'IW PMiMSS SENTINEL ? im^m,^m i n i i li j i 1 ^mmmmmmm. lin m I I I VOL XXXIV NO. 18 MAY U. I?e7jfeNANSVl^^N^^^ Trial & Error (The following story appeared In the 60th Birthday Edition of the Sanford Herald. Beats the weddings of today.) How did Am society editors writs lbs social news la the early days si SaafardT lor a a ample of the style of writta* which was In high fash ion hi MSI consider this write up of the wedding of Miss An nie Harrington of Jonesboro and Dr. 3. E. Oeriness of Sen lord which appeared in The Leader on April a. MSI. . "On April 21st at the residen ee el Ate bride's tether, Mr. Mister Harrington, Dr. 3. E. Carineas of Sanford and Miss taah Harrington were married. by fust. W. S. Chaffin. Alter ES&sSBf 32* we aey!|St"1t^awpS SSeSBE aMR- J^ nreet and fSuiwinit . ? ?- -fc ' ? a J ?? Jufl a nusic, wuca couia not W to lend enchantment to the occa aion. At a late hour the party dispersed, each one wishing for Dr. CaviSeas and his "accom plished <wife, a Jong life of hap piness And success. The LEAD ER joins in fee many good wishes. May their barque of connubial Miss ever peacefully Vide the Mwq sea of this life and at last may they anchor in E: untroubled waters of the ven of rest, "beyond the swelling flood." This social event apparently was recorded in two newspap ers. THE EXPRESS wrote about the same event, hut much more briefly. For the party at Dr. CavJness' residen ce this paper called it, "an ov atioU." And added "The Dr. was not only happy himself, but made quite a host of his friends happy who were with him Tuesday night The EX PRESS extends congratulations and wiahea for them a pleasant, ? I, .I inaiMUin limissi_nu fkminii 1if? if prosperous journey mru?n m. DC Observes Firemens Week Parade Success W County Ffremens lasocla- I The Duplin County Ftremens Association asks all county ci tizens to observe North Caro lina Ft remans Week and remove all ftre hazards possible. President of this Important organlztflon is Clayton Her ring, Rose Hill, above, who is also Fire Chief of Rose Hill and has. given 22 years qfialth ful and constructive _ service to sJHBases of Are pffcrentlon and cfrtrol work. With six yews out for college and mi litwy duty. Mr. Herring has been active In this field since 1939. Vice-President of the Duplin Association is Rev. Lauren Shwpe of KenansvOle aid Ha rold Mweady of Wallace is Se cretary-Treasurer. An advi sory commltte is an integral and important part of this as sociation and is made up of the fire chiefs from each depart ment in the county. These officials we as fol lows: Wallace. Robert F. Boone; Beulaville, Andrew Jack son; Sweets, Cwey Williams; Kenansville. Lauren Sharpe; Chinquapin, Terry Pwker; Calypso, H. C. Cooke; Falson, C. A. Precythe; Warsaw, F rank Steed, Jr.; Magnolia, Melvin Pope; Teachey, R. C. Jenkins. FIRE MANS PARADE A SUC CESS Duplin County's Observation of North Cwollna Ftremens week began with a parade of fire equipment for which any county could be proud, and one which opened the eyes of the residents to the ewe their communities receive from the men who volunteer to serve them in the CeaUaoed to page M ?< ? * i Assistant Librarian Wreck Victim Re-appoint Hospital Board The Duplin County Board of Commissioners in regular ses sion on lfonday, May 1st, re appointed the following mem bers to the Board of Trustees of Duplinfceneral Hospital, Inc. for six-year terms: Limestone Township, Qscil Miller. Kenansville Township, Ralph Berwick. Magnolia Township, J. P. J." P. Smith. Wolfscrape Township, C.C. I rev. Sr. Glisson Township, E. E. Kelly Rockflsh Township, Richard Boyce. Resignation of Bur en Uriah Brinkley as Constable for Is land Creek Township was ac cepted. Mr. Brinkley has served as Constable for Island Creek Township for the past pine months. hospitalized an elderly man Mrs. Ape* WOliams Foster, ly afteTenterlng Duplin General Hospital, of multiple Injuries received only minutes earlier. She was returning home from work which waft as* is tint in th? Duplin County Library In Mrs. Foster headed west WjuI 1963 Chevrolet traveling east, driven by Jack Newkirk Box 102, Warsaw, negro man age 7Q. jtfewkirk was treated sQwlln General Hospital and transfer' rtfc, to-Veterans Hospital lnj> VACWHK m? ejnfawayW ' listed as critical. He sustained head Injuries, a Broken jaw, Caattaued to Me M Soil & Water Conservation Enters Goodyear Contest The Duplin SOU and Water Conservation District has en tered the 21st annual Goodyear competition to select the na tion's top 53 conservation dis tricts, according to Calvin R. Mercer, Beulavflle, N. C. dis trict chairman. Activities of the district will be weighed against the perfor mance of other districts in the state in determining the out standing district in the annual event sponsored by The Good year Tire and Rubber Company of Akron, Ohio, Key agricultural leaders will serve as judges and will select the state winner. Soil conserva tion efforts from January 1. 