.? I fek jM ^ Jtf I _ bJ) i RHf I ^Hr ? ? ? - ?m )0X Ho? KEWAN3V1IXE. 12 | Arrested On Drug Charges the SH last week in an effort to crackdown the illegal sale of drugs Cap! ttoscoe Rich of the " Wallace Police Dept. said the arrest resulted after in inten sive investigation that began about the first of the year. Rich said the arrest were made in Bladen, Duplin, New ! pnn 1 ?*., ? Hanover, Pender and Wayne cotuSiea Twenty two warrants were Issued. Three additional people are helnp sought Rich said and "we atlll have four warrents te serve." Ha said the arrests wars the result of drtg purchases made by undercover police a gents. All the purchases ex cept one were made In Dup lin Corny, with the other be ing made in Pender County. Arrested end charged with distributing marijuana we re Robert Edward (Bronco) Mor riaey of Turkey, black male. 33, bond 0,000; Wayne Carson English, Wallace, white male. W, bond <1.000; Cornell Chas ten, Rose Hill, black male, 35, bond 11,000; Tooey E. Baker, Rose Hill, white male, IB, bond <1,000; Willie David Murray. WtlUcft, Bbck male, 24, ixnid <1,000; Michael Johnathan St one, Wallace, white male, 30. 0 counts) bond 12.000-John Wil liamson Scon, Kenansville. 10, white male, bind <1,000; Harry Lee Kenan, Wallace, black male, <0, 0 counts) band <3.000; Rudy Allen Johnson, Wilmington, 19. white male, bond 0.000; Chris topher Brian Merrltt, Rose Hill, white male 18, bond 0,030. Wayne Myron Fosto, Willard, white male, 18 end Robert Har well, IT, Wallace, white male, both were charged with coo spiring to distribute marijuana. Bond was set at 0,000 eech. Kenneth Wayne Newmons, 18 white male. Goldsboro, was c harged with distribution of LSD 0 counts), bond <8,000. William B. Bland. 34. white male, Bur gaw was charged with posses sion of marijuana with intent to distribute, bond 0.500. Robert Elmore Jenkins, 18, white male, Teachey was ch arged with distributee m ma rijuana 0 counts) and posses* sion of marijuana, band <8,000. I^MO^^^^s^oben Wil liams. 33, black male, Wallace, wae charged with distribution of ampbetamine-methempheta mlne (speed pills) bond <3,003. All but two of the 17 arrest ed are free after posting bond. James Robert Williams and H* arry Lee Kenan remain hi D uplin County jail. Kenan was serving time in Sampson Coun ty on a misdemeanor charge at the time of his arrest. April 16 Last Day to File Income Tax Greensboro- - Over 600,000 N. 1 l^mUUon of n ewtouatf to^ U of 1 8 million returns from the M yers (^SLnds ^ ?pect ] to wilt about five weeks for weeks is in amatlngly short time when you think of the tre mendous volume of mums that ire Involved. Up to now, iff of the 1.600.000 refund checks ' for uxpayers in the Southeast after the return wis filed. We consider that an accomplishme nt to be proud of. and we are. "However, taxpayers some times Inadvertently cause their refunds to be delsyed," Le Baube ssid. "Taxpayer errors, such as mfstimr documents And signatures, can hold up pro cessing for weeks. Hlstori caily. last-minute filers make mistakes in their haste to meet the deadline." Nationally, the 10 IRS service centers around the country have received more then 44 million or 60% of the expected 77 mil lion Individual income tax re turna These Include 38 mil lion Standard Form 1040'a and 16 million Short Form lOtOA's. About 33 million refunds a mountlng to 17.9 billion had been approved aa of March 31. IRS expects to approve more than 58 million refunds this year and the Treasury Dept., estimates the amount will total in excess of <30 billion, fc Despite extensive news co verage of the option to help I finance the Presidential elec tion campaign, less thanthree percent of the returns receiv ed ao ftf tBcluded a Torm 4875 Indicating the laipayrr s pate *1 of their taxes flp on a Joint return) to go to top po litical party of their cholhe or to a general fund, to help fi nance the 1976 Presidential e lection campaign The desig nation does not affect any re fund or tax due. Form 4876 is included In the tax pack