r-U- ? inc uurLin iuvuio-rr County Court "? ? ft? Pac* l Albert Webb, speeding, HO floe and cost. James Ervin Carter, speed ing, 910 fine and coat. David Henry Campbell, speed Ing, $10 fine and oost. Woodrow Lewis Smith, speed tag. pay coat. Joseph DwtytMurray, speed ing, |10 fine and cost. Ronald Wayne Turner, speed tag. |10 fine and cost. Daniel Vance Deal, earring concealed weapon, prayer for Judgment continued, on payment of cost, cost remitted, gun or dered confiscated and disposed of according to law. Imants Julius Kranats,speed tag. 910 fine and cost. Lonnle Preston Dunn, speed ing, 910 fine and cost. Roy Allen Fountain, speed ing. pay cost. Walker Alexander WomUe, speeding, pay cost. Daniel Pratt, speeding, 910 cost. Jethro Dixon, careless and reckless driving, prayer for IT - I ?~js ?sat O0bX *335 speeding. ?10 fine end coat. Carolyn Judy Peie. speed tag. $10 fine and cost. James Arthur Herring, speed ^Ro^TeolfwSon. speed tag $10 fine and cost. Gerald L. Turner, abandon ment and non-eupport. 12 mos. In jail suspended $30 per month for benefit of child until further ordered by court. Johnnie Dancer, assault on female, prayer for Judgment continued upon payment of cost. Gerald L. Turner, trespass. piMic drunkenness, disorderly conduct, and assault on female, nol pros with leave. WUlle Street, non support, pay $12.50 per week for support of two children until further or dered by court, pay $150 back ^WflSe' O. Williams, assault on female, nol pros with leave. Will Arthur Boyette. ope rat tag auto while Intoxicated. 60 days suspended not to opearte a motor vehicle for a period of 12 months, pay $100 fine and cost. Harlan Wilson, operating auto while intoxicated, plead qullty to careless and reckless driving. $60 fine and cost. Ctrl Luther Snider. Jr. speed tag. pay cost. Grant Middleton, assault with a deadly weapon, Judgment con tinued upon payment of cost. Leo Middleton. assault with a deadly weapon, judgment con tinued upon payment of cost. F ranklln Guy Williams, speed tag, nol pros with leave. jerry Preston Smith, operat 1 2 auto while intoxicated, $50 ?*.ne. Tholas McGowan, assault with a deadly weapon, payment of cost. LI nwood Dall. speeding, pa) $50 fine and cost. Guy Edwin Atkinson, speed ing. $10 fine and cost. J. B. Griffin, speeding, pay cost. Robert A. Alphln, worthless check. 30 days suspended, pay check and cost. Macy Calvin Bos tic. speed ing, nol pros with leave. james Donal Hollingsworth. allowing auto to be operated without liability Insurance, pay cost. james L. ward, worthless check, 30 days suspended, pay check and cost. William Newkirk, non sup port. 12 months suspended, pay $30 per month for support ot two children until further or dered by court. . Ronald Coker. Jr.. speeding. pay cost. ., James L. Ward, worthless check. 30 days suspended pay check and cost. Rena Hall. Interfering with an officer, 60 days suspended good behavior for two years, 1 ** safe speed. |10 fine and cost. Walter Blanchard Godwin speeding, payment of ccst/^' ejelton Batts. speeding, pay gutty.*' Gfesh*?- aP~<* J*?, ? I BUTLER ALL STEEL FARM BUILDINGS BUTLER IMS SEALED STORAGE I BUTLER | GRAIN BINS STOR-N-DRY Sit Us for Special Offers! ggj McLEAN FARM Service Lumberton,N. C Gerald Edwards S ale h K epreaentu ifte I Phone 298-5581 Chi nq uapi n, N. C. Rl. 1 i Service- . _ r I ..A Sales-Parts- M Quality m jLtaMM Farm fl Equip. Co. ? Clinton, ? N c lillllll liyUiMiiMH "Your John Deere Dealer" Phone LY 2-3742 FARM SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION COURT HOUSE DOOR-KENANSVILLI JUNE 20,1966 THE KENAN FARM IN FAISON TOWNSHIP WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE AT THE COURTHOUSE DOOR INKENANSVILLE, DUPLIN COUNTY, AT 12:00 O'CLOCK NOON ON MONDAY, THE 20TH DAY OF JUNE, 1966, UPON AN OPENING BID OF $24,500.00 UPON TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO BE ANNOUNCED AT THE TIME OF SALE. This Farm Consist Of 65 Acres, More Or Less, With 1966 Crop Allotments As Follows: 5.68 ACRES OF TOBACCO 15 ACRES OF FEED GRAIN BASE 7.5 ACRES OF WHEAT THIS SALE IS NOT SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION OF THE COURT. THE PROPERTY TO BE OFFERED FOR SALE AT COURT HOUSE DOOR AS A MATTER OF CONVENIENCE ONLY. ML. . : For Further Information Contact Henry L Stevens, 1 III, Attorney At. Law, Kenansville, North Carolina. State Licensed WELL DRILLING "Good Water Is Our Business" | Myers] Financing up to 5 Years E. L. Register E. L REGISTER Register's Crossroads RFD, Rose Hffl Phone 289-3175 - Phone 280-3106 Hammond Organs Hammond Pianos $495!OO "There are more WammnM Organ* la tue thaa all ether makes pot together". "One reaaen they are gaanm toed tor a lifetime never to K* *?t of tame." Johnson Music House New Hirer mapping Center Jackseerllle-Phane S47-4447 JOHNSON PIANO & ORGAN CO. PNSTON. N. C. ATTENTION^ We An Specialist h Electric bit Insula tion Direct From Fac tory To Yon. Call for Free Estimate Ingram Bros. Oleander Ave. CTrri??? ? i ,, nv ?vmnniyfoii, t? FOR GOODNESS SAKE Watson \s Chicken At Your Favorite Grocer's ROSE HILL POULTRY CORP. . . ?? M ' ) * ' ** *> Rose Hill, N. C. i 1 I V Every bride needs to meet her friend .... Waccamaw Bank. The full wvie* b?i>kk| at Waccamaw include* a Chackinf Accounts . . . to aid in your budgeting. a Savings Accounts . . . to build for the future. a Loans . . . for those many necessities needed to start a new home. Come in and get acquainted to-day. Our thought for the week: Deposit* In Wmciimw ?lak Are Insure* Up Te 1X000 By FeOerai Deposit Ineuranee Oerppratlen ?"