L ? 1 ?1 111 BeuMtim S&m I * ^ i Personals K~ R. H. Home of Rose Hill Jp. and Mrs. Harry Home ^^^^^Eriaads ia Riehmeed, Vir WBfliiPlfl ?taped ia Ktarton Tuesday. ?taV Art Harry Home and ?AM Mrs. R. H. Home visit ?hr? Maraad at Topsail Bea Craft, Jerry Simpson, Joe Ka, Pat Sanderson, Martha ^Hagruf Danny Lanier were at ^Hkpcfc last week end. O and Douglas Clark left Ihu New York for a visit with Ka^HMter, Mrs. Dee Blankford. Janes and Behby Griffin lipHrat Topsail beach Sunday. j^tatafcye Alin Miller, Esta Jo Ken plBflHr. Ray Waller, Susan Humphrey "wkf^Deett Houston visited friends at j;SH beach Saturday night. Monday dinner guests of Mr. pad 1'9Hp Harry Home were Mr. had I MM. A. B. Humphrey, Mrs. C|er l Wte Kirby, Chandra, Clayton, Qiff I ni WUlie W. Humphrey of Rich lbs. Johnnie Jenkins and daujgh i, tar of Warsaw spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams and Mr.* and Mrs. Ike Ives, Amy, {? SMn and Beth are ob vacation this Heary Guy, student at Chapel I na, spent the weekend in Beola Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Campbpll, Janice, Gordon, and Raymond spent a few days at Write Lake. Mrs. Susan Turner and Mrs. Lily Mae Cottle made a business trip to Jacksonville Thursday. Mrs. J. L. Williams, Terry, and Ronnie made a business trip to Kin ston Friday. T-Sgt and Mrs. Wyatt V. Oxley of Triangle, Va? spent the week end at their home in BeulaviBe. Miss Jean Campbell student Nurse at James Walker Hospital in Wilmington is heme fer two weeks vacation. Mrs. Kaye Mercer of Wilmington spent the weekend with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Campbell, Janice, Gordon, and Raymond shop ped in Kinston Saturday. Mr. J. D. Cottle and Mr. Jerry Cottle made a business trip to Jack sonville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams and Br end a of Cherry Point visited Mr. and Mrs. Emery Campbell Sunday. Miss June Miller ef Swansboro spent a few days with Mrs. Nina Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lanier. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hallow, Kim and Art. spent several days last week at the beach. Mr. and Mrs Ike Ives ami family have returned from vacationing in the Mountains. They spent the week end at Topsail Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Carl florae, Mr. and Mrs. John Home and Tina fish ed at Sneads Ferry Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. Atlas Pafe tnd Pa trick left Saturday for St. Louis, Mo. where they will visit Mrs. Pates parents. ? Sirs. Clyde Briason wid Hodge made a huatness trip t? Kin slon Friday. Mr and Mrs Qrvjs Thigpen of AabBvdto qpent the weekend at their home in Beulaville Mrs. Llla K. Lanier and Charlie Lanier, also Mildred William* and Kitty Turner spent the weekend in Wtnton-Salera and visited Rusty La Mr. Cordon Kennedy was a pat lent at Duke Hospital Wednesday and Thursday Miss Mary Jackson of Wilming ton spent tie weekend with her *^Vta5d Goodlnjg^ofElizabeth City and Mrs. L^ia Scott of Bo# HUI spent Che weak with their sis [ ter, Mrs. Hattie Harreil. ^ i Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Deb son have returned home after spending sev eral weeks at Chapel Hill where Mr. Dobsoo attended summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Yates uobson of Clayton and dauhgtor visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Y, Dofceon daring the Mrs. Lw Belle WiUiams has re turned heme after a tour of Can ada. Mr. Arthur Sumner has returned , the Duplin General Hospital for sev eral days. Miss Diaum Sumner has finished Beauty School in Goldsboro and i* now working in Kenansville with Mrs. Lceaa Brows. Miss Rita Sumner of Wilmington spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sumner. Miss Derma Jan Sumner and Jacksonville shopping Saturday Miss Joyce Ann Blizzard were in aflermen. Sgt. and Mrs. Gene Sybart of Richmond, Virginia spent the week end with Mr. ami Mrs. Maurice Jackson. Miss June Miller ?t SwansborO and Tim Hunter of Warsaw are vis iting Mrs. Mina Kenendy this week. Mrs. Grace Clark made a busi ness trip to Kinston Thursday. Mr. Nick Hodge of Raleigh spent the weekend with Mr. and Mr* Sales - Service - I Farm Equip I Clinton, N. C. ^our John Deere Dealer" Phone LY 2-3742 It's always in good > taste to serve & - and chicken ' always tastes good! * WATCH FOR OUR CHICKENS WHENEVER *C3B( jP^ YOU BUY ? r ,...'