SummeHin's C rossroadT Personals Speed Pendry enroute from Mathoney, West Vlrgina to Jac ksonville. Fla. was an overnight guest Saturday of Mr. aid Mrs. meddle Jones of Rones Chjpel, and visited Mrs.T. A. Jernlgan. Mr. aid Mrs. Llnwood Grady and Lynn of Raleigh and Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Whitman at tended the gr adu alng exercises held at Clinton High school Thu rsday. The Whitman's gratdson Steve Whitfield was a member of the graduating class. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Langs ton of Warsaw. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Roger and Emmln Ruth were dinner euests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Langston. The occasion was In honor of Mr. Langston on his birthday. Mrs. Minnie Summerlln and Mrs. T. A. Jernlgan were among those attending Homecoming Day held Sunday a the Snow Hlu Freewill Baptist Church. Mrs. Dennis Davis return ed to her home In Fort Leo nard Wood, Missouri Tuesday after spending several days wltn Mrs. E. J. Summerlln Faye and Joann, and E. J. Summerlln, patent a Wayne Memorial Hos pital Goldsboro. Mrs. Tonie Hlnson and Sara Mlchell of Raleigh spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Cyrus Rhodes. Sunday Mrs. Rnodes returned home with them to spend several days. She will visit the William T. Rhodes and Lin wood Rhodes families of Clayton. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Kor negay and Edith of Mt. Olive, Ricky, and Mary Hazel Kor negay of Beautancus, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Brown, Sammy and I CENTER I THEATER Mt. ORve Fri.- Sat- Sun. Red Steiger ? Lee Remlck - George Segal No Way To Treat A Lady ... or is it? Pamela of Wtfta?. Mr."'fc>d : Mrs. Creason Ivey, Sr., Mr. ?kI i Mrs. C. C. Ivey, Jr., Kahy, ? Charles, aid Rouse, Mr. aid Mrs. Foye hey Major. Yaes, and Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ivey were luncheon guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Eu- ; gene Eason, Joseph Eason, Mr. and Mrs. John Eason of Mac- < clesfleld. They attended die Maceripine Horse Show held in Macclesfield Saturday rfter- | noon. Mrs. Fred Alphln, Sr. re- i turned home Thursday follow- j ing several days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alphln, aid Mr. and Mrs. Falson Smith, Jr. of Raleigh. Mrs. Ethel Kornegay of Al bertson and Mrs.T. A. Jernigan were guests Tuesday of Mrs. Naomi K. Brock. They visited their sister Miss Virginia Kll parick and Mrs. Tom Wilson of Burgaw and Mr. aid Mrs. Cyrus Btrock of Chinquapin dur ing the rfternoon. Morris Cherry, student a Campbell College, Bruies Creek, spent the weekend with Mrs. D. L. Cherry, Roger and Wayne. Bill Parker of Chesepeak, Va. visited Mr. and Mrs.Henry King, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ivey Tuesday. Lynn Grady of Raleigh spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Whitman while her pa rents Mr. and Mrs. Lin wood Grady were a Southern Pines. Mrs. Walter Jones is spend ing several days with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hollowell Bryan, Belinda, Beverly and Beth of J acksonvllle, Fla. The Hollo wells are expected to move to Florence, S. C. next week. Mrs. T. A. Jernigan atend ed the Grainger High School Baccalaureate Sermon held a Gralner Stadium, Kins on. on Sunday evening. Paul Bernard Goodson, a grandson, is a me mber of the gradualng class. Bible School Is in Progress a the Alum's Springs Mission ary Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Herring, Sharon, Dennis and Gary of Hampton, Va. spent Friday and Saurday with Mrs. Bessie A. Herring. Mrs. Bessie Herring visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Ervtn Out Outlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Outlaw of Kinston last week. Miss Edna Ivey of Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Joe Ivey and daughter of Castle Hayne visited Mr. and Mrs. Andy W. Ivey during the weekend. Gerald Gamer spent the weekend at Surf City. Major Ivey. Rouse Ivey, Lawton Summerlin, Turman Al phln, Jr., Jennett Shiver, aid Dophna Jones are attendlng4-H Camp held at Camp Millstone this week. Mr. andMrs.H.W.Langston Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Rogers and Emmett Ruth spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Green and children of Asheboro. Roger Cherry enrolled Mon day at the James Sprunt Instit ute Kenansville. Br end a Goods on of Kinston is spending sometime with Mrs. T. A. Jernlgan. Mr. ana Mrs. Luby Tad lock, Jr. of Calypso and Mrs. Ronnie Tadlock visited PVT. Ronnie Tadlock at Fort Bragg Sunday. PVT. Tadlock is ex pected to leave Friday with the armed forces for California. Eileen King of Pink Hill spent the weekend with Betty Garner. Jimmy Outlaw visited his sister Mrs. John Prldgen of Clinton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ivey and Edith Kornegay visited Robert