" " . ? . ? ? *?' ? .. :fvjw , - . i : ; ? , . ' *.? V _ , >!? Sandy Plain PERSONALS J?r''??* Mr?- Joav. Mrs. Earl Jones, Stan^ y&sse ?ey also w?K to see the wreck ed0 Peacock y Jot? Parti wri killed the morning of Merch 7th. and Mre. MroVSS Tue<d*y with morUI M ^ * L"10lr Me" morlal Hospital In Klnaton. r ? . Mr>' Ernest Kennedy di?. "ll b*1 birthday _^*r_ wfth Carolyn Faye Ktn Friday night on W Ifth M?^ S her Parents' home.' Mr. and Mra. Elbert Remedy - 5mtoh. M?- Ed ^J*rl Kennedy, and Mra. wSLH?"1eyt*lrtted Mrs. Ida *'^7 1fenolr Memorial Hoe noon Klnaton Tuesday after ***? ?d Mra. Ralph Sumner .?"d ,b?ye from Arapahoe visited Si- the community and attended m . services at Sandy Plain Tuesday night. *"ay son Mra. George Smith and ton Tueed^. 688 trip to Klns t,rMr'- L"cy Hall spent some time with her daughter Mrs Coy Sumne last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jenkins "* boys visited Mr. and Mrs. ; * Mr- Law S^fo103 home in Potters Hill Saturday night. Ronnie Kennedy of Pembroke S?ftF 18.^Pending the Easter ?nH^*yS ? hfr P*reras, Mr. ?d Mra. Ernest Kennedy. Randy Kennedy of Durham **? ho1"? with his parents, Mr. ?nd Mrs. Ernest Kennedy over the week end. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Ressle Ken ?edy-P?sy ?nd Tlmmy visited Mr. and Mrs. Nedham Houston In Jones County Friday night. Mra. Isaac Houston and Thad {??".we??hoPP1|? In Wallace Saturday afternoon. Mrs, Ressle Kennedy was ho noro with her husband and chil dren and Mr. and Mrs Isaac Houston is guests. Hensley of Klnston School of nursing was home with ELf"?"*' *ev ?nd Mrs. Carol Han.% over the week end. She was honored with a steak supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kennedy dUv 00 her b?^ P*y', *^h "er parents and Rev. Earl Gleen of New Bern as guests. Gum Branch P. FWB Church has gone on full time work with with shut Ins in the community ' j Mrs. George Smith and chli s?Eh Smlth. Ken SmWi and Connie Houston vi ?jted Mr, R. C. Kennedy and Mrs. Mamie Buck atVanceboro Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Joel Kennedy was ho nored by her family celebrating her birthday Sunday at the Bar becue Lodge in Klnston. Mr. Joel Kennedy, Mr.,and Mrs. Calvin Mercer and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kennedy and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Earl Kennedy and son all had dinner with her. Mr. and Mrs. Resale Kennedy Pauy and Tlmmy went shopping at Wooko's in Klnston Saturday night. Randy Kennedy, Glenn Stroud Wanda Qulnn. and Larry Dean Houston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Obrlen Kennedy In Klnston Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Arthur Kennedy spent some time at Raleigh last week with her daughter, MISS Norma Faye Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kennedy and Mrs. Laura Kennedy at tended church services at Ve rona Saturdy. Mr. and Mrs . Lloyd Ken ney and Mrs. Hughie Rhodes visited Mrs. Hughie Rhodes at Goldsboro Hospital Thursday. He returned home with them. Rev. Carol Hans ley visited Mrs. Ida Whaley Sunday after noon at the Hospital in Klnston. Mrs. Kenneth Heath of Klns ton spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coy Sumner. Irene Sumner from Jackson ville was home Friday with her family, Mr. and Mrs. Ace Sum ner. Mr. and Mrs. Ervln FutreU and Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Jones enjoyed oysters at the Oyster Bar near Pink Hill Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Hous ton. Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Hous ton and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Flave Kennedy attended church services at the New Bay Church near Jacksonville Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kennedy, Benny and Delorla,Mr. and Mrs Jim Kennedy attended church service at Verona Sunday and had dinner at Sneeds Ferry. Mr. Raybourn Rhodes from Wrights vllle Beach spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs . Joe HOI Rhodes. Mrs. Sarah Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Kennedy and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs.Orvls Wha ley and Vickie, Mr. and Mrs. Cnesley Houston went to Wilm ington and toured the battle ship USS N. C. and