f d. u ? iTlTl i Q 8 jpROI.B. DUFFER | NfitCwtiy tht "// Duplin CC star goiter Hugh Carlton and RockfiahCC standout, Nnal Carlton won tbechamplonshlp In tha Member-Guest Golf Tournament this past Sunday. Cousin Hugh sank a three foot putt on tea 20th bole to win over tha Ored-up Murray Cashwell of Mount Olive and tha aver dangerous Charlie Russell of Cameron. Both teams had a best-ball 69 at tha and of regular 18 hold play. Left to right: Charlie Rusaell, Hugh Carlton, Murray Cashwell, sad Neal Carlton. Big Putt in Member-Guest Tourney: Above Roekflsh CC golf champ Neal Carlton Unas up the biggest putt In the member guest tournament last week end for cousin Hugh Carlton of War saw. Hugh sank the putt of course to win the championship on the aoth hole over Murray Cashwell and Charlie Russell. Tournament Director, J. P. Smith Mid, "the member-guest golf tournament was a tremen dous success with twenty teams entered. We had guests from all over the state that enjoyed playing golf and a picnic, "Smlh declared. ? ? ? ? Third place winners In the championship flight were Jim Teacbey of Rockflsh CC and Cletns Brock of Mount Olive. Brock and Teacbey ended die 18 holes tied with Big Jack Wil liams of Mount Olive and Elmer Brock also of Mount Olive. Both teems had rounds of 70 best ball. Cletus and Jim won In the 27th hole.. ...after it looked like Williams had It wrapped on the 23rd hole. Big Jack hit one about eight Inches from the hole tar a hlrdle for sure, but the "Mr. Smooth' at DCC, Cletus dropped a 70 footer to have the hole^and go on to the 27tlu_ Big Clet came through again. a * * ? A former star third fllghter Roy Barwlck of Warsaw and the ever tough Hannon Temple ton of Southport won the first flight with a best-ball 73. A three way tie caused another sodden death playoff for secood and third place. R. D. John son of DCC and Marvin Johnson of Rose Hill, Ward Carlton of Warsaw, and Real Carlton of Wallace, and Gene Thompson of Warsaw and Billy Kerr of Greensboro were tlsd for se cond place. ? e ? ? Ward Carl tan of Warsaw and his partner, and brother. Real Carlton of Wallace won second place In the first flight; while R. D. Johnson and Marvin John san won thirds..as a result of the sudden daalli playoff. Each team endtd the regular play tlsd with best-bell 74. ? * * ? In the second flight e real BQbby^Sa^basketliai) coach mmr^oldebor o atarJackle t i u- - right Larry. DCC Arthur Benton and David Benton won second place with a 74. ? * ? ? O. P. Johnson of Kenans ville and Dick Player from Rocky Mont won the third flight with a best-ball 82; while Abble Smith and Ed Cain won second place with an 86. O. P. says It was his very first touraa mentm.of course It takes a little longer to play In one of these things. * ? * * Pro Marvin Watson said the family picnic after the mem ber-guest tournament went over with a big bang. Everybody had a real good time with a swim and all that food. All In all It looks like the Sheffield Open la here to stay_ maybe George Williams and Bill can play next year. ? * ? ? Colonel Gib Buck, DCC's be loved president, had the top brass on the golf course last Thursday. Buck says keep the men under you happy and they turn out to be first class men^. the twelve officers out Thursday are all under Colonel Buck's command...! wonder who wom^. ? * * ? Gene Thompson eagled the long number four five par hole., the n the next three consecu tive times blrdled it before falling to a par ...Arthur Benton eagled number one from 60 yards out in the member-guest. Bobby Pranks eagled number four In the member-guest-^. Bronco flred a real booaflde 75 In the tourney .