| Warsaw Neto* PERSONALS Mr. and Mra. Glean Rolling ?peat Sunday with their daughter and family. Mr. and Mm. W C. Chaiken and aon of Charlotte Mra. T. R. Quinn and Mrs. Oliver Edwards shopped la Clin ton Tuesday. Miss Joyce Potter of Golds boro spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pot ter. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Bizxell of 1 Raleigh were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garner. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Quinn and son, Jay, were Saturday night supper guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Alderman of' Rose Hill. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Kuyhendall and children, Kirk and Shirl of Clinton spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blanchard. Mrs. Lucille Hale of Portsmouth, Virginia spent sev eral days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blanchard. Mrs. Pat Draughan and daugh ter, Paige spent Friday in Golds with her mother, Mrs. Pearl Stephenson. Paige remained to spend the weekend with her grandmother. Mrs. MUford Quinn and son, Robin visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sanderson in Beulaville Tuesday. Mrs. Fannie Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones and dau ghter, Shelby spent the weekend in Natural Bridge, Va. visiting Mrs. Anderson's son, Charles Anderson. Along with Charles, they enjoyed touring the Blue Ridge Mountains and other places of inetrest. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Draughan, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Drau ghan spent the weekend at More head . places of interest. Gerald Quinn, I. J. Quinn, Bennie Wilson, Ayden Powell, Dick Burton. Dale Hoffman and . Jack Gardener spent Thursday r and Friday la Ashevllle attend ing an L G. A. Adevrtising Meet nig. Bdlv Vann and BUI RoUina of end with Mr. and Mra. Glenn Rollins. Mr .and Mra. Joe Coetin were Senday dinner guesta of her par ents, Mr. and Mra. E. C. Tyn daU of Konansville. Johnny Pat Harmon of U. N. C. spent the weekeod with Mft parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Har mon. Mr. and Mri. Charlie WMtley and children of Mount OUve vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lott Kcrnegay Sunday. Mra. E. J. HOI is visiting for several weeks with her niece, Miss Susy Huasey of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Page Johnson and boys and Mr. apd Mrs. Em mons Garner and E. H. attended the Homecoming at the Bowden Presbyterian Church in Bowden Sunday, Bobo Potter of State College spent the weekend with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Potter. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Williams several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Williams. Little David Hollingsworth is spending this week with his pat ernal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hollingsworth of Fai son. Dwight Kirby of Raleigh spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kiiby. Rev. and Mrs. J. Paul Ed wards and children, John Beth, and Troy spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bostic. Miss Judy Martin of Raleigh spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Mar tin. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Caison of Jacksonville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert West. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Williams Utended the Homecoming at the - nwr. Urove tfapUM ;nurcn i Mr. and Mr*. Ralph DsLoca and son, Ralph Jr. ot Raleigh spent the weekend with Mr. and Mr*. Bruce Cost in. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wadkina spent Sunday in Lumberton visit- J ing Mrs. Maude Baldwin. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Beaten. Kathy, and Tommy spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ross of Oak CHy. Mr. and Mrs. Wayiand Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wadkina attended a banquet at Lake Wac camaw in home of Norwood Chestnutt, received Agriculture Supervisor of this District. GBICE AT MED SCHOOL Ormond Drew Grice registered for his first year at the Univer sity of North Carolina School of Medicine recently. Grice is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Grice of 210 CheOy Street Warsaw and is married to the former Ann Pope of Magno lia. Drew is a graduate of James Kenan High