CV^^TIhTPf JPwI^^yHliSS SliWTIw Efc VOL. XXXV NO. 39 KENANSVILLE.N.C. SEPTEMBER 26. 1968 PRICE K? PLUS TAX Tubbs Speaker At Revival REV. TUBBS The Reverend Mr. James B.' Tubbs, Executive Secretary of Wilmington, N.C., Presbytery, will be (tuest speaker for tne Annual Meeting Rockfish Fox Club vThe aflBuaf meeting of the Rdckfia^tet Club will be held SaterdttfT prober 5, 1368 at tke-Saffpaap Memorial Hark. ' v A-hunt will leave the park ' fcie*0 Churl* and 4j&unch and- a Short business meehig will be held at the. pai* dw noon, J. A. Ward ts Secretary ^ Treasurer. Revival Services of the Bethel Presbyterian Church In djpLy man Community. Service* will begin each night at eight o'clock starting Sunday, September 29th, and continuing (Wbugh Friday, October 4th. Mr.Tubbs will also preach at the regular Sunday morning worship ser vice at eleven o'clock on Sept ember 29th which is Harvest Sunday at the Bethel Church. Mr. Tubbs Is a native of Him on, West-Virginia, and was reared in Knoxvllle, Tennessee. H e Is a graduate of the Uni versity of Tennessee and of Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va. He has had pastorates In Florence, S.C., and Klngsport, Tenn., before accepting the call, to his pre sent position in 19?0. Mr. Tub bs Is married to the former Leonore Cousar jand they have four child:ren. / The Reverenl Mr. George F rank Sawyer $ pastor of the Bethel Presbyterian Church. The public is cordially Invited to attend this week of evaige llstlc service^ Hone federal files Award Dwight Smith. Awards Chair man for the "Hiss Duplin Cou nty Pageant" announces that Robe* Kornegay, Vice Presi dent, Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of War saw. North Carolina, has ia fymed that his firm wW give a $100 cash award to the first runner-up in -this year's pag.-* ***? j Hnayj O her awards worth hund reds |f dollars wlf be contri buted by National Spinning Co.. CspaaM To Page Twe A Mount Olive rest aur ant op erator was shot to death Sunday night following a family quarrel. ' 1. P. (Pink) Price, Mount Olive businessman, died In stantly alter being shot a dozen times about midnight Sunday. His wife, Mrs. Ruby Price, has been charged with murder. Wayne Deputy Sheriffs James Saaser and Kenneth Davis found Price's body tn Ms home on Hltfiway 117 neer Southern Wayne high school about 1:15 a. m. Monday morning. He was lying In the door-way leadtmr from the hall to the 11 v lng room, (he ofttcers bald. Mount Olive'* Rescue Squad was called to the house and Price's tody was brought to Tyndatt Funeral home here. Deputy Sasser said an ln vestlgallon showed that Price had been shot 12 times with a 22 caliber automatic rifle. He had four wounds In the chest, five In the left back and three In the buttocks. According to reports, the shooting occurred after an argument In the Price house. Con tinned To Page Two Program September 90 - October S ? Carnival (Nightly during week days, 10:00 A. M. through-out the day, Saturday) October 4 and S ? Commercial Exhibits Building Opens (Friday and Saturday) October S ? Golf Tournament begins, Rockfish Country Club, 0:00 A. M. Jubilee Dance, Rockfish Country Club, Couples Only 0:00 P. M. ? 1:00 A. M. 8:00 - 10:90 A. M. ? Horseshoe Pitching Qualifications 1:00 A. M. ? Cake Baking Contest ? Judging Begins 10:00 A. M. ? Poultry Jubilee Parade Begins-Carnival Opens 11:15 A, M. ? Program of Speakers Presentation of 1968 Poultry Princess and Contest ants Presentation of Miss North Carolina and Miss Blueberry Presentation of Speakers ? Mayor Ben L. Harrell Invocation - Reverend Charles Sparks "Dinner Is Served" 12:90 P. M. ? Cake Baking Winners Announced ? Cake Auction Begins 1:00 P. M. ? Musical Program ? "Swingmasters Band" 1:90 P. M. ? Presentation of "Outstanding Young Fanner of Year" 2:00 P. M. ? Military Band Concert ? 2nd. Marine Division Camp Lejeune, North Carolina 9:00 P. M. ? Sentry Dog Show, Judo Exhibition, Champion Horse shoe Pitcher Recognised 4:00 P. M. ? Drawing tor Free Color T. V. 5:00 . 0 JO P. M. - Chicken Supper Will Be ferved October g??Wlml-upof Golf Tournament, 8:00 A. M., and winners Beys Charged With Racing State Highway Patrol Ser geant Harry Pridgen and Troo per W. T. Evaas have charged two pwijaville boys with pre Troopef Evans -said the you ths charged were 'Villiams Ron nie Sumner. 