I I I A ? ,#^v^i' vi. .vV'- ? p wv<\ * H' / IISPPPPIPPIP^ tkc 3 kouAJLcx IfW oj Duj>t? 1 VOLUME txx No. 28 KENANSVDLLE, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1963. P1??fi " 11 ? . ? Migrant Worker Kills Foreman A migrant worker killed his fore man Sunday afternoon in Smith Township following an argument. Horace Chambers, colored male migrant worker age 19, is charged with the fatal slaying of J. B. Mc Alister, foreman, colored male, age t 54. Both of the men were from Eli i' zabethtown. According to reports, McAlister was foreman of the migrant group which is located on the Old Holland Homeplace near Sarecta, about seven miles from Kenansville. The house is divided into two sections with the men residing in the front and the women in the back. According to Sheriff Revelle the two got into an argument Sunday afternoon. Chambers said McAlister told him not to go into a room where women migrant workers were staying. McAlister then went into anoth er room and returned with a 12 guage single barreil shot gun. Chambers took it away from him and shot him. The warrant against Chambers read 'attacking with a 12 guage sin gle barrel shot gun inflicting ser ious bodily injury resulting in dea th". Chambers is in jail with pri vilege of bond to be tried in the August 28 term of Superior Court. Deputies Oscar Houston and Cor dell Johnson were investigating of ficers. South Wmg Opens Second Floor August I 12 More Beds Available For Patients The Duplin General Hospital Ad ministration plans to open the sec ond floor of the South wing of the Hospital approximately on August i. This will supply 12 more avail able beds in the South wing, mak ing a great difference, as there were no vacancies before. While the unit is not licensed as ? a nursing home, it does provide ' care similar to that of a nursing home and equal to that of the hos pital but less costly. For example, a private room in this unit is $9.50 vs $14.50 in the main hospital building. Also, a semi-private room is $8.00 $8.50 in contrast to $11.50 in the main hospital. Patients admitted to the South wing must be under a doctor's con tinuous care and receiving medica tion. It is anticipated that the pat ients in the South wing are placed there for a longer period than in the main hospital and therefore, are required to make an advance depos it of $240 or at a rate of $8.00 a day, minimum for a month. In many cases, patients may be given cred it for coverage with a reliable cred it company. Next Week National Farm Safety Week VJU.? mv.i. ?m . ?. r>uiiurs lioie: rne roi lowing article on Faran Safety Week was sent in by Anthony Westbrook of Albertson. Anthony is an active 4-H worker and has made much prog ress in the 4-H field. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 'WQlard Westbrook of Albertson.) By Anthony Westbrook July 11-87 has been set aside as National Farm Safety Week. All 4-H'ers should take advantage of this opportunity to locate and re mire causes of accidents m their H $***"* vm tbeir community a safer rtpce % live and work. The most lezardgup of all major occupations in America is farming. Since the torn of the century, the death rate due to accidents on the farm has declined tfeaflfly- The rate on farms was opce below the national average, but in recent years it has been higher. The dif ference seems to beincreasing, g It is in fanning that *ork safety! lags behind. Among farm residents! work accidents are second only to? motor vehicle accidents-comprising > SI per cent of die total. Safety de vices and procedures have been developed in other industries that have made their accident rate lower. If these same devices and procedures were put in practice on the farm we could bring farm safe ty back in line with the national average. Falls are a leading type of acci dent everywhere. Certainly on the farm they are no less important. According to the National Safety Council a farmers chances of fal ling me perhaps greater because he works under such varied condi tions and usually without direct su pervision. The farmer must climb on and off machinery and often he tloeft heavy work with poor fooMng available. He often has to wortt on slippery ground and in all kinds of weather.. The none is not exempt from ac cidents. Of the 18,400 people killed in 1961 as a result of fads, 11,800 of them were caused by falls in the home. Cluttered steps are common cause of fatal falls. 