5 SllNTINrilj m wBr jntwEJMPwP Ji JHE^B JBIJmB I Trial & Error Heard over TV, "The onion is the fMtt unhappy vege table." Was recently reading a write up on the new show on Broad way, The Owl and The Pussy Cat. The commentator Ad not give it a good recommenda tion, stating that it was not as good as a Television show, be cause you could turn the Tele vision off. Earl Wilson quoted Arnold Glasgow in saying, "The Chris tmas toys being shown this year are so simple they can be operated by any child and some parents." Bess Mines Harkins sent us this Living Memorial for the anniversary of Kennedy's pas sing. Thank you, Bess. LIVING MEMORIAL Eternal Dame yet glows in Arlington, , For a fallen Leader flares, and for the Cause For which he stood: it flames for everyone Who serves with love and knows that Higher Laws Alone can save, in Truth unite tn all. This, then, our dedication: it la we Who feed the flame, by an swering the call s Of Justice, and who seek for Unity Knowing that a nation is the toll Of eveky member doing what Who knows the world itself is evafy man. ^ Forgot it not ? that dear. ? Eternal flame ? And in its Light, kneel down and write your name. Bess Hines Harkins 3349 Ocean Drive. Oxnard, Calif. Ruth Sanford Tribute Francis Kcppel, U. S. Com miss loner of Education, will bo the representative from the field of education, scheduled to speak at the Sanford Appre ciation Dinner at the Dortoc Arena in Raleigh on Friday, December 4, Col. Gib Buck and Robert Carr County Chairmen announced this week. J. M. Smith at Chinquapin ?lso has tickets. Other Adds to be represent ed include. industry and cul ture, Hargrove Bowies, Gener al Dinner Chairman reports and will be announced. The local chairman stated that the dinner is open to any one who desires to help pay tribute to Governor Terry San ford. Tickets to help finance the cost of the dinner and to T help establish a scholarship fund at Methodist College can be obtained at <S each. Doors will be opened at I p. m. Anyone interested in making a contribution to the scholar ship or purchasing dinner tic kets may obtain them from the local chairman or by writing Box loss, Raleigh. SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE TIMES - SENTINEI. Expect 21 Deaths Turkey and trimmings and a trip to Aunt Lula's make a real old-fashioned Thanksgiv ing, but while you're making that trip, dent drive carelessly . and become one of the SI vie ? time which the N.. C. State Motor Puf pMdictmwOl be Ml* ?? lad lirtriffie aoeidents an Nor th Carolina's streets and high ways during the long Thanks giving holiday. The official highway fatalhy countdown will extend from I p. m. Wednesday, November IS, through midnight Sunday, November 19, a period of 191 hours. The motor club said its estimate is basad on past sx perience of motorists coupled current driving patterns for a similar time period. Wsjitiig TIME TO REJOICE A1VD BE THANKFUL y ? ? * It's Thanksgiving ... a time to gather together with friends and ioved ones ... to go with our families to church, there to join our neighbors in giving thanks,... gratefully, prayerfully ... for all our many blessings May the great joys of Thanksgiving be yours. Beulaville Methodist Set Services In New Church The PeulaviUe Methodist will use their beautiful new church plant for the first time Thursday night. Thanksgiving night, when special services will be held at this prayer meeting to thank Ood for his blessings and for making the new church possible for them. Rev. Foster Reynolds, the pastor, wfll conduct the first regular worship service in the new church Sunday, November 99, at 9:00 a. m.. followed by the first Sunday School con ducted in the new building at 10 o'clock. Dedication Ceremon ies wfB be set later., vQtaund-breaking ceremonies ' tor the M*-*kureb-were *eld J March 91. The cfaurah was or ganised In 1968, the first ser vice being held in the Beula ville School Auditorium en September 18. 1959. Since No vember of IBM, they have used the Masonic Hall. The church continued to grow and on Jan uary 10, 1959 was officially or ganized with a special service attended by many officials of the Methodist Church, and was accepted Into the Conference, Rev. Horace Quitfey was pat ter ef (be church during the organisation period. The building committee is compoeed of W. B. Cutler. John Simmons, C. L. Raup and Russell Sanderson. C. L. Raup is treasurer of the church, John Simmons, superintendent of the Sunday School, and Rus sell Sanderson Is chairman of the official beard. ,/ THANKSGIVING SERVICE There wffl be a special Than ksgiving Service at the Beula vilte B apt tot church Thursday " morning November'H at .