IBeufaville Society * -' ' ? w f - - - ... +,{ u L * J p' ? ? ? *? ' ' * ? Cy By Sybil Lankr J m * ' "" "' " * ' ' ' ' 1 ? mi' ' ?> P Personals fc Bpggg visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard McDowell and daughters in Kins ton Friday. ' Mr. ancl Mrs. Bill Carroll left '? 1 ? ? Sunday morning for a two week vacation, they plan to sight*** in Quebec. Canada while away. ,3 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Clark and fam ily spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Clark. Mrs. Viola tyhafey it a patient in Parrott's Hospital in Kinston. Mr and Mrs Richard Williams were in Goldsboro Wednesday night. Mrs. Peannie Blizzard and Sambo were in Kinston Tuesday. Mrs. Zoya Jones and Mrs. Mattie B. Sutton and Kate Jones shopped in Kinston Taesday. Mrs. Carl Heme and daughter, Tina spent Saturday and Sunday at Surf City Beach. Mrs. Ike Ives, and daughters. Amy, Susan and Beth spent last week at WrightsviUe Beaeh with her sister and brothers families. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith and Becky Ann spent several days last week at Topsail Beaek. Mrs. Carl Home and Tina were at Surf City Thursday. Or. and Mrs. F. L. Norris and Frank and Jerry Grady left Sunday for a months vacation, they plan to visit in Okla. and also to sight see in the Western states. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brinson had ITi Sunday dinner at the Souftertaire est i Srr'eflri RwneU Lazier Kit * ty Tuner and Mildred Williams w had the supper at the Souther nahe in Sneads Perry Kstdaf eight. Mr. and Mr* Oleaa Lenier. Abhte and Cathy #?ot several day* at ? E?erqM late la*t week, t Mr. Archie Lanier, Kim and Art fished at Emerald We Thursday. Mrs.. John Thomas, Ricky and Johnney and Mr. apd Mrs. Glen wood Thomas and children meet ^several days last week at White i Miss Beverly Denny of Washing ton, D. C. spent the weekend with > her faewfe ie BeuiaviAle ?marly i is employed with the FMi in Wads a^too. i j >tu tv] i 'a i I Mrs Lfla K t*n&r thdpphd in Coldeboro Saturday. Mr. Behhy Kennedy ef Raleigh spent the weekend, with his mother, Mm. WmlSBm Mrs. Clyde ttMason and Mrs * Ar chie Lanier spent Friday and Satur day in Raleigh1 visiting Mm. Nick Hodge, Mrs. e (K Sandlin and ' Mrs. R. E Quinn Mr and Mrs. Gardner Edwards spent several days during the week at'Myrtle Beach. S ?>' Guests of Mm. Mine Kennedy during the week were Mies June Miller of Swaneboro and ilo Am Quinn of LaGrange. Circle flo. 3 Met The womfch, of.Circle No 3 of the BewlavUla Presbyterian Church met Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Ike Ives. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mrs. Scott Smith, followed by prayer. ... After the Scripture reading.taken,, from MATTHEW 26: 17-30 a ques tion and answer period followed , with each member taking an active ; part. At the close of the study. Mrs. Ives served refreshments of Straw berry Short cake to the nine mem- , hers present. The August meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Carl Home. Outlaw's Bridge * **?r? ** *f w * *???? News ? ?>? The Rev. Tfinh'V. Hawkins of Chapel Hill wW Wiping minister for the Sunday ' morning service and guest of Lewis W. Outlaw at the dinner hour. Members of the Home Demon stration' Club met with the Albert son Club, Tuesday, Ally 9th at 8:30 p. m. for their regular July meet ing. Mrs. Ambrose Smith-presided. Devotions wnre give* by Mrs. Gra ham Teachey, Mrs.' Mae Spicer, Home Agent, gave an interesting demonstration on "Bed Spreads You Can Make." Club eoHsct teas used to close the meeting. Mrs. Lesaie Horton was hostess to bridge players at her home Fri day night. The Rev. and Mrs. Vinton Bow ering and children of Milford, Mass., have been guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Outlaw for several days. Messrs. Ebner i. Outlaw of Avon dale, Arizona and M. L. Grady of Aibattson werw brief visitors here Met ThufrtUF. libs. L. 8jj,?$ng of Greensboro and Miss Wunift Ring of Charlotte spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Outlaw. Mr- and,Mm. A. J. Nichols and * TV . ! >W f " \'l ?! > ' ? 