ages that were mailed to tax payers and also is available at IRS offices and at many banks and post offices. I - .. - . ? ; April Declared H ?? iL Poultrv Niontn Raleigh. NC-April has offi cially been declared Poultry Products Month in N.C. by G overnor James E. Holshouser, Jr. The proclamation, issued by the Go*., honors the states largest food Industry. Not only are poultry products the lar gest food Industry in the state, but the industry Itself accounts for 22?fr of *11 firm income In N.C. Only Tobacco exceed! the poultry industry in total ? farm Income. Gov. Holshouser said in bis ? proclamation, "poultry produ cts represent the largest food industry in the state and the poultry industry la of great ? importance to the economy of ? N.C.' The Governor noted CN.C. ranks third in die ion in turkey production, fourth in comraerlcai broiler production, and fifth tn egg production He also noted th at commertcal broiler produc tion brings producers the se cond highest commodity Inco me in the State, surpassed on- I ty by tobacco, and that the poultry Industry not only pro vides employment for thousan ds of N. Carolinians but sup plies a basic human need-food. Gross farm Income from p oultry is estimated to be ap proximately IS&O.ODO.OOO. In 1972, the egg industry produc ed over 3,500.000.000eggs: wh ile the broiler tndus-ry pro duced almost 300.000,000 chi- . ? cltens Chicken alone provided ? approximately 1. M0.000.000 f ouads of food for the American 1A-J4X 0s' NORIW CAROLINA DONATI S TO PARK-M?c MB- ,: *?er. sr | th Bank xi , in P k committee for rhe town and Bert NEW DOG WARDEN-JJF. BU.iton (Pictured ebove) is tie new Dog Warden for Duplin Co unty. You can get In roush vrich ltim by call ing the Sheriff's Depsrtmen! in Kteunsvllle Rabies Clinic For Duplin County J.F, Blamon of Rote Hill was sworn in this week in Re nansvUle as Dog Warden for Duplin County. BUnton made the following comments about his job and the upcoming Rabies CUnici "I do nat want to destroy anyones dog;hut as Dog Warden For D uplfli' County, I have a respon sibility to its chdweos. If a ane/^*^^^^t to pick up soaeones pet and to avoid this I sqggest that each dog owner: in Duplin Couaty comply with the following litC. Statues; S ection 106-365 "In all Counties where a campaign of vactna tion is being conducted it shell be the duty of the owner of each and every dog over 4 months of age to have same vaccina ted against rabies annually." (The schedule for the Duplin County Rabies Clinic is at the right). Sec. 67-33 "Every dog in counties where a dog war den is appointed shall be re quired at all times to wear a collar with the owners name and address stamped on or o thervise firmly attached to the collar." Sec. 67-35 "fa any county in which a dog warden is appointed pursuant to this article, it shall be unlawful for any person who owns or has custody of a dog to allow , such dog to be off the premts- . es of such owner or custodian unless such dog Is wearing the collar and metal tag." Batxcn urged each dog own* er to take advantage of the Ra bies Cliote* "At the time of die vacillation the owner or per son in charge of each dog va ccinated will be given a metal The Dupfln Jbtt*adi.yMer Conservation flfstrict supervi sors held their monthly meet ing in Kenansville on Monday, April 8, I97fr at 4 p.m Pre sent were Supervisors Calvin R. Mercer. O.L. Holland, Wil liam Sullivan, Joseph L. Wil liams. and William F. Pickett, Jr.; Watershed Commissioners present were Ellis Vestal and George Cowan: Soil Conserva tion Service personnel present were Kenneth R. Futreal and Jacob J. Parker; and Nona S. Tlppett, District Clerk. The 1973-74 fiscal year pro posed budget was discussed and approved for submitting ;o the IXiplin County Board of Com missioners. ? J/ ? The District Supervisors dis cussed the upcoming Poster C ontest which is scheduled for Monday. April 16, 1973 at 7:30 p m. In the Agricultural Build ing in Kenansvllle. The Dis trict Supervisors encourage all sixth graders In Duplin County tag. The lew requires the tag to be worn by the dog at all times " BUnton further stated. "I wiQ be happy to assist any in dividual with their pet proble ms. You can get in touch with me by calling the Sheriffs Dept., in Kenansville. 