Personals Mrs. Hybert and Pebra, Ann of Warsaw, Mrs...Jasper, .SHndecson and baby, Magnolia; Mhw Caroyln Whitman, Rose H1H; and Miss Dor. is.Whitman ef Beverly Bilk, Calif., ; were recent visitors of their aunt, Mrs. Npra Jackson and other frii ends i*,th{% Wcigt* j ,, Mr..and,JJrs...Allen Berwick of Mt. Olive jristtnd Mr.,and Mrs. Lg< ther Wiltons* Spndey,, k , Mrs. parrie Scott spent Thursday I Bifht wRh. the .Ctaud, , Powells in Warsaw. , Mrs.^Marat,Ap4?5oo jgas a pat 1 lent aV.Upoir Memorial hospital a few,days last week, where.she had , eye surgery. ? ,, Sunday, Ms .and Mrs. David Bar de? ffpdi fwaUy-of Print* too, wese I guests of the WiWam Wallers. > , Scattris, at.howe joh lowing several days stay at Parrott ? Menw#WPfc)!l*MPKWisWfl for me?i leal treatment ' lU viiuTH'.s T?ft, Hfirtov^ CwH Eornegay, Eugene Outlaw., p. A, 15*#, Qarrte Scott ao4 Saws Dad of .the.Scott *. p C. Vishect with tbe.Oak Ridge Club Friday after t noon, at ,thp pa)t C^injrnnnipt ?jSk. and Mr*. i;iW, PowatLaftd daMgbtar,nC W*fsa^5i?d suwwr taitb Mrs. Qacrie SwU SatyrU^, Marie returned home ;with them foUftwing a vi$ f#|> he^ grandmouier,^ , w , . 1 Mrs. Gerald Cenu?d Daley el Rose, .fljil bad,, dbuwr wxrfttk. Mrs, H*l?v, Waller Wednesday, i, * v , Winnie Thuaw ofiQilftPe*Hon stsotion Club mem hen met Wed nesday at the Community building. Mrs. Carl Rivei\|>ark's devotional reading was t?apd o? bsdepeadenre Day. In her remarks she told the group Communism -was some of the ; t,f ..t V' ?? * ? * 1 - ? W 01 w y f I and children of Dublin were guests of Mrs. . ffefcsi Walter Saturday '"^Mr. and Mrs, Ronnie Carter and fcab* oj Mt. Olive, Mr. apcf.MB* EMridge Carter apd dauhger of Calyjuo ween visitors in the Elbert Carter home Sunday. Sunday, Mc and M?. gdd Carter vistted Mrs- TBHard Lane, a patient at.,Wayue Memorial hospital ? | The Rev. and Mre. H A. Orubbs and family were guests of the H. J. buttons, Sunday at dinner rellowmg worship service at Long Ridge "Church, , . (Intended Per Last Weoh> Faye Waller attended a weiner rpast with other members at the A. P. C. of Snow Hill Church at the CWfs t>| N^wse State Parle Friday. . ?Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thigpen, Jr. of High Paint were weak end guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thigpen Sr. Visitng In the Henry Sutton home Wednesday were Mrs. La wrence McKanna and daughters of New Bedford. Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Larry McKeona and baby of Tarawa Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hagovf* and children, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hargroves and family of Albany, Ga, aqd Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Har goves and baby of Ontario, Can ada left for their home Friday following several days visit here with their toother Mrs. Thelma Hargroves ( ? Sam Waiter attended a N. (?? Republican Executive Committee meeting ,jn .Charlotte Saturday others attending with him were Dr.. R. A. Wilkins of Mt. Olive, P. Q M*y ;of ffcjdtoy Vd At*. Julian Gaskill, Goldsbofo. , Mr. and M^.Jarvie Outlaw agd son and tyelson Darnells; of Char lotte spent the fourth of July holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Outlaw,. y ' Eldridge Carter of Calypso and Edd Carter went ta Hajmptoa, Vp. last wekettf fur a visii,rwith the Harvey Ftgford. Their wives *e turned home with them after spending a week with the Pig ford family. ? u ? i Nancy Scott of Southern, Pines and Mrs. Helen Waller visited the Gerald Cwrs at Rose Hill Mon day. - ft> .'Mrs. Claud Powell and Sony a of Warsaw spent Wednesday night with he* mother Mrs. 0?r rie Scott." *-w ? ? ? J?ill, 1 session, a report was heard frian, ,tke . nominating committee Jpr officers. Mr*. Jonas S^KISC mi***tayate ^ Mrs. n t gcatt was eleaUd ,pre sident; Mrs. Eugene Outlaw, Vice president; M/a. Cecil Kornegay, secsetary. .and. M(8. {rvin Korne gay. tieawrer. ??. i Mrs. Helen Waller gave ten com mandments on health. Treasurers repast Was heard from Mrs. Cecil Komegay. Mrs. Jonas Datt led in recreation, Picnic wag planed for August M, at flitiiMbess, The annual flower show was hek) at this meeting. A tiger lily ar. range merit displayed by Mrs. Oar* rie Scott wen firat place, and ari raagement of marigolds presented by Mrs. Helen Waller teak sownd, Mrs. Jonas Dall came out third palce with a container of yoHow dair sies. Mrs. Taft Herring presided at the meeting. t mh -sir Refreshments wfceaecved by tbo hostess, Mrs. B. L.. Scott, and Mrs. Cork Riveobark, assisted. by Mas. Klvira-yHilL.Twai visitors attended, Mrs. Claud Powell of Warsaw and Mrs. William Wallfr v,?, I sTftp ;; itSr ;; V. I B.A.K. GAS XT ATI 0II uiuaitll NEXT TO UOTUN MOTORS I W&SAW? W. t! GAS *OR Less Regular?27c ftr Gallon Hi-Test?30c M 1/10 Octane 103 Octane MX Sella Gaa AnitfcdtoMMl U- V.?Nevaf Gives Out" All Brands Of Oil BELTON D. "MIN'SHEW ? OWNEltS ? MAfTlE MINSHEW ? ? I WWII ? I Sam' s Otu^tote | V Rose Hill, N. C. ' -ri'TTr-i i ?1*1 Irtt-tolt SI 1 *-?? Operator* Oi - XofA"X>Lfoieti 1 Pfctift i graphs and fcoof'TaMes. Cigarette Vindors. New and Used Records. * 91* BttmMt St. Clinton, N. C." ~ , J '"I ?. | Etecffic&^iiing Co. 'WtOoF i ? B iiftPORf Af^I TO ? - w i ?p*^ ?(Oi H FINANCIAL SUCCESS, I Tin* n i ? t \ '?? - - ?... I - ? i - . ? L. ywtWI ! * V.. Y L\ JUST SO, Ipp^N WHO IS GETTING SOMEWHERE FINANCIALLY BUD GETS HIS EXPENSES TO PERMIT U . VL Mc ~ A - ? ? SYSTEMATIC MtlNGS , 19*. ^ ? "l $ H + + * jjr, ? "'t'fii ?%' Art*#1! Interest At The Rate Of uu* ?* r*? !? PI f 11 HI ? KB ' ?? . - -".4 VV, -n When Left On Deposit | 1? Jytopjhs | Or Longer MPOSIT5rH. MADE BY 10TH. ?f DRAW OF MONTH DRAW INTEREST FROM 1ST. QF MONJH. . gt Orr ?.