<3T/?V4 \<^S * /^ JF1 t\ i ^ M' ( 1 iflah n Wj& jr Stul^ .Jm** tfcc Statist*?'l^AJ- ^M^'tk i4>?l oj BujAw PROGRESS SENTINEL VOL. XXXI NO. 46 , KENANSVILLE. N. C. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 5. 1964 PRICE 10* PLUS TAX Trial Scott, can didate for lieutenant governor, ran ahead of both President Johnson and Candidate Dan K. Moore in Duplin, receiving 77 CALYPSO MAN NATIONAL ADVISOR Governor Christian A. Her ter, the Preisdent's Special Re presentative for Trade Nego tiations. has announced a ros ter of technical representatives to provide Information for the trade talks at Geneva. W E. Bryan of Calypso has been named such an advisor to assist in pylwood problems. 35 votes, swamping his oppon ent, Clifford Lee Bell, the Re publican candidate, who re ceived 2726 in Duplin. All county officers received popular approval from Duplin voters. Mrs. Christine Williams Register of Deeds, led the Dup lin ticket by receiving 8,382 votes. Russell J. Lanier, Judge of the County Court, received 8205, and County Solicitor Wil liam E. Craft had 8055 to his credit. J. B. Stroud, commis sioners for Dist. 5, receive^ 9 94 votes and D. D. Blanchard and James Albertson had 8181 and 7989 for the County Board of Education respectively. None of these county officials had op position. Joe Sutton candidate for county commissioner from Dist. 1 J-en hi* first try for t ' county office received 8,075 votes Roy Rowe and Stewart B. Warren, Democratic candidate! for the Tenth Senatorial Dis trict. received some 7500 vote! each against approximately 21 50 for their Republican op ponents. Red Beal and John R. Parker. Thad Eure, Henry Bridges, Edwin Gill, and other candi dates for State posts won over their Republican opponents 3 to 1 in Duplin, receiving some 7500 votes to 2500 for their Re publican opposition. With 90% of the vote in over the Nation, the Johnson-Hum phrey Democratic Candidates had received 61 2% of the vote and had won 486 electroal votes against oqly 52 for Goldwater Vfiller Johnson was running some 14 million votes ahead of Goldwater and had carried such Republican states as Miane and Vermont. Goldwater appeared to have won in Ala bama. Georgia. Louisiana, Mis sissippi and South Carolina and was close in his home state of Arizona. Johnson won 44 states in the biggest landslide in memory. Moore oppeared to be build ing up a 150,000 lead over Gav in in the long race for governor This is Gavin's second time to lose as he lost to Terry San ford in 1960 by 122.000 votes. Duplin FW Baptists Set Benefit Dinner The Free Will Baptist Chu rches of Duplin County will hold their 1964 benefit dinner for the development fund of Mount Olive College Thursday, November 12, from 6:30-7:30 P. M. in the Beulaville Elemen tary School lunch room. Members of the steering com mittee planning the dinner in clude William W. Thigpen, chairman, Mrs, Gertie Ever ton, and Mrs. Walter Rhodes of Beulaville: D. F. Chambers of Kenansville; and Leslie Bell of Mt. Olive. The Duplin County dinner is one of a series being held thro ughout North Carolina in a pro gram to raise $115,000 for the first buildings being construct ed on a new 90-acre campus. Following the dinner there will be a program in the school auditorium at 8 p. m. at which President W. Burkette Raper will show color slides of the buildings now under construc tion, which include a $370,000 academic building and a $445, 000 dormitory complex. Rose Hill "Boy* To Marry Wallace "Girl" A wedding of unusual inter est to this section will be per formed in the Rose Hill Ele mentary School auditorium Jhuhiday, November 19 at 8:00 p. m. Since it is likely that all of the numerous friends of the Two Captured At Still Deputies S. C. Dempsey and W. H. Qulnn and Constable L. B. Thomas came upon a still in Magnolia Township while it was in lull operation. Arrested and charged with possession ot material for manufacture of non-tax-paid whisky were James Edward Boney and Joseph Henry Mor gan. A Wbb Chevrolet station wagon was seized. The 250 gallion subramine type still was destroyed along with 6 barrels of mash and other parapher nalia. couple can not be seated even in this large auditorium, the frantic mother of the bride, not wanting to disappoint any per son. decided that the vows sho uld be heard both in the home town of the bride and in the home town of the groom. The second nuptial events will take place in the Wallace Elemen tary School auditorium Friday. November 20 at 8:00 p m. The spectacular marriage ceremony is being directed bv the Wallace-Rose Hill High School P T. A. Miss" O. C. Btachard, Jr of Wallace, is the blushing bride. Beaufort Longest of Rose Hill, willing or not, will he the groom. Bridesmaids, flower girls, the frantic mother of the bride and jilted girl friends of the groom will all be on hand to give you your money's worth in good family entertainment in the first ^jbmanless Wedding-' to be held in the two commun ities in several years Broiler House Insulation Meeting Tuesday A meeting to discuss broiler house insulation and ventilation will be held in the auditorium of the Agricultural Building in Kenansville Tuesday. Novem ber 10 at 7:30 p. m. Ray Ritchie, agricultural en gineering extension specialist, of State College, will be at the meeting to lead the discussion. Mr. Ritchie is the author of several publications on heat ing, ventilation and insulation of poultry houses. He has done extensive research on this sub ject in the field here in North Carolina. Snodie Wilson. Duplin's as sociate agricultural extension agent, says that Mr. Ritchie is highly qualified in this field and that any broiler grower, feed dealer, egg producer or other person interested in poul try should attend this discus sion. County Offices To Close Saturdays All County Officers will be closed on Saturdays beginning with Saturday. December 5. County Offices will be open five days per week from 8:00 o'clock. A. M . to 5:00 o'clock, P. M , beginning with Monday, November 30. This change has been appro ved by the Board of Commis sioners. The Duplin County Bar Association recommended the change to the governing body. .ah County Offices in surround ing Counties are closed on Sat urdays. Offices of Federal