Scott's Store PERSONALS Mra. D. L. Soett and her bro ther Gears* Water* rtetted Mr*. WMter* Taaeday at Briar wood Marstac ham* Mar La Mr. and Mr*. Mm* Htetan dtead with bar mother MRS. F. B. Ma* of Saracta Sunday at Mr. and Mr*. John A mo* Pall ? | ?nd itfnur of Ohio rUttod m varai days racontly with Ms paranta, Mr. and Mrs^BobDnll. M^aa? Mi*."Airo^DaUwara tha Rw. and Mra. LutharSwto aoe ad A1H? of Mfi* Htfi. had loach with har^paranta, Mr. and Mra. Claranca Blakaiy of ^VlatSra^If ^^Mr!7 and Mra. lira. D. L. Scott and Mrs. Oarrta Scott iKhkI by a* a brief visit with Miss Amde and mm Carrta Svtaaoa Wed "waring Mr. and i lira. Bill Tuckar and children of Clin tun, Mr. and Mrs. Gallo way Hartrjr of^t. OUhfe^dtoad Mra, MatthawDall and daugh* tors of Baltimore, Md, riattad a lav days tbs past weak with Mr. and Mra. Rob DaU Thoaa from ham attending tha Sc ott - Kornagay reunion bald at tha Alton Scott bona Sunday In Southern Plnaa vara Mr. and Mrs. Taft Herring. Mra. Nick DeMai, Sp. 4 Larry Howard and Mrs. Howard, Mr. and Mra. Cacti Kornegay and boys and Mrs. Halan Wallar. Visiting Mrs. Halan Wallar ? racantly wore Dr. Da Witt Kor nagay of Raleigh, Mrs. Royla Kornagay and Dwight Graham of Savan Springs and the Garald Carrs of Rom Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Donna 11 Korna gay and children visited tha Douglas Townsand family of Warsaw Saturday evening. Weak and guests of Mr .and Mrs. Alar Thlgpen ware Mr. and Mrs^rankun Thlgpen and family of Wast Paint, Vs. Others visiting during the waak and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Thlf pen and children, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Thlgpen and boys of Klnston, Mr. and Mrs. John Thlgpen, Mr and Mrs. Ben Scott of Mt. Olive. Mrs. Helen Waller visited Miss Verdls Davenport of Deep Ron Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Carter . visited the Harvey Plgfards in Hampton, Virginia during the week end. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edd Karaegay Sunday were the Her. and Mrs. Francis Garner and children and Andrew Hartsfleld of Middlesex, Mrs. H. E. Phil lips and Catherine Phillips of Kenansvllle. Mrs. Odle Register of Goids boro spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs . Edd Carter. Visiting during the weak end la the Roland Thlgpen home were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sut ton and Donald, Mrs. Marie Malpass and Ronnie and Mrs. Odle Register of Goldsboro Jack Thlgpen of Grlfton, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Carter of Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Carter, Mt. Olive. Mr. and Mrs. William Earl Tyndall of Klnston were among visitors of Mrs. Nora Outlaw Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Scott of Mt. Olive visited Mr.andMrs.Gur nle Scott Sunday afternoon. - -' . ;? ?? SAT YOG SAW R W IB TDtfKS ? MJFIfNZL I 11 I' '!'?? 1 1 1 !"'li IJPU J I .11 I I II .. ! When you pay your bills, don't forget to pay yourself first. Put five percent of your take-home pay in an envelope and send it to us.Save the easy mail. Home Federal Savings U UBS! ??tan f. MiMfiy Suit Mm SttMt m and Lau Aamrtatt? ?( Tlaatu Attlttaat Vict PTMWMt ?ana?, N.C. Perry Hall - A. L. Jackson - Hoody Jackson Mount Olive Rt. 1, Mount Olive at Scoti Store m - Cross Grade A End Cut l FRYERS 23$ Lb PORK CHOPS 39t "yMmm/MTKciirmfswEEK. FROSTY MORN -AA BACON 59tb pk? Frosty Morn x FRANKS 39? FLOUR Daily Bread or SHAWNEE BEST 25 Lb. Bag $1.99 Beecbnnt Jar ?