_ ? 'y ttrgnk Thomai' USft Sunday th# atttfWttWtt Mexico. Tbe group visited sever#! Points of interest on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. James Earl Jones, iHrtWnie, HKttH. dreg and Nancy of New Bern spent Sunday with Mfr.. and Mrs. L. E. P&p? I Mrs Thelma <3oodm?tn of Silofcfm in ???? kum'm'm ? " ir | ^nlber,lti6Milig? {"? ?Dto- : ? W. ' PIP? CVkA?frMlr nuvvuMCtf ifwripi, Brick, Cotacnt 1 rtjckiPatetoAttd Btutdel* liar d war* z. j. cifi > iff WALLACS. N. C ; j. ???1.1 III,Ih*. Mrr> tardhn M*d?n and ton mby of Rafeigh. spent the week ejj^jher patefa, lit. arid iK. 'Mr. Md Ms. Earl Baker, Nel son awl Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Steer. spent StmdU., in ,?a fejgh w*b Mr and Mrs Clyde Cop !per. f Mr. and Mrs, Jodie Kornegay of jjb. ofr ^wgbn*y_. i Mr .and Mrs. L. C. Turner and SSr^^fST&^S Fridv ?ft^fi^^GooAiwn' ^?Pe ^"d Janet and Nancy ' of 'Wilmu^tan spent Saturday and Saturday mgot with Mr. afd Mrs. Afvin Powell. , Mr. and Mrs. Bift M w 1.1 ilnrl presMcni, pniKKu. !? Thlt- rrieeting Opened with h soiig, "The Old North State," fed by Mrs. Kaye Merritt. music leader of the Sampson-Duplin Club. Mrs. Paul Bass led the devotion al, Using aA article by the Rev. Par nell Bailey. The demonstration, "Make Y6ur Own Bedspreads", wa* given by Mrs. Mae SptvOr. She used a chart with colored pictures to illustrate the different styles and color sche mes, mot 1. A. Caarad, Fred Jahnaaa, The fev. M. A. Conrad, who was a jfojlor ,at the meeting, closed the pKVgiiui with prayer. There was a short business meeting after wh ich t$e meeting was closed with frayer by Rev. M. A. Conrad. The hostess served open face sandwiches, nuts, cookies and pun ch. Coast Guard 0C5 Seeks Applicants Washington, p.. C? J?ly 5, 1963 The Commandant, U. S. Coast Guard, ha? announced that there are still Minings available in the Offi cer Candidate School plata that wiU convene on September 15, 1963. Upon completion of 17 weeks train ing graduates will be commis sioned Ensign in the U S. Coast Guard Reserve. Colleeg seniors and gfadautea rpay fulfill their mSitkry obligation thro the Coast Guard Of ficer Candidate School program. Far further information, write Commandant (PTP-2), U. S. Coast Guard, aWshington, D. C. liforfh Carolina residents in the N. C. State student enrollment for the 19tt Fat! Semester numbered 5,416; residents of other states 900; are regfdetits of foreign countries, 124. The value of the soybeans crop in (fie tJ. S. has Increased a hund red-fob! in 3d y$ft*. Douoniia \aruif& KCtCYiUC JUfYllC Jssucs Reminder ?he'totfcnfel Revenue Service is sued a Reminder today of particu lar importance to the Business com munity. During 198) the Service will preaddress all business tax returns aqd mffl them direct to taxpayers. Taxpayers should always use the preaddressed return form received in the piail to file their business tax returns. This .will insure accurate posting of the tax data to their Master File Account at the Atlanta Regional Service Center. The District Director of Internal Revenue should be notified in the event preaddressed business tax re turns are not timely received. Got a House to sinti A low DUPUN?TIMES WANT AOS. SSS. StT|. JOE N. MURPHY USS -WALLER - Joe It. Murphy, I boilerman second class, USN, spa j of Mr. aad Mrs. Richard Murphy | of Route 2, Rose Hill, N. C . is serving abroad the destroyer USS I Waller which is currently on five months deployment to the Mediter- i ranean Sea and the Red Sea areas. 