ifflagnolia News PERSONALS Nancy Jones of New Bern spent last week with hern-and Mr. and Mrs. E. pa Faye Johnson and Sue Johnson of Rose HU1 recently apem several days with Bertie Jane Maxwell. Mrs. Bmflv Dall *nd Emily ST .IS ^ChtoW?n visited ^!L' Mrs. L. G. Turner Saturday afternoon. J?8?!* George Nevf Hampshire are pTwS mother- Mrs. Eva Mr. and Mrs, L. G. Turner 5SSJJ.ta WaUace Thursd*y r.#vrkfnd Mr?' M*rvln Usher, Jeff, Penny Tim and Mary Ann * *03e HOI vblted Mr. and Mrs Lawton Brown Sunday after noon. Kl88nef of Rose Hill Iff"?? Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Brown, Sunday. E. Brown spent the week ?n Apex with his sister mT? mi L1" Uw- Mr- ?nd Mrs. Billy Olive. , ^fwton Br?wn and Mrs. Marvin Usher went to Golds ^r?Monday to visit Mrs. Amos tome Stroud 18 01 Mher rhT????avlsJChfstnutt' Cethy SlTfTTT. sher,7 Powell vent to Kinston Monday. Sherry Powell spent Tues ' Weli 1,1 WaU*ce with Joyce Weekend visitors of Mrs KM^wnlttandMr-andMrs' Kenneth Wilson were Mrs. Ad LidaMM?rtiI ?f WaUace- Mrs ?&? and Mrs. 4nd son Freddie, r^ were w^-oute from Utah to Pennsylvania where he will be stationed. Mrs. Lula Mathews lsspend iuzr*in wuson w,th Mrs* AOiert Guy, V'^or Parker and Tommy Seturday and Sunday In GoUsboro. They visited Mrs. 5*5" G"y who is a patient In Goldsboro Hospital Mr. antl Mrs. Mark Hull and baby daughter and Mrs. Vir ginia Brown of Wallace were S'&ST8 ofMr Mr. and Mrs. Tom Qulnn were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herble Halberg at a cookout at their home Saturday night. Mrs. Gregory Wlshart re turned home Sunday after spend tag last week at Topsail Beach. She was accompanied by Mr and Mrs. Willie piner and chil dren of Wallace. Mrs. w. S. Dowless of Tori- ' saO J3 spendtag a few days with her sister and brother-ln law Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Sas ser. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Sasser attended the funeral of Mr. Alderman Andrews at Topsail on Friday. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Sasser were Mr. Earl Baker, Nelson and Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Butler and Rhonda of Rose Hill and Mrs. w. S. Dowless of Topsail. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Sas ser and Mrs. w. S. Dowless visted Mrs. Lillian Sasser ar Golds boro Sunday afternon. Mrs Albert west visited her father Arlle Fussell In James Walker Hospital. Wil mington, Sunday. She was ac ? ?1 ?r computed by Charlie FusseU and Mrs. Norwood F us sell of the Corinth Community. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rouse and daughters Betty and Sha ron and Marie and Faye West went to Whte Lake Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Abbie Smith went to Greenville Friday. Her son Bobby returned with her for the weekend. Harriet 0*Leary of Warsaw visited Mrs. N. T. Pickett Sa turday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pickett, Ann and F red of Golds boro spent the weekend with Mrs. N. T. Pickett. Mrs. N. T. Pickett, Mrs. Al vln Powell. Sherry and Durward went to Golds boro Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rouse and chllden of Jacksonville spent the weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rouse and Mr. and Mrs. Hu bert Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Archer and children, Judy and Jerry spent last week In Tennessee with relatives. Mrs. Herbert Lanier, Den nis and Denlce of Norfolk, Vlr glnla are spending sometime with relatives. Tney spent Sa turday night with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Klssner. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Klssner, Harriet, Tommy, Mrs. Herbert Lanier, Dennis and Denlce, Mrs. Luther Klssner, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Knowles, Denlce and Ricky of Alabama enjoyed a pic nic supper at White Lake Sa- ? turday night. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Klssner, Harriet and Tommy left Mon day for a trip to the moun tains. They visited Cherokee, Bryson City and Gatllnburg, Tennessee. On Thursday they went to Richmond, Virginia and spent till Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Bradshaw. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ezzell, Mr. and Mrs. Donnle Ezzell and Linda Ezzell returned home Thursday night after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Graham John son at Daytona Beach, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Delton Ezzell and Mrs. Clyde Ezzell of Wal lace visited Mr. and Mrs. Ha rold Ezzell, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Maude King returned home Saturday afternoon after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Antley and family in Wilmington. Mrs. L. M. Rogers Is spend ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. R. c. Merrltt and Mrs. Josephine Mathews In the Way cross Community. Mr. and Mrs. James Earl Jones and family of New Bern ?pent the weekend with Mr. * and Mrs. L. E. ..Pope. They were en route home from a business trip to South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Evans visited Mrs. Lucy Evans of BeulavUle, Sunday. Miss Peggy Newklrk of Al bemarle spent Tuesday and Wed nesday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bass and Miss Mary Catherine Bass. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Davis of Goldsboro visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bass and Miss Mary Ca therine Bass, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pe terson and daughter Sylvia of Waycross. Ga. spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bass. Miss Mary Catherine Bass left Sunday morning for a six weeks' course InGuldanceCoun celing at Baptist Hospital, Winston Salem. Mrs. Max Asbel and daughter Elaine, of Warner Robin, Geor gia are vlsltlngMrs. BettleMae Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Tucker and Mrs. Houston Merrltt of Wil mington visited Mrs. BettleMae Tucker and Mrs. Max Asbel, Sunday afternoon. L. G. Turner and Forrest Strickland went to Wallace Monday morning on bu siness. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kelly, Roy and Earl were Saturday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lee Bryan ofTea chey. Rose Hill Poultry Corp. Seeking Applicants Rose Hill Poultry announces that they are accepting appli cations for employment for the night shift which begins at one o'clock, A.M. Anyone unable to work this shift need not apply. Application blanks are avail able at the plant on Highway 111 North of RoseHQL No one under 18 years of age need apply; other wise, there Is no age lunlt, as long as there is no physical impairment. Both men and women are ur ged to come in for interviews, during office hours which are from 8:30 to 4:30 Monday th rough Friday. Spearman, of the Sloan com munity. They had previously visited Granville and Beaufort coun ties in North Carolina before coming to Duplin. The Nige rians will report to North Ca rolina State University on July 20. concluding field training In North Carolina, Wllklns said. Scott's Store PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barbour and children of Clayton visit ed during last weekend withMr. and Mrs. Dorsey Whaley. Linda HOI Is in Baltimore, Md. visiting with relatives and friends. Kenneth Jones of Harlem , Ga. spent last week here with his grandparents, Mr. andMrs. Jeff Jones. Clyde Dail and children of Aurora were here during the weekend visiting the Roland Sul livan family and his mother, Mrs. Delia Dail. George W. Sullivan Is spend ing some time in Kingsport, Tennessee with his niece and family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moates. Michael Malpass of Greens boro Is visiting In the home of his uncle Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Malpass. i Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jackson were Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jackson and children of Rockingham, Mrs. Rachel Jackson and Pat sy and Ruddle Johnson of Grant ham. Afternoon Mr. and Mrs. junior Davis and son and Mrs. Barney Whitman and Carolyn of Rose Hill visited with tnem also in the home of Mrs. Nora Jackson. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Outlaw and Tlmmy of F lve Point and Mr. andMrs. BennleOutlaw were guests of the Harvey Ba kers at Sarecta for dinner. Miss Lorena Waller of Her ring Store was here during the weekend with the William Wall ers. The Rev. Lloyd Vernon of Rlchlands filled his regular ap pointment at Long Ridge Church Sunday. Following worship ser vice he and Mrs. Vernon were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tyndall for dinner. Mrs. Jesse Sutton, Thomas, Carolyn and Sandra had dinner with ner mother, Mrs. F. E. Jones Tuesday at Sarecta. Mrs. Charlie Jackson. Mrs. Nora Jackson and Mrs. Oarrto Scott risked Mrs. Mary Ander son at Duplin General Hospital Sunday. Fay a waller spent last week at Cragmont Assembly, Black MOUNTAINS. N.C. During the weekend. Msgt. and Mrs. Rodolph Jones and family of Ft. Gordon, Ga. were guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jones. Mrs. oarrie Scott spent Friday night and Saturday wltr the Claud Powells of Warsaw. Gurnie Scott, George waters and Mrs. Elvla HUI went to Durham Friday. Elwood Scott who had been a patient at Ve terans Hospital and Herman Hill at Duke Hospital returned home with them. Mrs. Delmas Jones and chil dren of Spring Lake spent the weekend with ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Powell. Sunday guests In the home of Mrs. Helen Waller were Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sum mer lin and children of Dublin, Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Adams and children of Benson. Visiting In the Ivey Summer lln home Sunday were Mrs. J. E. Stanley and children of Rocky Mount, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Summerlln and daughters of Kenansvllle. The AFC group of Long Ridge Church will meet with Carolyn Pate F rlday night at her home. SCOTT STORE HDC Wednesday when Scott Store home demonstration club mem bers met at the home of Mrs. Elmo Blizzard for the July meeting there was no demon stratlon. Due to a shortage In home economics agents it makes It Impossible to meet with clubs In July. Therefore classes have been arranged for July 12, 13 and 14 at agricul tural budding in Kenansvllle. Plans were made for as many as possible to attend one of these classes In order to get the demonstration on "Decorative Details" which was due to have been given at July Club meet ings. I A report on cMUqg mi gi ven by Mrs. Irvtn Kornegay. She noted in order to make a straight dart to place a piece of tape at upper edge of dart and bring to lower point then sel along edge beginning at top. Mrs. Oarrte Scott, publicity chairman, reported 15 visitors had an ended meetings during first six months of the year. She also suggested replace ment of dead crape myrtles at community center. A report on the treasury was heard from Mrs. Elvla Hill. Mrs. Hill suggested a study of Canada for the year. The August recreation was planned for the group to have supper together at "Hussey's Barbecue near Seven Springs. August 20 at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. D. L. Scott was In char ge of recreation. Mrs. Eugene Outlaw presided at business. The annual flower show was held during the time. Mrs. El mo Blizzard won first place with a low arrangement of zin nias. Mrs. Oarrle Scon took second place with three bronzi zinnias In a brown syrup bot tle. Meeting was opened with singing "Star Spangled Banner" followed with devotion, "AtOur Best Together" and prayer by Mrs. Blizzard. Refreshments were served to members and nine visitors I Mrs. Arthur Sasser, Mr*. Bin 1 Cash well. Mr?. Gordon Casey, Mrs. W. E. Howard, Mrs. Har ry Kennedy and Mrs. Mae Sut ton all ol smith Chapel Club and Mrs. William Waller. Mrs. Nora outlaw and Mfrs Loreua Waller. _ * Foreign Students To Visit Duplin Two foreign students will spend two weds In Duplin Coun ty beginning July 9, to study the county's divers It led agricul ture, according to R. E. WQ klns. Extension Agent for Dup lin County. Mallam Abdalsalama Matazu and Abdullah Ibrahim of Ni geria, Africa are primarily In terested In poultry Husbandly. The students are sponsored by the Agency for International Development, United State De partment of Agriculture with Universities and Colleges co operating. Mr. Mataza andMr. Ibrahlma will live with George Henry Lee, a Poultry farmer of Route 1, Magnolia. Tentative schedule calls for visits to the Coastal Plains Experiment Station at Wlllard, the Poultry Process ing Plant at Rose HOI, the Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory Rose Hill, the Wallace Far mers Exchange, Wallace, North Carolina the Production Credit Association facility near War saw, and the Vocational Agri cultural Department, Charity High School. The visitors will also confer with James H. Mal nor, of Route 1, Magnolia on his poultry operations and Willie Soil Test Now For Fall Seeded Crops j Soli test