KenansviUeSociety Miss Mary Lee Syfces, Mrs. G. R. Oail. Sirs. Florence Houston of Warsaw and Mrs. Party Grady of Mt. Olive spent sever al days in Asheville, Gatlingburg Tennessee and Boone last week. Mrs. Mildred Brewer and Mrs. Allen Paraell spent several days at Emerald Isle as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hanes of Asheville. Mrs. Frances Moore and son, Jonny of Dunn, are spending the week with her parents. Mr. Amos Brinson and son, Doc, attended the State Fair in ( ?" Raleigh, Tuesday. Willie Gray Boatic of Gokkboro waa lMlma for the weekend. Mr* Martha Sitterson was cal led to Farmville Sunday because of the sudden death of her aunt. Mrs. Edwin Coates. Mrs. Oscar Redwine shopped In Goidsboro, Monday. Mrs. Mamie Kennedy is a pat ient in James Walker Hospital. nm ? * ? Wilmington. Mrs. J. O. Stokes. Mrs. Caro line Gavin, Mrs. C. B. Guthrie and Mrs. J. J. Wells attended the funeral of Mrs. Edwin Ooates in Farmvilie. Monday. Mrs. Oliver Smith and Mrs. Tjreon Boetic accompanied Mrs. BUI Williamson to her home la Petersburg. Va. Mrs. Malcotn Rhodes of Jack sonville visited her aunt. Mrs. C. B. Guthrie, Thursday. Mrs. G. V. Gooding is home after spending sometim* with her daughter Mrs. Banks Mc Nairy in Geldsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Oakley and daughters spent the week end in the mountains. Mrs. Joyce Payne recent gra duate of Dell School of Techno logy, Asheville is spending some time with her family at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hollingsworth', be fore going to Farmville. Va. where she has accepetd a posi tion. Miss Barbara Bradley of Wil mington and Oliver Vestal of ?peat the weekend with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grady. Sr. Mrs. Earl Stroud of New Bern spent sometime with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Johnson last week. Mrs Martha Sitterson spent several days In Raleigh with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nielaon. Mrs. Neilson Is an operative patient in Wake Memorial Hospital. Robert Caison of State Col lege, Raleigh, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Caison. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brinaon and Doc attended the Homecom ing at Nahunta Church near r.oldsboro, Sunday. Mrs. R. B. Willamson shopped in Goldsboro last week. Miss Judy Bostic of Mt. Olive College was home with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Bos tic for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. McGowan have returned from a trip to S. C. were they visited Mrs. A. D. Belts in Columbia, S. C. and a Homecoming of the Methodist Church in Johnston. S. C. One of their former homes where they stayed in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Brice Feagle and the W. L. Sawyers. Mrs. J. B. Stroud went to Laurlngburg on Saturday A. M. to bring her daughter, Frances home for the week end. Frances is attending St. Andrews Pres byterian College there. Mrs. Stroud was accompanied by Mrs. N. B. Boney. Mrs. Viola Quinn has been vis iting her daughter. Mrs. Winnie Vareen and family in Columbia, S. C. Mrs. Mary C. Southerland has returned to her home here after a visit with her daughter, Ellen Willis in Raeford and her sis ter, Miss Ella C. Cogdell in Fay- < etteville. Miss Annie Catherine Rhodes has been visiting relatives in Quinn Ooates, 87. wife of tht Rev. Edwin s! Coatas, died Sun day. Funeral servicee were eon ducted Monday at 3 p. m. in the Farmville Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Philipp Corey of Covington. Va., assisted by the Rev. W. D. Horton of Farmville. and the Rev. R R. Gammon of Greenville. Burial was in Holly wood Cemetery. She was a native of Duplin County, lived in Farmville for the past 20 years, attended East Carolina College, graduated from Queens College in Char lotte, was a member of the Farmville Presbyterian Church and the UtCfBry-CWtf Surviving are her husband; one daughter, Mrs. Charles H. Hale of Scotland Neck; one sis ter, Mrs. J. B. Cooper of Wal lace, and two grandchildren. She was aunt to Mrs. Martha Sitterson of Kenansville. FAMILY SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith and two sons entertained the follow ing at a Family get-to-gether here on Sunday night for sup per; Sp4 and Mrs. Leslie Smith and 2 girls (recently returned from a three year tour of duty in Germany). Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Shallotte, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith also Mrs. Ruth Smith and daughter, Jane of Wallace; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bla lock of Beulavillc; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moody and son Kee of* Dudley; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Etekies and son of Goldsboro; Mrs. Fannie Anedrson of War saw and Mrs. Allie Williamson of Kenansville. This was the first time that the Smith broth ers had all been together in nine years. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Mrs. T. P. Quinn was hostess to the members of Circle Num ber One of the Women of Grove Richmond, Va. and Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Bertha Hollingsworth has been working at the hospital this week for Mrs. G. R. Dail while Mrs. Dail finishes her vacation Misses Mary Ann Rcdwine and Alice Brown of Kcnarsville and Mary Alice Thomas with Carol Ann Tucker of Magnolia accom panied their Home Ec. Teachers. Mrs. Kathleene P. Snyder and Mrs. Carolyna G. Outlaw of the James Kenan High School to New Bern on Saturday. They went to attend the F. N. A. Ral ly of District No. 2 which is composed of 12 counties in tlie Eastern part of our State. Mesdames D. S. Williamson. P. J. Dobson and N. B. Boney also Mrs. C. B. Sitterson and bouse guest. Mrs. Baker had supper on Wednesday at Cavenaugh's Cafe on the Wallace-Chinquapin high way. Supper guests of Mrs. N. B. Boney on Friday night were Mesdames J. A. Gavin, L. South erland and C. B. Sitterson. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Quinn left Tuesday for Bel Air, Maryland to visit the 0. P. Boyer Family. Mrs. G. V. Gooding reft Wed nesday for Winston-Satem to visit the Stephen Council Good ing Family. She was accompan ie dby Mrs. Roscoe Jones and family. Dr. Guy V. Gooding Jr. and family were here for the week end with his parents. They re turned to Raleigh on Sunday V. M. Mesdames W. M. Ingram. L. Southerland, J. A. Gavin and N. D. Williams, accompanied Miss Lottie Ann Williams to Seven Springs on Sunady afternoon. Miss Judy Bostic of Mt. Olive College spent the past week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Bostic. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Foss and children of Mt. Olive, visited the Jim Malls on Sunday. Mrs. Louise W. Mitchell accom panied her father, R. V. Wells to Wallace on Sunday to Home coming at the Presbyterian Chu rch there. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Rey nolds went fishing at Topsail on Saturday P. M. ?aan????? ??? Road. Several floral arrange ments of Dahlias and Marigolds were uaed throughout the home, for the occasion. Mrs. Lloyd Fer rell Circle chairman, presided and opened the meeting by reed ing one of John Calvins' Pray ers. She also had charge of the Bible Study which was an in troduction to the Book of Psalms. She was assisted by Mrs. N. 8. Boney. Mrs. L. Soutberland dis cussed The monthly emphasis which was, "Church Extension." At the close of the meeting the hostess assisted by Mrs 0. V. Gooding served a salad course with coffee. Circle No. 8 of the Women of Grove Church met on Monday night 8 o'clock with Mrs. Ralph Brown as hostess. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Leo Jackson, vice-chairman in the 8^nA?T?u3ttcJk? to the Book of the Psalms.. which to the Circle Study thto year. Mrs. J. J. Wells gave the Monthly PY^hMi. on Church Exteoaion tag which time the hoetou aaeih led by lire. w. F. Stephen? ser ved Ham BtscuK, Cocoanut Cake and Coffeet to the nine. Next month the members arc urged to concentrate on Psalm Mr. farmer... Let Us Fill Your ASCS Purchase Orders Fertilizer-Lime V-C Fertilizer Co. Beulaville, N. C. We Salute Duplin County And Her Poultry Industry CENTER THEATRE Mt. Olivc, N. C. Wed. thru Sat. Oct. li-lt The Great Escape Starring 8t?ve McQueen James Garner Ard Richard Attenborough Wed. thru Fri One Showlag Only 7:15 Saturday 1:M tU 1I:M These Figures Prove You Get TOP DOLLAR SALES CAROLINA Tobacco Warehouse Intersection Of Faison Highway & 701 Clinton, North Carolina r S. L. FOUNTAIN & LANIER B. L. BROWN Chinquapin, N. C. Chinquapin, N. C. Lbs. Average Price Lbs. Average Price 218 79 $172.22 300 80 $240.50 228 79 180.12 300 83 249.00 250 78 195.00 300 82 246.00 22 55 12.12 296 83 245.68 _ 88 55 48.40 710 $559.44 70 40 28.00 Avg. $78.00 1354 $1,057.08 Avg. $78:00 J. E. LEE J. C. BLANCHARD Rt. 4 Clinton, N. C. Warsaw, N. C. Lbs. Average Price Lbs. Average Price 260 74 $192.40 278 56 $155.68 232 74 171.68 1&2 74 142.08 184 74 136.16 196 73 143.08 198 74 146.52 266 74 196.84 258 74 190.92 300 74 222.00 254 74 87.96 256 74 189.44 104 73 75.92 268 74 188.32 106 49 51.94 268 74 198.32 60 42 25.20 272 76 201.28 1656 $1,178.70 2296 1647.04 Avg. $71.09 Avg.S71.00 SUDIE BfoYANT & LANIER - Chinquapin, N. C, Lbi. Average Price 222 <62 $182.04 312 81 171.72 312 81 171.72 I?f 79 126.40 24 54 12.96 24 55 13.20 884 678.04 Ave. $79.00 Monday* Sales 175,938 Lbs. Average $6110 Congratulations To Duplin County And Their Poultry Progress ltf*W TURBO-DOMES HIKE H.P. 10-20-30% Make your tractor squeeze mor. work out of a gallon of fuel. M&W's high-turf ?ulence piston design boosts power up to .10% ... expels 98% of exhaust gases. Triple-Seal Rings control hot blow-by. You get real lug-down and staying power 6UA9AUTUD I riAB 01 1219 HXy Make your next overhaul MtW CER TIFIED POWER ... more power then oboe your tractor was new I BARKER - SANDERS Equip-Co. Richland's Hwy. Kinston, N. C. t Mr. Farmer: Sell The Remainder Of Your Tobacco Crop At BIG BRICK WAREHOUSE Goldsboro, N. C. Prices Are Good No Booking Necessary ???. ^ ., , , I Our Bust Wishes To The Poultry Growers Of Duplin County 1 "Your Hot point Dealer" L __M FARMERS HARDWARE & MDSE. INC. WARSAW ??????????? ??? I Mttor Pork Drivt-ln Thtotre Pink mil, n? c. tadir Two For The See-Sow Starriag Robert MiUhnni Aad Shirley MacLafee Cartoon DUPLIN THEATRE "AIR CONDITIONED" Warsaw, N. C. Thursday October 17 The Three Stages IN Around The World In A Daze Friday ? Saturday October tt-IF Natalie Wood la Westside Story Saturday, Oct. lt HoTpTm! OWL SHOW Some Like It Cool Adults Only Suaady - Monday October toil The Thrill of It All Starriag Doris Day aad James Garaer Tuesday O^iitrr tt J Sad Sack L?acky Nile $ ? Cosh Free Wrdoesday ? Thursday Oct. tWt Black Sunday TTZzrzzzuzrm I fhwM 3H I I MnoralM ..* ?t ? 1M 100? ? I MKCTIONS: For ?twut an I ? wOr. As w M lo Mlurt. ?Mr I I l?ool> to lodilm insAi?|li*? I I oOmt minor ostaroal owtO I I aaoraOoao. PtOt UooHoOiho I I AontMtHikMA Din away ho I I promataaafSCOEWWOAM aa4 I I sM not Malar, apply airncflj to I I low. maofO OM acrattaa. (at H ? A aa OiaUsallack I I knsOla h?? Ml| I . u a remarkable shoe from Buster Brown, for children 3 and under ? 1 designed to avoid a lifetime of * foot troubles... ? ? ft THEUvktc^SHpE by Buster Brown. Don't oowfa? 1%* Wlkler Shoo by Buster Brown with any other baby shoe. It is made over a last that oonforma to the basic shape of the human foot not one that cramps that foot into a painted toe. Ibis means that the foot of your child has more growing room, more space ?in which to exercise normally. m| Forget about fashion ? glee a future to the foot I of your child with The Wlkler Shoe by | Boater Brown. yggj \TcweM snots HI rimes sstaauar 101 WK8T MAIN ST. CUNT01S I ? f .

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