Point, N.Y. spent the weekend old 5kUt * ' i ? , ? J 1 ? I, n...1 (.!??*. I ?ted Mr, and Mrs, raui westw seSy* stSloneft West^olnt, N.T. visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Westbrook Friday afternoon, j mioi those of this cofnin" la. mending tin Westbrook Reunion held this year at the of Mr and Mrs. St okes Westbrook were Paul Westbrook. Mrs. Bessie Ma ssey, Mr. andMrs.WUlardWe stbrook and Brenda, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Westbrook, Joe Westbrook. Mr%and Mrs. Man ley Kornegay and Andrew, Miss Viola Westbrook, Henry West brook and PFC and Mrs. Larry H f. Westbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Westbrook visited Mr. sod Mrs. Junes Flowers In Selma Sunday after llooo# Miss Viola Westbrook of**" ? lelgh visited Mr. and Mrs. Man ley Kornegay Sunday. H. Glenn Kornegay and dau ghters of Kinston visited Mr. sal Mrs. Manley Kornegay Sa turday afternoon. Miss Viola Westbrook of Bar tleigh spent the weekend with Henry Westbrook and other OtUattves In the community. Henry Clay Westbrook en joyed swimming at the Ramble wood Country Club Sunday. Mrs. Daisy Dail accompanied I Hr. and Mrs. Velroon Benson of Kenans vllle to Washington, I D.C. to visit Mr. and Mrs* I Larry Dsil last Friday. The* ? returned home Monday. I Jimmy Lester of Jacksonville I arrived Thursday to visit Mrs. I Lester and Mrs. Daisy Dallthls week. They were supper guept ? I of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Page I Thursday nighl. LI I Mr. and Mrs. RobertHlzz ? ard of Ervin Cross Roads vis I ited Mrs. Daisy Dsil Saturday Ieheville to ^drS^^mry Clay Westbrook. Henry Clay was I returning home after a three week vacation in Fort Lauder dale and Tltesville and' other points of interest in Florida. Mrs. James CAilnnanddaugh ter Christy of Goldsboro visited ? Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Walker. Monday afternoon. I Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson and children of Gneetabor^vls visitors vere Mr. ind Mr# dllly v, yn ? > - JMi and rs hHwar, and children of Deep Rut Mr. and Mrt.U ion Wallace visited Mr Garland Wallace at Lenolj Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Garland la reported to be daughters of Louvllle, 5 AND 105. J. 4. And 6 ROW COMBINES. Use The JOHN DEERE Credit Plan wvn* w??i AT LAST YEARS GOLDEN CURE GAS TOBACCO CURERS ARE THE BEST! in ' ^ ? ? GOLDEN CURE GIVES YOU MORE UNIFORM QUALffY OF CURE . . COMPLETE CURW6 CON ? ** TROL . . FIRE SAFETY . OVERALL HEAT DB TR BUT ION . . ECONOMY OF OPERATION . . AND DURABILITY PROVED BY SEVEN YEARS OF ?i . I ' ? *j EXPERIENCE. , "Get The Most Gold from Your Tehacco with A Golden Curor!" We^lso^Carry The Following SOME AT LAST YEARS PRICES Tarheel Aero Jet | Vann Jet-0llatic|| Some Used Ges 1 Curers In Stock \ i t'jAuip . If you think other Companies have good Deals on Curers. GIm k h b f B i I JB ?'j D ifi^ m 2.93 1328 II YOU HAVE A RENDEZVOUS e WITH SAVINGS DURING OUR Moonlight Madness Sale! (VERNON PARK MALL STORE ONLY) FRIDAY. JULY 18. 7 P. M. TO 11 P. M. entire stock ladies' summer dresses reduced! save 31.00 on some styles Junior. Misses & Half Sins Reg. 8.99 To 12.99 SALE 5.00 Rog. 14.99 To 19.99 SALE 8DO Reg. 22.50 To 29.00 SALE 11.00 Reg. 35.00 To 45.00 SALE 14.00 Many atbar exceptional bargains tkroaV