www inese were tne HlgJ? School freshmen if Rose Hilt It was a year of super 1 latlVes, within this class: Sm artest boys, prettiest girls, best basketball players, and handso mest room teacher, Mr. Scott, S'io also acted as basketball rai. Mr. Scott was smart, also; for he was a good math teacher who so inspired his Students that a few of them vol untarily formed an extra curr icular math class at the pro mise that he would teach diem ?an unusual happening initself. The class is scattered now and its members live from Cal ifornia and the West Coast to the Gulf of Mexico and uptothemld eastern coast of the U.S.A. First row, left to right are: Bradsh'aw, who passed awayj about 2 years ago; Naomi Stroud and no one I asked has been able to tell me where she is now; Pauline Whitman, who married Herbert Pope of Mag nolia and is there with her family now; Joyce Johnson, now Blabchard, lives with her fam ily War Wallace; the pretty btoml girl next is Helen Smith, but we do not know where she is new; next is Ruby Williams I .'wlip Used to live in the Corinth nelgtiborhood, and last on the first row Is Mary Knowles, who is a registered nurse, is married and is living with her family in Wilmington. Sitting high on the side of the step, Linwood Boone Is the first on the second row. Last we heard of Linwood he was in Tennessee working for a Tele phone company. Seated on the mmkessp i Wallace later, and has never been heard of since. Dalton's people now live In Florida. First girl on second row is Joyce Jones, who still lives in Rose Hill. She mar ried Norman Hardison and has one daughter. Joyce is a very attractive young mat ron. Sarah Starling is the blond next to Joyce. She is married, has two children and lives in Fayetteville, Martha Dixon, next is also married and lives at Maysvllle with her two children. We hope one of them, at least, has pretty auburn hair like hers. Sitting by Martha is CJ. Williams, a good looking boy who was a handsome police officer in Raleigh and has now been promoted to detective st atus. At the very end of the row is Roy Lee Benton, also a handsome boy, who now is liv ing in Wallace. Third row: The blond boy with the white shirt is Emory Price. We hear he is still around, working in Wallace in the Post Office department. Ir ene Dixon is next and her where- I a bouts are unknown. Lib Merrltt, next is married and lives in Jacksonville, but gets home often to visit her folks. Helen Fussell is married and lives somewhere up North in Yankee land. Betty Jean Locke rman is married to Buster Le ffler and lives down near Wil lard. She has two children. Lib Waters married James Blake and lives with her husband and two very active sons (both with ther, here. Last on the third ? ?? row is ooDDy Ann acott, wno was a blond bomb-shell on the basketball court. Bobby Aim lives with her husband, Sgt.Ha rold Smith, and two daughters at Eglln Air Force Base on the Gulf near Pensacola. Top row, left to right are Evelyn Parker, who lived In the Charity neighborhood. Jimmy Lockerman Is In the Electrical business with his father In Rose Hill, and is a bachelor still (what a pity!). Randall Smith Womans Club Heart Special Group ^ HU1 restaurant for a regular meeting. Mrs. WJi. Allison and Mrs. W.3. Wells Jr. were hostesses. Mrs. Charles R. ' Mosback, president, called the ^meeting to order, the retar ded class of the Rose Hill El ementary school, guest of the club led the group In Grace After dinner Mrs. DJ. Fus sell, program leader, lntr ls next and his whereabouts are unknown. Peggy Ward Is now Mrs. Ralph Rawheiser of Wilmington, Delaware. She has four good looking young sters who are unusually mannerly for the present ti mes. Faye Teachey. next Is the wife of Bobby Lee Jones, who was also a member of this class but was absent when the picture was made. They have a very pretty little daughter and a young son who is red headed and freckle faced, the genuine article, an all American boy. Next Is Shirley Wilson. Shir ley Is Mrs. Ernest L. Boat man of Kins ton