-after all those Wo. Joel Harris shot from a steady 66 to Bronco's everyday 89. Meal Carlton fired rounds of 26-27-70 in the tou ney.MJDai?eroM Den Pussell flred two rounds of 77 and 78 last week. Roy Barwlck flred a 78 in the tourney. Charlie Rus DCC Sm.72. BUI Potter was In Pla. over the week end^dldnt see Wiley Boom either or BUI Helton. Peas Gurley of Mt. nament on crutches^sald trailer frU m his toot^Lmry 1' MM " ' Labor Day Waak and Dane* la scheduled at tbe club house on September lst_wlth Jim Ay cock furnishing the mnrtr, , , make plans to attend. ? ? e ? Pro Marrln Watson announc ed tbe Ladles Golf Clinic will be held each Thursday In Au gust at 10:00 a.m. Coffee will be served at 9:00 ajn. and you are invited to attend. MM Those who at forty can still do what they did at twenty did not do much when they were twenty. e * ? ? Fore. riiimiik FOR FINAL CUMRANCC All first quality on the bolt fabrics by the finest manufacturers. Ltss That V* Mm TOt to$?.i?y4.- # Oh Reg *1.59 ZQ ( to 9l.n yd. ? OOH Reg. <1.20 COC t. ?l.4? yd. - OOH Reg. 91.09 JOC to 9l.l? yd. ? f?OH Extra Special! SS% Dacron / SS% Cotton DOTS ? Over One ?? A - Dosen Belts # JE ? Our Reg. 91.10 yd. ? a ??? About 230 Yds. Left New Fell 45 Wide Solid and Printed Sportswear Fabrics Reg priced to A P $1.4!) yd. oil ?XE * the bolt. First Quality 63% Dacroa / 33% Cotton Poplia Sportswear Solids Over 12 colors to choose from. "W O C Reg $1.3!) yd. / OH on the bolt. urge uraip mm mm Simer Dresses Our lipl" Stock Sfi By "Jonathan Logan", "Stacy 1% Ames", "KoreU", "Nelly Don" Xn -At and many more. IjtpjffBm 1 Final Clnriact I' ?b?. sis.00 $ J97 IW tofis.oo mm /|?il Rag. $1?.00 blowb" |\| II am WNrIvm now .4P Plain and Math wL. V Tahiti, Mist. Solar Beige, ^ :i Plstina and Pecan. 2 I& JV JSt Our Reg. Stack 7 A "Town * Gauntry" if Caitreee Hose ^ Ar Solar Beige, Tahiti, Miat. 'JBP Ar Piatina and Pecan. 46?* ^ 68; ,i?? ^ 1 J Pra-Season Special '6^ > ?% Kodei / 33% Catton f PAJAMAS J Sties 34 to 40 ? Reg. 33.90 pr. sysMs. /1 Xe4K J AS? Ladies' "Lycra" ^ Paety Girdles ^a?*: $397^ Our Regular |B Stock BLANKET ^ from ^"Beacon" Aw 2 Yr V B Guarantee S ELECTRIC BLANKETS 1 p Regular $17.99 CAQ7 Single Control Jr Rag. $21.99 ? Dual Control $13.97 B ' a _ "Morgan Jones" 100% Cotton THERMAL BLANKETS Reg. $8.00 if Perfect $197 Buy Now and Save R ?-? Biaul ^P^F^o^Ja^Bo jT a First Quality M BEDSPREADS Heirloom , . .$$led Woy^l 5 , . Jacquard . . . Double and 1 Twins. Better hurry ? just H 60 to choose from! ?6" Bach-to-Behool ? Just like Bates "Piping Bock" Bedspreads - Twins & Doables Perfect for those girls ^ _ __ or boys rooms. % ^7 y/ Very slight irregulars of $9.99 values! I?Mcl?l Bay ? First Quality batimnaTsets Assorted Colors #a Qf Reg. $2.99 ? SALE * | 100% Dacron ? Bid Pillows ? jfe- $1.97 ea Oar Final Extra Big. 100% KoOcI $3.88 New, Fall CartM BlttORS Over 800 cards to choose from . . . Reg. Si 29c to 59c a card. a 22C card ] ? Cards $1.00 Fint Quality FULL FTTTF.D teg. $3.69 Cilfi ' "Cannon" # Iwo Ug<Kgar ALE? I ?" rwin Fitted %t& teg. $3.19 if "Cannon" I ** Nllow Cases QQc teg. $1.69 if "Cannon" CLEARANCE Fint Quality jupCCT] By "Cannon", "Cone", rdcrest" A "Callaway" BAtfTTdWELS Rag- SfM Salt SI .Maa. Rag. SIM ft S1.1l Salt 71a aa. ? HAND TOWELS Rag. S1.1I ft SIM .. Salt 78c aa. Rag. Bftc Salt 48c aa. ? WASH CLOTHS Rag. 88a Sale 48c Rag. S6a ft S8c Salt 28a aa. ? SPECIAL PURCHASE ? THROW RUGS ... Made from Carpeting ? Size 27" x 54" A *5."9 SI 97 J lu 36"x00" SPECIAL PURCHASE ^ SUEDE COATS Reg. $100.00 H Length ? "Susie Wong" Reg. $120.00 I "*!?? ? K LMKt rOpill All WtttiMr COATS ? NAVY ? LIGHT BLUB ? MAIZE ? IVORY SIZES 8 TO 18 $097 Sizes 16V4 to 24 Vi ?11 07 Reg. $17.99 #11.71 ? -* ?*- *- ? -p. -i ' Li ILIIPWEAR Gowis & SleepcoaU ? Wifceii far Pinal Claaranca ? By Btff tfttt tala tl fifi PAL0M um9WP ? W*Vw ||? Ji ??WI 8**2:97 ?J. ??WI - Mi $2.44 , ! ?*??M? $1.88 J,*, Extra tpaclal Buy! Rtf. |l Naw ... FaH E Mirrrrr BERMUDAS ud SHORTS By "Queen", "Villager", "Jantaen" A "Wrangler" g "HutFTiicr"* Entire Stock $ Ladies KNIT SHIRTS "Villager", "Queen", "Januen" * Others HALF PRICE Ladlat* WmT* ^^SkaHand CARDIGAN SWEATERS Large Assortment of Colors 4 Sizes 34 to 40 S^97 M Reg $5.00 W# V VKU3EJ I | NI FT S ( SKIMMERS I LINENS * ARNEL JERSEY ? Regular M.N ? PfMNlM M m M m "Your ' Scout Nms Boys will be United to Join the Boy Scouts of America an a part of the annual fall round up. The fall roundup la sche duled to be beld between Sep tember U and December 15, but leaders of Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, and Explorer posts In this area hare already a Lai'ted to make their plans for Scout unit participation In tee membership program. 