:W'' VB/- *1A 'M y ? . ;'^MB jMM>fc AAiflkiAr ^HHl^lfehM Or ^ IMIBB H^ffB jjE^B V vWv^#JnL StttujW' tfcc 3 koultlcx "T^ujl^l- ^i?h1U, Him I oj Dwj^w ??~~~~- . ... i '. ??* VOLUME XXX No. 34 KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 29,1963. PBJtafi 52* ?:?' T. .. . ? ____, I l . ? _, I Superior Court Coses TrieeT WW* ' ' I DupHn Superior Court was mov ing slowly this week, and many of fee long awaited cases to be tried hadkaot been in the Court Room at Unyhtfrne on Wednesday. Some new. rulings of the Legislature which were pawed la the last term delay ed court procedure. The Smith sisters trial slated for the week has net been beard yet, sad it Is rumored that it may be heard Thursday. Cheea disposed of to date were: Mac? C. Bostic for Disposal of mortgaged .property was nol pros James L. v#d?9, tried for worth leas checks, pay cost. Goethe W. Marsh, Jrv, spending 65 mph, cost. Eddie Blackbuth. charged with secret assault with a deadly weapon on a female, tbitft his wife, was not Ml tv touted u, aoniial state 4-H Electrjc ^Congress in Charlotte. Hfc'was Duplin?Cbul tjr*? delegate and won the trip on dSirhas conducted his project for three years and for the past two years, he has been in the County mm. Award Croup at 4-H Achieve ment Day. He is also active in Other 4-B worfc. Ray says "I find more and more that my health and safe ty projects contribute a great deal to my Electric Project." Resides this award, ft* is D? Ha County's Blue Ribbon Heafth Kingapd is serving as treasurer to the Duplin County Council. State Hospital for observation. J W. McGee, breaking and enter ing.' not guilty. Fred Kelly, larceny of dog. SO days suspended. $200 fine and cost. Franklin Stroud, larceny of dog. 90 days suspended, $400 fine and cost, and pay $100 for dog, killed. John Edward Farrior, breaking, entering and larceny, S yrs. in State Prison. Frank Williams, Secret trespass and assault on female. 19 mos. State Prison. Lenston Williams. Breaking and .. j >;? ?'>*??. entering in nightime not occupied at time, 5 yrs. probation, pay Paul Grady *15.. *250 fine and coat. Dino Fields, breaking and entering in nightime not occupied at time, 12 mos suspended and 5 years pro bation. Viven Jo Hill, larceny of auto, not true bill. Jerry Newman, breaking, entering and larceny, 80 day suspended, pro bation 3 years and cost. Clyde Williams, breaking, entering and larceny, 12 months in State Pri son. Former Electrical Engineer Succumbs John B. Boney age 78 died in James Walker Memorial Hoapital in Wilmington Tuesday Morning, Au gust ?. He built the first Electfc Light Plant in Wallace and operated it until he sold out to the Tide Water Power Co. Later he was Manager for the Tide Water in Wallace and Warsaw until retiring several years ago. He had been a Ruling Elder of the Wallace Presbyterian Church for the past twenty five years. Funeral services will be held at the Wallace Presbyterian Church Friday at 3 p. m. services to be conducted by the Rev. James At wood Pastor. Interment will be in Rockfish Cemetery. (He is survived by three daugh ters, Mrs. Eloise Boney Baird of Houston, Texas, Mrs. Elver Pant of Tampa, Fla., and Mrs. Lardner C Moore of Osaka, Japan, Two Sons, Tom of Graham and J. B. Jr., of Jacksonville, Fla. Tow sisters. Mat. Graham Smith of Wallace and Mrs. ^llen Powers of Hamlet, Two Brothers, Henry Lee of Selma and Edgar of Norfolk, Va. Eight Grand Children. I Lt. Bruce Wor rell Jr., eon of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Worrell of Golds boro, N. C., has Just completed a years' pilot train ing at Craig Air Force Base in Sel ma. Alabama He was awarded' his wings at a ceremo ny at the Officers ClUb August 2, 1963. Lt. Worrell was designated a distinguished gradu ate from pilot training. His next assigmnen twill be at Perrin Air Force Base, Texas where he will attend 'Fighter Interceptor Training in the Air Force's super sonic F-102. Lt. Worell was 1962 graduate of' East Carolina College. Mrs. Worrell is the former Hya cinth Ann Herring of Albertaon. Charged With Possessing Booze Walter Reed, age 62, colored male, of Rt. 2, Mt. Olive, was char