T'ife;' ^'WM^'fefe"'":iP'^ ? M I -;' '^BP I I ...#d The boys showed me tat lights in the sky, which looked most seen two and I saw the third one with them. The light came so fast that is is hard to de scribe. But it was multi-colored and seemed to be .whiiiiiy around. Starting from nothing. It got to be about the size of SO opened unbrellaandthendis appeared. It is needless to say. i all three of us were quite f ri ghtened. I had always wished to see a "flying ssucer" so I was disappointed when the ra dio announced that it was an ex periment of some sort. We were not the only ones who were frightened as my telephone started ringing and people were making inquiries as tonews re leases about the lights. One lady asid "whatever it was, almost came Into their bam.' I was talking with my sister in Norfolk later on that night and the next day she sent me a I clipping from the Norfolk paper telling of the calls that they had received from people in and around Norfolk. One lady thought the colors were "crum my." One small boy called the Editor, and in response to the Editor's raply said, "Oh, I know all about that. I read it in the newspaper. And I've been watching It through my tele scape and I Just warned you to know the fourth stage is just haniiiiiinn f t beginning. The article in th e Norfolk paper wound up with the foil ow lng explanation: ? ? ? ? ? ROCKET SHOTS SERVE SCIENCE WALLPS ISLAND - The two rockets fired by the National Aeronautics and Space Admin IstraUon frw^Wdlops, IsUnd ^T^behaWor ofclouds merits. I MBS Plf I v w "5 -s |W ?am is 5'6" til with fconde far aid I blue green eyes, arid is the dgaghter of Mr. 1 aii Mrs. O. E. Wilson. 6 I Pam Wilson Reigns At GGO A Mount Olive natve was se lected to reign as Miss GGO at The Greater Greensboro Open Golf Tournament held In Greensboro last week. Lovely Miss Pamela Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Wilson, and a freshman at the University of North Carolina In Greensboro was selected from 1300 freshmen at theUnlverslty. The contest was sponsored 6y the Jaycees where six beauties for Miss GCO entered the fl nals. Pam and her official chap eron, Mrs. Carl Scheer, wife of the Jaycee vice president In charge of sports, were guests of Allied Chemical Co. on a shopping trip to New York where she was allowed to select 20 Caprolan outfits. Obviously Miss North Caro lna material, this piano major and concert pianist had rather teach music to high school stu dents. Piano is a way of life for Pam who started lessoM in the second grade, and Is now taking from Dr. Ericourf at UNC. Queen of Wayne County fair last year, she was also selected Miss North Carolina High School In 1966. was Miss Con geniality for North Carolina High Schools In 1966^ was all conference Cheer Leader in 1966. Outstanding throughout high Azalea Festival - April 6-9 To Have Colorful Backdrop WU-MXNOTON, N. c. - x ne Springtime floral peak In the city and at hearby plantation gardens will coincide with the 20th annual North Carolina Aza lea Festival at Wilmington on April 6-9. Continued mild weather for the next week or 10 days will bring out near-full bloom of the city's more than a million szaleas and other floral dis plays, and the forecast Is the same for the formal gardens lie. The municipally - owned Greenfield Gardens will pro vide a colorful backdrop for die Azalea Festival. Arnold Pe terson, director of the Wilm ington Parks and Recreation Deoartment. savs the azalea* should be "almost at their peak for the Festival." He also said other flowering plants and shrubs would be In bloom, making the scenic drive around Greenfield Lake one of "our Highway Patrolmen serving Duplin County are | ?? to R): S. T. Joytier. J. S. Brfley, K. R," Ross. . G. Brooks. W. T. Evans, ?M Corporal H. I A. Hooper. Absent when the picture wis made I wes Arthur Butler and T. A. Bryan. I (Photo by Ruth Wellj) I Teenagers Arrested For Stealing Two teenage boys have been jailed in Kenans vllle on a charge of stealing 905 lbs. of shelled corn and three bags of hog feed. David Manley, 18 year old negro of Magnolia and William Dobson 17, also a negro of WU lard, were caught red handed at a feed mill In Warsaw where Manley had just unloaded the loot. Manley was arrested at the mill and his accomplice, Wil liam Dobson, was arrested later In Pender County. David had just unloaded the Stolen goods and was waiting to be paid said deputy Glenn Jer nlgan, who was assisted by De puty Irvln Outlaw. Melvln Bostlc who lives about six miles southeast of Kenans ville had reported the robbery from his farm to the sheriffs office. Town Election Interest Lagging Residents or towns In Duplin bounty appear to be less than nilcfty Interested in their town rovemnent, if this may be judged by the number of per rons filing for office. Several :own clerks report that today no tandidate has filed for any of fice. These offices are very Im portant and the progress of the Entire county might well be af ected by the decisions made by my one group. With so much at stake in be progress of Duplin County Interested and qualified per rons are urged to file for these important offices, and do his part to continue the progress of Ills town and county. Filing Deadline F tllng deadline for candidates for Mayor and Commissioners for Beiuavllle has been extend ed to April 15. A public meeting will be on Tuesday night, April 11. at 7:30 held at theBeulavllle Elementary School for the pur pose of nominating candidates to run in the election. QroceryStore MAagnolio^ Petty thievery