PERSONALS Friends of Mrs. George Prid gen, Jr. are glad to hear she returned home from Duplin Ge neral Hospital on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. j. h. Whaky and Alice Summerlln were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Whaley and girls of KenansvOle. F. N. Robert Brock of Rhode Island and Mrs. Robert Brock of K Inst on, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Langston on Sa turday night. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lewis and girls visited Mr. and MRS. Glenwood Sanderson on Sunday. Sgt. N. W. Kornegay left for one year stay in Alaska on Tuesday. Mrs. Kornegay and boys, Jeff and Glenn, remained with his mother, Mrs. Glenwood Sanderson for the year. Mr. and Mrs. John Royals. Cathy and Carson of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNeill, Kaye and Matt of Falson; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Matthews of Tur key. P.F.C. Larry Matthews of Mississippi. Mrs. Viola Sloan v1aitedrMr. ?nd Mn. George the week. Mr. George Prldgen, Jr. li sted his mother. Mrs. Park Prldgen at the Duplin General Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tommle Riley of Wilson visited MR. AND Mrs Glenwood Sanderson on Sunday. Sgt. N. W. Kornegay left for one year stay in Alaska on Tues day. Mrs. Kornegay and boys, Jeff and Glenn remained With his mother, Mrs. Glenwood San derson for the year. Mr. and Mrs. John Royals, Cathy and Carson of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Matthews of Turkey, PFC Larry Mat thews of Mississippi, Mrs. Vlo Glenwood Sanderson on Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mint on are spending this week In Wilming ton with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Byrd of Turkey visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan Swinson on Sundy. Mrs. Chick Repple of New Jersey spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jamie JONES. Mrs. Leorna Jones was given a surprise birthday party on Sunday, October 9, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Oscar Langston by all her children and relatives. Little Miss Cindy Prldgen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Prldgen, spent last week In Clinton with her aunt Mrs. John Royals. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Houston of Warsaw visited Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Burns on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Millard Chuck and Sherry of Falson, Mrs. Joyce Jones, Beth and Timothy of Goldsboro were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Joes. Visitors on Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Luke Bland ofFalson.Mr. and Mrs. Milton Anderson of Mount olive. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank every one for your gifts, calls, flo wers, and visits and especially for your prayers while, I was a patient at Duplin General Hos pital. I also want to thank Dr. O. L. Redwine and all the girls on the second floor. May God bless you all. Mrs. Eunice Brock Pd CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank every one for your gifts, calls, flo wers ana visits and especially Hammond Organ* H?m?ym^[ Wmm Onmm Vim ^ $495.00 ?!?! hi 1M thaa all attar M tar a Ufa*hoe JnMi fa art at ta?." Johnson Music House New River talMlnf Cettar Jaefcaaavine-Phawe 147-4447 JOHNSON PIANO ft ORGAN CO. PNSTON, N. C. 'Black A cBeautyT HEATS ONE TO FIVE ROOMS FOR PENNIES A DAY Vann "Black Baauty" vented oil burning radiant heaters ' look good and work well for both home and commercial use. These heaters are famous for economy. They are com pact and beautifully designed with a maximum of useable heat output You'll find that their safe economical operat ing ease and large amount of heat will satisfy your needs, even In the coldest weather. th# man who handles Vann -Your friendly Vann Dtator Page Home Appliances J. C. Pag#. Owner 2934342 Warsaw The Gables have emargcrithe oyster bar aad are now serving: steamed oysters,au. kinds ofseafood and steaks wednesday through sunday 5:30-11:00 p.m. THE GABIES OYSTER BAR Rout* 2, Intersection 11 A 111 Pink Hill, N. C. Perry Hall A. L Jackson Hoaty Jackson cd vcdc il 004 cozart'S fresh pork lb. Z3* SAUSAGI 3 $i.oo SSLSSS!.