17. fox 86. Beu laville, and Ottis Glenn Ken nedy 17. also of Beulaville Bond was set for $200. each for appearance at the October IS term of General County Court. Sumner was driving a 1964 Chevrolet and Kennedy was driving a 1968 Ford. The cars were confiscated according to law fhd turned over to the Du plin County Sheriffs Depart ment. They have been released under bond, $3,000. for the Ford and $1,500. for the Chevrolet. Five other youths were char ged with aiding and abbetting in the pre-arranged competi tion. They were also cited to the October 15 term of court. Trooper Evans said the offi cials observed the "racing" at which took place at one o'clock Sunday morning September 22, on rural paved road 1006, known as the Gun Barrel] Road. This straight stretch of road between Beulaville and Pink Hill has two bridges across the swamp at Limestone Creek that are situated approximately one-fourth mile apart. This provides measured distance for pre-arranged competition. Light Bulb $ale The Kenansville Lions Club will sell Light Bulbs again this Thursday night, September 26. In order to finish sales, the Lions will call on residents that were missed in the former drive. IPTAY Meeting There will be an IPir AY me eting and a film shown of the previous Friday night's ball game each Monday night at 8:00 p.m. at the James Keanan Caf eteria. All members and pro spective members are invited. ' Attention stockholders in the Southeast ern Farmers Grain Association are reminded of the dinner meeting for stockholders and their wives to be held Thurs day night, September 26. at the National Guard Armory in Warsaw. Dinner of barbecue both pork and chicken will be served at 6.30. You are invited to come early and visit the plant. town of Beth* \ vm? mm ml mm ??V iH ?u,av,,ie tmPfs Nigni rBiiceman|B|M Senior Citizens of the Cedar Fork community were honored last Thursday night by their community Ruritan Club. Rur ltan members with their families honored the senior citizens - _ _ ' ^ with a dinner in the Cedar Fork Community building. After dinner each Senior guest held the spot lignt as he or she was recognized with a brief life history. (Photo by RuthWeJ]*) ^ Cedar Fork Club Honors Sr Citizens The Kurltan club or tne ce dar Fork Community honored the Senior Citizens oi their area with a dinner Thursday night September 19 at the Commun ity BdUding. Mr. Harold Ray nor, vice president of the club was in charge of the dinner program. Honored guest were: Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Jackson, Mrs. Mary Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Ed mond Brinson, Mrs. Zilla Hun ter, Mr. Joe Sloan, Mr. H. C. Johnson, Mr. Riley Raynor, Mr. and Mrs. Liston Norris, Mr. Mitchell Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Rushin Bostic. Mrs. Jo Wren Simpson, Mr. Jesse Brin- ? son, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bry an, Mr. David Fountain, Mrs. Lillian Raynor, Mrs. Lille Bell Southerland Brinson. Mr Mil lard Edwards, Mr. D B. Brook, Mrs. Lena Lanier Mrs. Myrtle Lanier and Mr. and Mrs. Gor man Brinson. Ruritan President George Cowan welcomed the guest and invited the Rev. Norman Ay cock of Magnolia to pay trib ute to the assembled Senior Citizens. Mr. Aycock. who began his Auction Sale Beginning promtly at 11 a. m. Saturday October 5, on auc tion sale will be held at the Beulaville Moose Lodge. Any thing you bring will be auction ed off to the highest bidder, anything farm machinery, cars, household appliances, furniture you bring it the Moose auction will sell it. ministry as a sjpply at Cedar Fork Missionary Baptist Chur ch, paid tribute first to the Ru ritans for sponsoring such a worthwhole festivity. In paying tribute to the honorees he Kills Son A Wolfscrape Township man is being held without bond in the Duplin County jail, charged with murdering histeenageson. John Thomas Frederick, 16, negro male of Rt. 2, Mount Olive died at Wayne Memorial Hospital in Goldsboro about 10 o'clock Saturday night, five hours after being hit in the head with a bullet from a 22 rifle. Charged with the murder is the boy s father, James Fred erick , also of Rt. 2, Mount Olive. Deputy Sheriff Glenn Jerni gan, who investigated the sho oting, said there had been some trouble between the father and son for the past few weeks. The elder Frederick returned Continued To Page Two pointed out the vast wealth of knowledge, experience, and compassion accumulated by the group of Senior Citizens, which was available to the younger generation. He stressed the im portance of all ages and groups of people, especially the Senior Citizens and their