II nr S ?Mrs. Josh Jones, Jr., Cor Kspondent aid Subscription ?epresentalve Telephone 293 ?l9 or 293-4661 ?Miss Connie Jo Wells of Bur Bigtan spent the week end with mother, Mrs . Hugh Wells. ? Miss Bobble Jean Graham of ?rmbroke Collie spent die ?fcek end with her parents. Mr. Mrs. Norwood Graham. ?Mrs. Daisy L. Standi who has Ken visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kin i Porter In Raleigh has re Hrned home. ? Mr. aid Mrs. W. H. Boyette Kd Mrs. Sudie Boyette of Wll ?m visited Mr. ana Mrs. E.B. ? Boy eft e Sunday. Mrs. Helen Smith and Mrs. Max Grlce and girls shopped In GoUfcboro Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Yin Her ring and Sandra visited Mr. aid Mrs. D. L. Whitman In Fayet teville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. "Butch" Hlnson of Greenville visited Mr. and Mrs. Adln Powell aid Ashley during the week end. Mrs. A. L. Humphrey spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. El more Jenkins In Wallace. Mrs. Macon Holllngsworth and Mrs. A. L. Humphrey shop ped in Goldsboro Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Quinn, Mr.and Mrs. Bennie Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. L J. Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Rabon, and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brinson along with other IGA store owners in this area left Monday from the Raleigh-Durham airport for die Grand Bahamas. The trip was a result of an IGA program spon sored In this area by Quinn Wholesale Company, they will return to Warsaw Saturday. Mrs. John Lee Brinson and Pat of Kernersville visited Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brinson and boys Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Matthews and Kenneth of Carthage spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tho mas Hall and family. Mrs. J. L. Carr and Sgt. and Mrs. Bronnie Jones and boy visited Mrs. Mildred Howell in Raleigh Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Packer joined other relatives for a Packer reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gurney Butler in Clinton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis, Cla rence Hobbs, and Mrs. Ben Hollingsworth of Faison and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert West, and Mr. and Mrs. Turner Holland of Turkey visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hollingsworth and family Sun day. Mrs. Verna Brown ofFaye tteville and John C. Ramsey of Charleston, South Carolina spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Belton Mlnshew and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rose of Fuquay-Varina visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Harold Rose Sunday. Gail Revelle and Bar bar a Mc Neil of Hardbarger Business College in Ralegh spent the nm, r*,*.,,? ??i#ssas Mrs* Mildred ^V>11lni and Mr ?*? Mrs. Don Collins ?d Don" J>. of Swansboro spent Sunday with MR. AND Mrs. Walter Her ting, Jr. Strirbi a"* j ilr8* Durw?od wik U SPem the r^/ i wlth W. and Mrs. C. W. Stamper In Beaufort. Johnny Lipscomb of Fayette Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sutton and 5-WVSS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rouse ""j Mr*. *?d Mrs. Frank Moore attended the Wayne Chapter of the American Institute ofBaik Ing Banquet held at the Motor niri!? ta Goldsboro Saturday Mr. Jim Miller came home Friday 11,1 Gener*1 HoaPlt41 Mr. and Mrs. David Sutton spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mavin Sutton in Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kir by arrived home Sunday night after spending several days in Flo rida. , Mr* Mrs. Eugene Out ?nd family of Scott's Store were Sunday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Quinn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hudson and boys of Virginia Beach spent the week end with Mrs. Lillie Mae Parker. Mrs. Warren Creasey and Mrs. Charles Sheffield attended a Girl Scout overnight camp training at Camp Trallee near Goldsboro Friday. Mrs. Johnny Powell visited Mrs. Luther Powell in Wallace Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Gas ter and family visited Mr. aid Mrs. Lewis Norris in Erwin on Saturday, and on Sunday they went to Wrightsvtlle Beach. Harry Phillips who was a patient at Duplin General Hospi tal is at home. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Mitchell of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fisher Carlton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Merritt spent the week end at their cot tage at Kure's Beach. Paul Brltt, Jr.r who is at tending East Carolina* Uni versity at Greenville spdnt the week end with his parent, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Britt. Rev. and Mrs. J. Henry Simp son, Jr. and Mildred shopped In I Wilmington Saturday. George West attended an exe cutive meeting of the North Carolina Jaycees in High Point Saturday and Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Hubert Dixon and family spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Gihh? aid other relatives in Greens boro. Mrs. Mason Brown is a patient at Duplin General Hos pital. Billy Crowder returned to Greensboro College Saturday. L. T. (Tommy) Jones is con fined to his home due to a back condition. Mrs. Lura Bostic is still confined to her home. James Henry Simpson, BJ who is a Junior at Carson Newman College in Jefferson City, Tennessee returned there Tuesday after spending the sprii$ holidays with his family. Rev. and Mrs. J. Henry Simp son, Jr. and Mildred. Mr. and Mrs. Lei and Bras well and Mrs. J. J. Matthews visited Mr. and Mrs. Willie Bostic and Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Price in Wilmington Sun day. _ ? Mr. and Mrs. a F. Hobbs. Jr. of Inglewood, California are spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. a F. Hobbs. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hobbs of "" , Mrs. Bust To Tour With Siniors RALEIGH, N. C. - Mrs. Mary Jeanne Best, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Franklin Gib son, of Atkinson's Trailer Court Raleigh, and a sophomore at Meredith College will join the Meredith Singers and The Meredith Ensemble in a tour ing concert series to be con ducted j^>rll 7-11. The Singers aid Ensemble will appear in Washington, D. C? Richmond, Vs., New Bern, Jacsonvllle, Darlington, S. C., Lumberton, Fayetteville and Whltevllle. Their program will be for high schools and churches. The church program is designed to be used at a re gular worship service and will include a "sermon in song." The high school program will Include sacred music but also some popular and classical ar rangements. Miss Beatrice Donley is di rector of the 12-member vocal Ensemble. Mrs. Jane Sulllvai directs The Meredith Singers, who compose the college's 42 voice touring choir. Mrs. Best sings lnthesecond soprano section of the choir. She is also a member of the Ensemble. Richmond spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. B. F.Hobbs, and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mc Dowell of Winston-Salem vi sited them on Sunday. H. T. Ray, Sr. of Falson was a Sunday dinner guest of Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Ray, Jr. and family. Mrs. Lillie Mae Parker and Mrs. David Clifton visited Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hobbs in Clinton Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. David Boney of Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomas of Beulaville, Mrs. Harry Caulder and Amy of Wilmington, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hughes of Clinton visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Houston and Mrs. Myrtle Wlnstead Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith and Bill of Raleigh spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baars. Mr. and Mrs. J. Talmadge Barefoot of Dunn visited Mrs. Lillie Mae Parker and Mrs. Da vid Clifton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Farmer and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Joel Williams and Lawson in Cary Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Martin and Mrs. Dorothy Johnson visit ed Miss Kathryn Bowen who is an operative patient k the Na tional Orthopedic Hospital In Arlington, Virginia, and Mrs. Ross F. Wadklns this weekend. Dous Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Faust, who was an operative patient at Wayne Me morial Hospital Is at home. Jack Whaley was taken to Sampson Memorial Hospital Tuesday morning. He was better shortly after reaching the hos Mrs. Charles Miller spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lambert, Jr. and family in Brodnex, Virginia last week. Mr. Miller flew up on Friday, and they returned home Sa turday. Mrs. David Clifton of Pom - pano Beach, Florida who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Lillie Mae Parker, returned home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Carlton returned home Thursday after spending several weeks In Texas and Arizona. Sgt. and Mrs. Harry Prldgen and children visited Mrs. Jen nie Armstrong and Mrs. Ver non Laughlnghouse In New Bern Sunday. Miss F annle Wilson returned home Saturday after spending several weeks in the hospital In Chapel Hill and with Rev. Km Wm4 Daifcy Saturday afternoon. March so Pack 20 of Warsaw held Its auuial Pine Wood Derby. Badges and awarda earned since the fast pack meeting were also presented * this meeting. The First Baptist Church was the scene of&e Pack meeting. The Derbies of eachden were Judged for the best design. Blue rib bons were presented to the win ners. Winners were Den *1 - Randy Taylor; Den ? - Joe Korengay, Jr.; Den #3 - David Watts; Den M ? Billy Jones; Webelos Den - Gordo n Lee Pope. The Derbies of each den were raced against each other and the den winners were raced against each other for the Pack winner. Den winners were Den #1 - Randy Taylor; Den #2 - Chuck Hinson; Den #3 - David Watts; D?n #4 - Cole Holland; Webe los - Danny Rlvenbark. The Pack winner was Chuck Hinson. The following Cubs entered Pine Wood Derby: Den ft - Pat Whitfield. Randy Taylor. Leslie Hall, and Kenneth Bell; Den#2 Joe Kornegay, Jr., Nelson Carl ton, Robin Qulnn, Chuck Hinson, David Carlton, Franlde Steed, and Melvln Vernon; Den #3 - Floyd Cavenaugh, Benny Eng lish, David Watts, and Michael Herring ; Den #4 - Sammy Veach, Eddie Cottle, Cole Hol land. Billy Jones, and Ronnie Torrans; and Webelos Den - Chip Ausley, D?ny Rlvenbark, Allen Phillips, Gordon Lee Pope. Whit