4-H'ers can check their heme and locate these danger spots and remove them Outdoor steps should be protected from rotting, weather damage and ice. Avoid scatter rugs that are not fastened securely. Ladders should be kept in good repair. All spills should be wiped up immediately. Halls and stairways should be light ed adequately. Night lights should be placed near the bathroom. Bath tubs and showers should be equip ped with rubber bathmats and grab bars. This advice taken seriously can prevent misery and save mon ey. Accident prevention should be a year round job. The official "week" set aside serves as a reminder that the job is important. 4-H'ers - lets make every week Farm Safety Week. To Attend State 4-H Club Week There will be 11 4-H dub mem . bers from Duplin County that will attend State 4-H Club Week in Ral eigh, July 22-27. Those attending are: Beverly Ann Grady, Pleasant Grove; Patricia Rouse, Greenwood; Stella Wejis, Greenwood; Mary Alice Thomas, Magnolia; Donna Turner, Dam; $ma Lee Hawes, Greenwood; Allan Johnson, I Beaver Dam; Bobby Good son, Plea sane Grove; Anfeony Westbrook, Woodland; Ray Robe$s, Jr., Stan ford. Accorapdnlng tntin are Mrs. 1 Ralph Hunter, adult 4-H leader 1 from Cedar Fork. Agents Lois Britt ( and Marion Griffin. ! 4-H dub raetphers from all 100 counties will atieqd Club Week and ? participate in such activities as ? demonstrations, dress revues, heal- ' th pageants and talent shews. Beverly Grady and Ray Roberts j will represent Duplin County during Club Week in the State Health PSg- 1 eant. Mary Alice Thomas will par- 1 ticipate in the sewhfg demonstra tion and^dressrevue^ 1 SAFETY HINT ! , from tiro Red Gross r-sr-*?1 .Jgn HOC Council Elects Officers At a recent meeting of the Coun cil of Home Demonstration Clubs of the county, Mrs. Willard Westbrook of Albertson was elected president. Other officers were: Mrs. Rhodes Voung, Rose Hill, Vice-president; Mrs. Willie Best, Mt. Olive. RFD Secretary, and Mrs. Dwigbt Miller, Beulaville, Treasurer. Other business discussed at the meeting was Hie state IFYE alumni panquet to be held in August at Lake JunaluSka. The State Organi sation of Home. Demonstration Clubs will sponsor the International Banquet with each county partici pating. The banquet and meeting is for all persons in the United States Paving served as an International Farm Youth Exchange Student. H. D. SCHEDULE H. D. Schedule for the remainder pf July is released as follows: Potters Hill, Maple. Cabin and Miller Clubs will meet July 19, at 1:90 p. m. at Potters Hill Communi ty Building. Teachey, Tin City, and Island Creek will meet July 29 at 2:90 p. m. in the Fellowship Hall of the Presbyterian church in Teachey. Penny Branch, Mineral Springs and (Friendly will meet at 2:90 ps m. July 24 at Penny Branch Club Bouse. South Kenansville and Morning : ^ m M j. Trial & Error Between the heat and busy peo ple, news is a "slow draw" around the county. The Sheriff's office seems to have less calls when everyone gets so busy. "Putting in tobacco" season in Eastern Caro lina is such a busy time and the sad part for the farm wives is that the majority of the canning season hits at the same time as the tobacco season. I don't see how in the wor ld they ever get it all done. On the tour yesterday of the farm of Jack Patterson for the treatment of Nematodes by chemicals wfere Peter Bowies from RhattffiJa. Stuart Ingham of Southern Rhodes ia and Joe Wtnterton of Australia. People do travel a long ways to see North Carolina tobacco. As hot as it was in that tobacco field, I imagine they felt that they had a hot reception. R. Thomson, Director of Dept. of Scientific and Ind. Res. of New Zealand was also there. Also present were representatives of both national and local Chemi cal companies. Joes Costin, our Sports writer, was just in the office and remarked that it would be only a month be fore we play our first football game. That doesn't seem possible, but it has really been a busy and short summer. Ruth BRIEFS CASEWORKER WORKSHOP The PubUc Welfare Caseworkers will attend a Workshop this week at the Municipal Building in Kin ston. Mrs. Dorthea Tucker and Miss Kate Shepard will attend. Miss Sheppard will be the main speaker; Mrs. Tucker will preside. This will be series 2 of S work shops for the new welfare case workers. PEOPLE READ A LOT Miss Dorothy Wightman, County Librarian, said today that 12,786 books have been issued from the County Library this year. The grand total of books issued from all the Branches of the County Lib rary have totaled 80,429, out of 23. 