1 1 of film*, visited relative* Sun Ma*weU of Wilson rs a fiinday vUltor with relatives. Miss Marie Biaeli of Raleigfc m visiting Mr. and Mre. M. W. Sut ton tws week, St nator Simmons has returned torn*. "A< wy-*. "'5P?r " Mr and Mrs I and Sunday witfi Mr. ana MrT m tnf ?? t. | Buy-NOW - Bfeettcious wr0*? Home Grown I Peaches I I Andrews Produce Market NEW LOCATION Next To Price's Gulf Service Station WARSAW, N. C, ? ? ?. mm mm i folAYAWAY Savings now on twin, fuR mid king-size blankets! I small deposit holds your selection in layaway. Stock up during our pre-season sale of top quality blankets . . . marvelous values for your home, for back-to school, for gifts! Just a small deposit will hold your selection until Fall. Every blanket is a well-known brand. The savings are stupendous ... we are offering the best for less! I mm mM . - HIGHLAND AND EVERGLADE BLANKETS ?, ? 72^x90"^Practical size for twin or c^oubl^bedft; Am,. ? ? Hign^uff for extra warmth ? Washable f v# Guaranteed against moth damage. $2.98 ? EVER LOOM BLANKET ? Size 70"x90" ? Hand &jr9en Prints and Solids ? 90% Rayon ? 10% Acrylic ? 100% Nylon Binding $5.98 BLl 1 WRme I CHATHAM CAMPUS BLANKET Students can Pick the blanket with the school emblem of their choice? I University of North Carolina ? North Carolina State College I Duke University 100"fc Virgin Acrylic Fiber Guaranteed aaginst shrinkage. Guaran eed against moth damage. 66"x90" twin bed size. Regular 10.98 S9?9S Ik -. i 'jJ tZ BRYSON MANOR ElECTRIC BLANKETS pNew Exclusive PERMANAP. Greatly reduces shedding and plUhg. T$ fcoipg maintain "Like New" Appearance. ffwo Year replacement guarantee. 74% Rayon, 20% Acrylic, 6% Nylon Kuble Bed Si2e 72"x84" Your Choice Of Colons SINGLE CONTROL DUAL CONTROL . $12.98 $14.98' ? ?. - ? J Condensed Statement * US * i ? v- ^ yvf ?;- -.p , ,, ,:?< . AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 3p, 1963 I ? .*i> ] AT THE rTvOSE Ol' IS } 4 ... 4^ +*0 ty fy,'w ' ?' RESOURCES Klfl >IU' ?? m mh in*" t ?- "4 Cash and Due from Banks Bunks ' f afad Governrtient Agency Obligations $23,379,825.96 State and Municipal Bonds 23,1^4,916.76 tloahs and Discounts ' ' ' *** kAWflh allfl MloVvUlUb ? -Mf?" fft.V Accrued Interest?Investments v ?) t.' ? ? ? . . Qther 'Asset* s Betaking Houses, Equipment and Heal Estate A 'I V n - ? , > ' IMl J* 4 1 f V' ' ? $ 22,185,086.08 ? .liiJI 47,174,822.72 51,'892,856.87 238,25^.27 475^080.061 mZ52g $124,823,MO ? ?? *<44 n' LIABILITIES "v+p 'I _ . - + ?? - ?? Capital Stock Surplus Undivided Profits Reserve Account?Accrued and Unearned Interest, Insurance, Taxesmd Other Reserves, Other Liabilities (.. Inter-OfficeClearings deposits -- , J, 11 ' ' ' 4 . . > v '? v :fefv. p pi*?%, . .. ;? $ 2,110,000.00 s io,twto^o.^o ;\ t . >*\ ; ''[ ?# f. IWAZiM I4fl^ia.38 880,0*1.44 10SfmiflMft' . ..$1?#3,894.22 i Wilson, Raleigh, Fayetteville, Kinston, Goldsbore, New Bern, Elm City, Faison, Fremont, Magnolia Micro, Pikeville, Plymouth, Princeton, Roper, Saratoga, WWlhlM^War ilaw, WHMamston/'BtnelrCreek, Cory. * 1 r ?!*}i\t??n-g? 1$*ajWallacr, W 5 M f Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation X _* * ? Mh W *' . ,,f % . |j ? ' 7 "55 . . , "" - Z i . r;, . . ?; ' ' ' ' 1. i ? ??.".?? ? ? 4 '-?-' -'44-. ? -? J ?< ? - . . ' ' X 3 TIMES FASTER ?/V ? -*? ' ? * - "1 - i V., V i- -# Ml _ ~ ~ c4 area 1 11 a i :??? ? * ? ' ? ? ?D ftdrfR I mymt* wHfitMip f? wart Mke t ? Ift CM ?** ??* JMPih B0f tTJH ot elmlils water Iwatei, day mb gbi duaa times as many kot baths as befose. And the coat par gdlal of tot i *"?* li ltanri^.?M lyi* "h&i* f Safe?fast?flameless?yon can install h anywhere . . ? attic, base ment, rlnnnt malar sslin|i>n -pr ilfVy.i fties or vents needed. It's safe as your electric light* Triple your hot water mm)f soon. Call an electric appliance dealer, eUetrieat ooi*afltev,.or a ssashy-CJ^iL.lOitoa.dor fads and a FREE BOOKLET about the Quick Recovery Electric Water Heater. It's three times as fast and fiS OQyife it'8 flamedees. ? * #* ? - ? ' m- j " . ????.