'VSiV ' to enter the contest and in vite everyone tp attend. A letter from MX. "Red" Knight. President, N.C. State Association, concerning Sedim ent Legislation was read. Su pervisor Sullivan reported that he had carefully reviewed the proposed legislation and that some changes will be recom mended to the Legislature by the State Soil and Water Con servation Committee. The District's Long Range Program and Work Plan will be updated in the very near fu'ure. Copies of this Long Range Program an4 Work Plan will be available upon request a: the District office The Resource Conservation Workshop which is to be held at NCSL in Raleigh on June 11-15, 19T3 was discussed. Su pervisors Mercer and Pickett were designated to select a Ju nior or a rising senior from East IXiplln High School to at tend :he workshop. Second Annual Science Fair at Warsaw Jr. Hi The origin of a Science Pair was established at Warsaw Jr. High School in April 1972 Since that time students have look ed forward to another Science Fair with a great deal of zeal and anticipation. Due to pro found interest and high moti vation on the part of students, it was decided that a Science Fair be held annually so that students could have an oppor tunity to share their cumula tive knowledge and creative a bilitles in the field of science with the public. Therefore, the Second Annual Science F air will be held at Warsaw Jr. High School on Thursday, April 19, 1973 in the school gymnasium at 7:80 p.m. . I the theme for this year's fair is "Exploring Science To Bob ScoH !;;|| To Visit JSI Discover The World Around Us." There will be a display of projects In the areas of Physical Sciences. Life Scie nces. Earth and Space Sciences. The Program for the even leg will feature greetings and announcements, explanation and purpose of the Science Fair, class or group experiments re view of Science projects and presentation of awards to four Students with the best science projects. Twenty-two Arrest For Illegal Sale of Liquor Twe ity two persons were ar rested Tuesday tn Duplin County and charged with ilegal sale of alcoholic beverages, (beer and whiskey) tax paid and non tax paid a; of the arrested were allegeally selling the alcoho Ic beverages In their house or a Juke Joint Arrested were the following: Prank Taylor. 45. black male, Rt 2. Falson, 2 counts, non tax paid, bond J$00. Frankie Williams, 63, black female, Rt. 2. Falson, Scouits, non tax paid, bond 1200. Alberta James, no age given, black female, Teachey, 1 count, tax pa'd, bond H00. Mimmte WUlUms Kelly, 46, black female. Calypso, 2 counts, tax paid, bond $200 Lucy Moore Carlton, 44. black S&fSST'' "* Irene Outlaw, no age given, black female, BeulavlHe, 1 c* bond 1900. bond HOO. Gladys Vam Underwood, 52, black female, Warsaw, 3counts, tax paid, bond 3300. Levi Quinn, 36, black male, Rt. 1, Mt. Olive, 2 counts, tax paid, bond 3200 Addle Pearl Melvin, 46. bl ack female, Bowden. 1 count, non tax paid, bond 3100. tola Love, 47, black female, Teachey, 1 count, non tax paid, bond 3100. Mart ell Fryer, 63, black ma le, Teachey, 1 count, tax paid, bond 3100 Luke Frederick. 60, black male Rose Hill, 1 count, non tax paid, bond 3100. Johnny Troublefield. 31. black male. Warsaw, 2 counts, ux paid, bond 3200. Special Investigator, Glenn Jernigaa said more arrest were expected over the weekend. Fou rty one warrents were issued RABIES CLINIC DUPLIN COUNTY ^ ' ? - m ' * Robios Clinics for Km vaccination of dogs wiH bo hold for 1973 at Mm following timos and plans: im. ?MtWI ? YBIBHBSIWtlAH Beautancus Beautancus Store 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. Calypao Elementary School 8.45 - 8:15 am Faison Junior High School 9:30-1000 am. Bow dona Parkers Shire 10:15 -10:46 am Waraaw Junior High School 11:00-12:00now Scott'a Store W. E. Waller Store 1:16 - 2:15 pm Albartaon Bureau Holland's Store 2:30- 3:16 p.m. DR. BARDEN ? VETERINARIAN Betordar, Am* *1 Magnolia Elementary School 9:00- 10:00 a.m. Kenanavllle Kenan Auditorium 10:30 -11:30 a.m. Albartaon Township Coy-Smith Store 12:30- 140 p.m. Smith Township Freely Smith Store 1:15- 1:46 p.m. Beulaville Ray Smith's Store 2:16 ? 