Miss Dorothy Dunn Becomes Mrs. Claudius Ray Mullins 1ih: weiuiag ot miss uoratny Helen Dun 1 and Mr. Claudius Ray Mulllns took place Sun day afternoon In the Sar icta Frae will Baptist Churoh neai Kenans/Hie. Vows were spoker before Rev. M. E. Godwin ol Dunn before an altar of palms, and white candelabra with burn ing white urners. Baskets of white Gladiolus and pompoms were arranged at the altar, and a white leather kneeling bench was placed before the altar. Miss Dunn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lee Dunn of KenansvOle. Mr. Mulllns par ents are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Henry Mulllns of Ratllff city Oklahoma. The ceremony took place at three p. m. on Aug ust 23. Mr3. Hubert Sumrncrlin, sis ter of the bride, as pianist. Rev. Paul Frederick Hall, so loist, sang o Perfect Love, whl titer Thou Goest. and the Wed ding prayer. "Hie bride, given !a marriage by her father, was clad in a pure silk white satin floor len gth dress with circle neskline designed in lace and seed pe arls. The long sleeves ended in points over iter wrists. The full skirt ended in a chapel train, fha veil was of silk . Illusion falling from a coronit of seed pearls. sne carried a cascade cm wni te pompoms and carnations Mrs. Lynn Buzzard, sister of the bride, directed the we lding. Her maid of honor was Miss Judy Morgan of Vinita, Okla homa. Bridesmaids were Pat ricia Holland of WARsaw, Sue Muilins of Radlff City, Okla homa, sister of the groom. Ju nior bridesmaids were Rhonda Gail Dunn and Susan Annette Dunn, nieces of the bride. Flower girl was Mvra Lynn SumrnerUn, niece of the bride. They wore street length dresses of pink peau de sole, circle neckline, and bell skirts with bow attached to the waist in backs. Their hats were of pink silk organza roses with nose tip vefl of silk illusion. They carried long stem green carnations. Best man was Robert Bryan of Hampton, Virginia. Usher3 were Larry Inscoe, Durham: Ricky Muilins, Ratllff City, Oklahoma, brother of the bridegroom; Ronald Gene Dunn and Jimmy Dunn, nephews of the bride, and the Ring Bearer was Donald Gary Dunn, nephew oi the bride. Mrs. Dunn wis tlad in a dress of groan brocade sheath, white accessories And a pink carnation corsage * The groom's mother wore a dress ot blue lace over taffe- ' ta with white accessories. Her 1 corsage was pink carnations. , Immediately following the cer ' emony the brides' parents en tertained at a reception in their home. A color scneme of pink ' and white was emphasized with 1 gladlolas, zinnias and dahlias. < Pink and white burning tapers < Mrs. Robert Wonhlngton , ( Mr3. Lvnn Buzzard, sister of the briae, Mrs. Jimmy Sum- 1 merlin, Mr3. Archie Benson. ] Mr3. Herbert Jones, Mrs. Hal ] McColl, Mrs. Ernest Dunn, j Mrs. Ernest Grady and Mrs. Bobby Howard assisted the i hosts. Lime sherbet punch, ] wedding cake mints and nuts were served. For her going-aw&y dress the ' bride chose a pink smocked whip cream with matching pink accessories and white carnation . corsage. J The bride attended Free Will Baptist Bible College and Is a * senior majoring in music at 1 George Peabody College in Na-' shvflie, Tennessee. Tne bride- i groom is a senior at Free will ' Baptist Bible College in Nahs- I vtlle, Tmnassee. After a wedding trip to the 1 coast of North Carolina and the j mountains the couple will be at 1 home In Nashville, Tennessee Kenansville News PERSONALS mm 3mm Sinclair *f Day ton. Teas, to vtottng Mr* 0. L. Redwtne. Mr*. lUdutooaad ?K?t Mrcrai day* at Nag* ?to aa tte *Oater*^BMto. Mi*. Edna Earl Brinaoo accompan ied them to Raleigh shopping before Mia* Sinclair flew back to Tennessee on August 90. Mesdames Hilda Booth. Na dine and Esteene Quinn shop ped in 'Wilmington last Wed nesday. Nelson Precythe of Faison spent several days here last week with Johnny Scott. Mr*. Hasel W. Scott and son, Johnny also Mrs. Lois W. Pre cythe and sons of Faison Join ed their brother, O. C. William son and family of Charlotte for a week end at Carolina Beach. Mrs. Dixon Hall and two children went to Goldaboro on Thursday. Ervin Brown of Clinton has been visiting his grandmother. Mrs. Alda N. Brown. Lt. Col and Mrs. Robert Car roll Wells have recently retur ned from Tokyo, Japan and are here