Kenansville News Sandy Plain News The engagement of Mlaa Marl anna Redwlne to Mr. Jamos B. Lang, oon of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lang of Kant, Ohio, la announced by her parent*, Dr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Redwlne, Kenansyllle. Ml** Redwlne 1* a graduate of Vardell Junior College, Red Springs, N. C., and attended W.W. Holden College, Raleigh. Mr. Lang Is a senior at N. C. State University. A September 10 wedding 1* planned. PERSONALS , Mlsa Sylvia Gooding of ' Raleigh spent the week end here with her father, Dr.G. V. Good- | Int. Her slater, Mrs. C. Banks McNalry of Goldsboro was here on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. "Buck" Far riar of Raleigh spent the week ed with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Vestal made a trip to Virginia last WMk* Mr. and Mrs. William E. Craft and two sons, Billy and Craig, went to Chapel Hill on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Duncan of Wilmington also Mr. and Mr a, Frank Marcar of Pink Hill ri al tad Mr. and Mrs.J.B. Wallace racantly. Mlaa Annie Catharine Rhodes spent last Tuesday night in New Bern with relatives. ^^^W^^^atte|Gaylor been visiting Mrs.' Lawrence Southerland and- Mrs. Wlllard Johnson. They also visited rela tives In Clinton. Mlaa Polly Brlnson who Is attending the IBM School In Bos ton. Mass. spent last week end with bar parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Brlnson. Her brother, Woody who la attending summer school at Wake Forest met her hero. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Ingram and two sons, Richard and Da vid, are visiting their parents, MIL AND Mrs. A. J. Patterson and MRS. W. M. Ingram. Mrs. Flora Ferree of Greensboro has been visiting her slater, Mrs. T. P. Qulnn. MRS. Ralph Brown and son, Wayne shopped In Raleigh on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Tolson and Mrs. Eleanor K. Brown of Goldsboro visited Mrs. N. B. Boney on Sunday. Mrs. Hattle S. Koroegay who had been visit ing Mrs. Boney during the past week returned to Goldsboro with them. Janet and Harley Jones are visiting their grandmother near Moss Hill. The BUI Willi* family of Ral tord visited Mrs. L. Souther land ? Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bowaton and three children also Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ecker and daughter ' of Gtbaton, Fla. are visiting Urn Albrt Bartons. Mrs. Qene Nichols of Greens boro Is visiting Mrs. Amos Brlnson. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Jackson also Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buff*-, loe of Garner visited the Rev. Lauren Sharps family on Sunday and attended the morning Wor ship service at the local Baptist Church. They later had dinner with the Sharp* family at The Country Squire. Mrs. Margaret O. Dall visited her sister, Mrs. Lee Edwards in Klnston on Sunday a.m. They went to Goldsboro together to visit relatives there In the af ternoon. Mrs. Stephen Council Good rents, Mr. and Mrs . Roecoe Jones. The Earl Hatchers spent Sa turday night and Sunday In their Trailer House at Surf City. Mrs. J. L. Williams and Miss Margaret Williams spent the week end at Carolina Beach with Mrs. Wilbur Adams. Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy and three little girls of Graham have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sttterson. Turkey Supper The Adult Sunday School Class of Grove Presbyterian Church recently held an atten dance Contest. Mrs. Ralph Brown was captain of the los ing side and Mrs. J. J. Wells for the winning side. As a re sult the loosers entertained the winners on Friday night with a Turkey Supper which was held In Rose Hill at Fussell'a Restau rant. There were thirty present In-eluding the pastor and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Troy D. Mullls, also the Sunday School Supetntendent and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Craft. PERSONALS Anita Hans toy visited bsr pa rods. Rav. and Mrs. C. B. Hans toy. Sunday afternoon. Rav. and Mrs. C. B. Hana lsy mads a business trip to Klnatou, Monday afternoon. Mrs. Grace Sumner, Mrs. CaUla Baker and Maryland Ve nice went to Goldsboro last week Mrs. Grace Sumner and Mrs. Claudia Bakn- visited Mr. Baker In N. C. Hospital Chapel Hill Friday. The hearts of Sandy Plain Community were saddened at the r??-g of Mr. Oscar Hous ton last weak. He was a mem ber of Sandy Plain Church. Charles Llnwood Jenkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Jenkins returned home last week after service his term In the army. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mul drow and daughter of Fayette vllto spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Birthday Party Mrs. Earl Hatcher entertain ed about twenty little boys and girls on last Saturday after noon from 3 until B o'clock in honor of her son, Dana Ray's fifth birthday. She was assisted In directing out -door games by Susan Murphy. Later Mrs. Mar y Murphy and Mrs. JUdy Mills assisted her In serving choclate cup cakes, vanilla Ice cream and coolade to the guests. Suckers and Bubble Gum were also passed around and the fa vors given were Balloons and windmills. Dutch SuDDar The monthly mooting of the Paot Matrons and Past Patrons club of the Kenansvllle Chapter #215, Order of tho Eastern Star, was held on Monday night at 6:30. The group gathered at Roscoe Janes' Cafe for a Dutch Supper. Plans are being made to hold the September meeting at Ghaynelles near Warsaw, at 6:30. Mis. McGowan Bridge Hostess Mrs. E. S. McGowan was hostess to tee Town and Coun try oriage ciub on last Tues day night. Mrs. SalUe C. In gram and Mrs. Alexanne Clarke substituted for two of the absent members. Mrs. Ha ael Scott was the lucky winner of not only the high score prize for the club members playing Bridge, hut far the Traveling pglpa also. Mrs. Clarke was re membered with a guest award. For refreshments the hostess served Ice-cream floats and cookies. Kontract Klub Mrs. Martha P. Sitter son, Mrs. J. B. Wallace and Miss Margaret Williams were addi tional guests wben Miss Lottie Anne Williams entertained the members of the Kontract Bridge Club on Thursday night. Be tween progressions the hostess assisted by Mrs. Marlon Grif fin served pineapple Surprise. High scorer for the club mem bers playing was Mrs. N. B. Boney and Mrs. Sltterson was for the visitors. They were each presented attractive gifts. Suppar Guests Mr. and Mrs. Phil Krestch entertained the couples bridge club on Saturday night. The members arrived at seven o'clock and after a delightful supper they enjoyed several games of Bridge. Out-of-town guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Verne Cayton of Rose Hill. Hill Rhode*. They all enjoyed an food at Sneads Ferry Sa turday night and "hopping In J acksonvllle. Mrs. John Bllasard and De lorls and baby visited bar mo ther, Mrs. Sarah Kennedy I liursdtiv ? :' i Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jenkins and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Houston and children enjoyed Saturday at White Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Byrd and children of Jacksonville spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Grace Sumner. They and Mrs. Callle Baker and daughter shopped at Woolco's In Kin*ton Saturday night. Norma Sumner, Dean Tea chey, Mike Hawes of Rose Hill, and Edna Smith of Wilmington enjoyed Sunday at White Lake. Guests of Mrs. Sarah Ken nedy Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Orris Whale y and Vickie of La Grange, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Anderson of Warsaw and Mr. and Mrs. Horace FutreU and children of Potters Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Houston and children of Richmond, Va. were home over the week end to attend the funeral of Mrs. Houston's grandmother, Mrs. Minnie Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crews and son of Durham spent the week end with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Duff. They also enjoyed a cook out Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heath, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heath are visiting their son, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Heath at Chattanooga, Tennessee this week. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Jenkins attended her family reunion at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Smith near Deep Run on Sunday In hooor of her jtfstor'A return from Pa nam a. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Shep herd have been serving with the Armed Forces. He will be going to California after a few days leave. Mrs. Wesley Jenkins and boys and Mr. Willie Smith made a business trip to GoldSboro Mon day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Smith visited his sister, Mrs. Gladys Stroud at Clinton Sunday after noon. Ales Houton serving with the Army in Washington State spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Houston. He will return to Washington to a walt further orders. Garry Steppler of Pennsyl vania spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Houston. Linda Faye Kennedy and Jac kie Sbouler of Beulavlll spent Sundsy at Topeall. Jackie is serving with thfe Wkvy'antf has just returned from Cuba. Ward Baker, Merita Sumner and Pat Brown visited Mercer Harold Sumner at Fart Bragg Sunday. Jlmmle Turner, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Lamas Turner, is on leave for fifteen days. He will be stationed at Shaw Air Force Base in Sumter, S, C. Mr. and Mrs. William Thlg pen made a business trip to Kins ton Monday. Mrs. Grace Sumner and Ma rilyn Venice Baker made a business trip to Klnston Mon day. Accidents There have been quite a few accidents In the community through this past week. Mr. Parker Sanderson sprung his foot and has been out of work