[ Twenty one children Irani over a wide area of Eastern Duplin County were guest of National Spinning Company, Inc.of Warsaw on a Christmas shopping "spree." These children were own many ^ to m*e *?J3 Z&1*"** Al_.. nstmidi aproning riayeu aaiua uaus R * 'sr SSffi ? . ??' rw .-K-. 4 . * .T$ ?? J--:' i-v*W ' if*' Rtf y -V'- ?L'.'rt- v ' ' ??/. . "v / ||Hf8 '' thf 'area, and more specifically. Magnolia, ? Kenansville, Warsaw ana Sum merlin's Cross Roads, were in vited to the shopping "spree." > they were transported to the plant where they were assigned a sponsor, some one to take care of in :identals like transportation and paying the bills of the trip. In Warsaw die children were allowed to choose the store wh fnmgtr children, while the teen?gers were more interested In clothing and possible cos met ire. .1' Upon entering the store the officials from National Spinning took a cart or basket to keep up with the purchases m?de by the children. While no ?pet amount was specified, each 1 child was SUowed from $10 1 to $15 to spend as he or she ?chose. tJrmn selection of a or A Items, eyes getting larger with each purchase, It was hard for the children to understand that there was still selections to be made and in some instances. It took urging to get the youn sters to continue shopping. Some of the plant officials designated for their first "sho pping trip" with the company nad misgivings and werefrank S unimpressed. They felt that ey had been handeo a boring chore of glorified baby sitting. What a treat was In store for those men! It proved to be the very best part of Christmas for them. One official reported that he had probably spent more money than was allocated for him, but he said he would gladly pay the difference out of his own pocket. His ptgtogee, after spending about & said "If I go home with any more stuff my daddy will - ----- - -." Officials from National Spin ning accompanying the children were Freddie Bell, general manner; Francis Oakley, per sonnel director. Warren Crea sy, Fred Archer, Earl Bell, Jimmy English, Tom Hoffman, Charles Lockamy, Hubert Mer ritt, Charlie Mizelle, Victor Ownsby, Don Suttles, and Jimmy Rich. CivU Suit Filed In Wayne Following Duplin Wreck The estate of apassenger kil led In a one car accident has filed a civil suit for $93,500 against the estate of the dri ver, who was also killed. Linda Price, administratrix of the estate of Marlon McDon ald Price has filed the suit In Wayne Superior Court against Patricia O.Outlaw, administra trix of the estate of Larry Jam es Outlaw. The pi ant Iff claims her Intestate died at 23 years of age as the result of negli gence on the part of the de fendant's intestate. Both men died Sept. 8 when Outlaw's car overturned sev eral times and struck trees along rural paved road 1500 In Duplin County, known as the tram road. Smwa May 1959 be Med with a full measure of happlneti Mr. EarlJBell beams approval on his pleasant t ask vf assisting these youngsters with their "Chri8tm as Shopping." The trip was arranged and fainanced by National Spinning Company Inc. of Warsaw and is just one of the many worthwhile causes they participate In. m niurch Break - In Attributed To Boat BBrr jlrtns are pretty routine with Deputy Jernigan aid his 1 co-workers BUT NOT THIS a ONE. te Deputy Sheriff Glenn Jernigjn g answered a call to a break- t< In in Albert son Township last p< Fridjgr morning. II o Jernigan immediately went to r the scene of the crime, the w Church of Later Day Saints, Alberts on, where the glass froni fjjfl the upper section of a door hai? reportedly been broken. ' & r A side door had beat bro f | check of the entrie structure * revealed everything In place, J I j*. _ ap^HKly ^nothing nad been