Jones. Bob Mat thews, and BUlv Grady. Cubs receiving advancement were: BOBCAT Vincent Mc Cull en, Glenn Gardner, and Kirk Kuykendoll; Wolf badges- David Carlton an d Chuck Hinson. Chuck Hinson also received a one-year service pin. Webe los receiving awards were Don nie Faust - Athletics, Forestry, and Engineer. The following received Engi neer awards: Chip Ausley, Bob Matthews, Whit Jones, Danny Rlvenbark. Allen Phillips, Andy Hughes, Billy Grady, and Gor don Lee Pope. The Cubs were reminded of the requirements which will earn them their award for the "One Nation Under God" Pil grimage to Bath. They are: A. To my church (1) regular attendance to m> church (2) have three private talks with my minister discus sing (a) how can a Cub Scout help the church (b) how my church was organized (c) why do we give to the church. B. To my school (1) Read a story about our early pioneers and discuss with a teacher the part God played in the founding of our country g) write a tneme of 50 to 1000 words on what is weatt by-."One Nation Upder God". C. To my home (1) Give good will in my home and dis play my flag on patriotic holi days (2) Attend the religious pilgrimage to Bath with my pa rents on June 16. 1968. A Field Day for the Pack was announced, and it is to be held the first Saturday in May. WSCS Sub - District Meeting The Methodist Woman's Soc iety of Christian Service of the Mt. Olive Sub-District will meet in the First Church in Mt. Olive on April 9. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m., and the meeting will begin at 10:00. A very taterstlng program has been planned. Mrs. Roland Hales of Goldsboro will tell about her trip to Birmingham, Alabama, and Nldo Qub'ein will show slides and tell about his natve land, Palestine. The President will report the one most important thing each local society had done during the year. There will be a pledge service, and each society will be asked totake part. The meet ing will adjourn with a Dutch luncheon served by the host chtfrch. Mrs. Strickland is Bridge Hostess Mrs. J. E. Strickland was hostess to the members of her bridge club on Thursday evening at her home on Memorial Drive. During progressions Mrs. Strickland served Cokes and toasted nuts, and at the end of plav she served cherry delight ana coffee. When scores were tallied, Mrs. Avon Sharpe was high for which she received scented drawer paper. Mrs. Allen Draughan, Jr. was second high, and she received flower shears. Mrs. James Herman Hlnes received a wind bonnet for consolation. Others playing were Mrs. Bill Sheffield, Mrs. J. T. Gresham, Mrs. A1 Smith, Mrs. F. A. Michner, and MRS. Douglass Townsend. and Mrs. Del Parkerson and Gall In Carrboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lennon and boys of Lumberton spaa the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Qulnn and Car la. Mrs. Edis Tecum of Mourn Olive spent Sunday with Mrs. Walter Bridgets. Mr. nd Wa. Will Co* of Local Girl Elactad State Vice President Miss BarbaraRaynor, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. BlvidRay nor of Warsaw, was elected Vice-President of the North Carolina Future Business Leaders of America at their state conference which was held in Durham on March 29 30, 31. Gene Crowder, son of Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Crowder of Warsaw, was Barbara's cam paign manager, and we under stand he did a real good Job for Barbara. Others from Ja mes Kenan who went to the conference are Nancy Wilson, Becky Phillips. Joyce Hamil ton (she was state vice president this past year), Doc Brinson, Z. W. Frazelle, Mrs. Richard Williams, Mrs. Nelson Carlton, Janice Clark. Br end a Hlanchard, Connie Rhodes, Martha Kaye Goodman, Faye Summerlln, Tana Carlton, and Tricia Kornegay. As state vice-president Bar bara will go to a state execu tive board'meeting in Durham on May 20. Along with other state officers, she will go to the national conference which will be held in Washington, D. C. in June. Barbara is an outstanding student at James Kenan. She is in the junior class and ranks in the top ten percent of her class. She is a member of the Mono gram Club, the basketball team, and is on the annual staff. Barbara also is active in her church which is Calvary Bap tist Church, where she is the pianist. She has also been ac tive in the Girls' Auxiliary of the Church. The James Kenan chapter also won second place in the parliamentary procedure con test for the state. Card of Thanks I wish to thank my many friends for cards, gifts, flowers, prayes and every other courtesy shown me while I was in the hospital. Lela Mae Surratt Pd BEULAVILLE. N. C. I FRIDAY - SATURDAY APRIL 5 ? 6 STARTS 7:00 I The Road Hustlers ? STARRIN6 ? Jim Davis Scott Brady Andy Davins SUNDAY ONLY APRIL 7th STARTS 6:45 'The Violent Ones'? STARRING Aldo Ray Tommy Sands I COLOR ^ ^ Serving Steamed Garden Oysters Until April 14th Wnrinnsriay thru Sunday GABLES OYSTER BAR RESTAURANT Located |itenecti? Of Hwy. 11 * 111 Sooth. 4 Miloo Vote Of Ptek Hill PHONE 56S-3867 " ' ?jMlift' JK?A(&/?-? ^'j n .'??falt> Flowers reflect the beauty of Easter. Select corsages, bouquets ^ and floral arrangements from us! " Order Early " Ok. J fori a t (jift +SLop Wartau,, U ? A Al c -th Niokt 2ia-ltfilJ mmm I toy bustkr brown.