'BggL'SHSM.'-g" *? L ^ iillE'a.. -JJLl.i LI LJ. .11, Woodland Smietv .1 I Personals Recent *Wtors of Me'Su^HS Wallace wen Mr1 khdtirs. ttkh nin whitman And of Mbw ?York. ' "Mrs. Eva James of Friendship" .was a guest in the homo of Mr. tand Mrs. B. F. Wallace Saturday - other guest in the WalMce hotpe 'was Mrs. Willard Johns# ef Ken ansville. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Millard and [children of Roxboro spent a few tdays last week with Mrs. Millard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jatnes l?J {Walker. Week end guests of Mr. *fcnd Mrs. Walker were Mr. and 'Mrs. James Howard Walker of Dur ham. ?i ' I ; ?: tMSTPSFJ IK?, wtmafttf amahy-wer* Mr ? *Aa Mrs Mercer Williams and family; ' A colui acne me of green and white was used in die decorations ! The refreshment table was covered fe with an all; white1 arrangement of ag chrysanthemums, with white burti Jl irig tapers interspersing. ? X ? . ? > Mrs. jRjiajjM ?e|| poured punch c- from one end of the table while >1- Mis? Beth Kgy -Herring served the 31 PP<*4 lr0l? the opposite j Slid ipjnu were a also served. r* 1>ere were rn guests present. i ^ ? ? . GwdepfiiM iel ? I A co-worker called anij gpid that '' a bean had been sent (o Mrp fori ? identification fte (hqugfit it was a l "Jack" bean and wmited to knpw whether.or not it yes edible, When he described It, I was rare it'yras i a JaWr bean because yg get onC or two most V*cty ^ear. d'tMnk I hqvp i reported on' thfs befppe but anther jy time lhajr get the wifd around. *?' r The Jack bega, a bean-like plant, ? (Oanavalia ensiformis) is also cal * Jag tlje CJuakaeaw lima. This bean r is sometimes grown in the South for stock feed and is passable for use as p snspheaq whap the pods are from fOUr-shc1 Inthes long. The mature pods map be' 14 inches long. In warm 'Climates it' is a bushy plant with little tendency to climb. "^jaase tefl me what J can use to contrq) grass in the driveway and felwaen joints of the eop >alk in /so3 of the house." Vprsol gs a wetting spray. This is easy to use and there js no spray drift jyoblem It liwif he purchased from some filiag st tions. Adjust your nozztp tp #ve tr coarse spray and thorohgWyf^i'ef' thfe' blades of grass or weeM. May take more than oqe treatment for complete kill. ' ?' '? 1' ' ' ?'' " ' A mofher cglled p)e home lgst night ahput her littje gjrl who had been chewing a fruit qf the Jeru salem Cherry. She. of Course, was cpncerned and wapted to kPOW whe ther or not fhere was any danger iifvolVed. T told her thert was none but to plape the plant opt qf reach. The Jerusalem "Cherry (gqjgnupi * Pseucjo capsicum) is grotyp as a ?_ pot plant for its showy fruits. It I belongs fa a large group pf jflants, I potato, tomato*, pepper, eggplant, I red Sblamnrt, which inclijd& the I Irish 'Potato, pepper eggplant, red I pepper and spme of {hp pipiijcin I ? i> - m?l! 1 ? ~ al plants. It Is commonly referrec to as tiie Nightshade Family. Some of the lants in this group it being such a large family, ar< reported to havp fftxip 'qualities some of which may bfc Sbmewhai exaggerated. Dr. James W. Hardin has prepar ed a bulletin on poisonous plants oi Carolina and m nm wist sznrrr ttzzztzi I to have a copy. If you do,, you might first chock with your county agent. If he does pot .have it, wrha ; eiimOT College Station, Raleigh, N. C. and ? ask for Experiment Station Bulletin : No 414 - Poisonous Plants of North i Carolina . , ^ j >?. We Want Your Hogs ?EJP pS OR nNK We Pay Premium f or Top ^ualit^ Ham "afflff.mSBHS&r. Clinton LY 2-2104 is u all 1 ai m t f -PvV nqiw Home Grown Bed BUaa Home Grows Cantaloups Potatoes Tomatoes II rvaiiainiia Home Grown taJreprs Prpdw* tfsfket NEW LOCATION Next To Price's Gulf Service Station WARSAW, N. C. f??? nir ii i 7 rjtii > 11 iiiibi iii> fjupw 1 7 ? i WE INVITE POPLIN COUNTY 1 TO SELL '? ? dr.V? * ? .. "iff ? Jfc v AT THE ~ _ Hedfeueht Warehouse ? ?wHKifWII w W wl 1WWww (Fayettfvi lie Road) Twr??i ? i%>\.-' ??. i^Sa-S *? -j" ?>"'??? t ",? *??'?. LUMBERTON, N, C ??'J ^ TELEPHONE 739-4993 WHERE YOU ARE ASSURED TOP PRICES AND COURTEOUS SERVICE HKjSKSffiSsl^ ? .' ? Market Opens August 1st. . ?!??? y y ? ? A. t- ' ? "' ? R. A. HEDGPETH -Your Friends H. H. HICK? 5 ? ;a R. L ROLLINS ?j LEE ROY WALKER, Sales Manager ?i-EE2? . -.v ,'jM You Must Present Your AAarketing Card At Scales When Tobacco 1 WEST COAST LUMBER CO. H 200 CoitU H?vm M. i.Pw Friend?: No) only i* your "total housing bill leu" at West Coast Lumber V Company, but due to "Vest Coast Lumber's labor saving qualities ? your "total l^or bill is also muek less/' Ami, you btVf JhkUtf fl quality products too. X|ig gsg gf West Coast Lumber is growiqo fast in the South as I well as .throughout the whole country. Whaler you k|ow lumber I or not, your common sense tells you W6sl Coh|l,Lumber must give yalue ? ? ? ? ? - Try it yoursflf and see!! ..I ? ? ??? Timer *c I nW IS | I West Coast ? r NL1 rnioij nu PxecuJ Slyd* $ 83-12 Rapdqm Lengths 2 x 4's 1 85,03 2 x 6 & wider framing $ 89.77 1 x 12 Sheathing boards $ 85.03 West Cgasl ? Shelving Boards $118.75 Wood Paneling $11875 Beams & Posts ? $133.00 Clear Boards $209.00 i ?? I Wes) Coast ? Douglas Fir Plywood $ 2.83 Marine PIzwdm) ?? i PrefinisheH Plywood Paneling $ 3.96 Also ? Appalaohiap OaJr Flooring A 128.25 Sealfab Roofing r * 7.85 White Fir Mouldings i Do come to see us! Thank Vpm CQ^f WMjNi ? ?; MR. TOBACCO GROWER m ' * m , -v.. m ?. t ' v * - ? The Place ^9u Are Sure Of Geftin g The Most For Your Tobacco Is At Holliday's AND Frve^s MAfl I Warehouses V IFppgrtftt Carolina ERNEST FRYE Will Be On Sale At All Times and Has tygyen Tjfpe And Again That He Sells Tobacco HIGHER! MARKET THURSDAY, OPENS AUGUST -A SALE EVERY DAY WE URGE YOUfg sell your primings 0f |pps? Jepf {jfa cco during the first I I seven days. YOfIJ WILL GET MORE fo r this tobacco during these days. TELEPHONE MA 8-7333 I Call Jake Burns, Coll ect, For Floor Space II s r _J yye Will Sell Untied Tobacco $lffing Thf First Seven Days.