? ?? ? ??? BBM IB BIIBI M BB4B I' kM b 0B11* I ^^^^IBBBBBI | I M0 ..1^ I ? w l& Figures Have Shown That Classified Advertising Reaches the Most Readers and Nets the Fastest Results E> Place a Classified Ad... H DIAL 296-2171 Kenans ville, N. C. RATES 3c Per Word; 75c Minimum Classified Deadline II 1 p. m. Wednesday r CLASSIFIED RATES Hk cent* pen word. Mini s'j*im charoe of 7ec. unless *!4ou nave an account with please send money ksmmps. money order or >, 'wkx with ade. "" FARM LOANS m-ttar terms. low interest % rate. Complete insurance SRRvice. Thispen Ficken In RURance Aoency. Mt. Olive. fmmltire, adding machines repaired. New Royal type writers for every need. dial rtliflssoro. RE 4-os4s. wor ?v Typewriter Exchange ' *os South Center St.. gol O- 3j, CTF IMpPLSSALE suildins materials. cash AND carrv. credit if '#'? messed. All materials gua ranteed. Well worth a trip to Southern Supply Com * pany. Clinton. Across from the park. CTF. frmmal Land Bank Loans are ^available through Clinton National Farm Loan Asso ciation. Contact Dewitt ... carr. secretary - treasurer. 1 f. O. Sox t4s. Phone sssa. nr. Cars is in PCA office in !f ksnansville between It AND E IS o'clock EVERY TUESDAY J. Noshing. CTF. WANTED: Reliable party in a em is area to take over pay *? ments on almost new cas. * l>iet model TWIN-NEEDLE AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG Sew . tng Machine. Total only ? CSS.IS. Details write: na. j TIONAL S CREDIT DEPT.. [?PS SI26. Charlotte. N. C. v b-es-7tc. $S/2% FARM LOANS WANTED '? -5 ? 25 Yrs. Not under ' S2SOO.oo. No limit up-No PEES. No Stock. You select . your own closing attorney. Ask for short form Afp. Over 30 years know how. M. T. Britt Farm Loans. Clinton. N. C. 2-eies Nite mi4i ? . CTF F O R S ALE: Now Picking Georgia Bell's And Elberta Peaches. Bring Container ... ?? Beaver's Orchard Miles East Of Mount Olive ^?i.. ., e.i.etc. < SIR. Businessman - a duplin flmcs.want ad will sell your frodvct. ___ Cot a house to rentt a low cost Want ad will do it. t Dr. Thomas W. Alley Optometrist fftssr S Wpruv Drag Company llSss. ft Sat frsia S:M to S:M |.Kys Bxsmhifg . Gtoiscs Flttfd WANTED: 2 Ladies for survey work in ouplin county pre fer some one living in ken. a neville sut others will be considered. good starting salary with merit increase Nothing to sell, so hour work week. ip you are over *1 and have car. and would j-ik* to go to work. write ??* Goldsboro. n c ?>r personal interview r-m-stc. antennas _ For television w'th s ft. mast. *""?? -rackets for! chimney mounting. o n l y i J7 " Goldsboro Paint Co I N. Center St. Goldsboro. N. c. CTF. Drive-in glass service. Auto glass installed. table tops Mirrors. If its glass, we have it. Atlantic Glass Cos. ' fany. ?** South Front Street. Wilmington, n. C CTF. pulpwood wanted top prices paid For Pine. Oak or Gum Have tour timber thinned nowi call Collect Mt. olive ol s-3470 Mr. Edgar m. Murphy. Jr c. t. f. =?*WING MACHINES - NEW~and Used at reasonable prices - Repairs on all makes guar anteed. Contacts LITTLE SEWING SHOPPE. Drawer ??. faison. n. c. ctf. f o r rent Upstairs. 2 Bedroom Apart, ment. Private entrance. water furnished. good con dition. Call after s p. m. Phone 29 2-4473 CTF fo" sale cheap . second hand 66 Allis.Chalmers Combine in good condition. See at r. b. Warren's Gin. nery. Mount Olive, n. c. s-i-2tc." help wanted ' wanted at once _ Rawleigh eai-*" in s. e. Duplin Co Write Rawleigh Dept. ncg sio-3 Richmond. Va. s-i-4t pd. WANTED FOR REGULAR EM PLOYMENT: 2 white house." keeping aides under so tears of age for general household type work. al*? eeveral openings for white nurses aides under so years of age tor .immediate training. Must be in good health and able to work when needed at various hours. Apply to Duplin General Hospital Mrs. Margaret Dail. Housekeeper and Mrs. .Wilma Pate. Director of [Nurses 7-28-2tc. a ... ILEGAL NOTICES NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing wherein Haliton Glenn Quinn and Elwood C. Batts were partners trading and doing business under the Arm name and style of B. and Q. Auto Sales, in the City of Kenans ville, in the County of Duplin, North Carolina, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent of the partners. The bustaMB heretofore conduct ed by said partnership will in the future be conducted solely by said Haliton Glenn Quinn, and the said Elwood C. Batts will have no furth er interest herein. This 35th. day of June, 1963. Haliton Glenn Quinn Elwood C. Batts 7-25-4T- H. G. Q. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY The undersigned, having quali field as Administrator of the Estate of John Lewis Brown, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of July, 1964, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 1st day of July, 1963. H. Tracy Brown, Administrator R. D. Johnson, Jr. Attorney Warsaw, N. C. 8-22-6T R. D. J. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY The undersigned, Russell J. Lanier, having qualified as Admin istrator of the Estate of Frederick Deens Hicks, Jr., deceased late of Cbok County, State of Oeorgia, this k to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before January S, 1984, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 3 day of July, 1963. Russell J. Lanier Box 67 Kenansville, N. C. 8-1-4T R. J. L. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION NARTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY The undersigned, Russell J. La nier, having qualified as Adminis trator of the Estate of Bernice A. Farrior, deceased late of Duplin County, State of North Carolina, this js to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before January, 22, 1964, or this notice will-be pleaded in bar of their recovery. - - All persons indebted to said estate.will pleape make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 22 day.of July, 1963. Russell J; 'Lanier Box 87 Kenansville, N. C. Henry L. Stevens, III Attorney At Law Kenansville, N. C. ; 8-lMt-H. L: S. HI About SL per cent of the U. S. cotton is mechanically harvested. Consumer expenditures for food increased 2.S per cent in 1962. t t NOTICE Op Under and byvtAMfe of the power of sale contained ip a certain Deed of Trust dated February, 3, 1960, executed by R. L. Jones and wife, Ruth Jones, to VaQCe B. Gavin, Trustee, and recorded ip the Public Registry of DupJ^n County, in Book 532, Page 519. to which reference is had; default having been made in the payment of the note secured thereby and request having been made to said Trustee to foreclose the same; The undersigned will offer for sale, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Kenansville, North Carolina, on Friday, August 9, 1963, at the hour of 12:00 Noon, all of the fol lowing described land: All of tbqgL two certain tracts or parcels of labtd ,in Rockfish Town shsip, Duplin County, North Caro lina, bounded and'VfeScribed as fol lows: ?FIRST TRACT) BEGINNING at a point on Southwest side it the Har rells Store to Magnolia, N. C. grad ed road, and rtmiung thence North 3 degrees 50 minutes East 4.355 chains crossing said road to a light wood stump, E.. M. Futrelle cor ner; thence North 79 degrees 7 minutes East 5.70 chains crossing a ditch to a lightwood knot with a pine pointer near the corner of a wire fence; thence North 10 degrees 14 minutes West 31.64 chains to a stake; thence North 79 degrees 55 minutes East 1.96 chains to an iron stake in a lightwood stump with sev eral pine pointers, E. M. Futrelle and E. R. Harvell's corner; thence South 51 degrees 53 minutes East 33.75 chains crossing a thick Bay to a lightwood stake on a hill with several pine pointers. HarvelTs cor ner; thence North 68 degrees 8 minutes East 14 chains to a stake with pine pointers, E. R. HarvelTs corner in Fred HarvelTs line; thence South 7 degrees 13 minutes East 30.865 chains (line running West of a small branch and passing through a thick Bay) to a stake in the center of the aforesaid graded road; thence as the road South 84 degrees 18 minutes West 16.085 chains to a slight curve in the road; thence South 86 degrees 28 minutes West 7.59 chains to a curve in said road; thence North 69 degrees 41 minutes West 29.61 chains nearly with the road and passing in front of R. L. Jones residence to the point of beginning, containing 107.91 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: Lying on the South side of the N. C. to Harrells Store, N. C. fetid, and 'BEGINNING at a point frfthe afore said