1967, through December 31, 1967, will be considered. Grand award Tor the 53 dis tricts selected nationally will be an expense paid, work-study trip to Arizona In December, 1968, for one member of the district governing body and the outstanding farmer-cooperator in each winning district. The 106 men selected will be guests at Goodyear Farms, a 14,000 acre general farm operation near Pnoenix. District supervisors areCal Coatttned to page M Win N&O Current Event Quiz The four Juniors of E. E. Smith High School participated In the championship series of the Current Event Quiz spon sored fay the News and Obser ver. The four alternates: Rose* lyn Newklrk, Jannle Cooper, Letsie Williams and Barbara Kearse were also there to boost the participants. Each round was fifteen minutes long and the participants were allowed five seconds to answer any one question and thirty seconds for any satallite question. The questions beginning from De cember 1966 - 1987. The re sults of the first round with Wagram High School was 217 - 18 points. Tne second round with Elm City High was 202 - 103 points. The final round with Caattooed to U Rev. Russell To Conduct Revival REV. RUSSELL The Reverend Mr. G. Frank Sawyer, pastor of the Beula vllle Presbyterian Church, an- , nounces that beginning on Sun day night , May 14th, and con tinuing each night at eight o' clock through F riday nignt, May 19th, Evangelistic Services will be held at the Beulaville Pres byterian Church, Beulaville, N. C. . Guest minister will be the Reverend Mr. J. Sheppard Rus sell, Jr., pastor of the First Presbvterlan Church *1N? marie, N. C. Prior to his pre sent pastorate, Mr. Russell served the Lake Waccamaw Presbyterian Church, Lake Wac camaw, N. C., and the First Presbyterian Church, Conway, South Carolina. Mr. Russell Is a native^ of Petersburg, Vir ginia, a "graduate of Hampden Sydney College, and Union The ological Seminary, Richard, Virginia. You are cordially Invited to attend these services. MAY - SENIOR CITIZENS MONTH (In connection with Senior Cbleeds Month, this literary gem, which Is framed and has a very Important pace on the wall at the nurses desk In the South Wing of Duplin General Hospital seems most appropriate. There Is probably more truth here than most of us not-quite-senior-citlzens realize. R. Wells) Beatitudes For Friends Of The Aged oy tsicr Mary wauter Blessed are they who understand my faltering step and palsied hand. Blessed are they who know that my ears today must strain to catch the things they say. Blessed are they who seem to know that my eyes are dim and my wits are slow. Blessed are they who look sway when coffee Is spilled at the table today. Blessed are they with a cherry smile who stop to chat for a little while. Blessed are they who know the ways to bring back memories of yesterdays. , Blessed ara they who know I'm at a loss to find the strength to carry the cross. Blessed are they woo never say "you've told that story twice today." Blessed are they who make It known that I'm loved, respected, and not alone. Blessed are they who ease the days on my Journey hdme, in loving ways. teai^aniiift iiirfn m 'TtMmr - This tun from E. E. Smith's Htyh School In Kensnsvitte won tap honors In die state-wide qui* contest sponsored by the News and Obser rw in Rdelgh. May 6. In th?picture (1 to r) ar* Carolyn Glasple, Rosa Best. Ella Wallace, and Linda Miller. (Photo by Ruth Wells) i^llw ,v 'j?T' Ife,:'" J&, . ? ... ?. ... Warsaw's Home Federal Savings and Loan Robbed . -.wt~ ? . Artist Conception Of Robber Home Federal Savings and Loan Employees, Mrs. Coleen Martin, and Mrs. StUrly Costin, described to artist James Saunders the robber who took'|2142. from the Warsaw office, Friday afternoon, at gunpoint. They believe that Mr. Saunders has produced a real likeness, especially about the forehead, eyes ana nose. He was very dark, probably an Indian or Negro, ?ad was neat in hla appearance, and emphatic in his speech. The Warsaw Branch of Home Federal Savings and Loan As sociation was relieved of $2142 In a brazen Friday afternoon robbery. The lone bandit es caped 'in the busy traffic on highway 117 about 3 o'clock. Described as "a big man - not fat - Just big, neat, and very dark an Indian or Negro." entered the loan ottlce alone. He was wearing a rain hat and coat, both brown. Two em ployees. Mrs. Shlrlev Costln ana Mrs. Coleen Martin were In the office. In reply to Mrs. Coston's "May I help you" the bandit said "Yes, give me all your money.' A long barrelled sll ver pistol In his hand empha sized the command. Both ladles admit that they were frightened, actually pe trified with fear. Evidently - they weren't moving to suit the unwanted caller and he said. "Give me the money or I will kill every d?one of you." The money from both cages was stuffed in his clothing and according to his Inst ruction