bo ll | J ir : wasn't able to hall J mtlf-ll (Mrmed h* h nA nn iAm a ? irbed the family dog. Just like il good watch dogs, the Pot ir dog gave chase and the sat. ran. Choosing the shor ?t distance between two sints, he chose a straight ne which lead to the side door F the church. He ^Parently ecognlzed the lower part of the ooddoor as such, but the glass upper provided no bftrrier, at least visibly. The church, a symbol of safe ty and refuge for mankind was recognized as such by the goat and Inside he went. Terry had observed the whole episode. He went and turned the goat out of the church and forgot die whole business. Itficials Report Uuiet mm Officials ft die local sher- , ff'i department reported arel tively quiet holiday season with 10 major violences, but plenty i run of the mill nuislances. j to the moreunusualcatagory, , , rash of firecracker explos- , ons In rural mall boxes did ccur. While reports of this , ederal offense came from th oughout the county, most re- 1 orts came from tne Rose Hill 4 ind Mount Olive area according c o Deputy Rodney Thigpen who I a Investigating. a Most of the property stole i jf District Court. Mjester ate WJ. Sltterson of Kenansville let bond for each youth at 1200. Charged with stealing 10 gal lons of motor oil, 20 gallons of gasoline, a 5 gallon can of transmission oil, and three gal lons of antifreeze were: Mel tin Anderson, Rt. 4, Mount Ol ve? Tojo Herrlra, and Raw Irulse both of Rt. 2, Mount llive. Deputy Sheriff Glenn Jernigan laid that Leon Jessup, 22, col 'red male of Warsaw has been sharged on two counts of for Tax Listing Underway In Duplin T ?.f 1AAA T ?? ?KA btsiuw ui iroo uuuiiij x ucs began January 1, 1969. All property real and personal, polls and dogs not- exempt are required to be listed during the month of J anuary. - Tbe township list takers and assessors will be at the follow ing places durlngjanuary tollst find assess 1969 taxes: Albertson Township: Mrs. Susie Smith. List Taker - Jan. 2, Harry Stroud's Store; Jan. * and 25, Coy Smith's Store; Jan. 7 and 23, Marvin Stroud's Store; Jan. 8 and 21, Paul Lee's r?!l. 3lS: 11 ** Robert Grady s Store; Jan. 15, Mrs. Nedjercutt's Store; Jan. 18. Carl Ray Price's Store. All other dates at home of Mrs. Susie Smith except Jan. 9. Cypress Creek Township: Elmo Maready and Denver Sho Ur. List Takers ? Jan. 2, Mrs. Minnie Hines' Store; Jan. 4 and 18, Lloyd Andrews' St ore; Jan 7. Pin Hook; Jan. 9. vT ran. lr,s.St?re; Jan. 11 and 13. BUlie Brinkley's Store; Jan. if ' J?,a? Lanier s Store; Jan. ?, Richard Padrlck's Store: Jan. 21, Carl Heath's Store; Jan. 24, Jack J. Lanier's St ore; Jan. 29. Fountalntown Arep. All other dates - Elmo Maready's Store. Faison Township: Mrs. Eu nice. Faison and Paul Grice. ""[Takers -- Jan. 1,2, 3.4, ?t,J' 8' 9' 10' u? 20 ?21 22. 23. 24, 25. 27. 28. 29. 30, 31, at Faison Town Hall; Jan. 13 , 14, 16, 17. 17. 18. Calypso Town Hall. Gllsson Township: Carl W. Korneoay. List Taker ? J*i. ? Whitfield's Store; Jan. 8^3, 20 and 27, Wi. Wal ler's Store; Jan. 3 and 18, DJ). Herring's Store; Jan. 8 and 31, Outlaw's Grill; Jan. 16. 22. and 29, R.E. "Hooty" ? Jackson's Store; Jan. 7, Mrs. Paul Gra dy's Store; Jan. 2. Charlie Blizzard's Store; Jan. 10, Joe Westbrook's Store; Jan. 17, Mrs. E.R. Dail's Store; Jan. 24, Lehman Grady's Store. All other dates at home of Carl Kornegay. Island Creek Township: Mrs. Lila Mae Teachey, Mrs. Naomi Carr, Mrs. Verda Wells, List Takers ? All days during Jm uary at Town Hall in Wallace. Due to the extra number of books and supplies to be moved and the lack of space In other places, and due to the fact that most citizens come to Wallace and It being considered thai It is more convenient to list at the Town Hall In Wallace