Public Road and mining thence with the line Tract No*l and the aforesaid road South S&dfgrees 28 minutes West 7.59 chain* to a curve in said road; thence North 69 degrees 41 minutes West 29.61 chains nearly with the road and passing in front of the R. L. Jones' residence to a point on .the South west side of the aforesaMeffad in a ditch, the beginning corner of Tract No. 1; thence South 22 degrees West 17 chains to an iron stake with holly; pine, oak pointers; thence South 42 degrees East 23 chains to a stake beside of a cart path, the F. M. Johnson heirs beginning cor ner to their 6 acre patent No. 2274, purchased from James <F. Bland. Executor, July 5, 1871, and record ed in Book 26, Page 611 of the Du plin County Rjjgatry, and rulfhing thence with saiduPatent line South 88 degrees 1ST" minutes East 21 chains to a stake on a ditch; thence the same course continued 2.2S chains to an iron stake beside of a pine stump the second corner of said Patent; thence North 16 de grees 45 minutes East 23 chains to a stake; thence to the beginning, containing 77 acres, more or less. This sale will be made subject to all prior encumbrances. A deposit of 10% will be requir ed of the highest bidder as evidence of good faith. This 5th day of July, 1963. Vance B. Gavin, Trustee 8-8-4T V. B. G. NOTICE OK SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Joe L. Mathis and wife. Edith, dated June 17, 1964, and recored in Book 496. page 225, of the Dup lin County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Cou rthouse Door in Kenansvilie, North Carolina, at the hour of 12:00 Noon, on the 13th day of August, 1963, the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Duplin County, State of North Car olina, and more particularly descri bed as follows. BEGINNING at a pine, D. D. Boone's corner, and runs thence as the D. D. Boone line North 6 de grees 30 minutes East 3385 feet to a stake, Joe Mathis' corner; thence as his line North 30 degrees 30 minutes East 474 feet to a stake; thence North 54 degrees 50 minutes West 192 feet to the Magnolia road; thence as said road South 31 West 479 feet to a stake; thence North 56 West 694 feet to a black oak; thence North 7 degrees 5 minutes East 1127 feet to a stake; thence South 71 degrees 30 minutes East 112 feet to a lightwood stump near the Magnolia road; thence crossing the said road South 6 degrees 30 minutes West 4120 feet to a stake, T. C. Williams', now J. D. Fussell's, corner; thence as his line South 40 degrees 30 minutes East 693 feet ? stake south of a large pine; thence as J. D. Fussell's line South 4 de grees 30 minutes West 215 feet, more or less, to a stake; thence North 74 degrees 35 minutes West approximately 825 feet to the begin ning, containing 59-% acres, more or less. A ten per cent deposit will be re quired of the'successful bidder as evidence of good faith. Advertised this the 12th day of July, 1963. H. E. Phillips, Trustee 8-8-4T H. E. P. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed' dt Trust dated IS January 16 62, executed by Elouise Morrisey, Widow, to the undersigned Trustee, and recorded in Book 562, Page 538, Duplin County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the Note secured thereby, and the owner of said Note and Deed of Trust having requested a foreclo sure of same, the undersigned Sub stituted Trustee will offer for sale at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Kenansville, Duplin County, N. C., on Friday, August 2, 1963, at 12:00 Noon the land described in said Deed of Trust, which land is more particularly described as fol lows: LYING AND BEING in Warsaw Township, near the Town of War saw, Duplin County, North Carolina, and BEGINNING at a stake located in the Eastern line of the McCoy Carlton tract of land adjoining Highway No. 24, which Beginnig corner is located 162.5 feet Souther ly when measured along the Carlton line from the point where Carlton's Eastern corner intersects with High way No. 24, which Southerly line is at a right angle to the right of way line of Highway No. 24; running thence from said Beginning corner continuing along the Carlton line in a Southerly direction and at a right angle to the right of way line of Highway No. 24 a distance of 162.5 feet to a corner of McCoy Carlton; thence with said right of way line and with the George Kerby Estate line 90 feet te a point; thence run ning in a Northerly direction and at a right angle with said right of way line 162.5 feet to a point, now being the Southeasterly corner of the Charlie Mathis traqt of land convey ed to said Mathis by Franklin D. ? - - ? ?