now, and is a math teacher at the High School In the town. Next Is Mr. Bertice Scott, the home room teacher who Inspired them as math teacher, as a basket I ball coach and as an excellent citizen. oduced Mrs. Blanton ?nd Mrs. Roberts, teachers of the retar ded class. They in term in troduced the children and led them in a very Interesting pro gram. They sang, danced and recited to the amazement of all as how well they were trained and how well they could per form. During the business meeting that followed the minutes of the last meeting were read and ap proved. the treasurers report given and correspondence read. The club was Invited to visit Boys Home but no one atten ded. A letter was read reg arding a state zoo which has been approved by the State Fe deration. The president rep orted that the Youth Commi ssion BUI has been approved by the State Legislator. A let ter was read regarding the Cr usade for Decency. The N.C. State Federation of Women's Club's annual Con vention will be held beginning AprU 28th at Grove Park Inn. The president ask if any club , member would be able to att end. The club will pay twen- 1 ty-five dollars toward expenses 1 for a delegate from the club. ' The Scholarship Committee ' wUl report at the meeting In '? May. The May meeting will ] be held at James's Fussell's Pood, weather permitting and a covered dish supper will be furnished by the clubmembers. The meeting closed with the col lect repeated in unison. Students taking part on the program were; J.B. Bailey, Gary ErzeU, Chris Foss, Jean Foss, Mark Fussell, Rickey Lee, Larry Matthews, Patrlca Matthews, Vicki Mercer, Steve Newkirk, Tlmmy Register, and Gregory Wilson. Baptist Church Groups The regular monthly Group Meetings of the Rose Hill Bap tist Church were held on April 21st. BIBLE STUDY GROUP NUM BER ONE met in the home of Mrs. Harry Davis Mrs. W.T. Rouse, chairman presided. Calli to Prayer was given by Mrs.. Archie Herring. Mrs. Moses Paul was In charge of the pro gram. The hostess served a congealed salad and coffee to seven members present. CURRENT MISSIONS GROUP NUMBER TWO met In the home of Mrs. Frank Merrltt. Mrs. William Wells presided. Mrs. R.C. Henderson, Jr. gave the Call to Prayer. The program ivas presented by Mrs. William Wells, assisted byMrs.JoeCa iteen. Pound cake, strawberry vhlpped cream and nuts were served to six members. PRAYER GROUP NUMBER THREE met in the home of Mr*. W.T. BUncherd. The chairman Mrs. E.G. Murray, Sr. presid ed. Call to Prsyer was given hy Mrs. Charlie Martin. Mrs. W.S. Wells, Sr. presented the. program, assisted by Mrs. a anchard. The hostess served refreshments to the members present. " BIBLE STUDY GROUP NUM BER FOUR met In the b?xie of Mrs. James Newton. Mrs. Maury Henry Starling, chair man. opened the meeting with the Call to Prayer. Mrs. Joe gason was in charge of the pro gram. The hostess served st rawberry shorcake and coffee to seven members. Bananas lb. 10c 10 LB. BA6 Irish Potatoes 49c \4 1 Qt Dukes Mayonnaise 49c JUST WONDERFUL '? \ HAIR SPRAY (Save 30C) 69c One Half Gal. Purex Bleach 28c 6IANT SIZE COLD POWER H T Washing Powder $9C Ground Beef |b. 43c 5 Lb. Neclc Bones 79c RIB AND BRISKET Stew Beef Lb. 43c 1 LB. JESSE JONES Bologna ? ? ? 49c 1 LB. JESSE JONES FRESH Sausage 59c 10 OZ. JESSE JONES UTTLE LINK COUNTRY Sausage 49c 12 Oz. Pkg. JESSIE JONES Franks 39c 1 LB. PKG. WILSON Bacon 63c IMuse'sJS; Self ? Service Grocery We Deliver | Phony 289-35S7 Boee Hill. H. C. | . ? , ? ' r "ft ? * ? qeu && ij?u^ cioctci,... frtiMQ i|out pXMcUpUtHt* to* B. L HOOD PHAHMACY PINK Hill .:TIs,'?\d- Z'y ki; pr ? "i; ?'. ?;? -: ? %" &J , .? ui'tlpikf ? ; j^S.: '"""''v'jfe . & ' ??&?** >?;' ?"? f1 v ' 'M '"> ?* iiis B i > . m mjww, l^l^l^wjivm. BUI oin minimum investments of 81Ji.000.00 or more Pt *v &L. ' ^ "" when left on deposit for 12 months ^ . V:" ? fffv* ?'' ' '.'? ' ? '*' Cooperative Savings & Loan Association of Wilmington. W. Roy Johnson, Manager. Wallace Office 205 East Main Street Where 'thousands are saving millions ;"v