563 volumes la the collection. This states that the books have made an average turnover of 4 times within the year. Caught With Booze Leo Jarman, colored male, of Warsaw, was allegedly charged with the possession of non-tax paid whiskey, also for the possessslon for the purpose of sale. He is under $290 bond for his ap pearance in County Court, Aug, 22. ?inMKyn mrnn o" w MiiSwm RALEIGH - The Motor Vehicles Department's summary of traffic deaths through 10 A. M. Monday, July IS, 1963: Killed To Date 633 Killed To Date Last Year .... m Duplin Farmers Lost $381,000 In Gasoline Tax Refunds Last Year Judging by last year's experience, farm families in Duplin County will lose about $381,000 this year by fail ing to apply for a tax refund on gasoline used for non-highway pur poses. Statewide, the loss is expected to reach around $11.6 million, which would be nearly 70 per cent of the money available for refunds. Farmers are permitted by law to receive a six-cent refund from the state and a four-cent refund from the federal government on each gallon of gasoline they use in trac tors and other equipment on the farm. To receive this refund, however, a farmer must file an application with both the U. S. and N. C. De partments of Internal Revenue be tween July 1 and Sept. 30 of each year. Most farmers never go to the trouble of claiming the money. Figures on the loss estimates were compiled by the N. C. Depart ment of Internal Revenue and Jim Allgood, extension farm manage ment specialist at North Carolina State. Farmers who filed for a refund last year will automatically be mailed a form for filing again this year. Farmers who have not filed for a refund previously can get the necessary forms from their county extension office, or by writing to the N. C. Departmen tof Revenue, Raleigh, and the U. S. Department of Internal Revenue, Greensboro. Record Flue-Cured Yield Expected for NC RALEIGH, N. C., July - A record flue-cured yield of 1,935 pounds per acre is in prospect for North Caro lina according to the first official tobacco estimates for 1963 released by the North Carolina Crop Report ing Service. Such a yield would ex ceed the previous record 1,890 pou nds produced last year by 45 pou nds. Under a five percent reduction in flue-cured allotments, total pro duction would amount to 887 million pounds - 3 percent under the 1962 crop of 913 million pounds but 18 per cent above the 1957-61 average of 753 million pounds. Changes from last year in the conditions for the Eastern Belt, which contains the largest flue-cu red acreage, are responsible for the improved outlook. Last year the eastern area was hit by devastating floods along the coast and by ex cessive rains in other localities As a result," the Eastern Belt yfekf was cut 155 pouadft below its i960 re cord, whereas all-time record yields were set in the other flue-cured belts. The yield per acre of 2,190 pounds forecast for the Border Belt is 125 pounds below last year's and the 1,850 pounds forecast for the Middle and Old 'Belts is off 10 pou nds. In the Eastern Belt, however, a prospective yield of 1,950 pounds is 12S pounds above last year's thus, bringing the estimated total flue cured average to an all -time re cord. Droughty conditions delayed tra nsplanting and resulted in uneven and broken stands especially where irrigation was not available. Good stands, however, were finally ob tained in practically all areas, but growing plants have been hamper ed by unusually cool weather, light frost having hit many fields as late as the first of May. Under these un favorable conditions the older stands of tobacco buttoned out per maturely in all sections of the State. Despite this and the sub sequent failure of plants to put on a maximum number of leaves the crop is generally more uniform than usual and is growing vigorous ly Yield and production forecasts for North Carolina