- ? 1 ' -T-. Cooper and wife, Gertie P. Cooper; thence running with the Mathia line in a Westerly direction and parallel with said right of way line 80 feet to the point of Beginning. The highest bidder will be re quired to deposit in cash at the sale an amount equal to ten per cent of the amount of his bid up to 6100..00, plus five per cent of the excess of his bid over $1,000.00. The above described property will be sold subject to Duplin County taxes, if any, now due and payable, and will be add subject to all super ior encumbrances. This the 2Mh day of June, 1963 Paul G. Sylvester, Trustee 7-25-4T-P. G. S. NUTIUS ur 8AL? $225,600 TOWN OF BEULAVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA SANITARY SEWER BONDS Sealed bids will be received until 11 o'clock, A. M? Eastern Standard Time, August 6, 1963, by the under signed at its office in the City of Raleigh, N. C., for $225,000 Sanitary Sewer Bonds of the Town of Beu laville, North Carolina, dated June 1, 1963, and maturing annually, June 1, $6,000 1965 to 1984, inclusive, $10,000 1985 to 1996, inclusive, and $5,000 1967, without option of prior payment. Denomination $1,000 or, at the request of the successful bidder by telegram or in writing received by the Local Government Commission within 48 hours after the receipt of bids, $5,000; principal and semi annual interest (June and Decem ber 1) payable in legal tender at Chemical Bank New York Trust Company, in New York City; general obligations; unlimited tax; coupon bonds registrable as to principal alone; delivery on or about August 28, 1063, at place of purchaser's choice. There will be no auction. Bidders are requested to name the interest rate or rates, not ex ceeding 6% per annum in multi ples of 1/8 or 1/10 of 1%. No bid may name more than six rates, and each bidder must specify in his bid the amount and the maturities of the bonds of each rate. The bonds will be awarded to the bidder offering to purchase the bonds at the lowest interest cost to the Town, such cost to be de termined by deducting the total amount of any premium bid from the aggregate amount of interest upon all of the bonds from their date until their respective maturi ties. No bid of less than par and accrued interest will be entertain ed. Each bid must be submitted on a from to be furnished with addi tional information by the under signed, roust be enclosed in a seal ed envelope marked "Bid for Bonds", and must be accompanied by a certified check upon an in corporated bank or trust company for 84,800, payable unconditionally to the order of the State Treasurer of North Carolina, on which no in terest will be allowed. Award or rejection of bids will be made on the date above stated for receipt of bids and the checks of unsuccess ful bidders will be returned immediately. The check of the suceqgaful bidder will be held un carted as Security for the perfor mance of his bid, but in the event the successful bidder shall fail to comply with the terms of his bid, the check may then be cashed and the proceeds thereof retained as and for full liquidated damages. The unqualified approving opinion of Mitchell, Pershing, Shetterly & Mitchell, New York City, will be furnished without cost to the pur chaser. There will also be furnished the usual closing papers. The right to reject all bids is reserved. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMIS SION By: W. E. Easterling Secretary of the Commission 7-25-1T R. J. L. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of truat executed by Leroj James Miller And wife, Mary Elizabeth Miller, to Bruce Thon, Trustee dated April 10, 1061 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin County, North Carolina, in Book 540, Page 251, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigned duly Substituted Trustee will, on Monday. August 19th, 1963, at 12 o'clofc Noon, at the Courthouse door or the Duplin County Courthouse in Kenansville, North Carolina, offer for Ml* nt Public auction to the highest bidder for cash a lot or par cel of land in Duplin County, North Carolina, and described as follows: Adjacent to and Northeast of Secondary Road No. 1379 and being more fully described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a stake in the Northeast right-of way line of Sec ondary Road No. 1379 at the point where the dividing line of Gaston Branch and Perry Miller crosses said line, said stake is further lo cated the following courses and distances from a 20-foot concrete culvert that accommodates the waters of a branch beneath said road; N 26-24 E 68.8 feet and N 7-02 W. 36.8 feet; running thence from said BEGINNING at above said dividing line of Gaston Branch and Perry MiUer N 16-50 E. 102.6 feet to a stake in line; thence N 82-39 E 52.7 feet to a stake; thence S 8-21 E 118.8 feet to a stake direct ly under R. E. A. Power line that leads to a house; thence S 71-06 W 103.1 feet to a stake in the North east right-of-way line of abovesaid road; thence with said line N 7-02 W 36.8 feet to the BEGINNING, containnig 0.48 acres, more or less. This property will be sold subject to all taxes and the highest bidder at the sale may be required to de posit with the undersigned Substitu ted Trustee an amount equal to ten per cent (10%) Of the first 51,000.00 of the bid price plus five Robert B. B rough ton WUIlan??. Craft Attorney At Law ; ? ah; Kenansville, N. C. 6-15-4T - W. E. C. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY The undersigned, having quali fied as Admiinstrator with Will An-' nexed of the Estate of Josephine Stroud, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before January 26, 1964, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 22nd day of July, 1963. Jimmy W. Stroud, Administrator with Will Annexed of the Estate of , Josephine Stroud, Deceased. ' Route 1, Kenansville, N. C. William E. Craft Attorney At Law Kenansville, N. C. M5-4T W. E. C. New! Gillette sum#. Adju^blefijn^r thetrnitch'j^H end MM Si* beard -RlOO Wad? 1 1 ?' ' T CAPITAL Repair Service '; "'Home Of Quality Repairs" / Owned and Operated By Harold Jones Present Location At My Home - Phone 296-279? I L **Formerly With Farmer's Hardware In Warsaw EXPERIENCED TECHNICIAN "Do You Need Extra Income From Your WOODLAND? If So Coil ROBERT E. WARD WALLACE, N. C. 284-2870 frqpt Store Home Ph. 28 9-4031 Rose Hill, N. C. |j| Wallace I *8?? ATTENTION Contractors and Home Builders We Are Specialist In Electric Heat Insulation Direct From Factory To You Call For Free Estimate Ingram Bros. Oleander Ave. ^lVilminRtoiOj^^^ Ask For Flakes' Recapps I at your Favorite Service Station FLAKES TIRE5 SERVICE I Clinton, N. C. j: v ' ? MjJF f ' w . ? * WATERMELONS - Wanted We WU1 Pay Top Market Prices For Watermelons In TRUCK, IiOAD LOTS Both Charleston Grays and Congos. Please Contact Us When Ready To Sell H D. ANDREWS/ COMPANY Office Phone Res. Phone Mount Olive OL 8-2866 OL 8-2494 N. G. i.,j?-? ? ??1?? ??*. IN NORTH CAROUNA BEER IS A NATURAL '' v ' v' - I Brewed slowly, by a centuries-old natural process, boar Is North Carolina's traditional beverage of moderation ?? light, sparkling, deHdous. And naturally, the Brewtgg Industry Is pnmd of As m* lions of dollars It contributes to this state's economy through wages, advertising, rentals, Insurance, tan* portation and utilities. Money made to North Carotins, spent in North Cmolina. to North GMflfafc bear Moflpb enjoy ft, i (S) UNrTED STATES BREWER* ASSOCIATION. INC, i /N2X NORTH CAROUKA DIVIStON, RALQGH ; 1 OIL CHANGE? ~ No job'* too routine at our Ford Quality Car Can Service Center. We give every Ford service customer red-carpet attention, get you in and out as fast as possible! We know your Ford best ... we can service it beet. What's more, we cart more about doiny it! f Big or little, your Ford's serv ice needs are in good hands when you lying 'em back boms tone. M w JrowT\ lime cart, .. tin m qhaIJTV B juti good tenet to ? ? See Your Local Ford Dealer T?. ia "TM Mm DmT AMM. ^ ...?? M. ?? MM WTC M IS WM ??<?,. gS??KS S*, ss . ,I ii S~ g a !i ?s ? # | k

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