3:16 pm. OR. PfflUJBS ? VETERINARIAN m-* Friday, April 80 Wallace Dr. Phillips Office 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Saturday, April 31 Bricee Cross Roads Brices Store 8:30 - 9:30 am. Rose Hill Elementary School 8:45 -1140 a.m. Charity Teachey's Store 11:15-1240noor Chinquapin G. Parker's Store 12:15- 1:30 p.m. Cedar Forks Paul Southerland's Store 240- 340 p.m. J. Maready J. Mareedy Store 3:15- 4:15 pm. Vaccination tees on Clinics will be $2.00 per dog for a three-year Vaccfcu tlon. North Carolina Law requires that all dogs 8 months or oldar fe vaccinated. DIIPIIN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARtpNT Water Conservation SupervisorsMeet HC'IT The District Board approved the following applications to become district cooperators wi th the Atplin Soil and Water Conservation District: Norman Barwick, Felton Rouse, Char les F. Hawes. Jr . M.E. Ed wards, Elwood Kennedy by C arl Kennedy, Grover Rhodes. Gardner Edwards. Leigh Pace, _ ? a Bryant Smith, Jr.* Elmore R. Jenkins, and 'the Calypso Club Pond by Marvin Cot to A, Presi dent After discussing several o ther items of business, the meeting adjourned with the n ext meeting scheduled for M ay 7, 1973 Librarians Attend Library Conference On March 2" and 2-. 1973, Mr3. Wayne Jordan Chalrttu. i of the Duplin Coun y Library Trustees and Mr. and Mrs John Archibald, librarians of 1 Duplin Coun*y Library and Wal lace Library respectively, at tended and participated in the ' 1973 Library Trustee?Libra rian Conference held at The Institute of Government, UNC CH The Conference consisted of formal addresses, talks fol lowed by a question and answer period as well as panel dis cussions The keynote address was pre sented by Mr. Charles H. Stev ens, Executive Director of the j National Commission an Libra- j rles and Information Science, j His perspective taken was the way Tne Na ional Commission looks a; Libraries. "Informa tion is the commodity that can be bought, sold, and traded" j was Stevens cxrlook on the fu ture direction that libraries w ill be taking In order, for li braries and information cen ters to meet the challenges of the future, they mus; be will ing to reach beyond their pre sent areas and means of ser vice New areas of service include such things as libra ries operating their own radio station with their own progr ams. audio-visual tapes, educa tional toys and animals for children Mrs. Jordan was one of 4 panelists and the only lady to participate in the Library T rustee and State and Local G overnmeit panel discussion. M rs. Jordan's main contention was that more of Duplin County residents must gain Interest in the present outreach pro jects and services of Dorothy Wight man?Duplio County Lib rary before further progress can be made. ^After having spoken to other 1 ghout the state, die possibility jienrlai-l nar* ?Wa 1% ? ?? ? i , i I or gciiing pen or tne Revenue \ A much needed County library building, centrally located in Kenansvllle. with the partial aid of Revenue Sharing funds can become a reality if Otplin County residents indicate their desire for these funds to be used this way. Joins Waccamaw William Baord Jr. Waccamaw Bank and Trust has announced that William &? card, Jr. has Joined their Ke nansville Branch as a Loan Of ficer Trainee la the Installment Loan Oepartmect. Beard, formerly of Raleigh, was recently married to Annette Grady, daughter of LelaadGrady of Beulaeille. He wae previously employed by General Finance Corp of Raleigh and alao served la die U.S. Army from Nov. im,. to May vn, with a year tour in Viet Nam The Baard'a will reside on Hwy 84 between Kanansvllle and Warsaw. New Dog Warden Announces