I ?iMEHBBBMBPiBWBpEiTi i -rwrpfim VOL. X Xi NO. 20 KENAHSVi:-'-.?. N. C. THURSPAV. MAY 14.19>t PRICE 11? PLUS TAX ^ Trial 6* Error The N. C. Eastern Press As sociation met the past week end in Ahoekie and at Chowan College in Murfreesboro. The meeting was most worthwhile and interesting and stressed new trends in printing equip ment. We toured the school of print ing and saw the new Elektron which is more or less an auto matte type-setting machine ? fascinating - and the Eastern Press helped with the purchase ot the machine. We also saw the large new Offset press in (the Parker Bros. Shop, in Ahos kle. But most amazing of ail things that I have ever beard was the explanation of a Com puter. Three men from the IBM organization were invited guest speakers and they ex plained the work or capability of the Computer. This all sounds like a fib, but if it is. they told it. One machine can serve about ten papers. If I were hooked up with a mach ine of its type ia Raleigh, I could sit here in Kenansville, dial the computer direct, the computer answers the phone, we could punch the tape in Kenansville, the machine in Raleigh would pick up the in formation. set, hyphenate and Justify the type at the rate of 1000 words per second, the finished work would be return ed to my office and pasted up tai? arK coum actually talk. It ha* a vocabu lary of approximately 100 word*. Eevryone in the group sat spell bouad while the informa tion was being given. 1 had to pinch myself to see if I wa& dreaming. It gets to be rath er rough when machines have more sense than humans. It has recently been called to my attention that we have a public health service in Dup lin (hat many people do not know about, and are not using as they should. One of the services provided ' by the Duplin County Tubercu losis Association is free chest X-rays given at the Health De partment each Wednesday af tertfoon. This service is made a variable by your contribu tion! to the Christmas Seal Campaign. You paid for it, why don't you use it? We have the best neighbors in our end of town you have ever seen. But when our dog "Happy" took her entire brooi of puppies and went over to spend the night with the neigh bors, there was a time in the camp. About 12 midnight, the cute little puppies decided to serenade the neighbors they Uked so well - that was the " i last straw ! ! At midnight we were helping the Kilpatricks' get rid of their visitors and apologizing for their behavior. Thank goodness they are now getting old enough to be taken to their footer homes. BEADING AND WKITING COURSE A course in reading and writing, sponsored by the - ...Ill June* Sprunt insuunc, ??.. begin June 9 at Kenansville Elementary School. Class will meet tram S until 10 p. m every Tuesday night for clever weeks. Students may register ? , at the first class meeting. The instructor will be Mrs. Patricia Quinn Howard. There will be Hum for the course. Dr. Vernon Guest Speaker For Mental Health Meeting _. _ A uu.b (a? imnrnvoH mPth Dr. Charles Vernon, Director of Community Services with the State Department of Men tal Health will speak in Ken ansville at the Agricultural Building on May 26th at 7:45, Mrs. Thelma D. Taylor, direc tor of public welfare, announ ced today. Health or a Mental Health As sociation are invited to attend. A Mental Health Association has several goals . 1. To work toward improved care of mentally ill. Mother To Receive JFK Tribute Sunday Mrs. Rose Kennedy, the mo ther of President Remedy, will be a guest of honor at the North Carolina Tribute on Sun day. Governor Sanford is still ac tively at work in extending in vitations to President Tohnso' and Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedv and they have not said "No" There is much involved how ever in meeting the security requirements in case the pres ident should attend. It is said by members of the family of Mrs. Jacqueline Ken nedy that she is able to travel but it is not certain that she would be able to hear what is to be said then face a crowd It is a known fact that Dr. Billy Graham will deliver one of his greatest addresses. Tickets will be available through Saturday, May 16, from your town chairman or E. C. Thompson, County chair man of Warsaw. Send your checks payable to the Kennedy Library fund and tickets will be mailed to you immediately. Tickets for the ceremony are being sold in each of the State s 100 counties. All pro ceeds will go as North Caro lina's share in the Kennedy Memorial Library, which will house documents of the Ken nedy administration. It is be ing built through private sub scriptions. At the end of the Chapel Hill ceremony, Gov. Sanford will present to Mrs. Kennedy North Carolina's check for the li brary. 