? '? _ Distributed In Warsaw - By T & S Grocery Watson's Chickens ROSE HILL POULTRY CORP. Phone 289-2051 or 280-3701 Rose Hill, N. C.. ?a ?, T?-.a I Does a matter of money *.. ? ' "'|H fffjjilij ' ' ''fj ? ?5R v^ap *' ? f.toliti ISBLMWiiGi stand between i at. J f or * Pand a car? ? ? : ?. ; ^ 'V '?' *%? I " ?" i TJ l", -V' ?? n- ? /H ??.'? p*' .'. . dw, terms convenient, service prompt ' -Come In nCh BANKING 4 TRUST COMPANY ? eieral Deposit Insurance Corporation ?fl Faison Humphrey's Honored (i On Sunday;.- aflameou. July t Mr and Mr*. W. Itey Humphrey, former principal and teacher of the BeulaviUe School. were honored with ? special yrogyam on the ft* Lav ilk Seheol ball filed. Many of their friends gathered wad waited far arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey, to whasa.ihe pro grain and honor* bestowed ware a c omplete surprise. Mr , Ramon L. lie vis former te?Mr school, upuoed the protfrafa With a very touching spwrgt in he review Humphrey's eighteen years of ser vice to U)ie SChepl. lyir, Davis poipt <*d at ttw iwMMera ewd students of Mr^ArKs Alhertsan lolloped Mr. Qoitk wjth, tgjrfWntM>sa of a beautiful brouse ytecyie ***** * was 1 Clyde BrtnaotC tttbh and Ray re turndd borne with him after a waeks vlsfTin -BeurhvSe.~ The fallowing from Beuiavijle were at Topsail beach over the weeeknd. Willie Borne, Addie Sue Harae, Willie White Humphrey, Roger Craft, Ham Kennedy, Bobb ys Ann Miller, Estw Joe Kennedy, Ricky Houston. Cecl Houston. Ray Waller, Jerry Sandlin, Patricia Sanedrsan And George Kennedy, Mrs. Carl Horee and Tea . Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Houston, Mark and Rosa were at .Staysail Beach Sunday. , i Mrs. Beaaet Kennedy visited her parents. Mr. aad Mn. Jesse Hl ! more Sunday and that Mteraeon at tended the All Star Baseball game. t ? _ ,1 i. Wendy Pavis Honored Getl Park in Beolavrtk- was the soeae of a party honoring Miss Wendy Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ramon L. Davis, on her four th birthday Wednesday, July 10. The guests included, Dino Bostic, Edie Rhodes, Lindd Whaley, Wendy Walton. Cecil Rhodes, Timothy Whaley, Kaye Edwards, Bill Rho dee, Ray Davis, Bonita Hunger, Clark Davis, Janet Williams, Whaley and Garris Edwards. Adult's present were Mrs. Mary Mercer, Mrs. Rick Walton, Mrs. Perry Williams, ami> Mrs. Otcil Rhodes. :? -V" The children were treated the traditional birthday cake and ice cream. They played various games after which Miss Davis dis played her gifts. The party conclud ed with all the children playing mio- ( iature golf until their parents cal led for them. * Beulaville 4-H Met ( ??? The Beulaville Community 4-H club met at the Presbyterian Chu rch Recreation building Thursday Night, July 8. The meeting was caV led to order by PresldAnt David Lee Quinn. Colene Shaw led the ichib in songs. Alta Kirfcy Whaley had the Devotional, i , The club discussed* a bake sale, 1 and decided to have the sale Satur day July XI, and Saturday 27 Mr. Bobbie Lanier fed the club 1 through a program of Artificial Res piration. After that refreshments were served and the meeting was adjourned to August 8. The Beulaville Community 4-H club has changed their meeting time to the second Friday in every month at 8:00 P. M at ihe Scout Hut. Mr.. . I . , jj. ? ? life Couples Honored In Verona Three engaged coiaJles were, hon ored Saturday evening la Verona at '-Three Hollys", the home of the hostess, Mrs. Doris Green. Mr. Paul Humphrey, Jr., of Richlands, the hostesses nephew, was host. The couples being honored were: Miss Addie Sue Home of Beulaville and Willie W. Humphrey of Rich lands; Miss Sylvia Baysden and Bert Hall, both of Richlands; Miss Sylvia Pickett of Burlington and D. T. Marshbura of Richlands. On the Patio the hostess served a buffet supper consisting of Char coal hamburgers, garden salad, de viled eggs, potato sticks, and drinks. Mrs. Green's borne was deoorated in pink and white floral arrange ments. Individual tables vet* cen tered with wygeHa. Other guests included J(ias Sunn Humphrey, Cecil Houston, Miss Sheila Coniglio, Miss Marilyn Gal loway, Miss Kay Smith, Misa Mar tha Sandlin, Dannie Lanier, Wat Sylvester, M'lf Theresa Pail Willie Borne. Mrs Charlotte H Kirhy, Bill Faust, Mis, Jean Humphrey, Rob ?