visited the zoo. Mr. and Mrs.,Ted Tledeman are enjoying a new Great Lake Trailer home which is very beautiful. Ted Is now stationed at Marine Corp Air Station at Beaufort. SU(L . ,.l~. Mrs. Elwood Thlgpen spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Edwood Thlgpen and chil dren near Deep Run. Mrs. Myrtle Thlgpen spent Sunday nlgnt with her son, Mr. Bill Thlgpen and family. Mrs. John Blizzard and ehfl r dren and grandbaby from Pan derlea visited her a tour. Mrs. WOlard Sumner and family Sun day. Mr and Mrs. George Boyette of KInstoo visited her parents, Mr. and MRS. Clifton Smith Thursday night. Mrs. Wesley Jenkins snd sen and Mrs. Willie Smith mads a ' business trip to K Inst on Mon revivsl meeting st Sandy ! Plain FWB Church closed Sun day night. The meeting was | very successful with a good attendance, good preaching and three additions to the church with others reded testing their lives. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Esster Sunday morning at 5:30 s.m. the young people of Sandy Plain Church will be conducting the sunrise service. It will be rendered by candle light and remind up that we have a living Savior, who died and arose again mat we might have eternal life. There will be Sunday School at 9:45 a.m., morning worship at 11 a.m. Afterwards there will be an egg hunt for the children, and pic rue lunch served on the grounds st the noon hour. veryone Is Invited to bring lunch. Sunday night at 7:30 p.m. a program featuring the "Chal lenge of the Cross" will be presented. This great story combines to be an Inspiring lesson to all. After the program there will be a Baptismal service. Every one la cordially Invited to attend each service. BASKETBALL Saturday, March 25th at 2:00 p.m.. the Boys Club will play Basket Ball return match witn Arapahoe boys. The game la scheduled to be played In the Beulaville Gym. Tnls should be a real Interesting same and your attendance will be needed for moral support. WITH THE SICK Mrs. Ida Whaley Is no better. She la still In Lenoir Memorial Hospital In Klnston in a very critical condition. Mr. Jonah Kennedy, who was ( a patient In Lenoir Memorial Hospital returned home Satur day and Is getting along much better. Scott's Store PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dail and family, Mrs Frank Wilkins and Terry visited the Oberry ' Wilkins family at Beaufort at the weekend. Charlie Jackson returned to his home Sunday from Duplin General Hospital in Kenansville where he had been a patient for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Waters and Mrs. Oarrie Scott visited Mrs. Lola Kornegay and son Tony Sunday afternoon in Bliz zards Crossroads area, Mrs. Eugene Price and granddaugh ter of Zion Community also vis ited Mrs Kornegay during the time. Mrs. Delia Dail is home fol lowing several weeks stay in Goldsboro Hospital and in the home of her son, M. E. Dail of Golds boro. Clyde Dail of Sandston, Va. spent the weekend here with his mother, Mrs. Delia Dail. Mr. and Mrs. Froncy Dail and family of Walnesboro, Pa., are expected to arrive here Friday to spend the Easter HaMova with hie naponte thfl HViUU/B " ?M? UW V1?H> M?V Jonas Dails. Miss Judy Waller of Wilson was here through the weekend with her family, the William Wallers. Mr. and Mrs. Ruby Johnson and Mrs. Rachel Jackson of Grantham spent the weekend in the Charlie Jackson home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Outlaw visited at New Bern Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Mordecia Outlaw and son Bruce Mrs. Ray Carter and Mrs. Clayton Pate were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Furney Harper of Albertson Sunday at lunch. Visiting the Ralph Jones fam ily Sunday were Mary Lou Myers of Jacksonville, Mr. and Mrs. Marsden Brock and dau ghters of Mt. Olive. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Edd Carter visited Mr .and Mrs. Al ton Carter of Wallace. Mrs. Ray Carter visited the Harvey Hargroves family in Mt. Olive Thursday. G. B. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ihigpen of Mt. Olive and Jack Thigpen of Grifton were visitors in the Roland Thigpen home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grah am, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whaley, Jr. and baby of Chocowinity had supper wlttf Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carter Sunday. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thigpen Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Deaver, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Deaver of Deep Run, Mr. and Mrs. Morris m^7 Ladies New Spring 1967 <SSjfiT Polaroid Sun Glasses Shulton Fragrances ESPECIALLY FOR SUMMER 9 J 00 High Intensity Lamp q Colorful BASKET 0 Luscious, crated A MARSHMALLOW EGGS Lovable, ? plush ANIMALS 6 #vp for extra 5 ^8*j Cheerful X S EASTER 2 n BUNNY BANK 0 'round saving. Q H 59 *each 6 ? ?*????????II II. CLQffl-MARTW DBDG " YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE " Mont Olive, N. C. "np * , 3K ' .TV * " '; ? *> Pv?P* I Pink Hill News PERSONALS Folks were dropping by all day Sunday to visit Mr. and MRS. Jotm D. Grady. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Grady, jr. and children. Sherry, Dixie, John David from Goldsboro, Paula, Betty Smith, Mrs. Frances Blalock from Rosewood, Mrs. Lou Gene Hemphill and son, Jim, from Greensboro, Mrs. SuzzleSmith, Mrs. Margaret Measley. Mr. and Mrs. J. a Outlaw, Mr.,and Mrs. Jeff Outlaw, Mrs. J. a Bills from Wilson. Mr and Mrs. L. a Turner enjoyed a nine day tour of Southeastern United States. o Thigpen and family, Kinston, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Thigpen of Mt. Olive. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Price Sunday were Mrs. Carson Lane, Miss Patricia Odom of Mt. Olive, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Price of Bethel sec tion, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bell of Blizzards Crossroads. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollo well of Mt. Olive dined with Mr. and Mrs. Edd Komegay Thursday for supper. Mr. and Mrs. William Earl Tyndt '.l of Kinston had lunch with Mrs. Edgar Outlaw Sun day, later they visited the Claudell Tyndalls. Mrs. Henry Sutton and son Stephen and Mrs. Emma Out law went to South Carolina, Thursday on business. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Outlaw Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Quinn and family and Mrs. Annie Quinn of Warsaw. Mr. and Mrs. Donnell Korne gay and children visited the Jim Byrds of Pleasant View Sunday. Visiting Mrs. Helen Waller Sunday were Mrs. Troy Hol mes of Goldsboro, Mrs. J. T. Flythe, Mt. Olive and Mrs. W. C. Adams and children of Ben son. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edd Kornegay Sunday were Mrs. H. E. Phillips. David and Paul of Kenansville, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith and Melody of In dian Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Currie Smith and sons Bart and Doug of Smiths Chapel They enjoyed the food iu New Orleans and did eat at the famous Antolnes. Brennana and the Court of the Two Sisters with its pretty waterfalls.They had coffee at the French Market. There its made with half cof fee, half boiled milk and it is called cafe-an-lalt. They re ported that the Creole people nave almost died out. They visited the Bellingrath Gardens close to Mobile, Ala bama. They attended the Ame rican Junior Miss Contest at the City Auditorium at Mobile, Ala bama. Mrs. Turner remarked that these girls were not picked for their vital statistics, but they had to be an A student ana interested In helping their fellowman. H alleluia! They visited ten ante-bellum homes at Natchez. She re marked that at one time, there were twelve millionaires in the United States and nine of them lived at Nstchez. DR. AND MRS. RUFF IN Dr. and Mrs. Ruff in are back on the lob after a two week and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Griffin, Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rivenbark attended a Masonic meeting in Greenville Saturday night. Mrs. A. J. Scott visited fri ends who are patents at Dup lin General hospital in Kenans vflle Sunday afternoon. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Scott Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Nornian Whit field, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ray Barwick and Ken of Mt. Olive. The Rev. and Mrs. Luther Swinson of Maple Hill were visiting Mr .and Mrs. Calvin M alp ass and others in the com munity Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Currie Dail of Warsaw visited Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Dail Thursday night, o ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs Carson Holmes of Albertson route 1 announce the marriage of their daugh ter, Gloria Carole to Kenneth Harold Thompson son of Paul Thompson of Mt. Olive and the late Mrs. Thompson. The wedding took place in DiQion, S. C? March 11. uyinv irip serosa. Mrs. Kunm raved about the beautiful coun try side of Italy. She said that the people were so friendly. They stayed at the beautiful Hilton hotel In Rome. They vl shed Florence and saw many masterpieces of art. They went Into the Vatican and saw the hall In which die pope receives people on Wednesdays of every week. Next, a two day tour to Na ples, Pompel, and the Isle of Capri. Pompel, the Roman City destroyed bv an eruption of neighboring Mt. Vesuvius, was fascinating. A streamer trans pot ed them to Capri where they visited the Blue Grotto, a sea level cave lighted by the re flection of the sunlight on the sea. | In France they visited the I tomb of Napoleon, the magnifi cent white baslllco which stands on the highest hill In Paris. They saw the Place de la Con corde and the Eiffel Tower, No tre Dame Cathedral She said Enclad was wonder ful and frloicfiv with the peo ple's merry cherrloes every where. They visited St. Pauls, the second largest Cathedral In the world, and the Tower of London, the Execution Place of Queens. They saw the fabulous crown jewels. Mrs. Ruff In raved about the Windsor Place andthe Changing of the Guards. The Queen's flag Is always flying if she is at home. Mrs. Ruff In said, not one drop erf rain fell on them and that they ate American foods most of ^h^Ume^Thevjjer^rwelln^^ ft NO mUea an hour, ft a helghth of 37,00 feet over the Atlantic ocean. They had a won derful time, but she said her own bed felt good. CHURCH NEWS As we approach Easter and the glorious Resurrection, this Christ centered message from 'The Cross,"" given by Mr. Hood Is so appropriate. Calvary where God prayed and a mob cursed. Calvary where a Savior died and Sal vation was born, where deep darkness enveloped the earth, that a divine light might fill the earth. Calvary, where all the sins of the world were laid on the one who had no sin. mere cod's Son was forsaken tut we nMt never bo for isksn. Yes on the cross Jesns bore ill or sine. Think of all the tins of the world together In me pile. Take Immorality, mur ler. Impurity. Idolatry, enmity, it rife. Jealousy, aqger, sd lahneaa, emry, drunkenness, md the like all the skis of he earth and pet it all on Christ, who had not spot or itanlsh, and you wfllkoowwhst happened at Calvary. It was our teething corruption which was laid on Him. No wonder God orsook Him. Mr. Hood has been holding Revival services S unday through Friday at Rones Chapel Mghodlst Church at jflJOt 1hb mount olive perky paradersl Strike up the band! Here come the brightest little-folk fashions in the E ister Parade and, the bright little races of the wearers will tell you that these shoes fit and feel as good as they look! For special occasions and everyday too, choose Red Riding Hood shoes for children. A. Sizes 8'/2 ro 6 _,__6.99 A 7.99 8 Sizes 8V2 to 4 6.99 A 7.99 C Size, 121.2 ro 4 6.99 A 7.99 /L I ^ *7 Ho?? SHOES FOR CHILDREN 1?r T BELK-TYLER'S IN MOUNT OLIVE I ? m .... am : Griffins Baifaecoe I Goldsboro, N. C. | Now Open For j Sunday Lunch { Hours I ^ From 8 A. M. to 2 P. M. | Join the fashion conscious throng during our I EASTER HAT FESTIVAL 3" -10" All the newest styles, shapes! Colors to compliment any outfit White, navy, black, pastels. Jfv \ Lahn. mimi / Friday Nights "'" ^BR Till 9... Saturday Till 6 The Dramatic Detail a fashion art with A "status" bow . . . softly draped in dar.cing-slipper fashion, or partly point ing up the excitement of Heiress styling. Or an enticing "open look" . . . reveal ing the naked truth about Heiress elegance. These are the dramatic dif ferences that lead young fashionables to insist on Heiress fine shoes. 1 ? 11.99 BCLK-TYLCR^ Mount Olivo

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