, Earl Huie, R. D Johnson, Jr., John Vin cent, W. G. Britt, J. M Kornegay. John Fonvielle, Allen Draughan, Jr. Mett B. Ausley and BUI Sheffield. Mrs. Walter* P. fectf. received, a fancy pin cushion 4 for -club <igh, Mrs. Fonvielle receive# a hair cur ler bag for visitor's high and Mrs. Ausley received bubble bath' for consolation. During play, Mrs. Taylor served Cokes and at conclusion she served gingerale floats and salted-wets. Baltic Bridge Club Mrs. Bob Blanchard entertained the members of Baltic Bridge Club Tuesday evening at her home. Mrs. Robert Chestnut! received a towel and wash doth for high score. Mrs. Seth Hill received old spice talcum powder tor traveling. Mrs. Bruce Torrance received a pitcher decan ter for consolation. I others playing vera Mrs. Wennie Davis, Mrs. Woodrow Smith,, Mrs Mattie Torrans. Mrs. E. C, Wray. *nd Mrs. Helen Smiths During play. Mrs. Blanchard ser ^ved assorted candy and nuU and ? ui Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Surratt, Sr. of Warsaw who were honored recently in Warsaw on their Golden Wedding Aniversary. A reception for the family was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sur ratt of Warsaw^ C/ t. Surrotts Celebrate 50th Anniversary | Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Surratt, Sr. were honored by their children last Wednesday evening, June l?th from 7:30 p., m. at a family reception honoring them on their 50th wedding anniversary. The reception was held in the home of M)r. and Mrs. B. C Surratt in Warsaw. The home was thrown ensuite for the special occasion using the traditional golden wedding colors. The dinning room was attractiv ely decorated with the dining room i.able covered with a gold cloth and overlaid with a lovely lace cloth. Centering the beauti ful table were two three branch ed brass caadelbras holding burn ing gold tapers. Gracing one end of the table was a three tiered wedding cake topped with golden wedding bells. Miss Mary Ellen Surratt served the cake and on Che opposite end punch was poured by Miss Aim Price. Circling the punch bowl was greenery and gold f lowers. Gold mints and salted nuts were served by Miss Jane Price. They are all granddaughters of the hon orees. Their grandson, Robert Surratt lit the candles for the oc casion. Attending other than the hon orees, Mr. and Mrs. C W. Sur ratt, Sr. were Mar. and Mrs. C. W. Suarrtt, Jr., their sons, John and Robert and dauhgter Miss Mary Ellen Surratt, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Price and daughters Misses Anne and Jane Price all of Rose Hill.. Mr. and Mrs. J C. Surratt and Mes. L. T. Wilson of Warsaw. Presbyterian Women Met The Presbyterian women of the Church met Monday evening of last week in the Ladies Parlor of the church with Mrs. E. P. Ewers president presiding. All of the cir cles were represented. Following the business meeting, Mrs. Henry L, Stevens, 111 present ed an interesting program from the General Assembly on 'The Place of the Women in The Church". The meeting was closed in regu lar torum. ? i i U Anita Carr Is Honpred Mrs. Nancy Carr honored her | daughter Anita With ?r birthday per il ? " 1 ty last Monday afternoon at 3:00 p. in. in the horne of her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hous ton of near Warsaw. Anita was celebrating her 4th birthday. Outdoor games were enjoyed after which her mother and grand mother served birthday cake, ice cream, potato chips, and soft drinks. Helping Anita celebrate were Terry Merrttt, Robin Yancey, Sopya Powell, Susan Todd, Kim Houston, and Neil Murphy of Kenans viile. Anita received many nice gifts from her friends. k Open Forum FOR PUBLICATION: Charles Newmap hag been work- , ing for the last two years, solving the Berlin problem in Germany. He has written two letters to the presi dent, and the State Department in Washington. Last week, he received a letter from Mayor Wily Brandt in West 'Berlin. The letter was sign ed as follows: Many thanks for your interest: Sincerely Yours, Der Regierende Burgermeister Von Berlin (The Governing Mayor of Ber lin). V , -> tTranslntton) ?? .