now for fall seed ings urges Duplin County Ex tension Chairman, Vernon H. Reynolds. Ladlno Clover. Al falfa, Red Clover, Fescue, Or chard grass and Small Grains are usually planted during the early fall season. Usually, fall seeding of these crops results In better stands and more vi gorous growth the next summer. Most of these crops will be on the land for two or moreyears. To set the stage for high yields during the years that follow. It Is Important to build up the lime and phosphorus level In the soil prior to seeding. Nei ther lime or phosphorus move much from point of application In the soil, consequently, It Is highly Important that they be mixed Into the soQ to plow depth where root activity is greatest. Surface applied ume and phosphorus Is much less ef ficiently used than when mixed into the soil. V i-s 10 WITH THE SICK ' , r;' " Friends of Mrs. Hubert Tuc ker will be sorry to learn that she Is In Klnston Hospital. She will have surgery Tuesday (12). MYF SALE The M.Y.F. Is sponsoring a bake and fresh vegetable sale at the Magnolia Town Hall, Sa turday July 16 from 8:30 till 5:30 o'clock. If practical, lime should be applied a few months prior to planting. Lime reduces acidity more rapidly when It Is tho roughly mixed with the soil. Lime dissolves slowly so, when practical, It should be applied a few months prior to plant ing. Duplin County Extension Ch airman, V. H. Reynolds, states that soil sampling supplies and instructions for sampling fields or soil can be obtained from his office In Kenansville as well as from Vocational Agri cultural teachers, the Soli Con servation Service, and repre sentatives of the Fertilizer In dustry. Smokey Saya: K TWEY DONT TAKE I I A VACATION \M <? > a " Um your car ashtray? it's so easy! ATTENTION Contractors and Home Builders We Are Specialist In Electric Heat Insula tion Direct From Fac tory To You. Call For Free Estimate Ingram Bros. Oleander Ave. Wilmington, N. C. 116 TKUUB TO SERVE The Mount Olive and Deplin Coonty Area. QUALITY ? SERVICE - RICE Phn ne OL8-4J21 Mount Olive, N. C Tomorrow morning, make sure you're first in line at your Olds Dealer's. He's saying YES on every Olds in stock! I No need to wait until Fall for a hig huv on a new Old*. |Jn|||| Bin selection? YES. Big trade-ins? YES. Everv Olds engineered ^ ^ for your greater comfort, safety, and driving satisfaction? YES. Oldsmohile Dealers have juggled the calendar to hring uhi Year End Savings right now on an\ Rocket Olds. See vour nearest Olds Dealer?the YES man who has everything for ypu? l5HUinC5i 1^ ? lOMMtM ? WM|Tt |t(Nl . . |l|Mt? IWNII . ? kltlt (*?)?(? . I ? .? 0 OLD5MOBILE m 1 (TARS4W MOTOR COMPANY, Wl E COLLEGE ST. ianufarturers Llcehse No. 110 Dial LY t-?317 J. F. REYNOLDS MUSIC COMPANY OPERATORS OF Ceta Operated Pbenegrnphs And Pool Tables. Ctrnrette Venders. New Cigarette Venders. New and Used Records. 51? Benmoa St Clinton, N. C. PRODUCTION JOB OPPORTUNITY We want to train 2 mature family men to operate solvent soybean processing machinery. This Is a career oppor tunity with very good fringe benefits. These men must be high school graduates with a good mechanical aptitude. This Is shift work and relocation to the Raleigh area Is necessary. Training pay Is $1,915 per hour with an In crease to $2,195 per hour after a short training period - opportunity for advancement up to $2,775 per hour Is possible. Please apply by letter to the Ralston Purina Company P. O. Box 1070 - Raleigh, North Carolina, giving work background, family and military status, we will Inter view you In your home town." I SHOP 9:30-5:30 DAILY. EXCEPT FRIDAYS SHOP TIL 9:00 P.M. It's a Butte! 39.99 TRAVEL-HAPPY THREESOMES 1| KNIT ON THE DOUBLE... IN SIZES RICHT UP TO TWENTY i.ic ..oi.-aiop auiierjui.iasiestwayioiasnion. fine crochet rim, slim sheath skirt. Copen Divinely double knit of superb 100% virgin wool with blue mist, olive green with lettuce, for the shape and feel you love, then carefully a 3-ptece Haberdasher for misses, 8 to tailored to a connoisseur's taste! 14; button front jacket slim skirt stroked with A. 3-plece Chanel look for women, 14 to 20: vertical pin stripes. Bow blouse matclies solid open jacket and contrasting shell framed with color lapels. Oxford of taupe with white. DAYT1ME FASHIONS - BELK-BEERY iUCOND FLOOR

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