I Warsaw Society Mrs. Becky T. Edwards Phone 293-4352 After 5 P.M. Mrs. Paul Brta is vtafali* her mother, Mrs. J. M. Gibbs, end her brother sad family. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbs. all of Los Angeles. California. Mrs. Brta will return home Mr. and Mrs. John A. John son and children spent last week touring points of interest in the mountains of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Brta, Kay, and Martha spent die week end with Mrs. Britt's mother, Mrs. B J. Miller, of High Point. Mrs. Miller returned with the Britts to spend this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Carlton. Wade Jr.. and Daly Rae re turned home Friday after a two weeks tour to the West Coast where they toured points of Interest In Mexico, Texas. California, and many other in teresting places en route. The tour covered approximately 8, 135 miles. They went within fifty miles of the state of Ore gon and viewed some of the most rugged terrain protected by parks m America while tra veling through die mountains often covered with snow. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lanier of Raxboro spent the week end with Mrs. John Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. WQlard Whitfield. Mrs. Richard Best and Mrs. Maggie Swlnson of Falson and Mrs. Mary Lou Barwick of Goldsboro spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. OrmondGrice and Linda. Mrs. A. C. Rogers of Chapel HOI spent several days with Mrs. W. A. Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Avon Sharpe. Mrs. Carter had been confined to her home due to Illness. Mr. and Mrs. AllanDraughan Jr. left Saturday for a vacation In Miami and the Bahamas. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jones left Monday for a vacation In Canada. Mrs. Edward Sheffield and ajb-ls spent the week end at Topsail Beach. Mrs. Mett Ausley/Chlp, and Margaret are spending this week at Tops all Beach. Dr. Aus lev spent the week end and will Join them during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Cost In. Charles, Michael, and Nathan, Jr., returned home last week after visiting her brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stancll of Dun nellon, Fla. and Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Stancll of St. Peters burg, Fla. and touring many points of Interest enroute and along the west and east coasts of Florida. Scouts Donny Johnson and Ro bert Johnson Will leave Saturday for PhQmont, New Mexico for three weeks. Misses Jo Ann Johnson and Angela Pears all left Monday as guests of Miss Judy Pears all at: Surf City this week. Friends in Warsaw will be happy to learn that Reverend D. E. Parkerson of Carrboro is recuperating from minor throat surgery which he underwent recently. Mr. Parkerson was invited to give the invocation for the commencement exer cises at the University of North Carolina Law School. While ab sent from the Carboro Baptist Church where he Is pastor. Mr. Parkerson who also writes for the Warsaw-Falson News, and the Dqpiln Times wrote a very timely poem which was pub lished in the church building. Please check elsewhere for the poem in this week's edition. Mr. and Mrs.Sanford Packer returned recently after spend ing five days in Montreal, Ca nada with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Earl Qulnn. While there, they I I toured many points of Interest 067 and saw Pre sident ohnsor who was there the same day. They were very Impressed fay the U. S. eahttm and foreign people. Mrs. Nathan Cosdn and her mother, Mrs. Daisy Stencil, spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. a A. Porter of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Mitchell and Miss Teal Crumpler of Clinton were Sunday dinner guests of the Fisher Carltons. Mrs. Larry Klngsley Is spending this week at wrlghts rllle Beach as guest of Re verend and Mrs. Joe Ebale. Mr. ?id Mrs. Brad Mlnshew of Dunn visited the fL D_ Min shews over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Falson Joyner of Mt. Olive and Miss Carol Ann Tuck er of Magnolia were Sunday din ner guests of the M Ins news. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher Carlton. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Best, Mr. and Mrs. George West, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Torrans, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lanier, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Qulim, Mrs. W. J. Middleton, Jr., Mrs. Paul Pot ter and daughters, Mary Lou and Joyce, Billy Crowder and Jane Strickland were in Char lotte Friday night to watch Miss Warsaw, Carolyn G res ham, perform In talent competition for Miss North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Bras well visited their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. BUI Tay lor and Retha Jo of LaGrange on Friday. Mrs. John Vincent and dau rer, Margaret Ann and Mrs. A. Mitch ner spent last week with Mr. W. E. Fuss ell. Mrs. Byron Teachey, and Mrs. Ro bert Frederick of Rose HOI at Kure Beach. Mr. W. D. Fus sell and son. Aim on, of Greensboro spent Sunday with his sister and her husband, the F. A. Mltchners. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Greer and Steve of Jacksonville vi sited Mrs. D. E. Todd, Sr. and Peggy on Tuesday morning while en route to Bules Creek where their son, Steve, will enroll for the first session of summer school at Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. James F.Strlck land spent the week end at Caro lina Beach as guests of the Henry Merritts. Mrs. Tommy L. Todd and son, Bryan, of Wilmington spent last week with her mother and fami ly, Mrs. Mary Grey Frederick, Gloria, and Mickey. Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald Beasley and family of Magnolia were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Todd, Susan and Celeste. Mrs. J. A. Edwards, Mrs. D. E. Todd, and Miss Peggy Todd spent Saturday afternoon a: Buies Creek. Mrs. Floyd Strickland and "Mia* Jane Strickland spent Sa turday and Sunday in Athens, Georgia. Cans and CaranCoop er and Ben F. Cooper from Monroe, Louislanna are visit ing their grandmother, Mrs. Floyd Strickland, this week. I 1 I Mr. and Mrs. Graham Phil lips, Sr. were Saturday dinner uuess of Reverend and Mrs. D. E. Parkerson and Gall of Carboro. Mr. and Mrs.Graham Phillips, Sr. spent the week I .end InCarrborovlsltlngMr. and ?Mrs. Frank W. Leak and fa-^ mlly. Thejr attended' the com-* mencement exercises at the University of North Carolina where their son-in-law, Frank W. Leak, was graduated from Medical SchooL Mrs. C. A. Tanner of Smith field Is spending this week with her mother, Mrs. S. A. Jones. Mrs. Robert Frederick and sons of Goldsboro visited her mother, Mrs. Jones on Sunday. Mrs. Carl Tucker and chil dren of Goldsboro spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Llston Sum merlin and family. Miss San dra Tucker remained to spend the week with the Sum merlins. Mrs. G. L. Sumnerlln and Mrs. Merle Lewis and chil dren of Sumrnerlln's Cross roads were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Llston Summerlln on Wednesday evening of last week. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Atkinson of Warsaw announce the birth of a daughter, Cecilia Bland Atkinson, Dorn Thursday, May 26, at Wayne Memorial Hospi tal, Goldsboro. Mrs. Atkinson Is the former Evelyn Bland of Warsaw. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Maurice B. Kelly, Jr. announce the birth of a daughter, Ronda Gall, born Tuesday, June 8, a: Seymour Johnson Air Force Hospital In Goldsboro. Mrs. Kelly Is the former Daisy Bell whaley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Whaley of Warsaw. B&PW To Meet The Warsaw Business and Professional Women's Club will meet Monday evening, Juie 19, at 7:00 p.m. In the home of Mrs. R. D. Johnson, Sr. for their regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Robert L. West, who has Just attended the North Ca rolina Business and Pro fessional Women's Club, Inc. Convention which was held In Durham has several Important announcements to make con concerning :he oirstandlng acti vities of the local club which were acknowledged during the convention. Members are ad vised to attend this Important meeting. Youth Exhibit Interesting The current youth an exhi bit at Home Federal Savings and Loan Association In Warsaw has aroused much Interest and ap preciation among local visitors at the office which features a different exhibit each month. The currant show features die