-#? WARSAW JATCEM TO HAVR CHRISTMAS TREE The Whhtaw Junior Chamber of Commerce is getting ready tor the biggest Christinas Tree ?ate ever In Warsaw on the comer of Pine Street and Hill Street. Beginning December 10th, thoy will be open from 5:30 p. m. to 1:30 p. m. There will be two sixes displayed. Numerous orders have already been placed with this active or ganisation. but If yen were missed and would like jp place your order either for a small tree or a largo one. you can cell M. L. Kinlaw or sag other Jaycee. These trees of which orders have been placed will be delivered and any others which are placed now. Jaycee President Gerald Quian ask that you please keep them in mind when you get ready for your Christmas Tree. CLASS REUNION The 1958 graduating class of B. F. Grady High School will hold its annual reunion at King's Barbecue in Kinston en Friday November 27, 19(4 at 7:90 P. M. All Class members and their families are invited to attend. W' * ^ LINWOQD <JOTW BROOKS of Magnolia on way fom jal to eeurtboaat fv etrt ner'a tnaoaat Bmfa it accaaed ta the npMkfkf of Brian Halt Whalay in a lover's laat at Mipili Friday night Mm Whalay vat an esgtforae oI the oeuaty hoepital hart aad Bead hi Magnolia. Behind Brooke art Depute* Jack ^lnrtani and B. g, TMgpen and Mar Bnrta Outlaw looks out door of Jafl. Brook, la bah* held tor trial ia Jan ' fifteen Unum era tars named For Duplin Ag. Census Enumerators nave o e e n named in Duplin county lor the 1M4 Census of Agriculture, Crew Leader Grace H. Carr, of Roee HID said today. Enumerators in Duplin coun ty belong; to a force of 23,000 throughout the nation employ ed temporarily by the U S. Bureau of die CenauO for Mo year's Consul of Mtftun. ribfflty to locate evy^Srm cultural resources and produc- . Won. Such information is vital in making decisions affecting many segments of the U. S. . economy. Data gathered in- j cluds the number and size of ( farms, acreage and harvest of crops, livestock inventory, in matioii on farm equipment and Improvements, farm prod ucts sold and on some produc tion expenditures. Information alao will be collected on use of fertilisers, insecticides, and herbicides The enumerators will be trained in a special 4-day homo study course designed to prepare them for the form census, their crew leader said. The following persons have baan appointed: Britt Miller. Bertha S. Hun tor, Haast H. Pope, Pays D. Baits, Arthur C. Kenan. Mollis S. Maready, Martha B. Brown. Robe R. Jernlgan, Carolyn B. Halo. Jane M. Fields, Beralce , Coroner's Jury Ruled Magnolia Man 1 Strangled Hospital Employee 1 DUPLIN TURKEYS. J. C. KUsner it tbown lining - up his Thanksgiving dinner from among the thousands of turkeys produced by Nash Johnson * Sons Farms, the largest turkey producers fat die Southeastern United States. Their processing plant can il?aaa IMA tnat?a mm llWlli U1VOB *WW W41MW/0 W Ministers Make Statement Concerning Racial Tensions On November 21, 1964, three ti white ministers and six negro r ministers, representing the ma- tl Jot denominations in the area, ti met in Rose Hill to discuse the 0 racial tensions prevalent in n this area. Hie main purpose being to focus the Christian tj persepctive on the existent ra- e cial situation between the white n and negro citizens of Rose Hill e and the surrounding comraun- e itjr. II After considerable discussion ii concerning the manifold events B which have transpired within tl recent weeks and in the light tl of what is no wexisting among if the residents of this area, the G ministers came to the follow- g ing conclusions: a (1) R is regrettable that a a group of irresponsible Individ- if uals under the guise of an al truistic organization met on t October 91st and made blatant t and unchristian pronounce- v ments concerning racism. t (9) R was felt, by all pres- c ent, that the above demonstra- } tion did not represent the ma jority or near majority of the t responsible members of said t community as to their feelings, i concepts or attitudes toward < the negro dtizeus. However, be < it further stated that the minis- , srial meeting recognizes the Ight of assembly granted by lie constitution of this coun ty not withstanding the good r bad influence the assembly lay have upon the community. (3) It was agreed by all that lie "boycott" was the only ffective means by which the egro element could effectively xpress their feelings in refer nee to the meeting of the Ku llux Klan, even though many nnocent people, both white and egro, were hurt. Moreover, lie ministers took cognizance bat the boycott can go beyond Is original purpose and be ome a tool of the "hate ;roups" to foster further re entment among the reopon ible citizens of this commun Ijr. (4) It was resolved by all hose present, that the situa Ion has reached the point rhere positive steps should be aken to amend any or all un heritable feelings now preva il) (It was resolved) That he highest of Christian virtues ibould be manifested in the eaders of the negro and white dements; that reasonableness, sornmon sense, and genuine -espect, as befitting men un ler God, should exemplified at ill times, whether it be at a neeting discussing the welfare if a community or on the itreets of a town. In summary, it was agreed >y all that if a community is to ndst with a sense of well bo ng, then Christian concepts must be taken out of the sanc tuaries and be put to work in the market place. SIGNED: N. E. Johnson W. E. Beamon Lester N. LaParde, Jr. R. L. Carr W. J. Cox S. M. McGulre R. P. Farrior Charles S. Sparks Hugh Ross Williams some ou units wiu De in me Wallace Christmas Parade Fri day, November IT. at 9:M o'clock. The Christinas parade com mittee- Vincent Lowe, chain mm. Zeb Atkinson. Allen Wil liams, Buck Rich and lfr. and