PERSONALS Miss AnH* Hans lev visited her ptrfnts, Rev. and Mrs.Ca rol Hans ley over the week end. Visiting with her Friday night were Mrs. Gene McCoy. Miss Cheral Jean Cavenaugn, Miss Joyce Judah, student nurses from Raleigh and Mr. Douglas Jones from New Bern. Rev. Carol Hansley and Rev. Preston Smith attended the re vival service at Angola Free Will Baptist Church near Jack sonville and a large group from Sandy Plain Churcn attended each night. Mr. Nell Padgett and Mr. David Shepherd from Klnston visited Onefl's aunt, Mrs. Ca rol Hansley, Thursday night. Mrs. Grace Sumner, Mrs. Gallic Baker and marOyn Ba ker went shopping In Klnston Saturday and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rivers Baker and family at Jackson Heights. Rayburn Rhodes from Wright svllle Beach and Scott Rhodes from Cary were home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe HOI Rhodes over the week end. Jean Houston returned home last week to live with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs.,Davld Houston after being In school at Caswell In Klnston. Mr. and Mrs. Chesiey Hous ? ton. Mr. and Mrs. wlllard Sum ner and Jenell went to Jackson ville Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Kennedy, Mrs. Edward Earl Kennedy, Da mon Earl Kennedy and Patricia Dunn went shopping In Klnston Saturday. live T n m??t j? U* ivwuicujr iwnjvira, Lewis Mercer, her mother, back to Golds bo ro Hospital last Thursday. Ellen Mercer and Joann Bos tic visited Mrs. Lewis Mercer at Goldsboro Hospital Sunday. Mrs. Tom Lanier and son went back to Baltimore, Mary land last week to be with her husband for a few days, she will return to be with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mercer, while her husband is gone out to sea. Guests over the week end with Mr. and Mrs . James Benson were Mr. Leonard Anderson from Warsaw, Mr. Frank Baker from Streets and "Pete" Baker from Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crews and son from Durham spent some time with her family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kennedy, Mrs. Bruce Duff last week. Mr. and Mrj. Lawton Baker, Mr. and Mrs., cletls Jones and dauguter visited Mr. and Mrs. Brlnson Matthews and children at Henderson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kennedy went to Klnston and Greenville shopping Thursday. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kennedy were Mr. and Mrs. Lonnle Yopp andMrs. HolandRaynor. Mrs. Bessie Baker, Rebecca Baker, June Baker and Maxlne Sumner went to Morehead Sa turday. Mrs. Bessie Baker and Re becca shopped In Wallace Mon day. Sandy Plain Is having a full > week. The revival began Mon day night. The District Youth Fellowship will meetwlthsandy nl .1. ... ?J ^ ? noiii ooiuruajf uiKui aiiu ouiiuay will be the annual harvest day. The church hopes to be able to pay the Indebtedness of the church and parsonage Sunay. AUXILIARY MEETING The ladles of Sandy Plain held their regular meeting Wed nesday night at the cnurch. There were thirteen members present. The meeting was opened with orayer led by Mrs. Wuue Smith. Tne minutes were read and approved and the trea surer gave a report. The re port from the District (inven tion which was held at Deep Run was given. Mrs. William Thlgpen one of the members, was honored at the convention with an award pin for the out standing work she had done In holding an office In the District. The youth sponsor asked for help In giving a chicken pastry supper, October 22 for YFAto raise money to complete the library at the back of the church. The program was turned over to the program chairman, Mrs. Carol Hansley. The program was the "Tltne" Is holy unto the Lord." which was written L by one of Sandy plain's former pastor. Rev. w. S. Burns. Mrs. Wilbur Kessler. Mrs. Hubert Kennedy, Mrs. w. F. Thlgpen, Mrs. Milton Kennedy ?nd Mrs. Tyson Houston had the different parts of the lesson and did a wonderful job In prsentlng it. The meeting was closed with Pr?y?r Mrs. Wilbur Sumner, President Mrs. June wUllford, Secretary WITH THE SICK Mr. Coy Sumner was apatlem In Lenoir Memorial Hospital in Klnston a few days last week. He has returned home and Is Improving slowly. * ? ? ? Mr. Sam Byrd la a patient In Lenoir Memorial Hospital Mrs. Susie jarman is stfil a patient at the Sooth Wing Hoe pltal at KenansvOle. * ? ? ? Mrs. Charity Mercer is still getting along well at home. ? ? ? * Myna Loy Rhodes came home last week from Lenol Memo rial Hospital where she was a patient. She Is doing well. MEN'S FELLOWSHIP MEETS WITH MR. COY SUMNER The men of Sandy Plain Church met Saturday night with Mr. Coy Sumner in his home since he was unable to go to the meeting. The meeting was opened vrttn Mr. Joel Kennedy leading the devotion. Special prayer was held for the sick of the community and for the re vival which was to begin Mon day. The men are studying the book of saint John. Rev. Hansley led in the study with different mem bers taking part In the discus sion. several songs were sung. They were very glad to have Lawrence Smith from Char lotte with them in the