ged with the possession of non-tax paid whiskey. Arresting officers were Cordell Johnson, Glenn Jernigan, E. E. Proctor and the Duplin County She riffs Department. Reed is out under $200 bond. Warsaw Bay Killed In Koto Accident The ninth Duplin County resident to die in an auto accident this year was killed two miles north of Tur key in Sampson County Saturday ni0it when his careening auto ran tfafeugh a atop sign and smashed a power pole. cording to State HighwayPmrol man A. Jones, Dad id John Kilpatrlck? Carl Powell, Herman Whitman, ft. 8. Whitman. MAGNOLIA - Town Hall E. M. Beasley, David Byrd, Keith Carlton, Earl Chestnutt, William Frederick, Pete Lanier, David Rouse, Joesph Rouse. ROCKFISH - Community Building Richard B. Boyce, Gibson Garr, E. M. Futrell, Graham Johnson, John Marks, Paul E. Smith, James Ward, Joe Ward, E. D. Wells, Jr. Joe L. Williams. SMITH - Freely Smith's Store ? ? Lewis Mercer's Store Charles E. Baker, Lawrence Hou ston, Lloyd Kennedy, Herman Page, D. L. Smith, Ray Thomas. WOLTSCRAPE ? Elmer Swinson's Store - Clyde Stephen's Store - Artie Goodson's Store. Jesse Bell, John L. Grady. C. C. Ivey' Jr., Dalton Jones, Boyden Roberts, Clyde Stephens. ROSE HILL - Rose Hill TV Ser vice A. L. Baker, Albert Cottle, George R. Dickson, I. T. Fussell, Brantley Hawes, Raeford Wells. WARSAW - Town Hall Robert Blackmore, Clyde Brad shaw, A. W. Gore, Melvin Herring, Gilbert Holmes, Herbert West. To be elected are three regular committee members Hid two alter nates. The chairman, vice chair man, and regular member of the elected ASC community committee will also serve as delegate, alter nate delegate, and second alternate delegate, respectively, to the coun ty conveniton where the ASC county committee will be chosen. Generally, a farm owner, tenant, or sharecropper may vote if he is taking part or is eligible to take part in one or more of the pro grams administeed by the ASC OMnmitteS: f ?ii 1 WW n Mf8 Beli'i rw ire i>ua* 1 this was im f t r ?i ( e (fee or two oi ths at wsr# .> Bryant Loses Life After Shooting 5 Others James Thomas Bryant, SO, a col- 1 ored matt of Warsaw was killed In- s stantly With a 42 pistol when he was f shot in kite right chest. J The shooting octiirrpd at 9 p. in. 1 on Sunday night at Moores Place t in Warsaw. t According to officers Bryant came into Moores Place with a 12 1 guage shot gun and shot several people. Altonzo Bouyer, 16, of War- I saw, was shot in the stomach and \ is now in Chapel Hill Hospital, i Cleveland Smith, 15, of Route 1 Tur- ( key was shot in the left arm and 1 elbow causing extensive bone and i nerve damage. He is now in Duke Hospital. t Henry Brinson, 19, of Route 1, *urkey was shot in the right fore irm, and was treated and released rom Duplin General Hospital, lohnnie Hodges, 16, of Route 1 Tur key, received one pellet in the chest, tnd left the hospital before he could >e treated. James Reginald Hodges, 16, of Warsaw was shot in the right hand. Bryant was then shot by an un crown assailant with a 22 pistol vhile Deputy Sheriff Cordell John ions was less than IS feet away. Jthers officers present were Sheriff ftevelle and members of the War law Police Department. The case is still under investiga ion. Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers Asso. To Begin Membership Drive September 1 The Duplin County chapter of the flue-cured tobacco growers associa tion along with the other flue-cured tobacco growing counties will start Trial & Error U At ' A! 1_ A k. ? u rceius a.it* enure wee* iuts neen a "Trial and Error" it hai been so busg * you trfrtu ?l. a?nWg d?gr * and everything completed is an ea "?r- * Mr. Roaroe Jones, popular cafe operaMT^JI about to get an addition . Soige ladies were in the cafe from the weAtefh part of state recently, and itf jiohte of his delicious pie. What they went to pay their bill they Mhuhed who the "pie cook" was When Boscoe admitted that he was] one Of the ladies remarked that if She had a husband who could cook pie like that, she would never cook again. But yott know Roseoe, he couldn't let well enough alone, so he ups and fears' ..That's funny for I have