Down In Duplin County, we learn they are talking about reviving San Byrd's "The Dn>lin Story," and we hope thai they will, ft was an enjoyable drama, a histori cal depiction of Duplin from its beginnings to die present. Of course, die revived ver , II. mmmmmmmmrnrn \ slw would hsve^to he brougta even more up Duplin 'has made In diversified agriculture and Industry. The late Sam Byrd of Mourn Olive had a wonderful gift for drama, as well as a fine facility for story telling. We remember his ' 'Small Tow.) South" as delightful reading that gave as good a picture of life in a Southern small town as one would hope to find. V"1 Aae Is Not A Total Loss Reprint from Mt. Olive Tri bune by Courtesy of Mr. Harvey i McPhail of Mt. Olive. In Mt. Olve Tribune ft has often been said that the practice of reflecting on what Is past is a sign of ad vancing years.To wnlch we might add that if growing old brings nothing more than the wisdom to reflect truthfully and analyze correctly about the past, then age won't be a total loss. A reader of The Tribunesent us a clipping, which you might enjoy reading at this begin nine of a new year. It was titled, "Things I Wish 1 Had Known." and was as follows: A man of fjll, ripe years, well preserveo. once sought to divest himself before *group of young people in his sacred thoughts and reflections, such as seem Impossible to ex perience by the younger folk. Here is tne message, as given in Andrus Driftlngs: Having passed the first two score and ten years of my life, and realizing that the more sand that has escaped from the hour glass of life the clearer we should see through it, I find my self more prone to medi tate and philosophize. My life has been rich. But there have been regrets, re grets which you, too. will ex perience In time. These regrets can largely be grouped together as 'Things 1 wish I had known before I was twenty one." I wish 1 had known what I was going to do for a living, and what my life work would likely be. 1 wish I had knows that my health after thirty was large ly dependent on what I had put into my stomach before I was 21. I wish I had known how to take care of my money. I wish I had known that a man's habits are mighty hard to change after 21. h 1 WlSh<|epe^s1