*?10 ii PORK LOIN ROAST lb. 39* BOLOGNA lb. 45* End Cut P0RK CH0PS |b 39< FBANIK* MtAT nlrn 10* ICE MILK ^ Gal. 39*! rirawm pug. 07 |000 w G SACCHARiN 49< FROSTY HORN PURE ^/\JL 1?% /\/\ LARD 4 lb. 59* 8h 'i99 SUGAR ?- 25' - 59' 1.15 CIGARETTES ^ 39* R- c- $1.80 k"??? $1.84 hunt s or deimonte PUREX BLEACH Gal. 39* PEACHES . . C rts ? ? 55*1 Ca lb. 7* | Bananas lb. 10* I ANTIFREEZE !"x ^ r J ^ NABISCO OREO'S lb.-box 41* | ^ Be and Register I $4 49 jROt At Each Store 1 ? FOR CASH PRIZES I ? ? Woodland News PERSONALS Mr. Larry R. Jonas of the Stanford Church Community, and senior at East Carolina College Is doing his practice teachmg In art u the Charlotte Mecklenburg schools. Mr. Jones Is a nephew of Mrs. A. J. W alker of here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lewis of Farmvllle spent Sunday with Mrs. Lewis' aunt Mrs. H. S. Tyndall and Mr. TyndalL Those of the community at tending the home coming at Rooty Branch Sunday Included Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wallace, Gloria Faye and Cathy Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell, Kerry Jo and Melissa Gold Bell, Mrs. Shad Kornegay. Mr. and Mrs. Claudel Tyndall and Miss C?rol Tyndall. Mrs. WUlard westbrook re cently attended In Clinton the Executive Board Meeting of adult leaders and agents. . They met to plan ten 4-H Star News Event to be held In Wil mington on Monday 19th. She also recently an end the Home Demonstration County Council In KenansvOle to report on her trip In the Interest of demon stration work, in Colorado. Mrs. Durwood Walker, Linda Carol Walker and Mrs. Ran dolph Kornegay shopped In Goldsboro Saturday. Mrs. J. D. Galnus returned home Friday from the Wayne Memorial Hospital following a weeks hospitalization due to surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wal lace , Thomas, Jr., Jean, Tlm my, and Steve Wallace visited Mrs. Wallace's grandmother, Mrs. S. J. Somlns In Burling ton Sunday. Burlington Sunday. Mesdames Charles Bell and children, Joe Wallace and Lloyd Jones of BeulavUle shopped In Wilson and Goldsboro Wednes day. Weekend guests of Mrs. Gar land Wallace were her daugh ter, Mrs. Victor Fountain, Mr. ' F ountaln and children of Raleigh Mrs. Winnie Herring and Mrs. Cornelius Blanton of Rocky Mount visited briefly on Friday with Mrs. Pearl Her ring. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Grady and children visited with the W. B. Grady family In Clinton Saturday. On Sunday afternoon they visited with Mrs. Eliza Grady near KenansvOle. I . The Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Wolfe and Sandra of Kenans vOle, and Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe, parents of W. L. Wolfe, of West Virginia, were luncheon guests in the home of Mr. an^Mrs. K. J. Sntfth. Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Smith for your prayers whOe I was a patient at Duplin General Hos pital. I also want to thank every one for the kindness shown my famOy and the doctors and all famfly and to the doctors and all the girls on the second floor, thank you again. Mrs. George Prldgen Jr. (Irene) Pd visited with Mrs. Smith's bro ther. Mrs. R. T. Fordhem end family at Pleasant HOI Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ben Wallace spent last week in Washington, D.C. with her daughter, Mrs. Mittle Ruth Shlvar. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith and Stevie visited Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny O. Qulnn at Grifton Sunday. Sunday night they visited Mr. and Mrs. Hess Davis of Al berts on. Mrs. Leland Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Westbrook, and Mr. Paul westbrook fished at Topsail Beach Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wallace, Gloria Faye and Cathy shopped in Klnston Saturday. EMMA POWELL CIRCLE MEETS The Emma Powell circle of the Auxiliary of Snow Hill Church near Mt. Olive met Saturday afternoon at 2:30 In the home of Mrs. Marlon Mur phy with MRS. Glennie Rouse as co-hostess. Mrs. Shad Kornegay gave the devotion including scripture reading. Mrs. Glennie Rouse closed the devotion with prayer. The vice-president, Mrs. Rotha Reardon, called the meet ing to order, and presided over the business transactions which included the reading of minutes of previous meetmg by Mrs. Marlon Murphy, ana the trea surer's report by Mrs. Ruben Bishop. Orders for fruit cakes were taken and dinner arrange ments made for the pastor and visiting revivalist during the coming revival. Mrs. Helen Wallaer had charge of the program on "Tith ing.' She assigned parts to Mrs. Rotha Reardon, Mrs. Joe Wal lace, Mrs. Shad Kornegay, Mrs. Nora Outlaw, and Mrs.Claudell TVndall. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Joe Wallace. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Helen Wallace served refresh ments to the 13 members pre sent. Mrs. Addle Barden of Princton was a visitor. Mrs. Fred Herring was received as a new member. AUXILIARY MEETING The Womens Council of Har pe-Southerland Presbyterian Church met at the church re cently for the September meet ing. Mrs. L. C. Southerland called the meeting to order with pray er. The roll call showed an attendance of nine members . and two visitors. The minutes were read and approved. A new member joined the group. It was noted to send a con- ' r A TRIBUTE TO SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEES OF DUPLIN COUNTY Many dunks are expressed for the exceptional services rendered by the School Food Service Personnel of our county In their effort to go beyond the duties required of them in Beulaville HOME FROM HOSPITAL Mildred Hardlson returned home Saturday evening from Duplin General Hospital at Ke nansvUle. She was doing pretty good when she left the hospital Her diet for thirteen days Is milk and baby food. trlbutlon to help a young minis terial student. The meeting was then turned over to Mr. Tom Stroud who graciously came to our aid In the study of the 1965 Bible Study Book. He opened with the hymn Love Divine, after which he pronounced the bene diction. The president, Mrs. Souther land served refreshments of peach and apple pie, potato chls and soft drinks. The Reverend James w. making food attractive, School Food Service facilities pleasant and working with other com munity groups. Personnel con tinue to achieve numerous other tasks demanded of them, always adding that extra smile. Our future looks bright. Op portunities seem good for the School Food Service Program. Based on past performance, let's look forward to progress and keep smiling. speak each night at revival J services atHarper-Southerland 1 Memorial Presbyterlanl Church, services will begfa 1 Monday October 16 and last -3 througn Friday October 21, at 4 7 p.m. each evening. The public Is cordially to- 1 vited to attend these services. I CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Heroert Brock wisnas ?; to express her sincere thanks to ; her many friends for the won derful courtesies shown her < while she was a patient in i Duplin General Hospital with a J broken arm. she says thanks for the flowers, cards and pray ers. Also Mrs. Brock wishes to thank the personnel of Duplin General Hospital for the won derful service given her. Pd CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank all of the nurses and doctors while I was a patient in Duplin General Hos pital. I also wish to thank my friends for the cards and flow ers sent to me while I was a patient. Your kindness will always be remembered. E Stella Pear sail ' 1 They're a gas: They're "groovy" Free 'n easy flats to take you where fall's fashion action is. As Seen in SEVENTEEN tot WEST MAIN ST. CUNTOM HANDSOME Headlines FOB Aine ^en \W I if clothes are Important to you...If you're a man who likes to be flattered...choose the tailor who makes the best of you...Lebowl A touch of quiet luxury Is tne hallmark of the elegant look...thls suit In the perennial favorite. "Laxey" ...a distinctive fabric... $115.00. LEBOW | LEBOWS NEW FALL COLLECTION FEATURES WHAT AMERICAS LEADING MEN WILL WEAR. ALSO SEE OUR COMPLETE LINES IN MEN'S WEAR BY: >11 P.B.M. CORBIN H.I.S. | STETSON WORSTED - TEX ] PLUS MANY OTHERS MEN'S WEAR - MAIN FLOOR (ttslk'dlssM | WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROUNA Q