by all types are as follows: Type 11: (Middle and Old Belts) Production 334,830,000 pounds from 181,000 acres with a yield of 1,850 pounds. Type 12: (Eastern or New Bright Belt) Production 432,900,000 pounds from 222,000 acres yielding 1,950 pounds. Type 13: (Border Belt) Produc tion 119,325,000 pounds from 55,500 acres with a yield of 2,150 pounds. Type 31: (Burley Tobacco) Produ ction 23,375,000 pounds from 11,000 acres with a yield of 2,125 pounds. The national flue-cured crop is estimated at 1,340,838,000 pounds for a decrease of 5 percent from the 1,408,448,000 pounds produced last year. Burley production, forecast at 670,375,000 pounds would be one per cent below the 674,658,000 pounds harvested in 1962. PROBABLE LAST LUSITANIA DISASTER SURVIVOR DIES WILMINGTON ? Funeral services were held Monday morning in Ar lington National Cemetery for Col. Owen Hill Kenan, 92, retired Army officer believed to be the last re maining survivor of the Lusitania disaster in 1915. He died in Wil mington Tuesday night. Services were held at 11 a. m. The body remained at the Ward Funeral Home until Sunday. Kenan, a native of Duplin Coun ty and the son of Confederate Army Capt. James G. Kenan, was on a pleasure cruise to Europe abroad the Canard steamship which was torpdoed by a German submarine off the coast of Ireland on May 7, 1915. The ship sank in 18 minutes with the loss of 1,150 lives. Reaction to the disaster was one of the causes of the United States entry into Wor ld War I. Kenan served in the French Army during the World War I and was awarded the French Croix de Gue rre and Legnion of Honor. He graduated from the University of North Carolina and attended the University of Pennsylvania Medical College. He was a part-time resident of Palm Beach, Fla., and New York City. I UNLESS YOU SIGNAL M Ifl TURNS AT LEAST * f| 100 FEET IN AMRNCEJ^P\ 9 Nematode Demonstration Held On Jack Patterson Farm Last Tuesday H*: RUTH GRADY The Jack Patterson farm in Al bertson Township was visited yes terday (Tuesday) for a demonstra tion test. Visiting the farm were about 35 persons representing soil fumigation ? soil fungicide chemi cal companies doing research work in the field of tobacco nematodes. The itenerary for the tour of soil fumigation and soil fumigation re search was held on July 16 and 17 and included counties in the Border and Eastern Tobacco Belts. The group made stops in Cumberland, Sampson, Duplin, Lenoir, Craven, Wilson, Edgecombe, Greene and Wayne counties. On Tuesday they stopped for lunch in Kenansville. The tour was sponsored primarily by the N. C. Agriculture Extension Service under the direction of Furney Todd who is Pathologist for the N. C. Extension Service. Most of the people attending were man ufacturers or representatives of farm chemicals. Approximately half of the group was from out of state. Dr. Joe Sasser who was also with them is State College and is Assitant Professor of plant Patho logy. His primary field heads up Nematode work. The farm of Jack Patterson was the farm in Duplin which cooperat ed with the soil fumigation demon stration, on which new chemicals for root knot nematode control in tbacco was tried. Most of the chemicals used have not been released to the farmers yet. For the demonstration, five plots were set up in one field of tobacco, all fumigants were put out at the same time and after a fourteen day waiting period th tobacco was set out on the plots at the same time. Chemicals used on the five plots were - Plot No. 1, Penphene at the rate of three pounds per acre. Plot No. 2, penphene at the rate of two pounds per acre. Plot No. 3, no treatment of any kind. Plot No. 4, Vidden - D at the rate of ten gal lons per acre. Plot No. 5, DCB-60, at the rate of 10 gals, per acre. Results shown from the five plots were: Plot No. 1 with penphene at the rate of three lbs. per acre show ed no nematodes present today. Plot No. 2, penphene at two pounds per acre had just a slight sign of infestation. Plot No. 3, having no treatment showed serious Nema tode trouble. Plot No. 4 with Viden D, no Nematodes. Plot No. S, treat ed with DCB-60, no Nematodes but all tobacco died and had to be replanted because of fumigation in jury. Other farms in Duplin County have participated in experiments natures other than