Duplin Count y's Newspaper 1 - THURSDAY JULY 25, 1^>3. | | g?m inTftn MSfcjvfiv WASHINGTON WEPOtT ? * YmrCMfmMi DAVID H. WNDBtSON ( -r?????????1 I services " fttfve BtHs about the ?H8" Congress We". features tioned comfort Id cartoonists jflgressmao as DeMnd a fJesk etxovered. ?q . . ? really mean is Bed try major me columnists jerfkriaj kjjow k of Congress, the number of into law. They free-swinging I there have yteir. ongressman is motsly bene*-1 > it cannot be nmltyee meet- I .? . . .. . ings, conferences with constituents led; telephone calls; and liter spectacular (leadlines. Thei stibiy is tbfcf of a Sefiatijr at an evening sociaj gathering consult ing ' ah appointment calendar. "Checking to "see where' yor^ go next?" gushed his hostess. No" replied tfie weary lawmaker .'"try ing to find out Where ^ am now". Membership oh two' comrfiittees, tlie chairmanship hf a sub-commit tee, a District containing ten coun ties with a population in excess of 4ob thousand people, arid making la conscientious effort to cast an ih formed vote on all legislation - however minor the press considers it - have kept your Congressn^an pigsty busy this summer. M lb J SENATOR Htm SAYS 4 WASHINGTON - Congress has two mtWlfafSp measure before it as it y' monaa into what may be the longest | Sirnlow since the Korean War. i *be? we the Ufx premm. beiqg I Considered by the HouSe Vifeys and Onmmittee, and the Afmms jj tration's civil rights proposes,,ejn ; bodied in S. 1731, undergojtna Hear ' |KgS before the Senate Jiimnafy siv, !VC,V^ ^ (npoun constitute tne principal measure before the Cenate, I should discuss Title VI whieli re | him la Nondiscrimination in Feder j' TWto VI of the bin was evidently drawn in haste. Jt contains no.gwd epoats, it contains no court ^reygw f^fartment hi its determinaitons of >wte Is an,?fwho is not discriminat EBtjk Wrymg otu of Feedral j^HjHilld. and it contains no yard In what,constitutes "discri In essence what it does J. ifnaertake to db in seventeen lines I H^Kaliatic language is to give the President or those to whom he may delegMe.hjs authority the unbridled discretion to use almost the enyr^ Federal purse to achieve whatever purposes hp rpight wish in the ami d,uct of human affairs. In his ^is creiion he could coerce states, lopal comanunities, or individuals engagr ed tn business into acceding to tyie wishes of the President in thfee wara-pipp uping,.Eedpral funds 0as to We course of conduct they should pursue in the nebulous and uncjpr fined field of discrimination. ( would furnish the Pres ident wi^ power of a club or a cpr rot lo serve any purpose he might s& -fit. His pbrpose could be a just or. aii unjust one. His purpose copld he an economic, social, or a politi cal one. "Only a few mpntbs( a^o, the President stated that fie did pot have the ,po#er to cut off Federal funds to the State ,pf . Mississippi, and that hp did pot Wink ttet gfiy President should be give ntfiaf pow er. This was in response to a sug gestion by the Civil Rights Comnpis sion thai the President should cut ptf, fiwfr wJuch,?^Fc*ter*JL pror tm$. conduc^d,^ ,tl?|t,,^e( %emppwer.^heiv president (b .use miffltwW fongressional appro PWfW\s W neighborhood,*! t^baflioa a year to bri^:v?r"W^^di ^pmmunitjes, institutions ana individuals eneaced in in respect ts racial matters. If they the severest kinds of economic pun ishment under circumstances ir which they would have no means oi challenging in an effective way the legality or wisdom of his action. .Kacipl and refleious minorities mjfeht, reflppt "ltf tpe course of gov ernmehts which wield unbridlec ? ?