With the youth who are enrolled in conventional types of learn ing, but wilh the ilt?M Vdt. Many adult claases are tavfght through the community Col leges. One of the most pap ular channels of learning how ever, is through the Agricultur al Extension Agents, and par ticularly the Extension Home Agents. Homemakers throughout the county are organized into clubs that meet periodically. Exten sion workers provide these gr oups with the litest information A county Council has been formed and Its present president is Mrs. Elvta Car ter. e Wallace Club, of which Mrsi. Davetta Herring is presi dent, held two dress revues; collected and distributed gar ments to needy, contributed eq uipment to community centers distributed 40 informational pa- , ckages to non-club members on food and nutrition; held craft workshops; community tour of homegrounds; held family night; and toured fabric shop. South Kenansville Club, of which Mr?. Ralph Barwiek is president, won second place In the outstanding clubcat Mrs. Graham Hanchey was named Outstanding Club Woman of The Year for the many ser vices she had rendered her club and community. Present to receive reading awards at the annual Achievement Day for Extension Home makers were left to right: Mrs. Viola Quinn, Mrs. Hattie Dobbins, Mrs. Alda Ezzell. Mrs. N.B. Boney.^Mffil Ben Wolever, Mrs. Albert Barton, Mrs, Carrie Mlddleton, Mrs. J.B. Stroud, and Mrs. Jerry Smith. Presidents of Outstanding Clubs of The Year are left to rights Mrs. Davetta Herring, Wallace Club; Mrs. Ralph Barwlck, South Ken * ?' 'T ';??.< .? v''.""'"' ftv- ? '' '? -e"- ... 'i'-/ : . r". - ~ - w* ? ???-, ansvllle Club; and Mrs. Graham Hanchey, Tin City Club. The Wallace and Tin City Clubs tied for first place. Council Officers present at the Annual Ac hievement Day were: Mrs. Elvln Carter, t-? - ?'/'* '? " '* ?-.* ? V*.... , President; Mrs. Graham Hanchey, first rice president; and Mrs. HattieDobbins, Secretary. >-A ? t- ? #?. .Jiui'..*..: aar?:-.4-i^ * -sItsa*? i?- ?;>? MORE THAN 43 YEARS of service to oor customers - - - snd we ore proud that wo still hold our reputation for fair desling. Wo ore guided by the desire to moke our community o bettor place to five. I I Quality Products and Dependable Senfice I I After A"! ? I AMERICAN STANDARD | We Take This Opportunity To Express Appreciation Vjl-,jE?? ?aWjj j.' "> ?r',r \ i jji?- ' - %. fc x To The People Of Duplin County For Thoir Business. * ' "* \ ^ ? * r- * I jv ? *f$. '* flBpa . y "* * ?% - . *.' ' ' ? J& tl.- \MM?\ :?> . .... : /.?' ?' . s |i^S^ 9 , ;-w y,..vf;, I