>rt nMota, MtaFaye Reuse, Ore V HiflHffflNMWV engraved with tfcp foUawing; to Ik Ray and Dorothy Humphrey in bon principal and teacher of the Beu .IsvUte School including time, fin ance, and loyalty which was given aaccuSad the p*B^. f 1^1'i/XVT flp.wj 1 pffffrSs . M|$ JSva J|inci and Mrs. Bessie r- t ' ^ rTT?? .nj 1 1 i " ? n ^"7** '''IB' children of Gold shore, visited Mri Itevttlfc sts lacfl visifad S$r .*pd M*a Cprl Qm UaadOK. ,4 ,. .. .. .. , Mrs. Bill Grady and Mrs. Frank Langsten visited Mrs. Oscar Best at Dnpfyi General hospital, Wed"** day > v?. Mr. ?ad Mra Franh Lancston vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Baddia Matthews of Kenansville Tuesday night. Mrs. Aaa Best and' dauhgfer of Faison, yiahed ftpr parents, Mr. and ^lr?. Sojtoman flOWfll Sunday. Ppdgefi Md Mack attended a hirthday party in mStiSEli^pXr hiS , ??4 SDs, Jtmmy^neard ?ad Regina, of Betdaville, spent Sunday with Mrs, L^ilia . ^t^dwd uf Granny Lanaslon ?rr and Mr*. Oljver Lewi* apd Doopn and Dffehie ,ef Wilpiiagton veiled their parents, Mr. and, Mrs, Glenwood Sanderson and Mr. and Mrs J- d war tjw weed end, Miss Judy Koraegay and Cathy Davis spent Saturday at, ^apesil Beast. Old Best and children of .faison TOSSU. J. H Whs ley Sunday evening, ws^ Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wallace and Angela of Albertson, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Mrs. Eva. Jama* spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ben 'Wallace in AlbertSon. " * ' I Mary Rata and -Judy Williams -.peat Friday,**! Mrs. JMFitt Hill ^M^Am^ate Plyer of Greenviie spent Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Pridgen. t Mnt Mm taV.O. Witoan. John Sqni Evelyn, Jaraa, Steve and Suzaae, af M^noiia. and Mary Jo Bed SSslSs , . 0M**' New Jersay, visit ed Iter sister, Mrs. Blanche Jones *8Xg of Goidsboro, spent the iwtN with Mr. and . , I ->Ui.'.lUru,itf ? iiiijtirn ; An estimated 175 million acres in ijha^ ll. S. axe used lor grazing \ . . ., Sam's Drug Store ?'i*' ir *r ? ' -r BMeJfiaK.C. [ f # **? ??<*? YOU CM GET RELIEF FROM " 'j| HEADACHE PAIN SSAMMK Ikes y?u WST *IM fro? paiat <X Iwrirlw, mumIm. ttlf&is. and minor pains of arttirMi. rimnaattaa. focauH ST^KCA^ mmI^wHMPibad ngr#df^%fliftott against any af?aw?tktn ?klnlrnlllMl youveever HHP |rw: - I 1 v" u 4 * ? n ^ Old Phatonanks ? <i '<?JP MW8 | PBOTOCEAPilY Partfn, An*rer?triea and WWR"!* WW. LANIER STUDIO .0*?e|3a WALLACE. Si., A.,, , K^ wtf awdajn 07 Appatafc??tf ? ?III 0 n ?? I .... f 'r I ?Kb I m ' r i Hp*' ? ? B ? BMl B Tb ? ? ? ' . snw. > puv r ' SAVE ILL us sutm LOCATED t&St TO UVfI#r VOTQU wiU?AW. N. C. , . ?A? rOR LESS Befukf?2T? Per Gallon Hi-Test?30c N US Mml 103 Octane ?4JL Sdk On AM Kerosora ? "r*W#r Gttw Ori* All Brsnds Of Oil ' ' 1 ?tEtirWM)! MBBHIW itt OWNERS - MAXT1EJWINSHEW MMMRSSiPMPMsiWMMMMSMMSMi nf i|A * * ir ? M ! \ ] ? \ ? i Rtiniilrig Water f ? ~I, ? ?r ? . . . ?: I ^! ? ? i ? I i - r v ? found where the meat we is made of pressure water system* A| awtwsatte water whim is tadespenaahte to aluaaut ait aaailiij aaMtfwta and aeeeaaiNea. pre i Hton garbage disposal t ? ^Mricr (HMjwfcMlD1 Cot ^ ? bre^.: pwt ? u-atcw-e^id v/Egfe eMH far prd- * ? ?k*iU%tlp ****?>it ? ; , ??-} electric water system today. ?4pr ? tt Banning water Isn't the dogs concern. Bat it Is yntum eopaciahy IT iw home is among the 17% In rand areas with no running v okr. ^ ji * _ j -.7 n Do yeai still carry all the water yon weed tor driaUac, for wash ing clothes and dishes and tar iwrsaol one? It so, yew haws Is not modern. ffnanhsi water is more than a conroalener iH.ls a neeesaNf. ita - sUMOfe tew-.l .-L . uu?i*r w |iw,nu ?cwia coeitry ^ I ? ?f?r? ?rf mater*?' . ? I . . - ' i" "" a;.' **

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