been VMting for a wife for a long time and can't find one" Immedi ately the ladies had a friend who they wanted Ro6coe to meet, she was a nice widow lady who need ed a nice husband. Roseoe started backing out and denying the whole story, but the ladies refused to be lieve him. Now everytime he sees a strange lady walking by the Cafe be has to hide. Mrs. E. S. McGowan of Kenans vIHe received a paper this week from Omaha. Nebraska. In it was a picture of her son. Lt. Col. S. B. McGowan chief housing division D/ Civil Engineering presenting the of ficial Air Force Certificate to Ed ward Glass in recognition of com pletion of the Summer Institute in Baecutive Development for Federal Administrators, McGowan is stat ioned in Omaha Nebraska at Offutt Base which is a Missile base. Remember the long Labor Day weekend, which brings an end to the summer vacation season, will also bring sudden and tragic death to at least 19 unsuspecting victims, in traffic accidents on N. C. streets and highways, predicts the N. C State Motor Club. Holiday fatalities will be counted trom 6 p. m. Friday, August 30 through midnight Monday, Septem ber 3, a 79-hour period. The toll last year was 17 deaths, with 10 re corded on Saturday and Sunday. Make your Labor Day a happy one and not a statistical one. Ruth :heir 1984 membership drive Sept. Lst. The Flue-cured Tobacco Growers Association is founded and organiz Bd for the purpose of giving the tobacco grower a voice in the to- , aacco industry, and: (a) To promote the welfare of the tobacco farmer and the general business of tobacco production. To promote efficient produc tion, curing, grading, packing hand ling .storing, processing, and mar keting of tobacco 'and to secure and (Continued On Back) Instructions If Strike Occurs Postmaster Holland innounced to day that planes, trudks and buses will be pressed into service to move air and first class mail to its des tination and to move their classes of mail within roughly a 150- mile radius of Kenansville, N. C. in the event of a natinowide rail strike. However, Postmaster Holland not ed that he has received instructions (Continued On Back) Bids Received On Highway 41 Bids totaling 16,265,720.97 were re ceived by the State Highway Com mission for 26 road construction project across North Carolina. All bids are subject to approval by the State Highway Commission when it mets in Raeligh on Thurs day, September 5, at 11 a. m. Sampson - Duplin - 1,852 miles relocation of US 421 from a point in Harrells, southeasterly to a point approximately 2,40 south of NC 41. (252,738.13. Barrus Construction Company, Kinston, N. C. Outstanding County Official Of 1963 Faison W. McGowan, Duplin Cou nty Account ant and Tax Supervi sor for the past 35 years, has been named Outstanding County Official #f North for fM ? 1 He was honored a meeting M the N. C. Association of County Commissioners and Accountaints and County Attorneys in Ashevilie, last week. The award went to McGowen in recognition of "his exceptional re cord of experience and service." He was cited as key figure in develop ing the pay-as-you-go plan for sch ool construction on a state level, as secretary of the commission to study public school finance appoin ted by formpr Gov. Luther Hod gee, and a past president of the state as sociation* of^ce^pty anceniiiiwie^Kl chairman of Use l>upiin Confer Democratic. Executive Committed. McGowen, an active member tt the KenansviUe Baptist Church, was born near Kenaasvitle and Mr spent his entire liCe in and around KenansviUe. He is married to if former Pearl Cannady of near rap etteville. This is the fifth year that Ml j presentation has been made. Henderson beaks On Discriminati* ! 