Nematode con trol. Farms participatin gin Tobac co Variety demonstrations were Emmett Rogers of Pink Hill; Har old McCullen of Mt. Olive; Herbert Best of Warsaw; Glenn Raynor of Beulaville; and Richard Boyce of Wallace. Weed Control experiments were held on the farm of Kenneth Max well of Pink Hill. Use of Manzate chemicals to control black shank was held on the farm of Hilton Ma ready fo Chinquapin. On Friday, July 19, a sucker con trol demonstration with the use of three new chemicals for the control of suckers in addition to MH-30 will be held on a farm. Jim Bunce, Assitant Agricultur- { al agent of Duplin County, said "These farmers in Duplin County who are participating in the demon stration program are doing a won derful thing for the farmers of the county. By the demonstrations in the county, what can be done is actually shown under our condit ions, with our type of soil rather than information received from ex perimental stations under other conditions." Leaders Promote Fitness At Scout Camo Leaders of the Camp Tuscarora at Dudley conducted by the Tusr carora Council of the Boy Scouts of America are doing all they can in building a stronger America thro ugh building stronger men Last year the Scout movement launched a special year-round pro gram to give boys of, this area more opportunities todewlop the kind of fitness they need, Dr. Tal bot F. Parker, Goldsboro, Chairman of the council's Health and Safety Committee, said today. "Physical fitness, Dr. Parker said, "along with character build ing and citizenship training have been principal objectives of Scout ing since it began in America in 1910. This is accomplished by our activities, programs, and skills whi ch are fun and natural for boys." The "Fit for Tomorrow" program, Dr. Parker said, includes a medi cal checkup, physical testing, plen ty of outdoor action and later, re testing to check progress. Learning to get along with others is a by-product of this program. Scouting activities at Scout camps help boys to "grow up emotionally.' First phase of the program is the medical checkup required of every boy as he goes to Scout camp. This helps determine his need for exer cise and assists camp leaders to de termine each boy's fitness program according to his abilities. Physical testing enables a boy to find out what he can do in compar ison with others. These include sit ups, pull-ups, standing broad jump, fifty-yard dash, and 600-yard run walk. Exercise and vigorous physical activities on hikes and in Scout camps make up the third phase of the program. Periodic retesting using the same tests measure the boy's growth and need for further development. The regular summer camp .pro gram includes a variety of physical activiites-beginning with walking More strenuous exercise is invol ved in many of the normal camp ing activities, which are appealing and create boy interest. Swimming, rowing, paddling, and other aquatic sports off^r fitness training. Hik ing, climbing, chopping, sawing, pioneering activities, treasure hunts, orienteering, and many other regular camping activities devolep Lee Brown Attends Insurance Seminar ? physical fitness. Chinning bars, vaulting rails, and the heaving lines, create lots of in terest and activity. Boys practice and compete with each other while waiting fop something else to start. Individual and team competitions are encouraged. Vaulting rails are instilled in pair* so that two in di^dnals or $*> relay teams tan dwapete agahrst each other. In the troop and patrol areas are located a chinning bar, rope climb, a vaulting fence and a log crossing. In the general camp area are found a monkey bridge, a rope swing, and a log drag. At the waterfront there are staged canoetilting con tests and a one-man event is long birling, testing the skill and balance of the best swimmers as they try to keep the log rolling, stand up right, and stay afloat at the same time. Hiking is an excellent exercise and has been described as an "out door walk with purpose and vigor." Each year nearly 36,000 Boy Scouts and Explorers qualify for the hiking merit badge. Requirements include taking five hikes of ten continuous miles each, on five separte days, a knowledge of good hiking practices, foot care, safety precautions, knowledge of safe drinking water