9-, and 10-year old boys will be Inrlted to Join Cub Scout packs and boys 11 or older are eligible for Boy Scout troops. High school boys will hare special opportunities to hscame Explorers. Aa a part of tee fau roundup program In tee Tuscarora Council, Scout unite, boys, and lsndars will be able to earn awards. We expect teat many new Scouts will be enrolled daring tea tell roundup, and tbassboys will hare an opportunity to get in en tee ten and adventure of Scoutng as soon m they be tes location af Scout unite In be Tsscarora Council la srail abls from tee Scout office In the community Bulldtag in Goldsboro or from District Scoot Executive Laity Klngs loy of Warsaw, and parent* whose son* warn to b* Scoots may ask for tba names of Insti tutions that oss ttw Scoot pro gram In thalr areas. Explorer Bill Brltt Six Bo y Scoot s and Explo rsrs from the Tuscaror a Coun cil, BSA, will attend the XII World Jamboree to be held at Farragot State Park, Idaho, from August 1 to 9. The local Scoots will travel as a part of a contingent from Re gion six which Includes the states of North Carolina, Sooth Carolina, Georgia, Flo rida, and the Panama Canal Zone. While the local Scoota are with the Scoots from Nearly 100 other nations In Idaho, the Tuscarora Council will carry on a local program with the xn World Jamboree theme "Par Friendship." Special "Par lends hip CampOrea" will bfc featured. At the same time a total of 10 million Scoots around the world will be holding spe cial local events to mark the observance of the World Jam i ??i 3 Major Types Molasses | RALEIGH ? Thar* ara thraa ? major types of molaaaaa an the market, notas Mrs. Ruby Uzile, extension consumer marketing economist, North Carolina State University. Tat, aach la made from sugar cane grown In a warm Mrs. Uula says unaolplmrad molasaes Is made from the Juice bar** and to calebrata tha 00th anniversary of tha Seoutiiif movement. A SPECIAL will he featured on the Jamborea on ABC-TV on August It, 1967. a* * * * * Plans have begun to take shape for the Crusade for God Pilgrimage to Bath. N. c. on lues 9-16, I960. All Scoot lao le' s have reoaived correspon dence la regards to this pil grimage and many have begun training for this out standing spiritual event Selected as co ordinator and director was N.H. Carter of Wallace. Mr. Carter will ba responsible forracndh lng and Informing tha parttd Explorer BlU Brttt of near cm# grown In the tro pin, Ths Juice la clarified, concentrated and tranafkrredto warehouses In the United Statss whsra It Is bleadsd, packaged Sulphured molasses is a pro duct of sugar making, Mrs. Oa sis explains. Sugar cans Is treated with sulphur mee dur ing the auger extracting pro The two types of edible sul phured molasses are known as "first centrifugal" and "oeeond centrifugal." First centrifugal or first grada molasses, 1s made by boiling eugar cane Juice to the proper density and pass ing It oo to ths centrifuge which extracts sugar crystals and learss a yellow-colored mo lasses, VSo this molasses Is boiled and whirled again, mere jwtog s aecond*pwSaefmo! Blackstrap molasses to ths result of s third bollliw toth B has ^Uok eetcr'aad la write bitter, "Mori biaoMtw no 'Sili Mid toproductroor food*,'' Mrte Unlo obotrroo. 11 By: M. E. GARDNER N. C. State Unlraralty Than ara many aorta baauty In ttite graat state ova, from tha star raatli poandlnc of tha surf at Hi tarastoCllngnan' Doaalnl Groat Smoklss whara oae ? iat loot In tha olooda. Kaaplnc la touch with nah la Increasingly naadful. Ancf hn^Ssappaarad bat no* a ara appearing, not tha la of arhlch la tha separation. yt aatara. In tha paotoaahondrodyaai _ ? ? a a ^Sorgtnan, wiMttmti cc irool oaa 2rS gate ^ grown la teaparate c mono, and aor^Ttetoti cartwhjnh ate content. Tboy al 2?feJS? *WW| ronf -MKui.in

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