* 28, 1820 was concerned about a safe repository for governmental power. Witom Jgvis: Tkij5w nt> s^fe depository at tBO ultimate powers of the society but the peoJe themselves; and if .we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control' Wifc /J wholesome discretion, ..the remedy is not to take it from mem, but to bifffrih, fhek cfipcretjon.:' , , .1; ft* !stpw If a peraotwis representative pay ee for ^ipqone cto. the**. ary a Dumber o* Jhi^s te.should keep in mfod .pqneefmns; the,>pdli?g. of the benefits he rec^jve^. ntebe hurt Jta.the deeds of others? We are bound to gether and must suffer together. | God has ordained that men shall > grow in character by the interming ' ling of their lives, haw .?ould,?we ; know happiness, joy, sorrow," or pain, if 4fe had hggtr learned to : ajfo suffertJ we do nofpra^ for our OS .Changed Tne first love to life's deepest ..love. ?H we WTipuld -a^ye ourselves, ye must spend oursel ves". Paul - "Bear one ^mothers' burdens, and so fulfill the love ql must share the bilrdens oi others with the spirit of ui^erstand ipt$, and compassion - nev^r in spir it of superiority. We (teapot share compassior without tne help qf Christ, Be givei us a power unknown to^ nuropn sou ? rces v.: i - - " k -1? 11 J|; ! WatarvfcN.C. One Mile From Joned ^Crossroads J Will Do Complete Job I Fixtures And Labor Or ? > Jttd- Labof. ? ??? STATE LICENSED CONTRACTOR Drop A Card Or See Me In Person , ? P-'ttjr irfNT ' HOUSES & APARTMEN1 Kenansville and Warsaw Mrs. Belton Minshew Phone 554 Warsaw, N. C. OR Mrs. HorterC. Drown Phone 3741 Rose Hill. N. C. soil : PUN! A/y^SSsSXSSS/ DEAR MISTER EDITOR: v "in*case you fe^gdt to mark it on your calender, we got the big 3pck le Decjsion coming up this month. You will recollect that back |n 19t?l ttft boyp'ip tpe Penfflfpo discovered the .Army. .Navy. Air Force, and Marines was all gitting their bejt buckles made in. different colors. , The expects on usch matters got together in a telephone booth and decided It would save the taxpayers a heap of money if all belt buckles wa$ made to the same specifica tions. After a two day conference, it was decided that all belt buckles wovid upw be black. In 1962 the experts decided the black buckles wasn't satisfactory, they was chipping around the edges. Natural, this caused a stir in the Pentagon and the Quartermas ter Research Center was called in on the case. It was decided to con duct "exhaustive tests'' ip the mat ter and a service unit at Natick, Mass., was assigned ,to the Sek buckle testfhg'pfograrh. La$t month it was announced thai the belt buckle testing , folks had been mov ing along real good, that all in struments Was green, all' systems 1 - I i mi. .."iiiTT i. ? . go, and we could expect a decision Vti, Byrd annouiicp. thats ^l tbe)|tim<; the testipg has beep gpihg ,on.,,fe been. stockpiling ,the fojjjj okj. type %,s^k pilmg percedure, and that, boys, at Natick was also testing t'wp x. new ones., Bte now estirpates that we got enou& felt busies stocked ,tp hold up the pants of ever man, wo man. ,/uri fef the, next half-century. . it will be interesting. Mister Edi tor, to git the finpl decision, front the boys, at Natick. If you hpar the ftpws, afore JT doPj?lease a post car^, pip punier 260*49,, fac ial Cecurity ^f6-4?-9&65,,, Internal lie venue Service 44^*6. ? Tlte sesstort "at ftrt!' "cdtthtry store Saturday night was , moutine. Th|e fellers alway^'' start^ ^iit ever session by solving the' problems they doht know nothing abbut first. Na tural most sessions bdgih's with the wimmen folks. Clem Webster, that is our expert op these matters at local level, reported he cphte to (own fast, Saturday to see nbw you Civil Defense Tips ' Indoor Warning System ^ warn the people^f w^r. But from the beginning there Was re cegniUeu Iter outdoor sirens some times could not be heard indoors, and that manytimes our town sir ens could not reach our rural areas. Tbere>( was a need for an indoor slfen Aystem to supplement outdoor la 1952 the Federal Government appropriated funds toward research projects aimed at development of indoor warning systems that would be: 1. Absolutely reliable 2. Available to gveryehe S. Economical The search has now narrowed to use, of your present electrical power lines as the one method that will serve the required purpose. There has now been developed a small instrument that could be plumed into any standard 116 volt outlet to be left there aO the time. Thi$ emergency alarm repeater sys tem, designed for use at any loca tion where there is electricity, is called NEAR, ft is now approved as reliable indoor warning sys tem. Before this system cap work, it will be necessary for ouf power companies to install the equipment to activate the NEAR receivers. When this system