I Wis* Gloria _Jnn A Brd. Of Wr. ?oL ejCewii Shropshire In a beautiful and Impressive ceremony In the greater St. Luke Holy Church In Rose HU1 on August 10, 1968 at three o'clock In the afternoon. Miss Gloria Dafford became the bride of Mr. John Lewis Shropshire of Charlotte and Washington D.C. Officiating at the double ring ceremony was the Rev, W. J. Cox, Pastor of Greater St. Luke Holy Church, assisted by Rev. Fred D. Afford. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J esse B. Dafford of Rose Hill. The groom's par ents are Mr. and Mrs. Horace J. Shropshire of Charlotte. A program of nuptlcal music was rendered by Mr. Howard Boney, organist aid Miss Celes ta Shropshire, vocalist. The vows were spokln In front of a white satin covered kneel ing bench before an altar bank ed with palms and centered with a large arrangement of white chrysanthemums, gladi oli, and snapdragons ana was flanked on both sides by candel abras holding lighted cathedral tapers. Given In marriage by her father, the bride wore $ gown 'iki'JUiU J'.JJP In the empire line. The bodice featured a round scooped neck line with sleeves embroldereed with seed pearls aid crystals. The A-llne skirt was detailed with motif of lace near the neckline. Her full chapel train, which fell from the empire line, was also highlighted with motif of Lace. Her tiered veil of lm ported silk bridal Illusion fell from acluster of white rosettas. She carried a cascade of white carnations, centered with a white orchid and accented with tuberobes. Matron of honor was Mrs. Jerome Fitch of Puxlco, Mis souri, sister of the bride. She wore a floor length gown of lime linen featuring a back flowing panel with rows of covered buttons made of pea'j de soie on "he panel. Her head dress was aresetteonlimepeau de soie which fell from lime silk illusion. Shecarrled a nose gay of white daisies with short streamers of yellow ribbons and was centered with a large yel low mum. Bridesmaids were Mrss Eu nice Shropshire of Charlotte, sister of the groom; Miss Jacqjelyn Murphy of Goldsboro, cousin of the bride; Miss Linda Clay of Charlotte; and Mrs. William P. Fennell of Kenans vllle. Their headdresses, dresses and bouquets were id entical to those of the honor attendant. Flower girls were Miss Karen Sessoms of Afroskie, cousin of ^ftnJSfi^ifflurSe^TiSce " itf-the groom. Cleveland Bri ght of Siagnalia, cousin of the bride served as ring bearer. He was attired, in a white suit with short knee paits and white knee socks. Miss Mary SuttonofRoseHill and Miss Mary Kenion of War saw served as honorary atten dants. Their dresses D.MA..L rvnonin Sunday visitors of the Paul Westbrook family wereSp4Uu gene Kornegay and Mrs. Kor negay of Ft. Uustls. Va., Pvt. Larry Westbrook, Pvt. Ilal War Iker of Ft. tirj?g, Miss Ka ren Thomas and Miss Marilyn Alphln of the Cabin Community. Mr. Gerald Gamer of Sum merlins Cross Roads visited with David T. Grigg, Jr. Sun day. were street length mint green linen dresses styled in the em pire line and they wore wrist corsages of pom poms. /^tending his brother as best man was Mr. Uelonia billy Shropshire. Groomsmen were Misters lioraee Shropshire, Jr, Jaek Shropshire, Henry Shrop shire, all of Charlotte and brothers of the groom. Mr.Sin clair Clinton of Charlotte was also a groomsman. For tier daughters wedding, Mrs. Dafford chose a street length dress of bcigh brocade accented with dashes of gold designs. She wore matching accessories and a corsage of lilac carnation. Mrs. Shropshire, mother of the groom, wore a street len gth dress of beigh crepe with matching accessories. Her corsagewas of lilac carnations. Attendlnd the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. William R. Fai son of Brooklyn, New York, god-parents of the bride. RECEPTION Immediately following the ceremony, the bride's parents entertained at a reception in the Church Dining Hall. Mrs. John Dupree of Fayetteville, aunt of the bride introduced guests to the receiving lone. The bride s table was covered with a yellow linen cloth over laid with a white crocheted to ble cloth and centered with a large white floral arrangement with three-branched candlebras on each side of the arrangement holding white tapers. On one end of the table ware crystal serving dishes with white cake The other "end of the table squares and brlday mints with green and yellow drop roses. The other end of the table was graced with a crystal bowl with lime sherbet punch. The reception menu also consisted of yellow cheese straws. On a separately decorated ta ble was a four-tiered bridal cake with a miniature bride and groom on top of the cake. Mrs. Susie M.Perry and Mrs. Eva Newklrk of Rose Hill ass isted in serving die guests. guests to register wpllftMrs. Lucy Pearsall and Mrs. Jfancy Graham registered the gifts at the home of the bride. Immediately after die recep tion Mr. and Mrs. Shropshire left for a wedding trip to Mi ami, Florida. Mrs. Shropshire is agradu ate of North Carolina College Ilctiry Clay Westbrook and Cary Lester enjoyed swimming at Rouses Pond at Albertson, ? Sunday alteruuou. Mrs. Paul Westbrook made a buslucss I r ipto Mt. Ol I vc, Moll. Supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. J allies Westbrook, Saturday ni Mr. and Mrs. Winston Stroud and Eddie of Pink Hill and Mr. ' and Mrs. Wayne Faulk of Mt. Olive. Tliey enjoyed a eookout. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herring were Mr., and Mrs. Robert Herring and elilldren of Pears all Cliapetand Mr. S.M. Lee of Pink Mill. ' Mrs. Victor Fountain andcli- 1 lldren of Kbiston visited witli ' Mrs. Garland Wallace, Wed. 1 Mr Tom Wallace, wlioLswor- 1 king on tlic tobacco market in Claxton, Ga. was home for the weekend. Visitors of Mrs. Lula Jones during the week were, Mrs. Herman Outlaw, Mrs. Lillian Outlaw, Clco and Clara Outlaw and Mrs. Lena Oupree of Out laws Bridge, Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith. Monday night, were Mr. and Mrs. Roger O' Quinn of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Nethercutt of Raleigh,SUn. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby J. Sm ith and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Westbrook and Brenda were among the members of this co mmunity to enjoy Family night of the B.F. Grady Home Demon stration Club at'Wilhnr'c Ror becue in Goldsboro, Friday. They were joined there by Mr & Mrs. Anthony Westbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Furney Har per of Albertson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Faires, Fri. night. "Mrs. Bessie Massey visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matthews of Wallace, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Faires, Slbyle F aires and W.B. Turner visited with Mrs. Virginia Fai res of Wallace, Sun. afternoon. in Durham where she received a degree in Business Education Shw is a member of Delta Sig ma Rheta Sorority, and has ta ught the past four years in West Charlotte Senior High School in Charlotte, N.C. Mr. Shropshire is a graduate o f Johnson C. Smith Univer sity in Charlotte where he ma jored in Elementary Education. He is a member of Kappa Al pha Psi Fraternity. He is presently employed In Wash ington, D.C. as a teacher in the District of Columbia School ;.T3?$tem.' :W.? The couple plan tomak&their f Home to Washington, Dig. ~ WEDDING BREAKFAST Mrs. Margaret Henry of Rose Hill entertained on Saturday morning at a wedding break fast at Margaret's Snack Bar in Rose Hill. Guests included members of the wedding party, out-of-town guests and wedding guests. Southeastern 4 ? H Winners Duplin County's Soutlic astern District 4-11 Winners are: left to right, 13111 Costln, Jr., Gall Costin, and Jo Ann Cook. Dill received honors in the Forestry project. Gail was the winner in the Canning project and also received a Key Award. Jo Ann Cook received recognition in the Horse Project. Miss Sylvia Jones of Warsaw was a weekend guest of Miss Gloria Wallace. Miss Sylvia Jones and Miss Gloria Wallace attended the Su tton-Jones wedding at Outlaw's Bridge Church, Sat. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wal lace, Gloria & Kathy & Sylvia Jones enjoyed dinner at Wil bur's Brebecue, Sunday. Mrs. Stacy Jones has retur ned home Thursday after spend ing several days in Duplin Ge neral Hospital. She is reported to be getting along fairly well. Sunday visit ors of Mr &Mrs. Arnold Walker wereMr.&Mrs. Elwood Walker and children of New Bern, Mr. &? Mrs. Levon Kennedy & children of Kinston, Mrs. Carol Jackson, Gay & Wayne Jackson, Mrs. Ray Sut ton and Daphanc of Mt. Olive. Visitors of Mrs. Stacy Jones during the week were Mr. Ra lph Jones of Beautancus, & Mr. Keith Jones & Brenda of Beu laville. Deaths Mrs. Emma K. Whaley bLUI-AVILLF - Mrs. tmrna Kennedy Whaley, 90, died Thursday. Funeral services were conducted Saturday at 1 'v ' ? 'jijtt'r "'"iX* ? WE HAVE LED THE WALLACE MARKET FOR 30 YEARS Call Wallace AT5-2183 FOR SPACE -? ! CENTER i theater Mt. Olive Fri- Sat Sun. 20th Centry Fox 8 Presents Charlton Heston ? planet of The apes q All Star Cast Mount Olive Gas Co. Sfable (jw^ware rairco Your opportunity to own a 40-piece service for eight of gracious Rogers Cutlery Stainless A Product of International Silver Company When you become a Gulf gas fuel customer, the first 5-piece place setting is yours FREE Additional purchases of Gulfgas fuel entitle you to purchase additional 5-piece place settings for only $ 2 25 each Why wait to enjoy the charm and warmth of lovely tableware? Phone or come in today and let us get you started with your free 5-piece place setting. i A Mount Olive Gas Co. \ 121 N. Center St. Phone 658-2455 | Mount OKv*. N. C. I ^' Gulfgas LP-GAS (Gulfb^