( or Case $1.91 ? Tobacco I Twine RIVERSIDE OR OAKDALE S U) KB $3,29 2 LB. CONE *125 Hunt's Pizza KETCHUP j ;r. 25C Hood BLEACH RUSTIC JUG 25$ ? SAL. FROSTY-MSRHTL 'BESf SMOKED PICNICS 35^ "Si C39C 9 RQ 25 Lb. Stand LaUv I <AAA M . I ivuu wnoie urain SACCHARIN TABLETS Bottle FLY AND INSECT GULF OR BLACK FLA6 SPRAY 2y ? 45c 0T TBS! Spray Starch 19 02. CAN 29C 1 LB. 10 0Z. ROUND BOX OF SALT 3- 25$ COFFEE Luzianne A JC 1 Lb. Bag IOC Maxwell House 1 Lb. Bas 69c 2 LB. CAN $1.39 I MILK ? CANS VINEGAR I $7.50 ? 1 420 ?1 L frfo" Wholesale Limit Summerim s ij: Mrs. Ctrl Ivey Mine Tanga Porter and Miss nckit Ooodsoc of Or ?will* aate 7* Mrs! T^JmrSZ S. Sgt. Elgin Howard and In Chlldron returned to thin iraa recently after twirling mvaral months In Arsenburg, jarmany. Sgt Howard la ex act* d to tear* la September or a tour of doty In Vietnam. Mr a. Annla Alphln of Batbal ?pant Sunday afternoon with dra. Baaalo A. Herring. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brinaon ind children have retained to Extension Homemakers Meeting "Do yon hate to sea Ironing lay coma? If you do try per manent praaa material." This ran the advice of Mrs. Mas Splcor, Horns Ec. agent, Wed nesday when talking to members >f Scott Store Clnb at tee home if Mrs. C. L. Sloan when thay not for tea regular meeting. Permanent press gives ex cellent wash-wear properties. Mrs. 3plcer told members but requires special care to making It Into a garment that will be re warding. She noted for best results, follow the steps re commended. Use a small needle and slightly loose tension. Set Iron at low temperature and use a soft padded Ironing board in order to not leave a shine whan pressing. Always test tension on a scrap of fabric before sewing on the cut out garment. Members were few In num ber. A discussion on food con servation was bold. A few mem bers showed canned vegetables. Ideas were exchanged. Much In formation was gained from one another. During business the family outing was planned for August 19 at 7 o'clock, place will be announced later. Mrs. D. L. Scott was acting president, Mrs. Marlon Murphy recorded business actions. The meeting was opened with song "Home on the Range." A moment of silent medita tion in memory of Mrs. Willie Bes^ a recently deceased Ex it omemakar was held prior to the devotion by Mrs. Sloan. She read a portion of Psalms 2B and offered a prayer for peace. At conclusion Mrs. Sloan ser ved refreshments to thegitRg> then led a tatr of the outdoor studied the many varieties of shrubs and plants on ths yard of this home. Markett , Michigan tollnwlnt a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dall and other relatives In this Mr. and Mrs J. B. Godbold vara guests Sunday of Mrs. Amda Boat Ball of Mi. OUva. Donald and J. P. Sullivan of Wilmington vial tad Danny and Oarald Garnar on Sunday. Mlaa Virginia Kllpetrick of Roaa Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Brown of Warsaw. Mrs. T. A. Jarnlgan, Mr. ana MBS. Carl Ivey vial tad Mrs. Jimmy Kor negay, patlant at Wayne Me morial Hospital Goldsboro Wadnaadav. Mra. Karnegay ra tarnad to bar home on Hender son St., Mt. Olive Saturday. Miss Martha Kay Good man spent the weak and with Mlaa Sharon Hall of Kanana