Mrs. Tom Lee are wortdni " THE TIME HAS COME FOR NEGROES TO TAKE A STAND. " RETROGRESSION Of all the sad and dlsguest Ing things that could befall a small community would be the Invasion of that hate organ ization known as the K.K.K. that happened on Halloween Night in Rose Hill. It was compared to the Valentine Massacre in Chicago many years ago where the think ing class refused to rise up and crush the evil image that will never be forgotten in our time. The utter helplessness of the people of color who were berated so mercilessly decid ed to bow to the wishes of the Klansmen and their sym pathizers THE NEGRO OBEYS! It was allerged that the streets wouldn't be safe for life and limb for people of color. Ninety-five percent of the people graciously decided to let them have their paved streets, since ours are pur posely neglected. Anoymous calls were made to Negroes' homes on that some night, telling them to stay hone for they would be there at a designated hour. Some homes were threatened to be burned if they voted for Lyndon B. Johnson. Approx imately 15 such calls were made; however, Negroes voted 98$> for L.RJ. Many of us are part of the town because we pay taxes, even though we don't get the services due a tax-paying cit izen, such as lights, sewage, streetmakers, drainages and pavement. Rose HiQ is the only town in Duplin County that does not have some paved street in the Negro section. As of this writing the Mayor nor any of the town's board has made any comment. ONttwed to pace 7 aaamonai units coming in oai ly for the big event. There wfll be floats, at toad eight bands, horse groups, an<) pretty girls, inchidtng, Mrs Ann Reynolds of Clinton tb? current Mrs. Nerth Carolina and a former Burpaw girl And rf eewea, there wffl b. L ' v- - -~i iJbM. ?>. ..*? . Si m :? fti At a coroner's inquest held 1b the Duplin County Courtroom at Kenansville Friday after noon. the Jury empaneled by Coroner Hector McNeill, retur- j ned a verdict that Helen Marie Whaley "came to her death by strangulation at the hands of Linwood Quinn Brooks, by his own admission." Brooks, 20, waived prelimin ary hearing and was ordered -9 held in the county Jail without privilege of bond for the Jan uary IS term of Duplin Super ior Court, Judge Chester Mor ris of Coin jock presiding. He will be tried on charges of rape and first degree murder. Dr. O. L. Redwine testified ?; that he examined the body about 3:00 o'clock on Saturday morning, and that the cause of death was strangulation. Tests | made by Dr. Redwine showed *-i that Miss Whaley had had sex ual relations. Deputy Sheriff Graham ' Chestnutt, who brought Brooks to Jail Friday night, testified that Brooks told him that he raped and killed Miss Whaley. Chestnutt said that he asked him again if he said "raped," and Brooks replied, "She's dead. I just as well say that I raped her, everybody will say I did." Hugh Sanderson, Magnolia policeman, related that Davis Drew, 20, and the Brooks boy came to him about 12:15 Sat urday morning and related their story. .He went with them to see and found the dead wo man lying Jfi her hank with' one arm ext Hided out from ft her and the other under her body. He testified that her skirt was up to her waist and that her lips looked as if they had been "chewed." Her blou se was found knotted around her neck. Miss Whaley apparently left her home earlier Friday even ing with Miss Ann Brooks, a sister of the accused, and later stopped with her at a grill near Rose Hill. Drew, Brooks, L. E. Brown and Benny Carroll Kissner had been to Wallace, where they purchased a case of beer, div- ^ iding the cost between them. Continued to page 7 BEAR MARSH SUNRISE SERVICE The 201 year old historic Bear Marsh Baptist Church, Mount Olive, North Carolina, will hold its annual Thanks giving Sunrise Service at 6:45 A.M. Thursday November 26. Guest speaker will be the Reverend Roger Williams, pastor of the Mills Home Bap tist Church, Thomasville, North Carolina. Special music will be by the Men of Madison of the Madison Avenue Baptist Church, Goldsboro, North Carolina. The Thanksgiving Offering for North Carolina BaptistChil dren's Homes will be received at this service. Hot coffee and do-nuts will be served at the close of the service. Pastor R.H. Kelly joins with the Church in extending a cord ial invitation to the public to attend this service. NORTH CAROLINA BROILER PLACEMENTS There were 3.791.000 broiler chicks placed with North Caro lina growers during the week ended November 14. according to the North Carolina Crop Re porting Service. These place ments were 1 per cent below those of the previous week but p 3.1 percent above those for the comparable week last year. Hatchings were 3 percent he low the previous week's output but 11 percent above those for the same week a year ago A total of 5,494,900 eggs were act > during the week. 4.0 percent above Bettings or the previous weak aad S.3 percent above tile ? - ? ? - Bloodshed RALEIGH - The Motor Ve , hicle Department! fummary of traffic death! through M A. . M. Monday. November J* I Killed To Date 14N Killed To Date La* Year UN k... ..v . i . a . . i ?> Wallace Christmas Parade Friday

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