School and received his Bate he lor Degree in Chemis try at U. N. C. in June 1902. His honors and extracurricular acti vities there included Ph: Mu Al pha Fraternity, Student Govern ment and Freshman Honor Stu dent. The UNC School of Medicine established in 1070 requires its applicants to complete the re quirements for a four year Bach eor of Science or Bachelor of Arts Degree, or a special three year pre-medical course, at an accredited college for admission. Dean W. R. Berrybill and a special committee on admission select these whom they deem best qualified for the study of medicine from those who have completed the basic require ments BALTIC CLUB MET Mrs. Bob Blanc hard was hos tess to the Baltic Bridge Club Wednesday evening at eight o'clock at her home near War saw. f >S7JSSTUSfe'St Sutton, Mr* Winnie DavU, Mrs. CHatoa Rou*e, Mrs. E C. Wray, Mrs. Bruce Torrana, Mrs. 8Mb Hill, Mrs. Mattie Torran* and Mrs Helen fimtti. Cokes, candy and peanuts were served during progres sion.. At the cwrimkm of play, pound cake, ice cream amf.cot fte-. Flower pots were awrded to Mrs. Sutton for high score, Mrs. Davis for second high and Mrs. Rouse for traveling after the sco res were compiled. MRS. COSTIN HONORED Mrs. Charles Howard, Mrs. William Costin and Mrs. Nor wood Graham honored Mrs. Wal ter Costin, recent bride, with a bridal shower Saturday evening, October 5th. at S:00 p. m. at the Penny Branch Club House near Warsaw. Mrs. Costin was presented with a lovely array of gifts. The refreshment t able was overlaid with a white cloth, and centered with an arrangement of pink roses flanked by pink burn ing tapers entwined with English ivy. Cokes, potato chips, mints, nuts and punch were served buf fet. MRS. HERRING HOSTS CLUB Mrs. Thurman Gaster was high scorer for the evening when Mrs. J. B. Herring, Jr. entertained the members of her bridge dub at her new home on Walnut Street. Mrs. Gaster was awarded a figurine. Mrs. Nathan Costin received a wall plaque for tra veling prize arsf Mrs. James Taylor also won a wall plaque for second high score. Others playing were Mrs. LaVerle Kin law. Mrs. E. C. Wray, Mrs. Wil Hara Costin and Mrs. Marvin Sutton. During progressions, the hos tess served Cokes and potato chips and at mid point of play pie a-la-mode and coffee. METHODIST CIRCLES The Methodist Circles of the Warsaw Methodist Church met in the following homes with the topic of the Program for the Month being "Women of the Bible." Mrs, Hopton Smith was hostess to- Circle No. One in her home with nine members present. Mrs. Ross Wadkins presided and Mrs. M&rtha Davis presented the de votional and' the program was given by Mrs. Irene Strickland. At the conclusion of the pro gram, chicken salad, potato chips, cherry tarts, crackers and coffee were served. Circle No. Three met in the home of Mrs. Wr. C. Martin with eleven members present. Mrs. Job Wahab presented the devo tional and a most interesting program was presented by sever al members of the circles. During the social hour, the hostess served apple pie and coffee. Mrs. C. C. Rouse presided over the business meeting when Cir cle No. Four met in -the home of Mrs. J. P. Johnson with ten members present. The devotional and program was given by Mrs. Ruby Beasley. Following the program, the hostes served coconut cake, nuts, and coffee. Circle No. $ met in the home of Mrs. Ayden Powell with Mrs. Roy Berwick giving the pro gram. At the conclusion of the program, the hostes served gin ger bread with whipped cream and coffee to the six members present. Circle No. Six met at 3:S> with Mrs. D. J. Middleton, with eight members present. Mrs Middleton presided and Mrs. Charles Carroll gave th edcvo tionai from the 23rd Psalms. P PHARMACISTS L' MESSAGE a BY SAM CAVENAUGH It's doubtful if science really knows what sleep Is. It's re cognized, of course, that it Is very necessary in vary ing amounts if tne human sys tem is to function properly. Sleep gives your cells the nec essary time to recover from the day's work and effort, it is the time your muscles re lax and bulla up their store of fuel for a new day, and it is the time your blood requires to eliminate wastes through skin, lungs and kidneys. Although the young loudly re sist it. the teenagers claim ability to do without it, and the oldsters sometimes have diffi culty wooing it, sleep is a very necessary commodity if the body