B. Ivey, Mrs. Allen Fritz, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Robertson of Goldsboro Wednesday. Mrs. Ray Brinson of Mt. Olive and Mrs. J. D. Best of Goldsboro visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dail Thurs day. Mrs. Ella Outlaw spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutton of Warsaw. Friends of Mr. Sutton will learn with regret that he is a patient in Duplin General Hospital in Ken ansville. Mrs. T. A. Jernigan and Mrs. Carl Ivey attended the Du plin County Council for Exten sion Homemakers Clubs held in Kenansville Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Out law and Miss Erlene Outlaw went to Trent River during the weekend. Mrs. Annie Rose Bell was luncheon guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Godbold. She visited her sister Mrs. Wlllard Pate during the afternoon. Mr. ana Mrs. Herbert Lee Sum merlin, Herbert Lee, Jr. and Lewis went to Tops ail Beach last week. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Car ter of Rones Chapel, Mrs. Donald Pate of Beautancus and' Sandra Goodman of Mt. Olive were guests Sunday of Mrs. Foye Goodman and Jimmy. Mr. ana Mrs. J. F. Green ana chil dren visited the Goodman's dur ing the afternoon. Elbert Whitman visited Dan iel Chestnutt, a patient at Dup lin General Hospital Kenans ville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Al phin and Laura Ann visited her mother Mrs. T. K. Byrd of Warsaw Sunday. Reglna Goodman of Mt. Olive and Lois Green of Wilmington were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Green and children. Dale Green returned home with his father to spend several days. Mrs. Andy W. Ivey and dau ghter. Edna, attended Home coming Day services held at the Snow Hill Church Sunday. The Rev. Boyce Wallace, a nephew of Mrs. lvey's who recently returned from the Mission Field in South America was guest speaker during the morn ing worship services. Mrs. T. A. Jernlgan and Mrs. Carl Ivey visited E. J. Sum merlin, ?id Mrs. Bertie Sloan Jackson patients at Wayne Memorial Hospital Golds boro Friday. Friends of Mr. Sum merlin will be olad to learn that he returned to his home here Monday. Sgt. and Mrs. Donald Swin son of Wilmington visited Mrs. Fred Alphln, Sr. during the weekend. Mrs. A. L. Marshburn and Robert B. Ivey of Goldsboro visited relatives In this section. They wr They were here to attend the Daii Family reunion held at the Oak Ridge Community building Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Westbrook of Albertson Mrs. Billy Joe Ivey and Ginger Joe ofCastleHayne, and Mr. and Mrs. Andy W. Ivey returned to their respective home Tuesday following several days visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Westbrook and children of Chattenooga Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ivey visited Mrs. Florence Houston of Warsaw Wednesday. Bill Parker of Ches apeak, Va.. Janice Bell of Raleigh, and Edna Ivey of Wilson was among those attending services at the Rooty Branch Church Sunday. A large number from this Community attended the grad uating exercises held for James Kenan High School at the Kenan Memorial Auditorium Thurs day. Llnwood Watson along with four others of this community was a member of the graduating class. sgt. J ames Ben ot Goldsboro and Janice Bell of Raleigh were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bell. Mrs. Foye Goodman and John Watson visited his mother Mrs. Anna Watson patient at Wayne Memorial Hospital Gold sborp Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bell visited Mrs. Judi Deans and Robby of Goldsboro Sunday. Bible School Vacation Bible School will be held next week at the Rooty Branch Freewill Baptist Churcn in the Summerlin's Crossroads Community with classes Mon day through Thursday from 3 o'clock until 5 o'clock p.m. Friday classes are 4 to 6. The school will be climaxed with a picnic supper at 6:30 o'clock, followed by Comnviiicement Ex ercises on Friday. Mrs. Eddie Goodman is the Director, and those assisting are the following: Intermedia tes: Mrs. Donald Pate, and Pamela Green; Juniors: Mrs. Leslie Bell and Mrs. Carllvey, Beginners: Mrs. Lester Out law and Mrs. William Outlaw, Music: F aye Summer and Joann Green, Refreshment Chairman: Mrs. John I. Amon. Sr KEEP IT CLEAN DEAR MRS. WHITE: My white wool sweater dried on towels in the sun. It has yel lowed. J.M. DEAR J.M.: Sever dry sweat ers in sun. Rays of sun burn wool. Damage is done. Get a free stain removal chart. Write V. W., Miracle Whitt Company, 1741 West Fullertor Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60614. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Wood of Route 1, Chinquapin, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sharon Leigh Wood, to Rlckie Houston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Houston of Rt. 2, Pink Hill. An August 4 wedding Is planned. Miss Wood Is a Junior at East Carolina University in Gree nville, N. C., and Mr. Houston is a graduate of Pembroke State College in Pembroke, N.C. Beulaville Society By: Grace Sumner Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Clark made a business trip to Chapel Hill on F riday. Mr. Opheus Whaley is a patient at Duplin General Hos pital inKenansville. His friends wish for him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Durwood James and Lynn Sumner made a business trip to Kinston on Monday. So sorry to hear that Mrs. Lura Craft has been confined to Duplin General Hospital but glad to know she is now home. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Grey Bostlc wee at Topsail Beach on Sunday also Miss Linda Br own of Wallace and Lynn Sum ner. Mr. Danny Whaley and Mr. Danny Thomas also enjoyed a while at the beach on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Sumner attended a miscellaneous show er at Cypress Creek on Sat urday night honoring recent newly weds Mr. and Mrs. Del ton Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Quinn had as supper guest in their home on Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Gene Quinn of Char leston. S.C. Mrs. Catherine Quinn. Mrs. Lei a Mae Mercer and Mrs. Swannie Turner attended an Ea stern Star Meeting in Kenans ville last week. Among those from here at tending graduation exercises of Dr. William Howard Carter, Bible College in Goldsboro on Sunday afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. Owen Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Quinn, Rev. and Mrs. Otis Penny and chil dren Tom, Elaine and Kim. Rev. Wlllard Hardison of Goldsboro, formerly of Beula ville, was among those gradua ting from Carter Bible College in Goldsboro on Sunday after noon. Miss Elaine and Jo Ellen t Rivenbark, daughters of Mr. i and Mrs. Joe Rivenbark of Wal lace, are spending the week with their ~ grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hill and Mr. Grover Hill attended the funeral of Mr. Johnnie Bliz zard near Deep Run on Sunday afternoon. Bible School is in progress at the Beulaville Freewill Bap tist Church this week. All parents are urged to see that their children take advantage of this week of Bible Stuay. Mr. Danny Whaley, Ted Br own, and Benny Williford are home from the University of N. C. Chapel Hill for the sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. Arland Mer cer and bovs. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Mercer left Thursday of last week for Long Beacti where they enjoyed vacation ing and fishing until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ray Brown announce the birth of a son on Monday, June 3 at Mt. Olive Clinic. Over 700 physicians and nurses are expected to attend the Scientific Sessions of the North Carolina Heart Associa tion's 19th Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held on May 29th and 30th in Winston-Salem, j JSI Offers College Preparatory Classes College bound high school graduates of Duplin County will nave an opportunity to take col lege preparatory English and math at James Sprunt Institute this summer. Classes will be gin June 10. Professor T. R. Lupton. of the Mathematics De partment of Wilmington Col lege, will be the main instruc tor. Professor Joan Bass, of the English Department of East Carolina University, will be the English Instructor. These courses will definitely prove beneficial to the stuaent en tering college as a freshman this fall. The following schedule is so organized that students may at tend either day or night class es: Mathematics - Monday and Wednesday day classes - 4 to 6 p.m. night classes - T to 9 p.m. English - Tuesday and Thur sday day classes - 4 to 6 p.m., night classes - 1 to 9 pan. The above schedule will allow students to take both math and English and attend either day or night classes. It is an ticipated tnat they will take ad vantage of this opportunity in order that their freshman year at college will be more suc cessful. These courses are tuition free. SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE TIMES - SENTINEL f~CURE TOBACCO I ? efficiently and at I I surprisingly low cost I I with the J I TEXACO j | FUEL CHIEF J ^COMPLETE DETAILS [Fuel Chief) I MAY BE I heating oat. !((( | SECURED FROM | Mack Oil Co., 1 I lnc? l_ _ , _ Warsaw ,_N. C. _! j mif with natural back, too... ffl PLAYTEX- SS LYCRA* GIRDLES Jg^** Now?Playtex adds the mo?t-wanted "Natural Back" style to ita famous line of Playtex Made MfSfk With Lycra Girdles. You're firmer, you're flatter B ,j in all Lycra Girdles by Playtex and now you can K ;/ also choose a style with double panels in back to ;[ curve you natually for today's fashions: H A. Regular Playtex made with Lycra Girdle, combining 1 sheer hold-in power with soft, cool comfort and lightness. / NOW WITH NATURAL BACK TOO. ONLY $10.95! 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