young art students of Mrs. Mar garet Cooper of Rose HOI. The artists range In age from ten years through high school and many paintings are outstanding. Mrs. Cooper teaches weekly classes at the Cooper Studio In Rose HOI after school during the regular school term. -The pictures cover still life and landscape and range widely In subject matter and color. Among the paintings, there is one water color and the others are In oil. Students exhibiting are Wade Carlton, W. J. Middietoa, Ran-, dy Sutton, Mary Lib Dail, Crls Johnnson, Diane Johnson, Burke Herring, Gall Bostic, Marty Bostlc, Ken Farrior, Eva Sue Rouse, David Allen, Babie Chestnutt, Mary Sheffield, Tre va Rouse, Nancy Worsley, and Susan Ward. Circle No. 7 Circle #7 of the First Bap- ? tist Church had Its monthly meeting on Monday, June 12, 1967 at the Fellowship Hall of the Baptist Church with Mrs. Joe Allen Edwards, Chairman, presiding. Mrs. James V.Drew gave the Call to Prayer and Mrs. W. G. Brltt presented the program on the "Thomen's Missionary Union of aChurch." Mrs. Max Grlce gave the se cretarial report and led In a discussion of prospects for new members. Mrs. Edwards, hostess, served chocolate pie, salted nuts and ginger ale for re freshments. Those attending Included Me dames: Larry Klngsley, James Vernon Drew, W. G. Brltt, Max Grlce, and Glenn Rollins. Splash Party Tony Rivenbark, Miss An nette Cavenaugh, and Miss Ca rol Ann Tucker honored Arthur Minshew and Tommy Costln who will bath leave this week to join the U. S. Army and the U. S. Air Force respectively with a splash party at the Ri venbark home on F rid ay evening at 6:30. Refreshments were served buffet. They consisted of pota to chips and dip, assorted nuts and cookies, and soft drinks. Guests attending were: Char les Ingram, Edwin Lewis, Woody Brinson, Johnny Best, Kathy Benton, Annette Wahab, Margaret Grady, Dorothy Brltt, Ronnie Ba.ts, Judy Archer, Kenny Mint on. Beth Mullis, and Beverly Wimberly of Apex. Tony had appropriately drawn a poster tfflxed with the gold eagle emblem saying "Come Back Soon Arthur fLeroy') and Tommy." Mrs. West Luncheon Hostess Mrs. J. N. West, Jr. was hostess at a bridge luncheon on Thursday from aleven until two o'clock. Lovely summer flowers were used throughout in decorations. For Kg..??, Hp. "yr ' ;**. v ?** Vv chose creamed chicken casse ptewlth whipped cream for Guests were Mr*. W. P. *'e^t &!.'?!&??? fi?S-*!aKBaSr vlelle, and Mrs. Mett Ausley. When scores were tallied, Mrs. Fonvlelle received a cook book for consolation, Mrs. Mat" thews received a teflon pan for high score, and Mrs. Draugh arT received all occasion cards For second high. Engagement Announced engagement announce ment - Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ko?L ofRoute2,Falson m nounce the engacememof their daughter. Mvra Sue. to Mr. WU 11am D. Holland, son of Mr^and Mrs. Alton DeVane Hollandof Clinton. The wedding wfll take place on June 24 at the Free Will Holiness Church In war saw at 6 p.m. Hall?Bartlett Vows Spoken In Kenansville Miss Martha Benson Bartlett became the bride of John Car roll Hall on Friday. June 2, In the , Kenansville Baptist Church. The Rev. Lauren R. Sharpe performed the evening ceremony which was attended by the members of the families and close friends. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William a. Bart lett of Bowden. The bride groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John a Hall of Kenans VlThe new Mrs. Hall holds a bs degree In Elementary Edu cation from East Carolina Col lege. Greenville. Her husband is also a graduate of East Caro lina College and holds a BA degree In Science. He Is pre sently employed with the Duplin County Health Department and this fall will enter the U. 5. Marine Corps. The couple Is now at home in Warsaw after a brief wedding trip. WSofCS Meeting The Woman's Society of Ch ristian Service held their re gular monthly meeting Monday, June 12. in tbe Fireside Room of the Warsaw Methodist Ch urch. Mrs. E. C. Thompson, Pre sident, presided. The Spiritual Life Chairman, Mrs. Sanford Packer, had a most inspiring devotional and Bible Reading. A budget for the coming year was presented and adopted. The various items of business were discussed and appropriate ac tion