'Statement by the Honorable David Henderson (D? N. C. ), Chairman Manpower Utilization Subcommit tee, House Committee on Post Otf fic eand Civil Service, Relating Ih Discriminatory Employment And Promotion Practices In The Federal Government.) The Manpower Utilization Sub committee met in executive session today to lay plans to investigate complaints received by the Commit tee alleging certain Federal depart ments and agencies have put into effect employment and promotion practices that are discriminatory, due to race, creed, national origin or sex. ? : The following major points trigct 1 the refute of the Subeomm^i The Subcommittee will mhvwh- . head in a eareliil and deUberlBa fashion to assure a fair and ohm agement area which can rsTttrlji J come highly warped by eMmm^ There will be public hearings, if and - when the Members feel it necessary. Our job, as we see it, is to preserve the Civil Service Merit System la the Federal Government, but the preservation of the.merit, system (Continued On Back) ? 1 I ' 1 I 1 i? Duplin Now Homo Of Area nC" Civil Defense - yX" Includes 11 Counties By Ralph M. Cotle Yes, We all enjoy progress, but it does not come automatically. Our Duplin County Commissioners are to be thanked for their special ef forts in making possible the estab lishment of Duplin County Civil De fense Agency in August, 1962. Be cause of our commissioners back ing for Countq Civil Defense and because of special efforts made in Wallace by the Mayor, the town board, the leadership of Claude Hepler, and cooperation of other citizens in providing office space, the N. C. State Civil Defense Head quarters saw fit to make our county home for the Area "C" division. The Duplin County Civil Defense Agency is very happy to announce that Area "C" Civil Defense Head quarters have moved to Duplin County. We welcome. Col. Victor W. Harris, who is tHk Area Director, to Duplin and wfch' to assure him that the County Agency is looking forward to working closely with hltfi. Col. Harris has been unable to fin] a house so far in which he pan move his family; but when he does, the same cordial welcome is ex tended them upon their arrival. We all realise that moving from one lo cation to another is always very trying and difficult; therefore, may 1 ask the public to assit this county office in making their efforts re warding. came the high caliber leadership of Col. Harris. It has now employ ed a secretary from this county who will begin her work very soon. The new office supervises Civil De fense- in Duplin and ten (10) sur rounding counties. Officials from these surrounding locations will be visiting Duplin County when area conferences are held here. Col. Har ris has communication equipment in his office which brings to our coun ty emergency contact with the en tire Nationwide Communications System. This will insure our people against the possibility of isolation from other areas during emergen cies such as Hurricane Hazel and possible future disasters. Civil Defense must depend on you for yew help. If you extend Beulaville Mayor Resigns Posf G. S. Muldrow has resigned as Mayor of BeMtaville, due to the fact that a Justice of Hie Peace can not hold two elective Jobs. Muldrow would like to thank the Commissioners .town employees and the peepto of Beulaville tor the cooperation shwon Mm in toe six years and seven months he tan Ser ved ss Mayer. it your co-operation and active participation, it will afford you pro tection and a more optimistic out look for the future. Remember this, "If you fail to prepare, you also prepare to fail.". and Mrs. J. & Stroud of iSC RFD s?W.ti "Mm*'* in ttsrUfc^ Jarnei Kaaan High i rlflik Oflufiflfi iB wflMBTMHMB ?? a - :- - Miles And lurner Attend Chevrolet Convention hi Detroit, Michigan Mr. Juries J. Miles and Mr. Lyn wood C. Turner and their wives of Pink Hill, representing Jones Chev rolat Company, Inc. of Pink Hill were among approximately 7,000 Chevrolet dealers and dealership executives in Detroit recently to at tend the largest convention of its kind ever held In the auto industry While in the Motor City, dealers previewed the spectaoidar new lines of 1904 Chevrolet car* and tracks to be im di m early . ? ML officials including Semon E. Knud sen, a General Motors vice presi dent and general manager of the division, and tarry Averill, general sales manacer. Citing Chevrolet's sH-time high rate of sales thus far this year, the two executives told the dealers that the division expects to surpass in IMS Ms record performance in IMS when Chevrolet ant new industry rTT"