vllle. Forrest Dall and daughter Ann vara at Topsail Beach Wednesday. Mlaa Virginia Kllpatrlck of Roaa Hill spent part of last weak with Mrs. T. A. Jarnlgan and they vara dinner guests Wednesday of Mra. Ethel Kor negay of Albertson. Norman Outlaw and daughter during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cham bers, Mike and Dennis of Rose Hill visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chambers Sunday before leaving for se veral days vacation at Myrtle Beach, S. C. Mrs. J. D. Best of Golds boro visited Mr and Mrs. Jack Dall Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brltt, Mrs. Hasel Bodlford, and Mrs. Norman Outlaw went to Topsail during the week end. Mrs. Tom Thomas left Mon day for her home In Olymp hla, Washington following a two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Emmstt Rogers and family. Edgar Ellis of Wilson visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dall and Mr .and Mrs. Carl Ivey Sun d*Mr. and Mrs. Levy HI?" and idldrei ? y Garner were rUltori at Topsail Beach ^Mr/and Mrs. Karl Heath and Mr. and Mrs. John Millar and children of Laareaburg wars visitors of Mr. and Mrs. ? Woodrow Cherry. a Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Goodman, | Jans, F. L. Jr. aad David of < Greensboro; Mr. and Mrs. Do- i nald Pate, Mr. and Mrs. Adron Goodman, Reglna, Jerry, San- c dra and Laadl of Mt. Olive vi sited Mrs. Foye Goodman, Marilyn aad Jimmy today. Mrs. Fred Alphln, Jr. and Fred m of Rockingham, Mrs. Doonall Alphln, Tarry, Lourle, Tracy and Markof FayetterUl# soent Wednesday and Thorsday with Mrs. Fred Alphln, Sr. Mrs. Donald Swinson of Mt. Olive returned here following a visit with the Alphln's. Mrs. Cyras Rhodes and Mrs. Fred Alphln, Sr. rial ted Mrs. Earl Dail, patient in Wayne Memorial Hosptal Goldsboro Sunday. Mr. aad Mrs. A. B. Goodsoo, Paul, BarbaraDennla and Bran da of Klnston were guests Sun day of Mrs. T. A. Jeralgan. 1 Mr. and MRS. Lewis Martin of Mount Olive visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Outlaw Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bell spent the week end at the Outer Banks. I Jamas Ball visited hie sister Janice Bell of Raleigh over the week end. Mrs. John Gilbert Alphin, Gil bert Edwin, Anita Gay and Joan of Florence, 8. C., Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lindsay and children of Lynchburg, Va. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert E. Alphin and family. Deaths Henry Albert 6ore Warsaw - Henry Albert Goto, 88, died early Monday Morning in Duplin General Hospital at Kenansvllle after having been in declining faelath for the past se veral years. Orientation At ECU I GREENVILLE - Abort Mi t nut trart? attead d tha sUth two-day uantat his summar'a is* aidraano lounsallng program lEaatCa ollna TXnfyerlty. vm csrna tram tt North Funeral services wara bald iliesday afternoon 1 4:00 o'clock in tha Flnt Baptll Ch ar ch In Warsaw with Rar. BUI straughan, Jr. and Rev. Norman Flavors officiating. Interment was In Dwvottoaal Garden* near Warsaw. Ha Is survlrad by tsar dau ghters Mrs. Thalma Pavail at Clinton, Mrs. EvaWoodefWSr ssw. Mrs. Margarat Cattla at Turkey and Mrs. Vara Mills of Wilmington, two sons Wright Gora of Warsaw and Char lis Gere of Wilmington, liteon grandchildren, eighteen great grandchildren and throa groat groat grand children. J. Julian