rightful place in useful society, ' not on the shelf. Following the invocation also given by Rev. Aycoek, a bouti ful meal of everybody's favo rite dish was served. There was fried chicken, fried, boiled and baked ham. chicken salad, chicken and pastry, meat loaf and many other meat dishes Revival Sarecta Methodist Church will hold Revival Services be ginning Sunday, September 29, 1968, at 8:00 P.M. John Ro berts of Faison will hold the service. Homecoming Services will be held Sunday, October 6, 1968 at the 11:00 o'clock Ser vice. The public is cordially invited to attend. There were vegetables of all colors and varieties, and sal ads, - - - congealed, fruit, po tato and many others. The ma ster cooks brought their favo rite pies and cakes. The Ruri tan wives really know how to cook. Following the dinner the lights in the Community build ing were dimmed and a spot light was turned on each of the honorees as President Cowan gave a brief life history of each honoree. Mr. Elmer Brinson gave a summary-history of the Cedar Fork Community which was a Continued To Page Two Yelverton Speaks To P. T. A. The first meeting for the new school year of tne Calypso F aison P. T. A. was held Mon day night, September 16, in the Calypso Auditorium. The me eting was called to order by President Bill Lewis and op ened with a prayer by Mrs. Ann Lewis. Mr. Ray Roberts, principal of Calypso School, was recog nized. He introduced the P.T.A. officers, the Calypso faculty and staff, and the local school com mittee. Mr. Shelton Justice, F aison Junior High Principal, was recognized and he intro duced theT aison faculty. Mr. Roberts introduced the speaker for the evening^ Mr. Charles H. Yelverton, Duplin County Superintendent of Sch Contlnued To Page Two tannery Proposed To Allegata Plight Of Low Income Farmer | Low income farmers of Dup lin and Sampson Counties met last Tuesday night at the Four County Electric Cooperative Building in Rose Hill in the Interest of forming coopera tives to supplement incomes. Ellis Vestal of Ksnansville presided at the meeting. Off icials attending included Mr. Joe Cash. FHA, Raleigh; BUI Henry, Sampson FHA, John Soles ager. Reynolds, Extension Agent; David English, Manager Duplin County a5cS; Melvin Cording, manager OEO, and W.L. Wood-1 cok, manager Southeastern F armers Grain Association. Mr. Cording pointed out that resources are available to the area through the OEO and also through the FHA. FHA Supervisor John Soles and Bill Henry showed tildes on how Cooperatives have he lped other low-income farmers. These slides suggested cooper atives for; livestock, vegett bles, timber management, labor pool, handicraft market. Irri gation projects, credit unions, mutual insurance agencies, and many other. Ed Monk, farmer and funeral home director pointed out the need for a market for produce raised by the small farmer. The plight of the farmer who must sell his beans for Just 5* above the cost of the con tainer, he s aid, contributed sub stantlally to creating low Coottmed Te Page Tire ----- Exhibits Building Poultry Jubilee Day, Satur day, October 5, will be a day when the public will be given an opportunity to see the tech nical side of Poultry Produc tion at our Commercial Exhib its Building and in addition, enjoy a delicious fried chicken dinner from the WORLD'S LA RGEST FRYING PAN and be entertained lavishly by an ex citing array of events eg.: Pa rade, Beauty Pageant 'Thur. night i, Carnival, Horseshow To urnament, Speakers < Dignita Continued To Page Two Mrs. Jernigan State Officer In Retarded Ass'n MRS. JERNIGAN A Kenansville woman has been elected to a state office in the North Carolina Associa tion for Mentally Retarded Chi. Idren. Mrs. Clifford Jernigan was named secretary to the state organisation at the annual con vention held Saturday, Sep tember 21 at the Jack Tar Ho tel in Durham. Mrs. Ruby Ramsey of Teach ey was also a delegate to the convention and accompanied Mrs. Jernigan. Mrs. Jernigan has been very active in the Duplin County As sociation for the Mentally re tarded and has served the cou nty unit as Treasurer for the past four years. She is a native of Kenans ville and was formerly Inez Quinn. She is bookkeeper for the tractor company owned by her and her husband. They have two children. Mrs. Mary Price end Clifford Jr. They al so have one grand son. " v lx ?????> IwV'i i .; ' M 'kg *"?. i Mil iuli'i iil i Mi In .ffiwAh

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