VOL XXXV NO. 16 KENANSVILLE. N. C. APRIL U. 1968 PRICE 10* PLUS TAX Trial x r & Error As we approach the Easter Season, we would like to bow our heads in shame and cry for our America - a land of Freedom. What is happening to us ?Have we twisted the word Freedom to mean a selfish freedom to hurt, harm and molest our fel low man? On Sunday I rode to Wilm ington to see the beautiful aza leas in the old and historical city. A Wilmington that has played a great part in the his tory at North Carolina. A Wil mington that was in the thick of battle to f%ht for the freedom of America. I rode first through the re sidential part cf.the city. The azaleas, dogwood, forsythiaand wisteria flaadrthe city a fairy land or lwMJPwnd color, Tne Homes and ysrdlbere a breath taking scene. on far My heart froze. had a sick feeling, and tearz^uhed to my eyes. For there, or the main street of Wilmington .stood the National Guard at every corner patroling our streets. Thanks for the National Guard, yeg^a. thousand thanksII But the dr oughts could not be pushed Into J the back of my ndj4 that on a bdaWM^teday (Jfcrnoon when everjM* 'should be enjoying themselves aod^the scenes that fata"* "Bftntly completed a t3,600 Siquari foot frozen food facility'to supply the indepen dent retailers arid also the com missaries dn the military bases in eastern North Carolina. National spinning Company's Warsaw Plant has added a 40,000 sq. ft. addition to the present facilities providing over 110,000 sq. ft. total area for manufacturing and storage. The Hydro Cool Station at Al bertsan, erected by the H. W. Madison Company, was com pleted and began operations in June 1967. The purpose of the station is to cool cucumbers prior to being loaded on refri gerated trucks for transporting to its processing plant in Cleve . ft: land. Ohio. This facility serves farmers In a six-county area. Final plans have been for mulated and bids for construc tion on the new 50-bed addition to Duplin General Hospital will be received on May 2, 1968. One hundred fifty acres of land have been pucnased and Farmers Home Administration has approved a $182,000 loan to build a recreational facility to be known as Ramblewood Country Club. Thecountryclub, consisting of a nine-hole golf course, club house and swim ming pool, will be a joint ven ture of Beulaville and Pink Hill and will be located about half way between the two towns. Whaley Rest Home in Ke nansville which was completed last year and will take care of 34 patients, has already started building an addition to take care of 22 more patients in private and semi-private rooms. Kenansville Drug Company is planning in the near future to double the size of their present store. They are to take the of fice building which is next to them and increase their size. Wiley Booth Insurance Agen- \ cy in Kenansville which now occupies the office next to the Kenansville Drug St ore has pur chased the corner lot across the street from their present location and plans are to build a colonial type office. The Town of Faison is plan ning to enlarge their water faci lities also the Town of Wallace is planning additional wells for Continupt1 to l'a?p 2 James Sprunt Receives Allocation For New Building James Sprunt Instituted lo cated in Kenansville received $214,500 from Washington Eco nomic Development iViminls tration and $106,000 from county funds. This makes a total of $320,500 with which to build a new 23,000 square foot building which will mofifhan double the present facilities. Dixon Hall, president of Ja mes Sprunt Institute, said that in this proposed building will be boused a welding shop, po wer mechanic shop, 6 labora tories for electronics, drafting commercial art, agriculture and physics departments. This will also make It pos sible to convert some of the space in the present building now used for these pur poses, to be used for library, 2 additional class rooms, pro gram materials laboratory and Biology laboratory. The building will be con structed on the South side of the present building on the Ja mes Sprunt Campus. The build ing will harmonize in structure with the one building which is now cm the campus. Future plans call for two more buildings of22,000 square feet each, in the next six years. Bids for the new bull ding are expected to be let in September or October of this year. ???????????????? The new building will make It possible for the institution to double enrollment and broaden the curricular. The state has given the Institution $123,000 for equiprrint for the new fa cilities and for ?n additional 12 00?* District #27 of thq^orth Ca rolina State Nurse's Msocia tion met Tuesday, April 2, in the dining room of IXiplin Ge neral Hospital, Kenansville. Guest speaker, Dr. Edward L. Boyette, General Practicloner of Chinquapin, was introduced by program chairman, Mrs. Patricia Brady. Dr. Boyette gave an interesting and infor mative talk on the disease, dia betes. After reviewing the history of the disease, he described the three areas of treatment, diet, insulin, and oral diabetic drugs. Two per cent of the population has diabetes, arid this number is increasing as more people with diabetes nave chil dren. Dr. Boyette then discussed the nursing care of patients in diabetic coma. He mentioned that the skin of diabetics is very prone t