Quinn Jerry Julian Quinn. OS, dlad Sunday. Funeral services wara conducted 110:30 a.m. Tuesday from Queen Street Methodist Church, and graveside ser vices ?were held at S p.m. at Salem Cemetery In Winston Salem. Survivors Include his vita, Mrs. Helen Henley Qulnn; a daughter, Mrs. Molly Qulnn Booe of Winston-Salem; a half sister, Mrs. W. V. Bond of Chaddsfard, Pa.; an aunt, Mrs. Lula Qulnn Parker of Beula vUle; and two grandchildren. He grew up In Beulavllle and was graduated from Flshburn Military Academy In Waynes boro, Virginia. He attended the University of North Carotin and was associated with Qulnn-Mil ler Furniture Stores. He then was with the Bassett Table Company. He was a Blue Lodge Mason and a member of Sudan Shrine Temple. ? MHMBMamewnnmiamnna IhiWity fflcl*]. - fffWi, In ?wmSn Baal arms, Martha-^ Edwards; Chinquapin. Andrt Ras Bryan; Falnon, Vickie Gail Dardan; Rosa Hill, Unda EUan Carte-; Tencney, Samel taT Dtmppvy, Mary Evtlyn Patili Aluminum Paint Gives Long Life Summer time la touch-up Htn? ? the time to brighten weather-worn surfaces with a 1 fresh face of paint. And. the key to a long lasting coating Is matcmng one ngiu puni wiui the right surface. Many improved modem paints, including hard enamels and rubberised coatings, are available today, and one of the most versatile is the family of aluminum paints. Aluminum paint, widely valued for Industrial and ar chitectural applications for years, is also excellent for many home uses. A coating of aluminum paint actually consists of lay ers of tiny aluminum flakes overlapping one another to provide a continuous metal barrier to moisture, heat and air. That's why it protects other metals from rusting and helps keep weather-exposed I wood from warping and rot ting. ??????ssmiaSasssi TORRID SUMMER SALE ON COOL j I Frigidaire Air Conditioners j I 3 DAYS ONLY ! j GO WITH THE SALES LEADER! I H^takeIthome ? ? ? install it yourself ? ?^K^^OOIVrQUIET^M ALL YOU NEED ISA SCREWDRIVER! Expandable alda panals are provided. Just follow 3 eaay ateps and It'a In stalled In minutes. m 11 ONLY FRIGIDAIRE OFFERS THIS 3-WAY GUARANTEE! 3 1 ? Flw yMrt ow rttvd cool" I ? itfl and haating capacity I II at any Kmc within 8 yaara I ? altar data ol dallvary to tha original purchaaar, thla Frlgidalra Room Air Condi ? tlonar whlia In propar opar ? ating condition lalla to dMvor ? ? Ha ratad capacity, under tha I ? 1 :ondlttona and within tha tol Iw ! LOWEST-PRICED FRIBIDAIRE HIS ! | 6,000 BTU/HR (NEMA) AIR CONDITIONER BFJ&SSmK ! {Smsff Down ideal for bedroom, den or etudy, this trim, compact unit I ^ rltrl M itfrtptTS+- I I I PmumjLai Po/*n?* *? 'Mt *hat y?" nae<l whan ^ w*,,her Auto- lag system I rmymcni owmncc ,nst|C thermostat... dual controls... washable air filter Frigldslis warrants the rsfrto- I MOUTIll V nn ???US volt operation and whits enameled aluminum er^amy hanlam otthls 5 ? MUninLT UK cabinet make It a tremendous value In any season. ??r?tw mo^nf^'daiect ! FARMERS PLAN Buy one today. Relax In blissful oomtort tonight s. Owe fuN yeefoe aR oWmr lilli 1 nil 1 It'stheYearoftheHappeningatFrigidaire! I | year tor repair of any detect I Ln^ilctuili Come to where all the Happenings are... R**n??i HOME APPLIANCE j. C. Page, Owfler Warsaw, N. C. -./jbw t .' ^ '* l&fcvV.T-fV ...... . i.'.i , i Lii^B^^SS'VX<\\l.

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