-?* '??>? vk ' ~: ToFFCt fh s | ^ ? wm Mrs. Fisher Opdton was hostess to the Capaata dab last Tuesday night at 8 ;#? at raieh time the club g<up a Surprise Unen Shower for Miss Helen Torraos, bride-elect of t5?n arrival, 'the hostess presen ted her with a captation corsage. .Guests were Mesdames Arnold Jones, Allen Brown, W. C. Martin, C. C. Rouse, Melvin Herring, Al fred Herring, Joe Brinson and the honoree, Miss Torrans. Miss Tor rans received a set of crystal can dle holders for high, and Mrs. Reuse received a receipe file for consolation. During play, Mrs. Carlton served P/rtfAg anH nntg nnH affpr Miss Torrans opene,d hef many nice gifts, pound cake, lime sherbet and salted nuts were served. Annoy/ice Engagement , , Miss Joyce Ann RMzzard of rfeu lavflle, whose engagement to feenny Ray Thomas, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas' and ne phew of Mrs. Jessie Exum of JXeu laville with whom he make$ his home, is announced by her mother, Mrs. Peanie Blizzard of Bealaville. Miss Blizzard's father is the late Samuel Blizzard. An August XI wed ding is p|anned. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steed, ft and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Quino en tertained with Cook-out last Tues day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steed. > Charcoaled hamburgers, hot dogs, patio potato salad, cole-slaw, bak ed beans, Iced tea, soft drinks and apple pie was served, to Mr. and Mrs. James Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. David Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Costin, all of Warsaw and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sutton of Jacksonville Florida and Frankie Sad Lauri Melene Steed. 1 Announce>Birth > Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis announ ce Jskssse"* Usee IBM ? ?* AIR raNDrrwN^ft" ? Wdfww. Wr'G. * } ilsiiprfli ?? V"?< -;<|tr Ftiiv T&jtmtfknfHfr*13 Captive Wotnen Natures Paradise &%&. Sunday - Monday Jaly J4-1J Yellow CanarV r? J. WMMBmn < Tuesday v . Jaly 11 HogseXPfJhe Damned 1 bajAco tm. CASH nUB Samson ancl T?ie r"i ? ? It's always in good taste to serve V I' CHICKEN | , r -- and chicken always tastes good! WATCH FOR OUR' CHICKENS WHENEVER ? YOU BUY v.* ?.-?* *>m>\ Distributed In Beulaville - By Whaley's Superette til - M ? I Watson's Chickens ROSE HILL POULTRY CORP. Phone 289-2051 o,.-is9-379l l?rf, tj V it" I fl Jackson's Summer Clearance BEGINS THURSDAY A. M. JULY II REDUCTIONS UP TO.... is & 50% Entire Stock Of Ladies m And Mens Wear OPtN 9: TILl ^9 THURSDAY I I Br ^ Jwu I V fc . W v;V;Yv W *?>'. i*il I ?***?-? p newcaipet JL ?A U |aa||? # ? SOSOtt?lt,feeiS ? jL like a slipper J| 'kS^M ?teiasuu: ar'-,? SA The new NYLON pile fiber With jSffiSMg I CORONET Ciffiflf """ -? * ' V ????. ? Your home never had it so bfeautilul. With EMPRESS CORONET has created- a fine, care-free carpet?made of a new continuous filament nylon that makes possible undreamed of textured effects! And EMPRESS is so buoyant to walk on, lives on like Methuselah, repels dirt and soil, never piles!-Choose from a galaxy of mag nificent co!6rs ? clear, true and simply breath-taking. See EMPRESS now ? the carpet - value of, the year! ? ito fiber endi to cateh dirt >k ? hew luster give# AfttarytfMk ? keefcs dean wlth little'-effort ? hefty pile for long, long wear ft* r /, f - ? / '? ? vT l?*rfY FRftE HOME DECORATING < Service ' free estimates . * . i 1SAACS-KAHN ? PHONE 73 5-mi . . 'If If ,Covers The Floor, We Hav?# lt"_ THE BIG FURNITURE ,Sf ORE ON CENTER STREJ5T ? - Golthboro, N. C. ?* * * * ???? ?- Jm- -?Hi Ill ?? LJ

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