]l[^. By Mre CJB., Ivey A' v \ Luk. MMbn Dai) and ? Mr and Mrs. Lerv mm of Garner, ware ?Mac the weekend of Mis.1 ?ilea and Tome 1 I) n K ?r4 V OlimWftAV ^^?^Kazl. nOOcIT b. jUllinini ?p. Nell and Julia of Dub ?attend guests of Mr. and ^^E-Mrs. John I. Amon, Sr. Are Hajr Amon and infant ^^?^Wayne Memorial hoepj berd Friday. ?iff Mis Raymond Wolf of ^^?w MMted Mr. and Mrs. Les ?tittr, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny I Mr. end Mrs. Robert ftog iktnw Eaell, Mr. and Mrs. visited Mr. and Mrs Southerlami and daufh ?hreaia, of New Bern Sunday. HB Is imprevud after urtder PfKid Mrs. BiH Qutrm and Wil mmmarn of Race Hill visited Mr. Mm! Mra. Eddie Goodman Sunday, {?tt Mra. E. J. Hill and De ?in-Mere dinner guests Sunday of pR MlMrs. Goe Grady Whitted of I M^r- add Mrs. James E. West fentt el Albertson, Vernoon Batche-1 ' ? ??1 lor of New Bern, Mrs. Lillian Bat cheior and Jean oflitt. Olive, visi ted Mr. and Mrs. John I. Anion, Sr., ? during the wetWend. Mrs. Fred Alphin, Sr., spent sev eral days last week with Mr. and I Mas. Faison Smith. Jr., and daught er of Raleigh. The Rev and Mrs: Lemuel Taylor and Breada of Richlands. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bell, James and Janice were guests Sunday of Mrs. Annie Jtose Bell of Mt. Olive. Mr. and Mrs. Oerald Cherry and son Dean, returned to their home in Oxford; California, Wedensday following a visit with Mb. Cherry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cherry. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Best and soas, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brtason and children of Goldsboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dail during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Jersigan visi ted Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Jerni gan of Durham Tuesday and Wed nesday. Mrs. Jernigan isia patient at Duke hospital and is recovering satisfactorily after undergoing sur gery last week. Mrs. Ella Outlaw sponb the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutton of Warsaw. Ms. and Mrs. Donnell Alphin, Terry and Laurie of Fayetteville visited Mrs. Fred Alphin and Peggy Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Summerlin of Rosewood, Teresla Askew of Golds boro, and Mrs. Mabel Weaver of Carolina Beach were guests Mon day of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers. Rodney Thigpen of Rones Chapel visited the Rogers' on Saturday. Mrs. Florence Houston of War saw, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ivey and other relatives of this Comm unity Wednesday. - -Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Jernigan visi ted Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Goodson of Kinston Thursday, Valorie Good son went with them enroute to her home in Greenville following a visit with the Jernigans Charles McPberson of Hampton, Va., is visiting Mrs. Ella Outlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Outlwa. Mrs. Clint Rouse of Kenansville. visited Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Whit man recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Kornegay and Edith of Mt. Olive, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ivey Sunday -Womans Auxiliary Planned For Friday The Womans Auxiliary of Rooty Branch Church will meet Friday, July 19 at 8 o'cloek at the Church. Members are urged to attend; visi tors are invited. J* f Magnolia Society Personals I " ... ..... .1 Mrs. NWtwallier aim children of Newport News, Va., were guests of Kite Betty Home oa Tuesday. Miss Home relumed home with them ftr avteit. Mr. Hubert Tucker is spending this week at Mars HiU. ?f'l0sr Melrose Gaylor of 'Winston Mm and Mrs. Charlie Gaylor of Goldsboro visited Miss Betty Home and the J. N. Homes' Saturday. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. :G. Turner on Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Turner, Lauren Jan and Richard of Miami, Florida. Mr. and Mrs/ 0, K. Wood,, Paul and Susan oft New Bern Mrs. Emi ly Dafl and Eraily Sue of Chinqua pin came in' the afternoon. Mr. and Sin. Ira Thornton of Turkey viattetf Mr.'and Mrs. M. J. Kelly, Wednesday Mrs Jerry Henry . Cattle of Rose Htt visited Mr.', and Mrs. Alvin Powell and farjuty Sunday aftenoon. Little Miss Ami Pickett spent er, Mrs. MartlS^Lanier of the Con cord Community. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Welch of Goldsboro visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pickett Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Brinson of Kenansville were Sunday night sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Powell. Mrs. George Whitfield and Miss Ada Haynes of Goldsboro visited Mrs. Fred Pickett) Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Geddie and sons, Ed and Al of Portsmouth, Va. returned home Sunday after spend ing a few days''with' Mrs. J. E. Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Carl ten Smith. Mr .and Mrs) Lawrence Turner. Lauren Jan and Richard and Mr. end Mrs. L. G. Turner were Mon day night supper guests of Mrs. Emily Dail and family in Chinqua pin. H .r-r ??( M ; I Miss Sallie"and Cynthia Brown of Fayetteville visited Ann Pickett Wednesday afternoon. ' Mrs. Verlie Watts, Joyce, Jackie and David of Wallace visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Powell and family Sunday afternoon. ?- , Mr. and Mrs. Ed -Evans, Sheila, Janet and Nancy of Wilmington woe weekend guests of Mr. James Ttacker and Mr. and Mhs. AWin Powell and family Ulfr^andMrs^RichardS^aoms of Winston Salem spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pope. Mrs. Emily Dail and Emily Sue of Chinquapin spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Turner. In the afternoon, Mrs. Dail, Emily Sue, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Lawrence Turner and Lauren Jan shopped in 'Wal lace . Mrs. Hubert Tucker and Dan went to Campbell College, Buies Creek, Wednesday. Ellis Tucker who has been attending summer school there returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Turner, Lauren Jan and Richard spent Friday in New Bern with Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Wood. Mrs. Thelma Goodman of Siloam Springs, Arkansas, is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. E. Pope and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenenth Johnson and children, Peggy, Betsy, Terry and Kenny are spending a few days touring the mountains is western, North Carolina and Tennessee. Bettie''Rouse who is attending summer school in Greenville spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rouse. Nancy Jones of Pink Hill and Harriet Rivers of Wadesboro and Raleigh spent the weekend with Mr. N. T. Pickett. Mary Lou Davis of Sanford and Rachel Johnson of Raleigh spent the weekend with Mrs. C. H. Pope. Mrs. Jerry Smith visited Mrs. Louise Hobbs in Clinton Thusrday. Mr. Victor Tucker, who is at tending summer school in Green ville, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tucker. Mr. Homer Wilsan and dauhgter, and a friend fient Portsmouth, Va. spent the weOkend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson. Mr?. Wilson and Keith returned home with them after a visit here with relatives, i Mr. and Mrs. Tqm Kissaer, Har riet and Tammy went to 'White Lake Sunday. . i. k ? ( Miss Brenda Bunn at Zebolon, Mrs. Jimmie Scott of Ashboro, and Miss Ann Barn hart of Concord spent the weekend with Mr. and Mra. Jerry Smith. , Mrs. Maggie Johnson of Turkey ia spending a few days with Misses COra and Alemtp Edwards. Mr/ and Mrs. I. J. Taylor of Renaerlea visited. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis and Annette of Sanford visited Mr. and ' - - T Mrs. Jerry Smith Saturday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Sasser, Nelson Baker and Stanley Baker spent the weekend at Carolina Beach. Mrs. J. D. Johnson, Danny and Tammy of Turkey and M rs. Geo rge Johnson of, Warsaw, visited Misses Cora and Almeta Edwards, Friday. Gene Rouse left Monday for Albe querque, New Mexico, where he will enter the Air Force as a 1st Lieu tenant. Gene Rouse was dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Newkirk Sunday. Sunday guests of Mrs. Alice Kor negay were Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kornegay and Sue of Mt. Olive and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kornegay; Jim mie, Joe, Marsha and Jerry of Warrenton. VA Pensions May Be Affected Poiwant t\( A^minioirn i a^iiuii ui ? cici aiw nuuiiiiiaii a tioit pensions to veterans or their de pendents may be affected by the payment of increases in Civil Ser? vice annuitiei, J. D. DeRamus, Manager of the Winston-Salem VA Regional Office, said today.z zz These increases may raise the to tal income of the veteran or depen dent concerned beyond the amount on which the ,VA> originally abased entitlement to present monthly pay ments. All pensioner# must promptly no tify the VA of changes in. income in order that timely adjustments in monthly payments may be made ? possible overpayments avoid de. DeRamus said persons receiving pension under the law in effect prior to July I960, may waive part of their annuity to meet the pension income requirements. Persons re ceiving pension under the current law (PL 86-2il> may not waive any annuity, DeRamus said. Friendship News Persohvls ? Mrs. George Pridgen, Mrs. Nellie Pridgen vlstteS Mm. ' Lena Matt hews several times at the Kenans ville Hospital last week. Miss Judy Kornegay spent Satur day night in Greenville with Miss Peggy Sue Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jones and boys were in Goklsbflro Friday evening. ? Friends of Mrs. Emma Potter are glad to hear she is home after be ing in the hospital last week. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Whaley re turned home Saturday after spend ing last week in Portsmouth, Va. Mrs. Minne Swinson of Warsaw, is spending this week with Mr. and M*s. tten Swinson. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Potter and family of Wilmington. Miss Margar et Swinson of Durham and Mrs. Eva James visited Mr .and Mrs. Swinson Saturday. I Mr. Tom Grady of Kenansville, Mrs. Annie'Brock of Warsaw, Mr. Jessie Brock of Kinston visited the Bill Grady family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boney of Geor gia visited Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Jones several days last week. A. J. Langston of Rocky Mount spent the weekend with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Langston and boys. Mrs. Rosa B. Sanderson and Mrs. Mary L. Brock and Sara Anne vish ted Mrs. Ava Hargrove and Mrs. Essie Carter near Mt. Olive Thurs-; day evening. Mr .and Mrs. Jimmy Howard and baby of Beulaville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Lucile Woodward and Granny Langston. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Outlaw and Sue were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Weaver, of Mount Olive Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Wilson, Judy and Cathy of Raleigh, spent Sunday with Mrs. Eva James and all went to White Lake and enjooyed a pic nic lunch and swimming. Mr. and Mrs. Delmo and family from Mary land are visiting their sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Out law and Mr. and Mrs. Jack 6od Md. Mra. Dennis" Kopec and children, Linda and Garry of Schenectady, N. Y., and Jimmy Fields and Mat tie Swinson of Goldsboro, were vis itors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Out taw and Eva James, Monday. Mr. and' Mrs. Jack Boney and family from Ga., spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Jones and faftffly. > ? The supper served by the Frdnd ship Methodist Circle Saturday night, was a great success and en; joyed by all present. The proceeds will, go on church funds. Thanka to each and everyone who took part Mr. and Mrs. BID Fesperman and family spent the weak at their oettage, at Topsail Beach. Mr. aod Mrs. Lorris Jones and boys, Mrs. Bessie Sanderson, spent Sunday With relatives in Albertsen. Mr. and1 Mrs. L. I> Potter of Leland, sjient Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Swinson and Mrs. Emma PoUer. _ Mrs. Edna riangston, Marie Brock and Mary'; Langston, visited Mrs. "Emma Potter in the hospital Thurs day. 8p Miss Margaret Ann Swinson of Durham, was home for the weekend with her parents, Mr. aMd Mrs. Ben Swinson. ?- Ji l? * ' Miss Sue Outlaw of Goldsboro, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Outlaw. Miss Linda Pridgen spent Hiurs day with Mrs. Nellie Pridgen. Mr. Ben Swinson spent Thursday in Durham. Mr. Borden Potter spent several days with Bits sister. Mrs. Ben Swinson, and visited his mother, Mrs. Potter in the Hospital at Ken ansviUe. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Goodman and family spent the weekend with re latives in Warrenton, Va. North Carolina residents in the N. C. State student enrollment for the 1962 frail Semester numbered 5,416; residents of other states 900; are residents of foreign countries, 124. i ? " jii . iii i. .. T By Sybil Ijuiler ^ ' -mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmmimmmm ? Personals u. .^i if "W,.;? ti j ??? ?u?u mro. uyiun nuiiici aim Uu of Kins ton spent the week end with relatives in Beulavllle. : Mrs. Lula MsMrow and Judy were at the beach aver the week end. Miss Jean Campbell of Wilming ton School of Nursing spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Campbell Brcnda Grady visited Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hunter and Lisa in Kinston a few days last week. Miss Wilma Brinson of Charlotte is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brinson. Mrs. Carol Bostic, Mrs. Theresa Hussey, and Mrs. Doris Bostic were at Topsail Beach Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Sandlin and Randy, spent the weekend at Top sail beach. George Kennedy, Jerry Sandlin and Douglas Clark spent the week end at Topsail beach. Miss Cynthia Batts and Ronnie Batts of Warsaw spent last week with their grandmother, Mrs. Inez Gray. Miss Janice Smith, Rayboorn Lanier and Mr. and Mrs. Grovei Grady fished at Topsail beach Thu rsday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Miller, Gilda and Gary of Beulavflle, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Lanier and Mr. and Mrs. Randall Miller and Ann of Kinston were at Topsail Beach Thursday afternoon. ' Gordon Evans eI Asheville spent the weekend with his mether, Mrs. R. L. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Don Williams, Gretchen and C. A. Miller spent last 1 weekend at Manteo and Nags Bead. They attended the LOst .Colony. Mrs. Nick Hodge and Bay of Ra- ( loigh are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Cly- , de Brinsoo Otis week. . . Mrs. William Atlas Pate and Mrs. , Phoebe Pate shopped in Wallace ( Friday. ? . Mrs. Macy Thomas and Jessie , Ann Thomas made a basiness trip te Geldsbore 'Wednesday. W. G Mallard of Trenton and R. , W. Mallard o( Pottockaville visited their Aunty, Mrs. Mary Alice Jones ! Monady. Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas, 'J James Lou and Annette spent the . weekend at Topsail beach. Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Pate, Dan ny and Alice Aim were at Topsail beach Saturday. Mrs. Ula K. Lanier and Mrs. Adetl Matthews were dinner guests of Miss Daisy Burnham in Warsaw Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Turner < of Warsaw visited Mr. and Mrs. James Trott Sunday. Mr. .and Mrs. George Pollock and children Of Chadbourn visited rela tives and friends in Beulaville dur ing the week. Mrs. Zoya Jones aod'Mrs. Mattie ' B. Sutton were in Kinston Tuesday. The value o< the soybeans crop in the U. 6. has increased a hund- i red-fold in 30 years. . . ? . ? . ? .1? . 0, Honored^" | At Shower JbJr&'Tffin Blizzard, bride elect of August 11 to Bonny Ray rhomaa was honored Saturday night at the Seuifiville Presbyterian Fellowship Hall with a m&ceflan eotis shower. A fl-eeii aad White color scheme Was Used to reCJIfete the MB. Miss Blizzard was presented a corsage of pink carnations by the hostesses. Miss Jean Humphrey, Miss Agnes tanier, Mrs Perry Williams, Mrs. Sandy Blpsard. Mrs. George Williams, Mrs. Bill Woodward and Mrs. Sidney Bliz zard. After the honoree opened'the lovely array of gifts, the fyty guests were served cupcakes, nuts, mints and Cokes. WUUUL.X H. JUNGS U. S. FORCES, VIETNAM - Army Sergeant First Class Woodly H, Jones, son of Mr. and <MfS. Marion r. Jones, Route 4, Mount Olive, 'N. C., was assigned to the U. SAnny Support Groop in Vietnam', July 3, as a mess sergeant Jones entered the Army Si' Sep tember 1046 and was last stationed at Fort Bragg, fT. C." 1 ? An estimated 875 million acres in the V. 6. ere used for grazipg land. ?n I RURAL WOWfjp7^ I. Become an Avon Representative, Good^Co mmis- JI I Sion for spare time sales. HBtart now and have opportunity to win-Color TV ipFuraiture - Mink Stole - $1,000 Bond. liFor interview write giving cUreetions to your home , ?to AVON MANAGER, P. O. BOX 1295, Kinston, G- , tv; | .yl i'.s i'. u I 3 and 4 Pty .... . . n No Other Brand Is Stronger ? II or Better B^lee's stores ^ Y-8 Juice Sparkles After The Prom Parties ' * ' The seascib atBlrtag ; here! DeeonMnm lingcrii^ music, floated gramas ? whit other teenage affair is so en chanting and exciting. ;?S?SS3gr?? over to your boose afterwards. Refreshments needn't be elabo rate. You'll hear the cheers when yon serve talLllnirting glasses of your own speahl T-S^drink. The To fortify those male appetites (and the girts", too), hare plenty peanuts, dmi twists -- m% XtimMwAfomr-t9o2bS. gl^a Toiy fray to end a V-8 COOLERS 1 can (11 oonoea) V-8 % oup orenje Juice 1 bottle (T ounces) dob god* "j j Combine all Ingredients. Serva over ice flnbM. Make* 4 to S aae y? ' ~'rf >'W i : c " ' "*? **" I 7a.M -11 P.M. I ? ONLY! y^p5^ ' T ~ T .,4 .4. 1 "J ' - ' " ' ? ?* " ' ' * " H r ? ^ -V "APPLIANCES! m it ' ' .? .. ? - ? ?. 1 1 wott $18800* 1 $229??* \ P??* 1 |3W*5 kWejLo?* 1 ^ ? tg^*-1 ST- ?? \ * % -? '%? *$ v *** MftK00 \ fffca ti?* Br I , fJSiSTlD MOOa PIKE SAUPfMCf WAJOSX ^ 1SQ lm*t $m.?s l|f/o iH? sioft00' ,?N3t g?.? , WW .. ?SS. $ioobi* 1W U"? ?sss. ?W?* sssSr %< *306??* g ?<&"jiwjj; W^ZSrtW 4910 #f 161 ; 5; ?x* ' rks ' iSSTma* ' ISl00* ? ?ju~j|P / flmiltr?nm~~ ^Mflt * * mm - 110X1 MT 1* - IWWIB suootsnn ?8MB. . jpa jf uu ma* slL t, *140?? Ss- ? *166?? Sim. *260?? & ?..? *83?? f ? *3*1 * I B? EEEiai^? I '.**? ream MMJgrW ?? .3SlSS. ! ?** ^ iW?. rJm" 1-lSooo^ ? m? W W Kf/ r MW ? mm. ma wurtia 2900 r. - Beulaville Facers Bxdwnge Phone CY 8-3356 ' i Beulaville, N. C

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