is to regenerate Itself for another day. Don't be asleep in the impor tant matter of having your pres criptions properly filled. Accu rate and exacting filling, using die higest quality drugs, is as sured at Sam's Drug Store, Rose Hill, Phone 289-2440. THIS WEEKS HOUSEHOLD HINT: Save the plastic from worn-out play pools, this can be used to recover worn out pillows on lawn furniture. Mrs. Emmons Garner gave a most interesting program on the Methodist Women, after which the hostess served lemon pie with ice cream and coffee. FIDELIA SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS The Fidelia Sunday School Class of the First Baptist Church , met Thursday evening in the Fel lowship Room of the Church with nineteen members present. The meeting was opened with a song followed by the devotional given by Mrs. Delmar Parfcerson. During the business meeting election of officers was held with Mrs. Y. L. Smith elected as President, Mrs. Ira Ezxell, Vice President and Mrs. Davis Hol lingsworth, Secretary and Trea surer. During the social hour, the hos tesses Mrs. James Sutton and Mrs. Winnie Davis assisted by Mrs. Gerald Quiim, served car rott cake, toasted pecans, dain ty pimento sandwiches and cof fee. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. George Best, Jr. announce the birth of a daugh ter, Rebecca Jean, born Tues day, October 8th, at Duplin Gen eral HaopitaJ. Mrs. Best is the former Frances Plyer of Charlotte. FRIENDSHIP NEWS PERSONALS Visiting Mr, and Mrs. Glen wood Sanderson this weekend was Miss JUdy Kornegay of Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kornegay and children of Wil mington. Sunday afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Randall Hargrove of Mt. Olive. Mrs. Ann Best and daughter of Faison visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Soloman Povwell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Whaley and children of Beulaville vi sited Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Wha ley, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Matthews and children of Warsaw visited Mr. and Mrs. George Prldgen and Mack, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wallace and Angela of Albertson visi ted Mr. and Mrs. Odell Brock and children, Tuesday night. Mrs. Emma Potterand Miss Margaret Swlnson of Durham and Mrs. Adelle Warsonof Wil Mlngton visited Mr. and Mrs7~ Ben Swinson over the weekend. Friends were sorry to hear of the death of Miss Clair Mil ler on Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis and children of Georgia and Mr. and Mr*. Olive r Lewis ana girls of Wilmington were Sund aay dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. L, J.Jones. Mrs. RUth Wells of Mt. Olive and Mrs. Mtxlne Lewis and girls of Wilmington visited Mr. and Mrs. GLenwood Sanderson. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rlnenuaric and girls Wanda and Perry Ann of Suffolk Vs. spent die weekend with Mrs. Eva James and attended the wedding of Miss Sue Outlaw and Dallas Weaver on Saturday. Mrs. Dewitt Lewis of Warsaw visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Swlrison Saturday afunwon. Miss Judy Williams spaatSun day In Wallace and Wilmington. Mrs. Faye Hill and son. Mike, are spending the week with he r Mother, Mrs. Wll- 1 xrt Pate. We Salute The Great Poultry Industry And The ftoducers Of This Area And Southeasten North Carolina iKji ^r\ f D| II I ^JI ? J III u the exciting new AUTOMATIC GSICRSI BB CONTROLS! ?? Just DIAL your comfort! All 11 All C* urim Push a button to start or UIL lillmL HtAltll stop tho FLOORSWEEP! now glvoM you amazing SWIPING f Kgg HEAT &he golden louvers in the floor heat outlet are motor driven to rotate back and forih-^suneptng the heat over the floor. All new Itp performance, styling and exciting colon; this new SIEGLER .givesyon a new dimension in heating comfort See it soon! @ Jikttu Cittu Cmpty (^j>) * 102 East Boney St. Wallace, N? C. Phone AT 5-2151 11 ii .I i ?_ i iii ?? . i ti: ? [ "We ] Salute Hie Poultry Industry And The Impact It Has Made On The Economy Throughout Southeastern North Carolina." ?COMJNS STORE Wallace, N. C. m t A YES I We Are Glad To Be Associated With The Great Poultry Industry And Its Producers In This Area And S.E.N.C. !!! Member F. D. I. C. Kenansville Rose Hill A ?" -?? 1 ?- ? - I'jLtl'i'i lif tiVYl ,, . .... /.*_ \ - .. . *?>?? ;.. v , i?