A. C. (Pool) Merrta has been *1 ployed by Nash Johnson Farms Inc. for the past ten years and Is now turkey range supervisor. A native of Rose Hill and 1 for several years a farmer. He now rents his farm and has | an employee to care for his two m turkey houses. ; : ? His wife Helen is a nurse it Duplin General Hospital and ttby haVe two daughters, Alice Carrol who followed In her mothers footsteps and is an ; ! flU N. at Sampson County Hos pital In Clinton and Carla Rat , a 10th grader at Wallace-^p** ^ Dallas Rhodes Oallas Shoe.' tie J lative, Is for at ? : ?anna !.le has en rtth :ompany (or years DalL' i; oducei -le has foi nil thi Farn lelp wltl t irollera. Jean Tf nas an the :hra sons, ey 10, 3erry 8, students at Beulaville Ele J. L. Is a new comer to Johnson Farms having been employed less than one year. He Is turkey supervisor and has charge of turkeys from one-day-old to thirteen weeks. Lanier is a farmer, grows tobacco, corn and soybeans. He also has eight turkey houses with a 40,000 capacity. His wife is the former Ruth Brown and they have four chil dren; Benlta and Bryan are students at Union High School in Sampson County and Lisa and Chris are enrolled in private school. The Lanlers attend Concord Baptist Church < it e i co >per with :aJ ?l teases iim the North ia Poultry Federation t 4* e .hi year's "N > th Poultry Jubilee" Festivities In 111. -f This annual event was first staged in 1963 with the Idea of focusing attention upon this very important segment of agricul ture In .the state, and to pay I a special tribute to the Poultry Industry In Southeastern North uu* w me vast growtn oi the Poultry Indi In North Carolina, the Rose Hllljaycees have decided to expand the Jubilee in conjunction with the North Carolina Poultry Feder ation to make this an annual state wide event. With Rose Hill, die hub of the Industry's development, Duplin and surrounding counties have fast become the major poultry producing area in the state. Within the last ten years hatcheries have been con structed with the capacity to supply the majority of the millions of chickens and turkeys raised annually in the area. Peed milling operations have been establishedandenlargedto service the grow-out operations of the birds, furnishing feed and technical assistance. A processing plant In Rose Hill presently serves this area by dressing an average of 6000 birds per hour, and an annual slaughter of many millions of broilers. There Is now in Wallace a processing plant for turkeys. In Burgaw, a com mercial egg processing opeir ation has furnished a market for the great Increase in com mercial egg production of this area. Now a poultry by products plant Is in operation In Rose Hill. This plant con verts the by-products of the Nash Johnson and Sons Farms is indaod proud of those, and many other dedicated employees who have proven themselves as one of the companies most valuable assets. and prevention of disease and other management problems by the State-Operated Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory which is located in Rose Hill. Hundreds of farmers have become a vital pwt of this economic growth by building poultry tiouses and becoming growers of this area's chicken, egg nid turkey produc tion. Thus many thousand families throughout the state and nation each day eat a meal of the delicious and nutritious poultry from Rose Hill, North Carolina. We think, therefore that the econmic importance of this growing Poultry Industry Is reason for this **Day of Recog nition" and perhaps you will understand if we wish to "crow" or "gobble" a little about this area's accomplishments. The Poultry Jubilee will offer an opportunity for the farmer, the public and 'riends of the In Poultry Beauty Contestant GAIL some Gail Bostic of Wallace is the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Adolph Bostic. She is a brunette with ray brown eyes. Gail litw mathematics and biology best of all her studies. A student at Wallace-Rose mi High School, die is a cheerlead er, was for two years a dan officer, is interested in study ing for health careers and wishes to attend U. N. C. at Chapel Hill. Gail likes water-skiing, horse back riding and swimming. Her favorite sports are cheering, and her interests are piano, guitar singing. Her church preference is Methodist, and she is a member of the United Methodist Youth Fellowship and Junior choir. For the Poultry Queen Pag eant Gail is sponsored by Nash Johnson and Sons of Rose HOI. da* try to view some of the technical aspects of poultry ud i - h Rose Hill citizens In a day of fun, entertainment, and good fellow - ship. A meal of delic tous ft ted chicken from "The World's Largest Frying Pan" will be served. Plan now to Join us Saturday, October 4, for this "Salute to Poultry". ???? iU wSed*'T ? with the first Poultry Jubilee rod has now become an annual event and a major attraction at the North Carolina Poultry Jubilee festivities. All funds received from cake sale* go to the Retarded Chil dren's Association. Chairman for the 1969 cake baking con test is Ben Fuss ell. Working with Ben this year are Mrs. Blanchard. Ben and' these ladles are to be contacted for any information concerning the cake sale or regulation for the baking of the cakes. Their phone lumbers can be found U the local directories. It is desired that no pack aged cake-mix be used this year. A group of qualified judges will begin the preliminary jud to the highest Udder. j Lett year some 11,000 was raised for the Retarded CM1- | drens Assoclattonlrom the cake sales. Plan now to enter a ? cake or to buy one for a good cause, at the North Carolina Poultry Jubilee at Rose Hill October 4. I I' ...A.,..., ' Wells Livestock Market "One Of The Best Markets 1 In Eastern Carolina" "We Appreciate Your Patronage - And We Will Do Our Best" Hiibway 117 N. ATS-219S j AT5-2162 AT5-2161 Wallace. N. C. 1 r CONGRATULATIONS DUPLIN POULTDV GROWERS | WE ARE HAPPY Tl IE k fUT OF THE PNLTRV 1 i options in our mm j 1 ,M' 1 JULIUS. UAVIO AND JAMES SUTTON TURKEYS GROWN BY JOHNNY SMITH. BOWOENS Kg ? *$'? ~*?r