taken. Mrs. Ross Wadklns, a dele gate to the recent Spiritual Life Retreat at Loulsburg Col teg6 gave a very Interesting and Informative resume of the Re treat. The Society was dismis sed with the Mlzpah benediction. Immediately following the be nediction an Officer's Training Session was held with most of the officers and circle chairman of the Society In attendance. Mrs. Thompson conducted this /JMAN OF^ f 0>THE HOURS With Our Boys ALLEN AYCOCK FT. RUCKER, ALA. - Pri vate Allen Aycock, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Aycock, Route 1, Chinquapin, completed an observation airplane main tenance course at the Army Aviation School, Ft. Rucker, Ala., March 31. During the four-week course, he was trained in the upkeep of multi-engine observation and utility airplanes of the type currently being used by the Army in Vietnam. His wife, Melody, lives on Route 1, Lucasvllle, Ohio. CLARENCE W. McCLENNY WICHITA FALLS. Tex. - Air man Third Class Clarence W. McClenny, son of Mrs. O. S. McClenny of Route l.Faison has been graduated at SheppardAFB Tex., from the training course for U. S. Air Force medical service specialists. Airman McClenny is a gra duate of Hobbton High School, Newton Grove, N. C. ?? ? "It was a wonderful trip and I had a marvelous time," said lovely Carolyn Gresham of her week In Charlotte during the Miss North Carolina Pageant. Carolyn was accompanied to Charlotte by her brother John T. Gresham, in, and Barney Sheffield, who also served as her escorts. Mrs. Grace Carlton was her official chaperone. The first day was orientation day with a party that night at the Raroada Inn. This gave Carolyn a chance to meet the other girls and their chaperons as well as the Judges. The elghtytour lovely young ladles were divided into four groups. Carolyn was in group D. This group was in swim suit on Tuesday night, Wednesday night ley sat In the audience. Thursday night the contestants in group O were in evening gown and Friday night was talent night for the group. Carolyn gave an excellent performance in her presentation of Chopin Revolutionary EtudeE Flat. Carolyn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gresham Jr., and many of the War saw Jaycees attended the talent show Friday night. "Their applause and response was just wonderful,' said Carolyn, "In fact, it was a marvelous week, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world." RANDY SUTTON, SON OF MR. AND MRS. CEORGE SUT TON OF WARSAW Is pictured before the current youth mrt exhibit at tfome Federal Savings and Loan Association In Warsaw which features a different exhibit each month. The current showing features the young art students of Mrs. Margaret Cooper of Rose MIL the present exhibit is proving to be most Interesting as the paintings by the young people are quite outstanding. Profit Opportunity Bean American Are you satisfied with your Income? Are you satisfied with your work? Are Jrou satisfied with your future outlook? If you hare die ability, the Independence of mind, the self start ability, and the self-con fidence torero it alone, maybe you are not doing yourself jus tice. Mayb4 you should consider owning a business of your own if you watt to earn $10,000 and more per year: Financial Assistance, Complete Training with pay while you learn. On the job guidance to pro fitable management. if you are above average, and tf you have thoroht about going into business for your self. Then Call WORSLEY OIL CO. 2SS-2149 Wall ate, N. C. CUTS, BURNS and SORES HARRELL MUSIC STORES offers the finest BALDWINS ORGAN Of Any One EASY TERMS BEST PRICES Drop Me A Card or Call RO 2-5497 Wilmington. N. C. U?" - "? -?* ?? ? , : " -J . * a'. * v. ? ?; i- ^N, ^ ON FATHER'S DAY^^ Electric Razors CAMERAS Chaaael Master AM ? FM Radios Watches Billfolds > CIGARETTE LIGHTERS Pangburns CANDIES British Sterling 4 Jade East TOILETRIES THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! June 16?22 DACRON ft COTTON Wat NOW POPLIN w $1.39 9St yi. PRECISION SHARPENING OE YOUR SCISSORS 75( PINNING SHEARS S1.25 THE SEWING CENTER Fr >at Strati ^ 4' WARSAW, N C. Q5 $1.99 Frill if thi Lua Uidirwur BOXER SHORTS 791.33 ' MEN'S RAN ION SUMMER WEIONT T A X socks 59( socks 790 Yi socks 250?. 7 cologne $150 Sam's Drag Co. Rose Hill, N. C.