visiting his father, R. V. Wells, and sister, Mrs. Louise W. Mtichell. They spent the past week end in LiUington with the Joel Baytons and oth er relatives, After a short fur tough they will go to 8. C. where Lt Chi. Wells will be stationed at Shaw Field. Mrs. Aide K. Brown aad daughter, Faye spent the day in Clinton on Sunday with the Robert Brawns, and Miss Shir ley Kornogay. Mrs. Guy V. Gooding, Jr.. and children of Raleigh spent the week end here with his parents, Dr. and M rs. G. V. Gooding. Mrs. D. S. Williamson and Mrs. Ruby C. Kornegay accom panied Mary Lee Sykes andn neice of Goldsboro last Thurs day. Mrs. Martha P .Sitterson ac companied her aunt, Mrs. Ger trude Cooper of Wallace to Ta bor City on Tuesday to visit rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Freder ick Stroud and baby girl of New Bern spent the week end with the Willard Johnsons and the Walter Strouds. The John WMlards also the Ed. Sykes family of Charlotte spent the week end here with Miss Mary Lee Sykes and the Robert Sykes Family. - They were joined here by the Bill Odens of Norfolk, Va. for a family reunion. Also the Bill Eubanks family of Scotts Hill. Mr. and Mrs. N.. B. Booey, Jr., and two children. Christo pher Lea and Lesley. Louise spent Sunday-here with his mo ther, Mrs. Louise Boney. Mrs. Gertrude Cooper of Wallace spent the week end with her niece, Mrs. Martha P. Sitterson. Mrs. Thehna D. Taylor ac companied by Mrs. Pattie Carter represented the Duplin County Welfare Department at a Workshop for "Home-mak ers" in Raleigh last Wednes iay. Mrs. Dorothea Tucker. Field Representative with the State Board of Public Welfare, was here on business at the Dup lin County Office on Friday. Mrs. Joyce Payne of Farm trille, Va. spent the week end here with her family. Mrs. Frances Moore arid son. Jay of Dunn spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sitterson Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Vestal eft Wednesday with their rrailer-house for Clemson, S. 2. where they will attend Col leg this winter. Mrs. Marion Griffin and dau ghter, Carol spent several days recently in Robersonville with her parents. Mrs. Glenn Raamussen and laughter, Vicky spentfa cquola Mrs. N. B. Boney Snd Mrs. tttll Cni/|A. ?a4 oiu 0|#IVCI ajau ivaipli wiuc ar tended a Disaster Preparedness Meeting in the Wilmington Red Cross Chapter House on Wed nesday. August 19th. Mrs. L. Southerland accom panied Mrs. G. V. Gooding to Fayetteville on Thursday to spend the night with relatives. Mrs. Southerland was to visit her sister, Miss Ella C. Cogdell while Mrs. Gooding visited the Gilbert Honeycutts and other relatives. Mrs. Ruby G. Newton spent several days last week in Kin ston with her sister, Mrs. Nina G. Boone who was ill, but is better now and left the Hospi tal on Wednesday. Mrs. Voila Quinn spent sev eral days recently In Mt. Olive, with the Thomas Quinn fam ily. Her son, Thomas has re cently returned from an assi gnment overseas in Viet Nam but is being transferred to Langley Field in Vlrgiina. Mrs. Josephine Krestdi of Lenox Dale, Massechusetts is visiting her son, Phil snd family. Mr. James Kennedy of Jack sonville spent Sunday with Mr. McCoy Kennedy and Mrs. Ek> ise Ryder. Miss Alice Brown returns home this week from Campbell College for several weeks be fore registering for fall semes ter. Mrs. Ruth Adams of Carolina Beach is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams MRS. VESTAL HOSTESS TO CLUB Mrs. Ellis Vestal was hostess o the iKenansville Kontract tlub on Thursday Dieht, Au ust 20th. Additional suests ?ere Mrs. Oliver Vestal, and Irs. "W. M. Inn-am. Jr. of t a lei eh They were both re nembered with gifts. Miss Lottie Anne Williams eceived a silver necklace for wing the high scorer. Mrs. darion Griffin won the Rineo irise. for refreshments the nstess served eineerale -ice ream floats and assorted ' ookies also salted nuts. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN The regular monthly General neeting of the Women of '.rove Presbyterian Church ras held on Monday night at :M in the Adult Sunday School !lass Room of the Church. The resident. Mrs. Louise W. MH hell presided, assisted by her ecrotary. Mrs. Doris N. Sit ersaa. The opening Devotional Mary aom or ooa. "Instead of the usual pro gram a planning period was held in order to be more fami liar with the new Manual of materials being instrduced for next year which begins in Oc tober. Sixteen ladies were pre sent. The new officers will be installed at the September meeting at which time their j names wijfcbe reveled. OBSERVES FAMILY NIGHT Family night was observed by the members of the South Kenansville Home Demonstra tion Club on Friday night. They met at 6:90 at Roscoe Jones' Cafe for a Dutch Supper. Tur key with all of its trimmings were served to the 21 present. This number included * nine members and 12 others who were guests of the members. This being recreation month for all home Dem. Clubs, no business was discussed. After supper a goodly number of those participating went to the Court House to the graduation exercises of the Practical Nur ses Class sponsored by The \ New James Sprunt Institute in cooperation with Duplin Gener al Hospital. BRIDE ELECT HONORED Miss Sylvia Cbestnutt-bride , of September 6th, was honored on Monday night at a miscel- | laneous bridal shower. The lov ely affair was hosted by the Women of Grove Presbyterian Church. The honoree is a teac her in the Sunday School. Her class remembered her with a silver pitcher in addition to the many useful gifts that were placed on the gift table which was centered with an unique wedding bell arrangement. Another arrangement of white lillies was placed on an auxiliary table, eiphasizing a color note of green and white. The honoree also her mother. Mrs. Thomas Chestnutt, and the groom's mother, Mrs. Geor ge Powell of Wallace were all three pinned with lovely cor sages upon their arrival. Gues ts were registered in the bride's book by Mrs. N. B. Boney. Several games and contests were enjoyed before the bride elect opened her gifts. Mesda mes Harry Wells Murphy and f. N. Bowden were winners of the contests, of which Mrs. Ralph Brown was chairman. For refresehments. Bridal cakes were served at one end of the prettily decorated party table by Mrs. J. J. Wells while'Mrs. J. R. Grady served punch at the opposite end. Sal nuts were siso scrvcfl. w) the ? present. Msedames J. B. Wallace and Billy Stephens also Miss Margaret Williams were hostesses at-iargie. Good byes were said to Mrs. Louise W. Mitchell and Mrs. Doris Sit TOWN AND COUNTRY CLUB MIT tess^ tte* members * of ^ MISS FLORENCE CURRIE MissCurrie Attends Powers School Miss Florence Currie of Ken ansville, daughter of Mrs. Flor ence S. Currie was enrolled in and has completed the Pow ers finishing, charm and mod eling course at the John Rob ert School In Fort Worth. Tex as Florence was accomDanied here in her classes by Miss Sue Eaelee.dauehter of Dr. and Mrs. Archie Y. Eagles of Aho skie, North Carolina. They are roommates at Atlantic Christ ian College in Wilson. North Carolina. "Florence was an outstanding student and a credit to our school as well as to your city add state." staetd C. Southerland who used for her remarks the familiar ver se, "Seek Ye First the King t .a M.J ll the director. "We ere privileged to hove enrolled with us from North Carolina Florence and Sue this summer as well as otter young ladies from North Carolina last summer Jackie Marks (Miss Congeniality in your IMS North Carolina Pageant) of Rocking ham, N. C. Jayne Helms of Rockingham, North Carolina and Miss Cornelia Eisenhart of Rockingham. North Carolina. They are all a credit and asset to your fine state of North Carolina. They are beautiful, poised and charming young la dies." offlrmed Mrs. Bates, Director of Powers School. Town and Country Bridge Club on last Tuesday night at ? I i 1 kfed by 1M4 Mrs ?ad Mr*. Fannie MeGowan cane out second Each were prsoentad gifts The hostess served Blueberry Turnovers topped with Ice MM. STOKES Mr*. J. 0 Stokes was hos tess to her bridge chib on Tuesday evening with Miss Mary Lee Sykea and Mrs. I. C. Borah playing with the fol lowing members: lbs. Mattie Sadler, Mrs. Rufus Elks, Mrs. Lee Jackson, lbs. George Pen ney, Mrs. J. B. Wallace and Mrs. C. B. Guthrie. After two progreesions, Mrs. Wallace assisted the hostess in serving strawberry short cake and coffee. When ocores were compiled, Mrs. Wallace was given cos tume Jewdery for club high and Miss