is completed, it will be.possible to alert the entire population withjn one miniite on the approach of a natural disaster, or I ! - ??:? I folks was gitting along and he found the wimmen folks was gitt ing along without too much to wear. Clem says it's a sight hi this wor ld the contraptions wimmen of to day can rig up to put on fer sum mer. He allowed as how when he was a boy a girl stayed at home if she didq't have nothing to wear, but BfH she hist puts op her shoes and conies to town, anyhow. That being the caSe. I wouldn't doubt. Mister Editor, if filf Jtfte fellers did n't dhsne to town next Saturday. Yours truly, i Uncle Pete Farmers spend more than $25 bil lion ppnually for. labor and supplies. Homogenized milk was first gold successfully In 1919. ?? ' even a warning that a foreign ene my is aboid to bomb, ewr country. Upon its y^ivatiq^you would bear tt fc expected that this NEAR re ceiver, which t# between $5 and $10, would use less current than your present electric clock. This quipment is not presently on the market and will not be until the power companies are able to install the generators they need. There are stttl problems to be workers out, but the most difficufo phase of the project-development of the system - is in the past; and the future for a national indoor attack warning system is NEAR. Aden the G*p4 of Rod. Titos t:10 pon't let , any lopsided man lie you down and brand you. God has called us into freedom and not to slavery. As to fundamentalists and modernists be neither one. The salvation of.fiod is not a doc trine but a Person. This Person, Christ, can save toe imkm man la your county. The reason Be Jas not done O* llftcaaaM JW foiah I does npt like the bitters of repen tgnce. t ' I I steadfastly refuse to belong to any denomination because all deno minations belong to nie 1 let one of them hive my name but I want all of them to have me. The Bigger a man get?, the harder it is to tell which denomination he is Conndfifed with. As to the race question, t believe in the doctrine of Christian respect and consideration "The first of all commands is, thou shalt love" At the Judgment Day the black man is going to turn pale and the white man Is going to turn rid if tfcey find too late that they hate each other. I 1 ??* . , r , - H For Expert Watch - Repairs * See hines jewelers Warsaw, -n.c. , pr'j* .it jf tity M|B ?" l 1911 TjT : ? JPiJIIBjJ|<| 10| . ? ? i, Why Should I Gare? LeuM far July 28, 1(61 "?'-?? - ?" . f~\NE Story cut have many ^ point*. It can bo uaed to Ilia* ^^otatiD^ with ttoa*. Neither wai Cain, looking I for the quc?tk>n he fjk Cain eitMh^tNensaitHn. bWall God I Wfcttpaid. n^xurwMt "*?> wants ? Keeper? Nobody wants a keeper. But everybodTneeifa brother. Abel needed a'Vother and Cain had not been ene ^.%^/jrKra: crime <* Cain's began *$h a re WHI# Kf^jSlA 1?^fJve*Per 25? fc*wJrV2S?*s Pf rha^|^|ad ^ never self did to Abel, didn't matterE Jj|?5lRi to Oed.^^M Seal I i w ' 3; 1 quality job fhintiwToL. ea ? DUPLIN - TIMES. y !CdMPARAT|YE STATEMENT OF CONDITION WacmtM Bank & Trost Company ^ .???! OJfiL # 006,067^)5 238,447.52 Inter-Branch Clearings v....<.ln 1.K 225,401.00 Other Resources .f._i 115,835.00 TOTAL RESOURCES r 33,790,1483)8 LIABILITIES: ' 1 Capital Stock .. I' 1,737,380.00 Surplus 1,82140514 Undivided Profits '1. ' 507,290.35 Capital ? 3^d^23i|j5 Reserves for Interest, Taxes, Etc. ... 802,098.08 Deposits ...... 29,182,540.71 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPETAL --33,190448.08 The Above figures do not include Trust Assets totaling over 0 t ? .... ? ., * Jdift 29, 1963 4,179,236.80 6,389,029,66 50,000.00 351,808*7 1,891,192.52 4,664,148,74 25,001.00 19,717,506.53 946,600.43 1 .. -672,247.03 274,353.38 ??" ' 397,799.20 82,508.15 i '? . 1,151,000.00 immM ? 6^.810.60 4,1^810.60 71?160 J1 I V, We Want T. Thank Oil* 0* second eta* matter n EPHONE?KenanrtiHe, Day 29 6-2171?Night 29 6-2141 ^?CRIPTION RATES: $2.50 pen year plus 11c N. C. Sales To* in Duplin Immr, Jones, Onskiw, Pender ( Samson, Now Hanover and Wayne couh B4.50 per year plus 14c It jC. Sales Tax outMe this area iwXorth Caro MBjMlS.SO per year plus Ijc % C, Sqles^Tax elsewhare. r ^ ^ on request ^ ^ ^