for all citizens, no tax listing dates are being advertised for other Places than at the Town Hall in Wallace for Island Creek Township. Kenansville Township: Mrs. Myrtle Quinn, Mrs. Linda Sutton, List Takers ? All days during January except Saturday MM ??? tu i&x iiuviu ai uic uuui uiuuac. Limestone Township: Mrs. EmU Thigpen. Mrs. Pauline a Hunter, List Takers ? Jan. 1.. Linster FutreU's Store; Jan. 2. P adrlck's Grocery; Jan. 6, Paul Southerland's Store; Jan. 7, ail Everton's Store; Jan.8,Delbert Bans* Store; Jan. 9, Ellis Tur ner s Store (Potters Hill); Jan. 3, 4, 10, 11, 14-31, BeulavlUe Town Hall, Saturdays 8:30 to 12 noon - Other days 8:30 to 4:30; Jan. 13, Janck Lanier's Store. Magnolia Township: J.N. Home, List Taker - Jan. 7. 14. 21, and 28, Brice's Filling Station; All other times during January. Magnolia Town Hall. Rockfish Township: Mrs. Anna Johnson Bryant, List Tak er ? Jan. 4, 10, U, 17 , 18, 24, 26, 31, Community Building All other days at home of Mrs. Anna Johnson Bryant. Rose HU1 Township: Mrs. C.T Fussell, Jr.. Mrs. June ? Robinson, List Takers ? All days during January except Saturday afternoons at Town Smith Township; Mrs. Vea chie T. Smith, List Taker ? Jan. 2. K.P. Williams' Store; ?J3"* ?? RUey Raynor's Store; Jan. 10, Leslie Kennedy's St ore; Jan. 13, Lewis Mercer's w0re'j . "^an" Raleigh Kennedy s store; Jan. 21, Gar dner Houston's store; Jan. 23, Ike Houston's Store Jan. 27, Lew Sutton's u?re'j. ,?arl" 2?? Houston Howard s Store; At the home of Mrs. Veachle T. Smith all ot her days through Saturdays. Warsaw Township: Mrs.Sal- - lie B. Huie, Mrs. Rachel F. I Baars, List Takers ? During I the month of January at the Old Branch Bank Building each H day from 9:00 until 5:00 ex cept on Saturday 9:00 untU 12:00 i -cept on Saturday 9:00 until IZjUUi ] Wolfscrape Township: Mrs. I Ruby F. Whitfield, Mrs. Thel- I ma Holland, List Takers ? Jan. 6, Oak Ridge Community Building; All other days dur ing January, Rones Chapel t Community Building. , < Farmers will be prepared ( to give report on 1968 crops 1 Penalty for late listing will be- -' gin February 1,1969. List your < taxes early and avoid the last ' minute rush. N0TICEI I ) EaST DUPLIN Panther Fans > are urged to attend a meeting 1 for the entire school district 1 at the East Duplin High Thurs- I day Night January, 2, 1969. I This is an organizationad meet- I ing for Basketball. 1 ? trnm the first arrival at Duplin General Hospital for the year 1969 was little Ralph Bernard Hall, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. , :-j Ralph Hall of Magnolia, Rt. 1. Ralph arrived at 2:27 A.M., Jan uary 1. The proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham of Rt. 1, Magnolia and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wright Hall of Chinquapin. Chicken Feed Larceny Charged I r* rv.._i i _ /> ? . rour Lmpuu v^ouniy men are | out on bond, and a filth man is ( wanted on a larceny charge in volving chicken feed. , Ernest Lee Byrd, 18, white male of Rt. 1, Rose Hill has Kenansville Native Dies Mrs. 0. H. McKay Funeral services for Mrs. Eleanor Pickett (Billie)McKay, 48, who died Tuesday, D^ttem- ?? ber 24, were held Thursday at 3:30 p.m. in the Lillingten Pre sbyterian Church. Rev. Robert Park was assisted in the ser vices by Rev. Richard Gammon of Greenville. Burial followed in Harnett Memorial Park. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. WJ. Pickett of Kenansville. She graduated from Kenansville High School and Queen's College in Char* lotte. Mrs. McKay was a school eacher and had taught for sev ;ral years in the Duplin County School System, in the city sch ool of Hollywood, Florida, and In the Llllington School system since 1954. While a resident of Kenansville, she contributed much to the civic religious and social life of the community. She is survived by two sons, | David Hiram McKay Jr., a stu dent at North Carolina State University and Bill Pickett Mc Kay, a student at Lillington High School. Also surviving are three sisters: Mrs. Martha Sitterson, Kenansville; Mrs. Sarah Neilson, Fayetteville; and Mrs. Reba Green, Wilmington. ??mm m a seen charged on five separate counts of larceny. He is under bond for appearance at thejan uary 8 term of District Court. Franklin (alias Man) Stroud, about 40 of Rt. 1, Rose Hill has not been apprehended but is wanted on five charges also. Thurman Franklin Evans, Jr. 20, and Walter Usher, 17 both of Rt. 1, Rose Hill and David Cole, 20 of Wallace have each been charged with one occas ion of larceny and bond was set by Magesteraie WJ. Sitt erson for appearance in January 8 term of District Court. According ? tov infcjrtnarion 4 from Deputy Jacx Albe'rtson, investigating officer, Byrd had been employed to tend a chick en house for Lee Sheffield of Rose Hill. The broildrs were produced on a feed conversion plan and when the broilers were sold late last year with prices up, the house of chickens show ed a substantial loss. Sheffield became suspicious. D^jjuty Albertson investi gated^ and evidence indicated that part of the bulk feed de livered to the farm during the months of October and Novem ber was bagged and sold ins tead of converted into bro ilers. Investigation in the case is continuing. Car Thieves Busy N'F.VV YORK?Car thieves lave become peskier than ever 11 recent years, the Insurance Information Institute observes, since 1949, the number of auto mobiles registered has more than doubled, but the num ber stolen has more than quadrupled ? from 163,000 to 555,000. ? Mills Promoted 10 i-ha supervisor James M. Mills, Jr. for the past three years assistant H county supervisor, has been named FHASupervisoi^or Dup lin County. Mills replaces John M. Soles who has been promoted to Real Estate Loan Officer with head quarters In Raleigh. A Wallace native. Mills Is a 1962 graduate of North Car olina State University, Raleigh. He was employed by Four Coun- ? ty Electric In Qurgaw before go- I lng with FHA In March 1965. He received his training In Ro berson County. Mrs. Mills Is the former Judy Matthews of Harrells. They have two daughters, Jennifer, age 7 and Susan Is one and one half. Former residents of Kenansvllle. They now reside on highway 41 west of Wallace. Mills is taking supervision of one of themost outstanding FHA counties caseload wise. In the entire state, with some 600 families Involved. He will be assisted in this 'M operation by Mr. H. Bruce But ler, assistant county super visor, Mrs. Grace McNeill, of fice clerk; Miss Sandra K. Br ock, assistant office clerk. C< No assistant has been named to Sole fill the vacancy created by Supc Mills' promotion. F.H.A. has been a determln- drev, lng factor In many of the ma}- fsr xigratulatlons are in order for John M. s. Mills has been named FHA County srvisor for Duplin replacing Soles who has r ft re from the news media. Country Clufi been named Real Estate Loan Officer with headquarters In Raleigh. (Photo by Ruth 1 Wei's) to serve the eas - Chinquapin Community, and j and near, Just a few years t Among less controversial f s was that to Southeastern ners Grain Association In < taw. More recent FHA j Eg has gone to Ramblewood , :ern p?rt of the county, specl- tn ically Beulavllle and Pink Hill. ? An .additional storage capacity jf 320,000 bushels of grain for W ioutheastern Gralnery; appro- *1 ral of loan for water system for ai M*-:- aM&A any other outstanding Impro iments In the county. Mills will continue to lfare In ?