Sykes a scarf for visi tors gift. FAMILY REUNION The family of the late Anna Jernigan and Bob Sykes gath ered for a week end at the home of their daughter. Miss Mary Lee Sykes, for a reunion, and to see their brother and family the Robert Sykes who recently returned from a tour of duty in Germany. Those enjoying a dutch sup per on Saturday evening at the Country Squire were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sykes and daugh ters, Miss Mary Lee Sykes of Kenansville, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Sykes and family of Char lotte also the John WD lards of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Bin Oden and f Wheatoo. Maryland; Dr. and sr?k2rs.-^s Wise and m of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eubauks and Mr. Bffly Eubanka of Wlhning The family onjigmd a tur key dtonsr ?kh all tha Wm mtofi at the homo of ttwfa Vocational Teachers Plan Program F or Year TV Vocational Home Econo mics teachers In Duplin and Pender counties met in the home of Mrs. Delia Mattocks on August 10 to plan a program of work for the year. Officers elected are: Presi dent - Mrs. Josephine Ander son. North Duplin; Co- vice chairmen ? Mrs. Carolyn Out law and Mrs. Kathlene Snyder, James Kenan. Secretary and Reporter- Miss Thelma DOday. East Duplin; Treasurer - Mrs. Nettie Herring. East Duplin; and P. H. A. advisor ? Mrs. Yetive Davis. Burgaw. Mrs. Josephine Anderson, presented the program on Adult Education. Topics plan ned for future meetings throu gout the year are concept Tea ching, Home Experiences, Classroom Instruction, and Guidance. Mrs. Mattocks, and Mrs. Em ily Wells, hostesses to the group served a delicious sweet course to the twelve attending I If s Cook Out lime ~| Reach for DAINTY MAID Rails & tons Mr. John CIa??ics ? Leather trimmed rir fedora. Rend , olive combine- \ I RS?2n?SB9S! r i Feathers fly to new high fashion in thai seafoam green rol ler by Jille . . $32.96 Oleg CassiniVp?flljk deep turban jh 1 fashioned In^fl silky Italian 4H Beaver. Spru ce Green, Gypsy Rose. ' Dorable Blue, black . . $16.90 Lilly Dache crea ted this Dachet tes of stitches vel vet in a bonnet si lhouette. black, coffee or beige .. $11.96 1 \Autumn J/ Beauty y and Color Resplendent in our New Fall Millinery _ ir- ?_ ? nr. .lofm ->r. ?fll? Caaalni ?Mr. Stanley ? Emme Boutique .Mr. Rlckie ? Frleman ? ? Amy .Vhrl 'Ruby Ann ? Mr. John Classic* ? Henry Mam ? Herbert Bernard . Robbv Ann ?Skohrins -Coronet ?Deee* ? Betmar ? Linda - Adolpo Realities ? Chesterfield - Ouaker Maid > JWe .Coquette ? Derby , Ambrose . Dow* , Dachettes. by Uly Rache' We have collaborated with more than twenty-five of the country's leading designers of fashionable millinery to bring you one of our finer collections of fall hats and we cordially invite you to come in tomorrow for our first showing of the new season. Here youH find millinery in many silhouettes ... , many moods. Lovely velvets, softest felts, newly - important leathers and wispy feathers that are a recurrent fashion ... all in the season's best colors all headliners for fall. *64. And while you're there be eure to regiater tor the beautiful Sterling SMver Dreeeer Set worth more then mot that b getng to he awarded to eorae tacky winner on Satardey, tagaet Mth. BELKS MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ? SECOND FLOOR ? f I THE COST OF COLLEGE IS SMALL (when it's saved (or in advance) Regular saving far enough in advance can make the high coct of a college education seem much smaller. High earnings alone can meet a substantial pert of the expense. Let us help you plan a program to meet your children's educa tional needs. Start saving now ... while the cost is ?sail! ThU chart ihowi low 70 nr College Fud Saving! Aeeennt will grow. HzZ ?? ?? m oaow ? *-*? M~*a to rem mar tzicu am.i* mrn u u run uum~ am M ?u mm ?TMn *74.41 1111.7! tmlm (mm! I It Pays To Save, And Wher e You Save . Does Make I A Difference. ^ NO If MONTH! WAITING PEX10D TO EABH. . . fc S GmMBaN fm ?~ L-flH MVS NT THE Mil ? 1 HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS I ||w m ASSOCIATION?rar?aJ ,;SS?F J p HT-. nmmmmm .!? II I III ?!? M B AfSKTS 41V IB TWINTT'THII MILLION OOLUII

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