tor the past week. Mrs. Lodla Brock cut her leg pretty badly Saturday and had to have stitches taken. Mrs. Wesley Jenkins had to go to the Doctor one night when a cut on her hand became in fl, <> 1 n 11 lOCteOe Randy Kennady. "Taeny", son of Mr. and Mrs. Eraset Knind; had a haad an e?Ul slan with his new car. It was a total Iom and tha other car also. Taany was not aerloosly hurt bat tha othar man wia. Cherubs And A.F.C. Monthly Moot Tha Cherubs and AFC a of Sandy Plain Fraa Will Baptist Church will hara thalr monthly meetlag Sunday altar noon at 4 o'clock, August 13th at the church. Tha sponsor a of this (roup ara doing a wondarful Job with thorn In thalr spiritual leader ship and alao thay have workad hard on thalr project (or re creation area. They hare built twelve swings and ara now plan ning see saws in tha near fu ture. Mr. and Mrs. Glanwood Su rwSni Mr^w^lCrlu HISTowU and Mrs, and Mrs. Jim ml* Po wall aad Sharrl Lynn of Vir ginia apart tha waak and with Mr. and Mrs. Glamrood Ban dar ton and attandad tha Poarall ? reunion at tha CUBa on Sunday. < Mnand iota. Jo* Pridgan and children of GreenvlUa spent Sunday with MRS. Nellie Pridgan Mr. Oaoraa Mason spent the wMk and In Norfolk, Va. . with his brother Ecclaa Prld gan who la 111. Mrs. Carol Nolan of Warsaw and Kin Matthews of Turkey Mm. Owp PrtdK*n suae! chiktraa. Mra. NalUa PrtdraaaadMra. Mr*. Bra Jibm vtaUMI Mr. tunas Dickson and J. H. Whalay an Sunday night at tha hospital. MY TOP UW ft m THE T1MH ? MTMB. L ??IWIIIHJ.'ll'.l.u. ...... ? rr? Iterated ' ? Send me detail* ' ? Watch for me?111 be la to pick ?p details ' ? Have yoar ?ale?maa call for appetntaneiit 1 Name 1 Street Addrem ?city 1 t ? J It Was Bond To Happen! Central Air Conditioning In Yonr Hone Dear Friend, Someone had to find a better way ... and sure enough, in the tradition of their founder, Thomas A. Edison, the people at McGraw-Edison did find a better way. Real, honest to goodness Central Air Condition ing is now within the reach of practically every one. "Do-it-Yourself' if you're inclined ... or let us install it for you. Either way ECONOM ICAL CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING CAN BE YOURS! Take a minute and fill in the enclosed reply card, give me a call, or stop in. Let's figure out your installation and cost, no obligation, of course. Your In-Stal-Eze Expert, ... . ? a .1. .- ?'? . X . & . MnaJfLw MMdsNp IWWS PERSONALS Mr. J. B. Jones and Katrlna attended the funeral of Mike Wilson at Rose Hill on Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Langston and Jay of Rocky Mount visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Langston on Sunday. Mary Gray Brock of Klnston spent the week end with Sheila Kaye Brock. Mrs. Nellie Prldgen visited her brother James Dickson at Duplin General Hosptal on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lewis and girls of Leland visited Mr and Mrs. Glenwood Sander son and Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Jones on Sunday. Mrs. Steve English and chil dren of St. Louis and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Whitfield and son at Virginia are vl sling their pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Whitfield. Friends of Mr. J. H. Whaley are sorry to hear he Is still a patient at the South Wing. Pvt. and Mrs. Dallas Weaver of S. C. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Outlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Glenwood San derson visited Mrs. Kenneth Kornagay at the hospital In Wilmington on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jr. Howard at Watha visited Mrs. BessleSan derson on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Veach and children spent the weekend at Topsail Beach. 21 Oldsmobiles below $2920? That was before the sale. Shrewd move, waiting until now. Our annual Year End Sale is going I full bore. You get extra savings on every young-spirited '67 Olds in MJJ stock. Extra savings on front-wheel-drive Toronados. Extra savings on beautifully engineered Olds Ninety-Eights and 88s. Extra savings ^pl on the value-packed Vista-Cruiser, Cutlass and F-8S. Just visit the biggest Y.E.S.-man in the business ? your Oldsmobile Dealer?today. Go Oldsmobile at your nearest 0 transportation center HMK Of INCCLICNCC WARSAW MOTOR COMPANY. 101 E. COLLEGE ST. Manufacturers License No. UO i Week End Specials j I jlujP Belk-Tyler's | t HOUSEWARES DEPARTMENT t X mSTON, N. C. I I Beautiful 20 x 42 PICTURES REG 4.99 2.89 9 PC ALUMINUM TERON COOK WARE " rs aw 7.88 ? WML-RAYON-COTTON BLEND A Braided I RUGS j 26.88 A PORTABLE SEWING ? OR KNITTIN6 ? STAND i 1.00 A COCO OOOR 4 MATS 1 1 JO Electric Light / % BULBS X ^ X f 60-75-1.00 \ s W' 12 C ?>i IlT each A ALL METAL A FLOOR SHOE X a RACKS I 1 1.00 1 ?^ DECORATED A METAL LAP ? TRAYS 4 580 | DELUXE 20" MODEL A THERMO CONTROL FAN ( WITH 6E MOTOR ffcjfc W REG 32.99 l|| If If B 22" PROMS -JL METAL YARD f f|| RAKE 780 \ v, . t . : Ma