and cooking fires. Also required is a written plan for a ten-mile hike, including may route, clothing and equipment list, ad the proper ingredients for a trail lunch. After sufficient training and hiking practice, a hike of twenty continuous miles is done in one day. Finally after all six hikes, a re quired written report tells dates, (Continued On Back) Lee E. Brown, Representative for the Jefferson Standard Life Insur ance Company in Warsaw, return ed this week from Raleigh, where he attended a business insurance seminar held at the Sir Walter Hotel. Fifty Jefferson Standard repre sentatives from four of the Com pany's Branch Offices in North Car olina and Virginia attended the seminar, which began Monday, July 8, and ended Wednesday, July 10. Agencies represented were Goldsboro, Raleigh, Wilmington and Norfolk, Va. Mr. Brown was invited to attend the seminar because of his out standing record as a career life ih surance underwriter with Jefferson Standard which has its home office in Greensboro, N. C. New P. 0. Building For Teachey Congressman David N. Hender son announces that the post office department has accepted Mr. Ray McMillian's bid for the construction of a new post office building in Teachey. The building will be lo cated on the corner of McMillian street and west avenue and the fol lowing specifications have been ap proved: Interior. 1003 square feet; platform, 104 square feet: paved area, 3,500 square feet. The lease is for five years with three five-year renewal options. mm*?C -j Vets Scholarship 1 (Editor's Note: The foliofting let- J ter is self explanatory. Huaeel Lan ney Hill is the son of lfe1. and Mrs, Roger Hill of Beulavffle. He gra- f duated from East Duplin High Sch ool in the class of 1963) Mr. Russell Lanney Hill Route 1 Beulaville, North Caroling Re: Hffl, Roger 6-3 689 821 fl Dear Mr. Hill: We take pleasure in informing you that the Nprth Carolina Veter ans Commission has awarded yon a scholarship pursuant to 6. S. 116, Section 151 (2), as amended. This scholarship entitles you to free tuition, a reasonable room and board allowance, and such other items and institutional services as jH are embraced within the instht- I ttonal matriculation fees and other special fees and charges" required to be paid as a condition ?"remain- M ing in said institution ; i* pursuing the course of study selected. It does not include your book fee. This 9 scholarship shall not extend for a period longer than four academic years, which years need not be con secutive. Notification of this award is being sent to Mr. Marvin E. Woodard. University Cashier, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. In the event you are un able to enter college this year, you are required to notify the Director, 9 North Carolina Veterans Commis sion, Box 2187, Raleigh. North Caro lina, immediately, so that a substi- I tute can take your place. Your enjoyment of this scholar ship depends upon your meeting the standards required by the in stitution you have chosen to attend. We are sure you will use this op portunity in such a manner that it will reflect credit upon your family, the institution you attend and your State. Sincerely yours, (Signature) Collin McKinne ? m m ? au __/Hi Lash Gifts Mf. Olive College Increased MOUNT OLIVE - Cash gifts to Mt. Olive College for 1962-63 increased 16 percent and set a new record of $94,236, Charles H. Harrell, college treasurer, revealed today. The old record was $75,784 set last year. Principal support came from the "Free Will Baptist Church, sponsor of the college, which gave $71,221 as compared with 138,752 last year. Community support increased from $17,831 to $23,014. The Mount Olive Community gave $14,796, Goldsboro $6,235 and other Communities $1,982. Ute list of gifts for the fiscal year ended June 30 does not include a gift of slack by Or. C. C. Henderson Mount Olww physician, valued at $18,800, ooijdoes it include pledges 004 ^ ^ 'J "This year with the beginning of the building program on bur new campus, we hope to double our in- 3 come through gifts," President V. jjfl Burkette Raper declared. Topsail Tide TableJ| Pate Day High Tide * Low T(^^| 18 Thura. 5:27 6:63 11:81 1 19 Fri. 6:25 6:58 12:* MW. JjS 30 03 jjj 8:68 ^

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