continues in Duplin County with another bu siness establishment being bro ken into and robbed sometime Friday night. Waosworth's Grocery in Magnolia, owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Wads worth, was relieved of around $100 In groceries, clgaretts. chewihg gum, rolaids and Stan back he aid ache powders. The lock at the front door, where entry was gained, had been Dicked. The back door was used for exit. Spelling Bee Janet Redwlne, 12 year old daughter of Dr. and MRS. Os car L. Redwlne of Kenansville, was winner of the Spelling Bee held at Kenansville Elementary School last week. Janet ls a se venth grade student and by win ning the preliminary contest she will represent her school at the County wide Spelling Bee with nineteen school s competing. The county wide event will take place In the Kenansville Ele mentary School Auditorium Tuesday morning, April Uth at 10 a.m. Mayor Dan J. Fussell, Sr. of Rose HOI thanks Dr. C. F. Hawes for his aid to further Rose Hills Beautificatlon Program. Old Store on Railroad Street owned by Dr. Hiwes is being demolished and removed. (Photo by Gene Pierce) A Kose Hill Mayor Announces Beautification Drive .. . _ ft ft. . i i. > .1 . . . ..... In cooperation with the Go vernor's Beautlflcatlon Com mittee and with the local Beau tlflcatlon Committee for which Mr. Dennis W. Ramsey Is the chairman, MayorDanJ. Fussell of Rose Hill nas Issued a pro clamation requesting that all citizens of Rose Hill observe the month of May as clean-up paint-up and anti-litter month. Litter is a disgrace, caused by the Individual and only the indi vidual can prevent it. "Litter is unsightly, and de creases the value of your pro perty. It is also a health ha zard. It creates a breeding ground for disease-carrying rodents and insects. We must make every citizen an excellent outdoo r housekeeper if Rose Hill is to be the beautiful town we want it to be," said the Mayor. Effective litter prevention in volves a change in personal habits and manners. Therefore It Is important to enlist the aid of every citizen and es pecially the very young if we are to mold attitudes and in I M ? uuence Denavior names ror tne future. The campaign will open on Monday May 1st in Rose Hill. Mr. Dennis W. Ramsey is ch airman of the local committee and would appreciate your co operation. The committee would like any suggestions for the effectiveness of the drive and a note saying you will cooperate with this month long effort. A beginning has been made in Rose Hill. Some of the unsightly buildings are being leveled in the down town area. The effort to remove tne old bricks off tile lot on which the new Town Hall, Fire Department,Etc. has received new impetus, and It Is hoped that with the arrival of warm weather this work will move much faster and will soon be completed. The cooperation of every ci tizen Is earnestly requested by the Mayor and Mr. Ramsey. The committee for this pro ject Is composed of Dennis W. Ramsey, chairman Dan J. Fussell, Mayor. Harvey Braddy and Charles Hall. Lreech Kesigns The Duplin County Board of Commissioners in regular ses sion on Monday, April 3rd, ac cepted the resignation of Josh Creech as Constable for War saw Towriship. Mr. Creech and his wife have moved toRalelgh. Roger V. Phillips was ap pointed as Constable for War saw Township to fill the un expired term of Mr. Creech. DUPLIN STUDENTS TO ATTEND GOVERNOR SCHOOL Two North Duplin High School students have been selected to attend the Governor's School erf North Carolina, a summer pro gram for gifted high school stu dents. The school will be held at Salem College, Winston-Sa lem. for elcht weeks this sum mer. Juanita Brock, a 17 year old rising senior, will be offered experiences In the academic area of English. She is the dau ghter of MR. AND Mrs. Lesilt F. Brock of Calypso. Gerald Bell, a 15 year old rising Junior, will be offered experiences In the academic area of mathematics. He Is the son of MR. AND Mrs. Delmas E. Bell of Route 2, Mount Olive. In order to be nominated for the Governor's School, a student must have demonstrated Intel l gence, interest, and aptitude. Candidates nominated for the academic areas have their ap plications examined and screened by a state-wide com mittee selected by the Gover nor's School. Open House At Reeves Brothers, Inc., April 15 ? . _ t rtr a _ Reeves Brothers, Inc. an nounces "Open House Tours" of tea Comfy Home Furnishing Division KenansvOle Plant and facilities which will be held for the general public on Sa turday, April 15, 1967 during the hours of 12 Noon until 5:00 P.M. In March of 1966, a training program was started |n the Qulnn Store Building located on Main Street. KenansvOle, N. C. in preparation to moving into a new building being built north of Kenansvllle . In July of 1966, we occupied the new building, and we are very proud althis building which) contains 100,000 square feet, completely j alrcondltloned, and properly 11 ] ghted. We hope that everyone u> the immediate communities will come in to see our plant and facilities, ' stated Mr. Joe D. Moore, Executive Vice President. "Currently, we are employ lng approximately zou people i and we expect this number to reach 325 when we reach the peak of operation. "We are manufacturing throws which are used to cover tome furniture and a complete line of decorative pillows at the Kenansvllle Plant. "We feel that our selection of this area In Duplin Cotuuy has been a wise one, and we look forward to a successful opera tion from this location In our Home Furnishing Division."