1 Waller departed her homeport of Norfolk, Va., June 4. .While in the Mediterranean she < will participate in U. S. and NATO operations with various Sixth Flpet units. Allied policies are supported through Sixth Fleet training and exercises in the Mediterranean, In keeping with the President's "people-to-people" program Sixth Fleet units vfsit various Eastern Mediterranean ports, Visitors are welcomed abroad the U. SI ships while crewmen spread American goodwill through shore tours and visits. The Waller is slated to return to Norfolk in late October. , , . , , . ?tSttTwifl * Become ait Avon Representative. Good Commis sion for spare time sales. Start how and have Opportunity to win-Color TV Furniture - Mirik Stole - $l,G0O Bond. For interview write giving directions to your home to AVON MANAGER, P. O. BOX 1*95, Kinston, N. C?< *Vv Gash and Carry ? - ? - ??? -?? BUILDING MATERIALS Credit, , I if At Wholesale Prices Need It SOUTHERN SUPPLY (0. > *" Across frbm the Park in Clinton - 4rB0y N0W ^ Home G*o*n He# - H*Ue Grow. * Home-Grown ?Wprp^toas Peadies ^Bir Andrews Produce Market rna(Mm"ar! mr w m ? __ _ IN H5al GOIDSBRQ CLEARANCE ' - * -v* DRESSES Vi & Vl OFF \ GRAB I TABLE VahiM to Ho $1 & $2 QuaaI*! HATS $2.00 Scute Vi PRICE lull 1 Hill mmki iiitl ffffefFPfl Burning Time Is Here... AND WHETHER YOU USE THE NEWEST MACHINERY OR THE OLD MEfWOfr- YOU'LL" PROBABLY NEED " " ' | READY MONEY FQR LAJQfL Ajjb flfrtlT EXPENSES SUCH AS OIL OR OAS. SEE IB FOR A QUICK AND CONVENIENT ??P JfemTifig Loan VISIT QUft NEW PANK AT . . . vkW FANr ?AlfAM m HP I nit c fvwfll wjp'- - ? "9 Bank Of Wl Olive , 2^NVfeNIENT LOCATIONS IN MOUNT OLIVE - 1 IN CALYPSO -j iqtygr v fedcau. deposit msuunce corporation All Deposit* up To Insured by an Agency of Ibo U. S. Government " : "" '? '?> ? Say Mr. and Mrs. Waltus Worrell - Goldsboro, N. C. Ai kS?>i . . \ Here ore M* Wo*elTs comments! * ^ "We Inn tnstafled li oor komll dlMlfts AqjFH n with flameless electric heat. Before buying, building or \*8!?^^38jwr remodeling, why not get the faff story for yourself.* CaN your nearest CPQL office tocfay. No obligation, of course, (..Ml*. K.W.. ? U.Ct t..jg5?) At hrttM-Onitti, public utility kutnptny ft ?' t i ? " _. * ? ? The Hub ?? FASHION fgr ALU REMAINING 1& Hi SUMMER V j Sport I [ Coats I ?..Seersucker M V ? Madras ? CoOou M ?k Value* p.H Now Jf mkSie.oo ? All Remaining Bermudas and Swim Trunks % t?RICE ? Shorty Pajamas ? solid prints V2 Price ji'jy 1 1 ? All Remaining Men's Summer SLACKS Vi Price Special Group $3.50 Value Men's Belts Seersucker - Madras $1.00 ? An Remaining Men's . Summer SPORT SHIRTS V2 Price ? Men's Summer Suits V2 Price t Short Sleeve Dress Shirts Reg. Sale 4.95 3.00 5.95 3.50 Special Group Ladies Blouses % PRICE ? ? - 1 Summer Dresses Vi Price All Remaining Summer Jewelry - V2 Price L AH Remaining lft jjf Ladies V ?' Bermudas ? Swim Suits i| I. ? Skirts I |k Yk Price & The Hul| 105-107 E. Walnut St ; '???> \ ?< . ? I | GoMsbora, N. C. l ' '" " " ? ? $ m - MliHliHHMHIHHBHBnHHI