meeting He led the benediction. Those attending were Rev. Carol Hansley, Milton Kennedy, Joe Exum.HermanSmlth.Cagle Houston, ivey Houston, Law rence smith and Joel ATTEND BIRTHDAY DIMMER Among those attending the 69th blnhday dinner of Mrs. Tlney Turner were license tags of several states including Ha waii, California, Utah, Mary land and North Carolina. Attending the fbh fry dinner were Mr. and Mrs.' Nelson Gross and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lumas Turner and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Turner and chUden, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Heath and family, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Chips and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Heath and baby, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jones and boys, Linda Potter, Beverly and Jackie Williams, and a repre sentative of Virginia was Mr. George Gross. Everyone will be glad to know that Mrs. Tlney Turner is doing fine after her eye operation. Kenans ville PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Circle No. 1 of the Women of Grove Presbyterian Church met on Monday afternoon with Mrs. Ralph Barwlck. The chairman, Mrs. A. T. Outlaw presided over the meeting and gave die montly emphasis. Mrs. N. B. Boney was moderator of die Bible study and all seven ladles present participated. The theme this year is ''Jesus and Per sons/' Thp first person to dis cuss was "Nicodemus." A social hour followed the bene diction during which time Mrs. Berwick served punch, cookies and salted nuts. Circle No. 2 met on Monday night with Mrs. Louise w. Mit chell. The circle chairman, Mrs. Jack Sitters on presided over the business session. Miss Margaret Williams was the Bible Moderator and Mrs. Mit chell discussed the Monthly Empnasis wrucn was cnrlstlan Action. The hostess served cho colate pie, coffee and salted nuts to the eight members and one visitor present. She was assisted by Mrs. Robert Carroll Wells and Mrs. Billy Stephens. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY On last Friday night at 7 o'clock five little girls arrived at the home of the Nelson Heaths with their pajamas to surprise Debbie Ifeath who was eleven years old. Debbie en Joyed having the girls spend the night with her and help her celebrate her birthday. Those present were; Ken Hoffman, Debbie Fraxelle, jane rhodes, Susan Murphy and Rosemary Br Ins on. They left after break fast on Saturday a.m. NOTE OF THANKS I wish to express my thanks to each one for the prayers, visits, cards, letters, flowers, gifts and the many other re membrances and kindnesses shown me and my family during my stay in die hospital. Also I watt the doctors, nurses, the entire Duplin Ge neral Hospital staff with all die workers and die ambulance ser vice of die Kenansville Fire Department to know 1 deeply appreciated all that they did. Daisy J. Wells Here's good Fire Prevention Week advice from your Kenans ville Fire Department; Don't Pf- ~ - : Scot I \s Store PERSONALS Hie Re*, and Mrs. Luther Swlnsce and girls of Mapel HOI were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin DaO Sunday. Mrs. Helen Waller went to Dublin Sunday to loin her famflv. at the home ot Dr. and Mrs. Robert Summerlln for a family dinner. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carr and Daly of Rose HOI. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Adams and children of Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Kornegay were visiting at Smith Chapel Sunday with the Currle smiths Visiting in the ivey Summer lln home Sunday were Mrs. J. E. Stanley of Rocky Mount, A. J. Summerlln, Kenansvllle and Mrs. Richard Kornegay of Kins ton. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thlgpen during the week end wrer Jack Thlgpen and Winnie of Grlfton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sutton of Goldsboro. Mrs. Claud Powell and Sonya of Warsaw visited briefly with Mrs. Oarrle Scott Sunday after noon. Don Kornegay left last week for Winston Salem where he will be attending school for a few months. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Waters visited Mrs. Hsrold Summer Unat Wayne Memorial Hos pital Thursday night. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Waters were die Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Ellis. Fern and Thomas of Stantons hnre. Faye outlaw, Emily GayeHer ring and Betty Goodson attended an FHA rally Saturday at Jack sonville. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Out law and Johnny, the Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Franks and Mark visited Miss Annie swlnson Sun day afternoon In Bear Marsh section. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Waters spent the week end In Warsaw with the Scott Howards. Saturday night Mrs. Ralph Waters. Mrs. Elvis Hill and Herman were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Norman Whitfield in MT. Olive. HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Miss Carolyn Sutton of Route 1, Mt. Olive was honored onher eighteenth birthday Saturday evening with a surprise birth day party given by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sutton at their home. Thoj? In attendance were, I Phyllis Singleton, Linda Hol mes. Ruseel Holmes, Carolyn and Sandra Herring, Kathy Kor negay, Lester Outlaw, Buster \ Wfialey, Ronnie Malpass, Her man Sullivan and Sandra Sun on. After a period of games and dancing refreshments conslst aof cake, potato chips, mints punch were served. She received gifts from her invited guests. CLUB MEETS AT COMMUNITY CENTER "W lndow Treatment" was the topic discussed Wednesday when Scott Store home demon stration Club met at the com munity center for the October meeting. Mrs. Elmo Blizzard, house furnishing leader presented the program on treatment of win dows to change the appearance. She showed how to make a window appear smaller or lar ger by use of different acces sories. A report on International Re lations was given by Mrs. Elvia ] Hill. At the time Mrs. c. L. Sloan invited the group to visit j In her home on Monday, Oc- < tober 24 for international Re- ! latlons Day. Mrs. Marlon Murphy gave re- j port on education. She stressed 1 the need of more education for 1 Photo by New Hollaed Faced with a world food shortage and increased production needs, today's farmer is building his "landpower," or increasing his land's ability to pro duce good crop yields consistently, by fertilizing. The most practical and dependable way to fertilize, in many livestock operations, is by returning animal wastes to the land through the use of modern spreaders. Spread ing manure improves soil structure, has a beneficial effect on soil tilth and increases the soil's ability to hold Water. setter Jobs. Mrs. Leland Herring, vlce 3resident presided. During bu siness the county wbrksTiop on :halr bottoming was voted down sy the club. Members voted to sent one dollsr ($1) to Camp -ejeune Hospital this year In stead of pecans aue to snort age ot pecans. Meeting was opened with song "United Nations Hymn.' De votion by the hostess, Mrs.Ce cil Kornegav reading a part of Mark 1 followed with prayer. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Kornegay. J SI Host To I Automotive DiPMe! I Association junta sprue institute via hoat to Southeastern Automotive - Diaaal Association at the Towns Honaa Restaurant" west of Bee lavllle, North Carolina, on Fri day night, October 7,1166. Tha following instttuasofthe Nortn Carolina community Col lege System wore represented; Lenoir Community CfeDeaeef K Inst on; Wayne Technical Of stlrute of Golds bo ro; Pamlico Industrial Education Center of Bayboro; Pta Technical Insti tute of Greenville; onalewmdes trial Education Canter of Jack sonville, Wilson Technical In stitute of Wilson. This Association is working toward more modern techniques In Auto-Dlesel Tralnkig to heap pace with the technical changes In the Diesel industry. Those interested m Automo tive and Diesel Mechanics train lng should contact James Sprem Institute In fenansville, N.C. SAT YOU SAW R IN TOE TIMES ? SENTINEL bldorado ...World's finest personal car SEDAN deVILLE...another dramatic Cadillac surprise INTRODUCING THE 1967 STANDARD OF THE WORLD Yon are looking at two of the newest luxury ears ever created. They are typical of the dramatic newness you'll find everywhere in the Cadillac cars for 1967. The Fleet wood Eldorado?the world's finest personal car?is the first exciting case in point Eldorado is a styling master piece ... with its spectacularly long hood, its daring new roof lines and its dramatic rear quarter design. It is also an engineering triumph. For Eldorado is the first car in | the world to combine the surefooted traction of front I wheel drive with the maneuverability of variable ratio power steering and the balance of automatic level con trol. And with all its spirit and action, Eldorado provides unusual five-passenger spaciousness and the superb quietness and comfort that only Cadillac could create This brilliant newness also marks the Cadillacs you are most familiar with. For they are the most beautiful Cadillacs of all time ... with a new forward-sweeping grille and a new side contour that flows from front to rear! And with this new Cadillac look come a number of other significant achievements... the most luxurious interiors in history... a new generously padded instru ment panel... a more responsive Cadillac engine... improved variable ratio power steering ... new lane change and hazard warning signals... and a new General Motors-developed energy absorbing steering Soliena. Discover Cadillac for 1967 for yourself ... at year authorized dealer a. Once you have personally seen and driven these automobiles, you'll agree that I ' I never before has anything on the highway I KM said new so beautifully... or Cadillac an weill | M | SEE AND DRIVE THE EXCITING 1967 CADILLACS NOW ON DISPLAY AT YOUR AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEA LER'S. MASSEY MOTOR COMPANY 1M W. Uay St, ?nitc ? Dealer Lie. N*. Ml 11. " .. ' | ?' ' 1 1

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