both ladles stretched out on the floor while he made his get away. Mrs. Martin called the Warsaw policemen wno ar rived on the scene almost Im mediately. Manager Robert Kornegay was In a back office and was not aware of what was taking place. Policeman Douglas Towns end and chief Perry Smith called the Sheriffs Department. Sher iff Elwood Revelle arrived at the scene and they, In connec tln with the State and the Fe deral Authorities are continu ing the Investigation. A nearby resident said a man fitting the above description ran across a field and got Into a two-tone brown cadulac, a 1965 or 1966 model. This same car was seen leav ing town at a high rate of speed headed toward Faison. Incest Charge Against Former Duplin Man A Wayne resident of about three weeks Is being held In the county jail In lieu of $10,000 bond on an Incest charge against his 14 year old daughter. James Elwood Best, Rt. 2, Dudley, native of the Beautan cus section of Duplin County was arrested Saturday by the Wayne County Sheriff's Depart ment. He was reported to the Duplin County Sheriff, Elwood Revelle who In turn notified the Wayne officers since Best Is no longer a resident of Dup lin County. The Duplin County official was told by the child that her father forced her to submit to him and that he did assault her at their home Saturday afternoon. The attack was re portedly witnessed by a sis ter. Waiting until the father went to sleep, the children fled to a neighbor's house, who in turn took the children to their grand mother's who lives ui tne Ke nansville area. The mother was not at home when the assault took place. Local Youths Federal Sentence Kenansville Postmaster, A. C. Holland has released the following Information. , In Federal Court atWilmlng '?torrxc. drf April 27, 1987, after {heading guilty to malici ously tearing down riiral mall boxes onRt.I. KenansvOle, sen tence was Imposed on the fol lowing: Donnell Monk and James H. Bar den for damagingJ7 rural mail boxes. Donnell Monk, Earl Miller, Perry Lowell Gillespie and Henry Lee Graham for damag ing 2 rural maDboJts, * All but Perry Lowell Gilles pie received a prison sentence from that date until 6 p.m. on April 30, 1967 (3 days). All have suspended sentences Continued to page M Kenansville Officials Named * ."a John Hall has been declared winner of the fifth commission er seat in die Kenansville City officials mft the number of votes received are: Mayor Earl Hatcher, 69; commissioners. Leo Jackson 57; Phillip. Krets ch, Jr., 58; Wiley Booth 67; Lauren Sharpe 54; and John Hall 52. Mrs. Carter and Johnson RecipientsFoundersAward Mrs. Gene Carter of Wal lace and Mr. 0. P. Johnson of Kenansville have been selected from over 100,000 Heart Fund volunteers, to receive an award for outstanding service at the North Carolina Heart Asso ciation's 18th Annual Meeting to be held In Durham at the Jack Taj" Hotel on May 17th and The award will be present- 1 ed at the Awards Breakfast of the Association held annual ly In honor of Founders Award recipients. The Heart Asso ciation's "FlrstLady/'Mrs. A. Robert Gordeil, will preside at the breakfast and present the awards. Mrs. Gene Carter is the Wal lace City Heart Fund Chairman for the 1967 campaign, and she Is to be commended for all the time and effort sheput forth in organizing such a successful Heart Fund Drive in the city of Wallace, She, together with her key workers, was responsible for the largest and most en tertaining Heart Fund Talent Continued to page M Commencement Activities JAMES KENAN Commencement exercises for James Kenan High School have been announced by Mr. J. P. Harmon, principal. Baccalaureate Services at 8:30 Daylight saving time on May 21st will be conducted in the new Harmon Gymnasium. The invocation will be given 23 at 8:30 daylight saving time. The 91 members of the senior class have chosen as their spea ker, Mr. Vance Q Gavin, Ke nansvQle Attorney. Tommy Benson is class vale dictorian and Betty Savage is salutatorlan. Lisa West and Joe Davis Brlnson are mas cots. Mrs. Faye Williams is Ceatinced to Ma tt by Rev. W. R. Crowder, of the Warsaw Methodist Church. The sermon will be by Rev. William L. Wolfe of the Ke nans vllle Methodist Qiurch and the benediction will be pro nounced by Rev. Troy D. Mul 11s of the Kenansvllle Presby terian Church. Graduation exercises will follow on Tuesday evening, May DUPLIN CC BOARD OP DIRECTORS 1967-68: The Duplin County Club held Its annual mem bership meeting Monday night at the club. The above board members were elected to serve for another year. Left to right: Phil .. , - - . Kretsch of Kenansvllle, Roy BarwtcR, Preel dera Gib Buck. R. D. Johnson and Bill Boyette of Warsaw. Bill Potter of Magnolia, ftimy Thlgpen of Beulavlllc, and John Hall of Ke nansvllle. BUI Igoe was absent along with Sam Godwin. v v ' y gjj :VaiVifiSfr- - .- . .

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