2. ITUIft 1U1 Ull|nw work will be offered in English I. English II. English III, Gen eral Mathematics. Algebra I, Algerbra II, Plane Geometry and Chemistry. Students who are interested in attending the summer sch ool may secure registration forms from their high school principal or from D. B. Tea chey, Duplin County Board of Education, Kenansville, North Carolina. Students may also register on theopening day of summer schoo I E. Carolina Pres. To Address E. Duplin Dr. Leo Warren Jenkins, president of East Carolina Col lege, will 'be commencement speaker at East Duplin High School graduation exercises. May 17. Principal R. L. Pruitt said the exercises will begin at 3:90 p. m. on the school lawn. One hundred, thirty-three seniors will graduate. Dr. Jenkins, a native of New Jersey, came to East Carolina College in 1047 as dean. He has been president of the col lege since 1900. In addition to his work there, he Is a member of the Governor's Committee on Better Schools, a member of the Atomic Energy Advisory Committee, and a delegate to the White House Conference on Education. Committees Appointed For Telephone Petitions General Chairman, Allen Draughon, Jr., announced to day the following local chair men who will organize their communities in an effort to cir culate petitions supporting a consolidated telephone exchan ge for Beulaville, Faison. Ken ansville and Warsaw. The local chairman was appointed by the Mayor of each town. Russell Bostic of Beulaville was ap pointed by Mayor Herman Gore, Rev. >W. T. Perkins of Faison was appointed by May or Charles Decker. Amos Brln son of Kenansville was appoint ed by Mayor Lauren Sharpe, and Arnold Jones of Warsaw was appointed by Mayor Ed Strickland. These local chair !???? in th? nrocess of selec ling team captains who will re cruit workers to circulate the thelephone petitions. Amos Brinson, local chair man for Kenansville, has selec Ictd Mrs. Nannie G. Brown, l.eo Jackson, and Philip Kret sch as team captains. Mr. Brin son further staled that peti tions would be available at Homes Jewelers. Kenansville Drug Store. Leo Jackson Store, and Waccamaw Bank and Trust Co.; and he urges patrons of the Kenansville Ex change to come these places and sign the petition. Hussell Bostic, local chair man for Beulaville, has select ed Raleigh Lanier and William B. Cutler as team captains. Mr. Bostic stated that petitions would be available at the Town Hall. Bostic Drug Company, and Waccamaw Bank and Trust Company; and he urges patrons of the Beulaville Ex change to come by these pla ces to sign the petition. Mr. Bostic stated that other team captains will be seffccted and (Continued Oe Back) _.V> -flftf ir ?"V.Vwjjgfl One Bad Apple It takes only one bad apple to spoil the barrell and one run-down home to ruin a neighborhood. Which means it is everybody's Job during our Clean-Up>Paint Up?*ix Up Campaign to appoint himself a committee of one on civic beautification and improvement. Do what ever is needed to put your home in first class shape and see how your neighborhood sparkles. Excuses like "I don't have the time" "it costs too much" ? "maybe I'll get around to it later" - only postpone the day when the job will be much harder and the expense greater. Neglect now of needed repairs and repainting can lead only to more extensive damage with the inevitable depreciation of the value of your home and your neighbor hood. Try matching that against a small ex penditure of mooey and effort NOW. Wallace-Rose Hill To Graduate 100 > ...111 kn Ktf tKa The Wallace-Rose Hill High School Commencement Exer cises begin Sunday Evening, May 17 and conclude with the Graduation on Thursday night, May Si, one hundred seniors will gradute. The Graduation Sermon will he delivered by the Reverend John Roberts, Pastor of the Harrells Charge, on Sunday evening at 1:00. The Reverend Harry R. Goodwin, Pastor of the Rock fish Presbyterian Chu - - ... -1? ?UiHoete In the program. The Graduation Exercises will be held at Legion Field at 1:00 Thursday night. The main address will be given by Dr. Millard Burt, Dean of Metho dist College, Fayetteville, N. C. Cheryl Dixon will give the Valedictory and Ann Price will give the Salutatory. The Rev erend Leonard Quick Pastor of Poston Missionary Baptist Ch urch, will participate in the ceremony. Music for both phases of the Commencement wu- ? ?, Wallace-Rose Hill High School Glee Club under the direction of Mrs. Ruth SingleUry. Mas cots are Margaret Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Johnson of H arret Is and Dean Hubbard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Hubbard of Rose Hill. Junior Marshal Is are Georgia Hall, Chief, Linda Evans Don ald Whaley, Melinda Hamrkk. alary Deans Gaaldns. Edward Wells, and Nancy Ward.